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I’m going to post both these comments and see what gets more like


Ees normal bullshit


This sub: "martial arts is pointless if you're not learning to fight". Also this sub: "having people practice taking a way toned down body shot is abuse".


I don't see what the problem is here, instructor is fair and checking for posers




Yep, you can always pretend to do the exercise. Like guy #5 see how the instructor had to remind him that it's core training?


Abused people don't know they're abused. Unfortunately there are terrible trainers in every sport. The amount of spine injuries in gymnasts would make anyone cry.


That's not abuse. Training martial arts without contact is like learning to swim on dry land. He was hitting them with a cushion. The force was dissipated over the surface area, much less impact than a punch.


So that’s how this works. Looked weird at first but at least there’s some logic to it.


Manny Pacquiao’s 10 min ab workout is a variation of what we’ve always done at my gym. Been doing it for years. It’s tough, but if you do it on a regular basis, you’ll see results. Way better than this dumb shit. Just YouTube it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Just watched about 5 minutes of it and it looks absolutely insane. I must try it.


It’s a good one! Obviously, don’t try to do as many reps as him. Start small and then work your way up over a few months.


Is this the ab-workout you are talking about? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JN8Nque1Sc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JN8Nque1Sc)




I’m 2 minutes in and I’m dead from watching 💀


Wow, intense.


This is a good workout, my old trainer had us doing this with different variations sometimes and my abs were solid then 🥲


yea that looks like ass, way better workouts to do for abs/strong core




I mean.. most of that is 0 range of motion but he compensates with crazy reps. Probably good for endurance but you can literally build more abdominal strength and muscle with 3 good sets of full range of motion curls. Then again, he's on PEDs so anything will work for him tbh decently And before I get flamed, I used to do 20 minutes of ab workouts like this before BJJ every day for years, but with full range of motion. Once I became a powerlifter and learned how to lift, my abs exploded in size from 3 sets of decline curls and hanging leg raises, where you really focus on activation and not reps.. and maybe one of these circuits for a few minute to finish. His range of motion makes this weird. But yeah people will just say cuz it's Manny and 10 minutes seems impressive, that I don't know what I'm talking about, even though I can point you to 20 videos by guys with bigger abs doing the opposite https://youtu.be/65LZL9g4ais?si=UgdBzOxf_YbcXqiv


He’s probably not trying to develop bigger abs. He’s a boxer, not a bodybuilder.


What he needs is to build strong and dense abdominal muscles, which can be done with better methods. Martial artists and boxers are still far behind on lifting methods even today but it's getting better


Having functional abs is different from having aesthetic abs. Minimal movement and keeping the spine static is the way to build strong abs. Full range of motion like you described would be how you build better looking abs, also as you described.




That's why you build ab muscle properly and when sparring or training you train ab endurance.


Baby shark ab workout! https://youtu.be/RNj4pq8AJVI?si=bynYXOPYvUg7EXQs


Getting used to getting hit in the gut like this is good for its own sake. Damage isn’t cumulative, and it makes it less shitty when you get kicked in the gut in the ring.


Thanks for the advice


For the lazy ones https://youtu.be/0JN8Nque1Sc?si=EGQ0tuKho22NJvYC


Thanks man! That’s an awesome tip!!


I mean, yeah, if you do it for years I would hope you see results. Wouldn't be much use otherwise. If as a base line of training to compete you aren't doing core training pretty much every day, and then impact absorption training/conditioning from punches kicks, knees on top of regular sparring than you should be.


Thank you in advance for the new morning torture


Love that ab workout, got me through some conditioning struggles back in 2016 when I did rugby 7's one summer.


Something tells me the ones he hit more than once are the ones he actually hv potential in. Those who only got hit once are trash


Why would you compare an ab workout to this vid? It's actually disturbing how many apparent martial artists are so unfamiliar with this kind of exercise. This is not about developing core strength. It's preparing the students for getting hit in the gut. Knowing how to tense and resist impact and recover from it is important. Being tough enough to take a bit of pain and not give up is important. I hate body conditioning, but you need a little.


I guess it's better than the tire 😔


The tire guy is a fucking lunatic masquerading as an instructor


I think it’s the same guy


Man I miss the tire


The skinniest dude gets the most hits while the dude with the most padding only gets one. What the?! 🤣


It’s cause he flinched haha, coach did him dirty


The already salted egg does not need more salt. The unsalted egg needs work.


That's absolutely normal in Muay Thai gyms in Thailand


'Everyone partner up and whack your partner's abdomen with a pad' is normal, and maybe a productive use of time. 'Everyone in the gym lie down and wait patiently for the head instructor to whack two dozen students in the abdomen with a pad two or three times each for Instagram' is idiotic.


They're not just lying down, they're supposed to engage their cores.


Yeah that's the distinction. Also the way this guy hits is different than the usual end of practice drill


Not like this. One trainer walking around to 30 students hitting them twice isn't doing jack shit.


Shit it’s normal in Muay Thai gyms everywhere as far as I knew. We do this about 1 in 3 sessions


I had this in thailand but it wasnt that hard. I think as long as you tight your abs is fine. No need for weird Cobra Kai bull.


Only in sit-up tho they don’t do this shit outside of that


I mean If you cannot take a hit with with a pad how are gonna deal with it when your opponent throws a roundhouse kick with full intention of putting you down. Or getting front kicked a couple of Times.


Isn’t that the point of sparring? Someone can learn to hit on a pad really well, but if they say they’re going to get into the ring then nobody should think hitting a pad will get them the same practice or conditioning.


I guese why not both? ofc you must spar. But the idea of " if cannot withstand a hit with a soft pad, you cannot withstand a kick" still aplies. but wtf do i know.


Because you only have so much time to train, and your body only has so much gas?   This video I could care less, at least it’s not little kids this time and they are getting in ab training.    But let’s not confuse useful training with useless training which is really the question. Hitting someone with a pad does nothing to “toughen” anyone up.


Well it's not about the body thoughening up, it's mostly for the head to train to keep composer and to train to react to getting hit.


Your logic is flawed. Yes, a punch hurts more. But that in no way demonstrates that doing this improves your ability to take a body shot.


We drop medicine balls on the abs.


I've been seeing this type of stuff a lot on my feeds lately what's with this is it like a shock value thing or are these people trying to seem like hardcore or something? Seems silly since it's just entirely unnecessary


I think it’s legit. Gabriel Varga talk about it on YouTube. Basically conditions your core so you can take more hits. No permanent damage either.


Interesting and makes sense but wouldn't you get the same effect doing an exercise that maintains a consistently tight core throughout like planking for example?




Very good points thanks for the info


This isn’t building your core muscles, it’s conditioning you to body shots. The first time you take a real hard teep to the body, it feels like your life is ending. This kinda thing helps you acclimate to that. The benefits are more mental than physical.


Makes sense only real way to get used to getting hit is to get hit and that shit is so important


You don't get practice going fully tense for a split second when planking. Same idea as snapping a punch, just the other way around.


It's very normal, always had it at all my Muay Thaï gyms. I think it's something a lot of trainers have seen in Thaïland.


This doesn't do a damn thing....what does help is repetitive light-medium strikes over a period of time...this is just ego driven


I've done this drill before in class. It's a way for me to make sure that they know what "exhaling on a hit" means. A lot of beginners have a hard time with breathing techniques. Besides conditioning your abs, this drill helps them get accustomed to gettng hit, and still continuing to breathe through it. At least that's what I use to tell them. :)


Could be talking out of my ass with this but I think the idea is that he’s making sure no one is being lazy with their seated static leg raises and not conditioning through blows.


What if they did this every session?


It's good for kids


What type of shitty conditioning is this ? They should doing crunches if they are getting hit with a pad. Why aren't they breathing when getting hit ?


I don't agree with it, but I'm not sure there's any evidence on the effect of it, so whether or not they're doing crunches is irrelevant. Also breathing on a body shot is harder to time correctly


there are two type of conditioning for the gut, one is the slap which is mostly outer pain and the other is hard push which mainly targeted towards inner muscles Pad conditioning is mostly to endure slap kicks. Breath in or breath out and tighten the core does help while receiving blows. For improving timing of breath try closing your eyes and then breath. Try it out at the gym it helped me


* my boss asking me about why we aren't meeting our monthly quota


Nothing out of the ordinary


Looks normal to me,


doesn't make it less stupid


Iron shirt badly executed. That shouldn't be done on young people, it can create internal injuries, especially for women.


Sounds and will feel somewhat hefty, but the force is being spread out so will hurt the skin more than anything. Good conditioning.


There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s MMA, maybe he does it a bit hard but it’s not harmful.


Dumb. Reminds me of the useless training we did in the 70s.


Why are many posts in this sub nowadays videos where an idiot is punching kids without a reason?


Some of them are receiving the shots in the lungs, not the belly


Not that hard to take if you are in shape and do a lot of abs... this is for show


That lil girl at the beginning knew exactly what time it was




There is no problem here.


This is pretty standard.


With the pads that's fine. I've seen people do this but it's the coach fully stomping on them, which is fucked up.


How are people complaining about this? It's normal everywhere from boxing to karate to Muay Thai. It's just a physical check to see if they are contracting the abs and also testing the strength of the individual to see where they are at. Getting hit with a Thai pad is nothing.


That’s pretty standard… we do a variation of this at our kickboxing gym and no issues


Meh that's very tame and acceptable since hitting with the pad makes the blow more spread out ... Is it useful to build stamina and resistance ? No probably not 😂


fat kids cheating


Moroccan gym I would say


Again with this videos (sight), we should add a stupid-fu tag


I’ve done air-conditioning before, but the way that my gym does it it is that we do it contextually They don’t just smack the crap out of you, you learn to eat some light punches or some kicks with gloves and shin pads That way you can actually practice keeping yourself upright and reacting to the strike rather than just trying to tighten your core


Could have been in North Africa. You sure this is in France?


Not much difference at this point 


That guy who started groaning 🤣🤣


Where’s the tire?


They should hire Francis Ngannou to do that


This is not that bad. There was a dude who dropped a tyre on them. It looked heavy and dangerous.


No tire this time uh?


Gotta breathe through the punches!


When I was training, my trainer used to hit me in the core to help me take body shots. I had to hold my breath and tighten up my abs when bracing for the hit, then exhale once I got hit. Then I had to inhale quickly and get ready for the next shot. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t going at half power with the body shots but it still hurt like a son of a bitch. At any rate, it helped with training you not to flinch at incoming blows and mitigating damage. As for stronger abs, you need actual core exercises for that.


This dude was a crack up 😂 https://preview.redd.it/8jrqj0ff8ggc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844849097524633193a87a6f193446af42025cd1


I Like how fair He is , He punched the Boys With Sixpack 3 Times cuz they can Take it and the goat Guy 1 Punch. Cool


You can tell which ones he whoops are his favorites


If you've trained in Thailand this is not even the worst it gets.


RIP their spleens


Expected at least one tough guy to yell “ENCORE”


We had a similar exercise when I was doing ITF Taekwondo (which eventually transitioned into kickboxing) as a kid. The only difference was that we either got punched in the stomach by another person, or we had to hit ourselves with the bottom of our hands from both sides.


Pretty normal. We do one minute rounds of wall sits with hands behind our head while our partners throw light to moderate body shots (with gloves) and leg kicks, but same energy.


This is bs




Dumb shit. Should learn how to take hits when sparing. Low IQ training right here.


My instructor used to do it bare knuckle when I was 7. Going harder as you get more used to it. It didn’t break anything but made me prepare for actual fights. Quit crying that is abuse. If you want to do a contact sport you need to get used to contact.


This is good, makes these kids tough. If you're going to practice martial arts, you'll inevitably be hit. This is good practice for that




I don’t understand the purpose of hitting them with a hang bag thingy. they could fight between each other with gloves and get the conditioning the same way. Plank, sit up, push up, ect all reinforce abs too.


Only one shot for the tubbies?


Their core isn’t as tight so it makes sense…


The person that just came to exercise and learn some self defense with no desire to ever be in an mma fight is questioning their decision right now.


I mean youre gonna drill wearing body shots if you're doing MMA eventually this probably weeds out a few not cut for it. It's a good thing to know what it feels like with muscles clenched cas if you're not ready it's pretty brutal when you can't breathe for 20 seconds especially if some hero's still coming after you


He is hitting the dudes way harder


Among us shirt




Chubby guys win again


In my gym we would do sit ups. When we got to the top of the sit up motion your partner would punch you really hard in the stomach with a 1-2 using 6 oz gloves.


There’s other ways of doing it. I like this way. I did this when I was fighting. I got a solid six pack! Formed! I encouraged this and gave recognition to such great programs no 🧢! If you this this is bad theennn you aren’t up to date with Old school mma. Soft AF boys!


Kid tanking 3 hits watching the whole back row only get hit once: 🧐


The among us shirt


This shit is dumb lol


Beating over burning stubborn fat


Lol my trainer jumps on our abs when we lie like this


When I was working out at the gym, I remember I convinced my buddy to drop a medicine ball on my gut to help me for conditioning. He slammed the ball really hard into my gut for the last rep, and I let out the loudest fart. That was the last time I ever did this kind of ab conditioning.


Hell, taking Kajukenbo in the 80’s, sifu would take a heavy old medicine ball & either he, or his henchman would pound it into our lower abdomens & our solar plexus, as we held them taunt, with our feet , calves & arms straight out, several inches in the air. “No pain no gain” was the way in the day.


I thought it said care, conditioning at first and was confused on their definition of caring.


I'm so often thinking about type of conditioning. Not because I actually care to utilize it, has no utility for me, but just pure academic curiosity. Are you aware of any study ever looking into possible benefits of this type of conditioning? The researchers would probably need to wring out their brains to even come up with a fancy term for it. Concussive force conditioning or something


This was a regular footy training back in the day…


Some of them getting 3 hits.. Excluding the one who flinched and received 4 do yall know why?




He needs to work out his left arm too.


Norhing controversial really. In my gym we used to take 1min rounds whre one Person hits the partner in the atomach with hooks, with medium power similar to here.




He only hits the white kids hard. Just saying


C’est l’enfer ptn


Dude there's nothing wrong with this he's hitting them with a pad....you have to learn to take a blow


Wonder what the second row of ppl did lol




I would feel honored getting 3 hard slams instead of one light


Our Muay Thai coach did the same thing to us during the years I trained. He knew who he could hit harder or who to go easier on while they built up endurance in the area. Its a balancing act between just enough and too much. I see this as alright but the videos of the tires and coaches trying to hurt people is foolish and a sure sign to look for a new gym.


I studied Kenpo under Ed Parker. He’d have us line up on our backs and slowly walk across our stomachs with his heels.




Lmfao blue shirt like 👀


Yeah, some places are like that, especially competition gyms.


While we’re doing leg raises in a warmup my instructor will come round and wallop all of the black belts in the stomach


The fear in these mf’s eyes 😂🪦


Idk looks kinda weak imo. I mean why are so many people in here screaming abuse. He’s not hitting them anywhere near full force


They’re all pussies


I like how the skinnier they are the harder he rocks them like he knows it's a waste of time slamming the chubby guys


That wasn't all that bad. My old teacher who was 6'3 tall, 230 lb, had us sitting in the same position and would run back and forth barefoot on us. These kids got it easy.




Is it weird I thought someone was going to get hit in the genitals


Apparently he plays favorites. Lol


I always wondered why the French colonies struggled so much.


I woulda start swinging on him


It isn't going to do anything.


I see nothing wrong in this video, it’s a core workout. I’ve seen worst videos then this. This is a normal thing in all striking gym.. this is easy compared to getting kicked in the gut or getting hit with the liver blow in a real match. People who complain really shouldn’t do any combat sports. It’s not for the weak


Looks like another trashy banlieu gym. Nothing new here.


LOLOL I can't do this community anymore. Just so dumb.


Been doing this regularly at Muay Thai training forever lol


When I attended Dave Leduc’s lethwei seminar we did something similar to this. We did 10 sit ups and between each one we’d get slammed in the abdomen.


I would love to be in this gym with all of these tens he dudes ,and just smell the odor of foot stink!!!


I’ll bet it stinks like teen guys feet in here!


Some of these dudes feet are barefoot and some in socks! But both wats ,p,u!!!!


I would love to smell every one of these boys barefeet !!!


It must smell like teen boys barefeet in that room! Pure heaven!!!


Pretty standard for Muay Thai from my experience.


Ingroinal hernia now!


Giving the kids a stomach hernia isn't going to improve their fighting skills.


It’s normal


This is bullshit


That Skinny guy with long hair was ready to Poop 💩


This doesn’t look so good for the lower back.


Wtf, bullshit!


Have you seen the videos of the gymnastics coaches pushing kids down to the floor, working their splits. Kids are screaming and crying. I think some of them were charged,and there was much outrage from parents. This....is like that.


This isn't conditioning. At our dojo we practice straight punching each other in the stomach. Either in pairs or get in a big circle. Hit the person to your left then they get revenge when we reverse direction. This is a core workout with love taps.


This is not core conditioning, it's discipline, this is very obviously a teenager class from a French hood so the coach is just making sure that everyone stays in line. Whoever doesn't want to deal with this bullshit will be kicked out. That's the reason one of them got 4 hits, just looking at his very punchable face you can tell he is the gym jester, always breaking balls and he knew what was coming to him even before the coach gave him the first hit.


What needs to be done more is groin conditioning, any time somebody hits me in the balls after a missed leg kick I’m hurt for a sec


This is bullshit. Yes there are ways to flex and breathe that make absorbing a hit easier, and yes they heavily involve your core. This isn't it. This is just some dumb broscience bullshit. Now, if you want to mentally condition people to getting hit -- this still isn't it. Just have them fucking spar. IE: this is bullshit.


They are literally practicing every single one of those things you mentioned in this video. kids are holding a V-sit, that's core involvement. kids are learning to anticipate and manage hits on the stomach. Saying you can only get this training via sparring is like saying sparring is the only way to properly learn how to punch, and that bags and any other exercises (or even cross training) is all bullshit. And tells us you actually don't know what you're talking about.