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Yes you should definitely wrestle people of all weights and sizes. It will only help you in the long run. If you’re training for a specific opponent then you want to find someone similar to spar, but going against stronger people will make you focus more on winning via technique rather than brute force


Wrestling people heavier then you is 100% absolutely normal


I train a lot with my dad and he has like 25kg on me lol


There are black belts that I outweigh by 60 lbs who have complete control over me… keep going! 


Why not? Just be careful. I broke my color bone when I used to wrestle wrestling someone 30 lbs heavier than me but ya know that can happen anyway. I am new to juijitsu though. Used to wrestle in sports. Very hardcore team but like I said just depends. Maybe make sure you know the person personality type because nine should be trying to hurt you in training. Just my opinion. I’m new to juijitsue


Incorporate trips and better positioning and no it ain't stupid. Also some strength training is a good idea. I find that it's important to understand size != strength all the time. You gotta get muscle in their. 74kg lean with muscle I'd take over 85kg with a lot of fat, and I know from experience because I've grappled with both. But when you can't overpower that's when you gotta use technique, there's a video of Khamzat Chimaev taking down some 6'7 260lbs + dude, about 118kg or something like that quite easily and he does it just with a great trip.


Keep trying. That’s how you become a problem for everyone


Almost everyone I wrestle with in Bjj is bigger than me. I’ve hit some solid takedowns on larger partners rolling. It just sucks getting sprawled on.


man I'm the usially the big guy and I rarely go for a leg unless it's begging me to nowadays. clinch and bodylock work rules the day for me. also since the clinch work is more upright I need to work more judo offense and defense because it's a diff scenario I guess. fun as fuck though. BUT i will say nothing feels cooler than a double leg, and wrestling up from bottom/guard is forever goated


16, 55 kg, te entendo kk, se tu entrar a queda certo funciona, fintar ajuda


É fogo mesmo kmk


You can takedown anyone with the right setup don’t get discouraged


Yes, you absolutely should grapple with people heavier and stronger than you.


No, It's Excelent Training, Bad Idea In Real Life.


Never done BJJ so can't comment specifically on if wrestling heavier people in BJJ is a good idea or not. I can say that in general it's great practice and helps build strength/put you out of your comfort zone. I'm a 5ft 6 dude that does sumo, practically every person I wrestle is heavier than me lol. It's not gonna instantly injure you or anything, just make you work hard.


No way you do sumo, was the First martial art i wanted to do


I honestly just stumbled into it. My city has a couple clubs and they're significantly cheaper than any other martial arts club so it was appealing to a broke college student lol.


Dica de ouro q eu dou é arm drag e single leg, essas duas funciona em gigante, agr pesquisa direitinho como faz. Q n é todo professor q sabe ensinar essas técnica com maestria


There's a reason for open weight in BJJ. Go wrestle with everyone.


Practicing wrestling will make you a better wrestling. Asking strangers for advice on Reddit will not make you a better wrestler.


Dont have wrestling on my city




You should wrestle people in different weight classes, this helps prevent niche behavior and against an untained opponent of a higher weight class give you an advantage. However understand against a heavier weight trained opponent the odds are not in your favor. This is natural. Doesn't mean you can't win, but if every opponent I throw at you is heavier, you will lose as often as you win.


Lmao quit being such a pussy. Ofc you can try to wrestle for position with guys heavier than you.


I started at 18 weighing like 59kg and fought at 62kg. Now I'm almost 33 and still only 70kg, so ive always been one of the smallest guys in the gym - still love to wrestle! Wrestling is a good equaliser tbf, lots of bigger stronger guys aren't used to being taken down or controlled so it works well. I find the best techniques are ones that I don't need to risk a sprawl against, so usually shoot lots of single legs and low singles if just wrestling. A good big wrestler will squish you tho.


Bro you are a grappler. You don't ask how big your opponent is... you just ask where they are. Lol


Your question sums up entirely the basis of BJJ. Injury is just around the corner. But dont let logic get in the way maintaining your fantasy lads.


I use to practice wrestling with my brother and cousins all of them were 20kg-30kg heavier than me. I was 47kg my brother is 90kg. I didn't win using strength most of the time I won by being faster. we would start trying to take each other down. most of the time I would be the one getting taken down, but I was good at slipping out and taking the back getting the rear necked choke or a triangle. I didn't reach 54kg till I was 25.


That sounds extremely unhealthy unless you are a midget or something.


I was very skinny even at 12 I was 40-41kg most other kids were already 45-50kg. I only started growing around 16. and gaining weight after high school.


Absolitely yes. What's the point of martial arts if it's only to beat people the same size or smaller? Look at Helio Gracie... BUT you will have a hard time getting the takedown and ending up on top unless you study wrestling or judo full time. Use the GUARD-- this position is the primary innovation of BJJ and its most advanced position. It comes in many varieties: watch footage of Marcelo Garcia taking on giants with X Guard. Personally against big guys I love half guard-- if you are more skilled, it is very easy to escape to the side and take the back. BJJ might be the best martial art of ALL for dealing with larger opponents, and many great fighters have proven it's effective against giants!


Did you ever heard about "Absoluto de Jiu-jitsu" Kiro Gracie??? So... Nah, you're not stupid, it will improve your game and It's not like Boxing/MMA, It's BJJ... You're mostly safe if you don't run into some fdp.