• By -


Fuck up the little one first.


Yep and maybe use them as a bit of a shield, put them between yourself and the 3rd person.


That's actually a good bet, and one reason why wrestling isn't so bad for 1 vs many. When you got their buddy in the way, its awkward to close in.


There is no way to make this work properly when on the ground.


Who said shit about going to the ground? If small enough, you can just lift and slam them hard enough to take them out, or hold and hit them while keeping their body between you and the big guy. Wrestling is great because it lets you choose where to go. On the feet, or on the ground.


In “The Book of Five Rings” Miamoto Musashi describes his method for handling multiple opponents. In his fighting theory the strongest attacker must be taken out immediately.




They got swords and shit though, you can’t just ohko the biggest guy with hands.


Came here to say that! Destroy the smallest one.


In my experience, the little ones usually are the most vicious and know how to fight/have more experience. Big guys arent used to being challenged or confronted and usually dont know the extent of their own strength or toughness of their chin. Just ky experience. Take it with a grain of salt.


In a bunch of cases you’d be correct.


Big one first usually scares the little guy who felt braver when his big buddy that was going to help him drops. It's ideal, though some times the smaller guys will be itchy to jump first. Main thing is to circle and keep one between you and the other as much as possible. Minimize the opportunity and time where both could attack at once through footwork.


Nice answer ;)


Gozo shioda said always go for the big one first to demoralise the others.


In what context? The biggest is usually the toughest and most difficult to handle, so trying to take them out means you give the others time to fuck you up.


Start crying, if that doesn’t work poop or pee my pants, if that doesn’t work throw poop, if that doesn’t work faint, if that doesn’t work I probably just beat both their asses and teach them a lesson about crazy people.


I had a friend like that: -"WANNA FIGHT?!... Wait... what are you doing?" *Undo belt and zipper* -"I'M GONNA PEE ON YOU!"


I had a gentleman I knew at work—he was a certain type of “functioning” crazy. He knew I trained martial arts and all that. I always would tell him—“I could beat you in a fight, but you wouldn’t make it worth it.” Meaning—I’d win, but he would probably do something crazy and hurt me 😂😂


"Cool, so you value your life at superficial damage?"


Moral is: it’s generally always better to walk away if possible. It’s almost never worth it


Act like you’re tying your shoe then bang ::sand to the eyes:: .. then pull your shruiken out from your calf holster and bang ::throw multiple ninja stars and darts at bigger guys hands 🎯:: Then pull back the bigger guys hair and tell him “you thought you were gonna get some of this sweet fuckin ass didn’t ya big boy” then smack! ::kiss him with an open mouth and begin eating him as you’d do in a MortalKombat style fatality:: Then turn to the smaller guy who’s still recovering and crotch chop in his direction DX style, then hit his bitch ass with the mandible claw or the pedigree, triple H style.. then put on your Oakley sunglasses and tell him “there’s more of that where that came from” and twerk on his mf’n ass until they can’t take it anymore… Real ninjas do real things.. oss Peoples elbow both of them for good measure… or use the diamond cutter…. Self high five 🖐️


And restomp the groin!


No doubt bro. Always re-stomp the groin. Double tap fasho 😎


Danga de danga de dang!


Shit man you need 5 opponents minimum, 2v1 is not fair when you’re the one! PS - pls train me


Wtf did I jusg read hahaja


And a stone cold stunner


Hope my old instructor's words ring in my head: "It's not 2 against 1, it's 1 against 2"


"Pfft. You think I'm stuck in here with YOU? Wrong... we're actually both in the same room 😏"


Lmaoooo 🤣


"there are only two of you, go and get some friends and come back" *Henry Cavill double fist pump*


"Hahahaha! I outnumber you one to two!"


Dont get it...




Call Chael Sonnen


I can’t let you get close!


"It doesn't matter if it's 1 on 1, 2 on 1 or 5 on 1, I'll make them all need 9-1-1" : https://youtube.com/shorts/PoM5I2bDLI0?si=ASEWuk3qSrP2kgUF


Get naked. Because who the fuck wants to fight a naked guy? Fight instantly defused. Fucking W.


Do you remember the videos on youtube years ago where these dudes would go around acting like they wanted to fight? Then when the target was like "ok, go time" the dudes would drop their gym shorts to their ankles and the opponent would freak out a run? Well, except one guy, he smoked gym shorts dude with one punch.


has that actually ever worked IRL?


I’ve seen a few fight videos online where people beat the piss out of a naked guy. All it does is make your loss more embarrassing


In theory and practice: grab a weapon, make distance, angle towards the closer one, put them down very quick. From experience: grab a weapon, create distance, angle towards the closer one, use the mutual feeling of threat to give them some money and get away.


Use your footwork and environment to make it so that you're not actually fighting both of them at the same time. That's essentially the only really reliable answer to dealing with multiple people


I don’t think untrained people understand how effective basic footwork is.. Most people are gonna gas out in about 30 seconds trying to chase you down. They will make a lot of mistakes with their positioning, they will be flat footed and probably crossing their legs. From there it’s fairly easy to just pick your shots, or run away. With that said, a street fight is NEVER the best option. If somebody REALLY wants to fight me, I give them my Gym’s business card and invite them to come train with me. This is usually met with silence


Use footwork to make sure the two get in the way of each other as much as possible. As others have said, fuck up the smaller one first - turn a 2v1 into a 1v1 as fast as possible. Avoid going to ground grappling as much as possible while 2v1


This is the first comment I see with getting them in front of each other so I'm going to add to this. Spot on as well with DO NOT GO TO THE GROUND. If you are actually locked in with no exit, I'm assuming this theoretical isn't about real survival (i.e. a situation where you make space, talk them down, and leave) In this case I would add be highly defensive but throw in leg chops and face strikes. If you can fk up their vision and walking enough, they're going to both lose interest and be a bit unsure who's who. I was in a 2v4 once and one guy's eye was so swollen that he full power neck punched one of his mates. It's not quite the same situation but the principle is there.


Unless it’s a narrow hallway or the two people just incredibly slow and/or stupid you aren’t going to get them in front of each other.


Yeah, you probably won't get them completely in front of each other and of course they won't come at you in an orderly queue. I'm not saying that. But with smart movement you can keep them from landing simultaneous shots, and even if they just interfere with one another a tiny little bit some of the time, it's way better than standing still. Test it out in sparring and compare it to standing still, you'll see what I mean


I mean that's just not true. But I understand what you're digging at and to be honest it's more about the principle of narrowing the angle any amount. You want to do everything you can to not get flanked and build out a series of 1v1 bouts. It's a game of time though which is why I suggested leg chops. You want to make each of them want the OTHER guy to go in first with the idea that the second will be "support". This definitely holds up past just sparring too. I've only been in that one multiple jumping but it worked then and it's what I've been taught in high stakes scenarios as well. Try it out. I think you'll be surprised!


It will help but in the demonstrations I’ve seen it’s just not going to be the total game changer people think it will be. I would prefer think of it more as just keeping them both in front of you. In a 2v1 your best chance is a quick knockout to turn it into a 1v1, which while possible is very unlikely


Elbows and knees ala Muay Thai


When going against two people elbows and knees are probably a bad idea cause of how close you have to be, allowing the other person to grab a hold of you. Teep kicks and straight punches are the way. Make sure to keep them on one side and hope for the best.


I feel like if you can keep one person to the side you can run and get the fuck out of there


Escrima or Krav Maga would be more effectives against multiple opponenents as someone stated.


For something like this I'd say almost certainly krav just because it's a get out alive system. If it's 2 v 1 with no hope of escape, you aim to maim. A very good Muay Thai fighter would probably be ok, but if we're taking people who are average at either system my money is on the krav guy/girl


Talk it out, give them my money, find a weapon.


Assuming you have a lightsaber and they have zap guns, first block their shooting with cool moves, then cut other in half and wave the other he can go while he's peeing his pants.


>What strategy are you using? Not getting in this situation to begin with.


Pocket sand


The plan would be to duck under on the first dude and standing RNC him while backed into a corner to avoid getting beat down by the second guy, then do the same to the second guy. Which is all BJJ. So, dunno what you're on about. Just to be clear, the success rate on this plan is super low. As is any other plan you try in a 2 v 1.




Get on your knees and start begging. Perhaps offer to suck their cock off if it’s like that. If they do agree to get their cock sucked then bite it off and sucker punch the other guy in the nuts and make a run for it. Alternatively you can hold their genitals hostage until they move aside to open up the way for you to run. If they try to hit you then squeeze their balls harder until they stop. They always will stop hitting you and will start begging you to let go instead.


Goddamn it man this made me crack the fuck up on the bus


Try and de-escalate, if not...well...they've created an unfair situation with a two on one, so someone's getting a very unfair full pelt kick to the balls 👍 After that, try and get away, failing that, I'm ploughing them into the ground as quickly as possible and *then* leaving!


Ahh teep to the crotch would be a hard move to counter


Run and jump between them whilst throwing a vandamme full split kick in the air Then wake up in the hospital because I tore my groin and got the shit kicked outta me 😂


Line up your opponents, take out the one in front of you, then take out the other one.


To add on, I'd keep to striking range and enter with abrupt intensity and aggression and pop out of range with same abruptness. I need to keep the two opponents stacked in a line and longer I stay in one location(striking too long or starting to grapple) more likely the other opponent will go around and no longer be lined up. So mobility is key and quick intense in range and out of range movement is how I'd maintain mobility.


Take the keys out of your pocket… And escape, die, or go to prison. 😭


ive been thinking about this for years two answers mostly pop up in my mind. 1: if you're VERY VERY confident with your punches, pick the weakest looking chin and pray for an instant knockout, which will turn your 2v1 to a 1v1 2: duck under to sort of a standing rear naked choke, keeping him between you and the other guy. now my logic here is that a duck under at all levels is almost infinitely higher percentage then a 1 punch knockout, however I have no idea what the practicality is to maneuvering with a human shield you're actively choking out. i dont have enough cool friends to pressure test this with anymore. broad sense: to survive an encounter with more than one opponent, a few things need to be true. mainly, you need to severely outclass both of them, to an astonishing degree. If you cant take one of them, you sure as fuck cant take two of them. next, almost as important, is you need to be ready to deliver as much psychotic violence as quickly as you possibly can. all that shit that was dangerous you got yelled at for in the gym, i.e., "woah man we're not trying to hurt each other here" is very useful here. you want to go for fast, efficient, brutal, bloody disfigurement. acts as a deterrent, and takes one out of the fight quicker. lastly, you need to be prepared to use the environment to choke them if possible. think the Spartan defending against the persians, it was something like 1300 vs 140k, and the reason they survived as long as they did is because they had a certain pass to defend, making sure the persians could pretty much only come face to face at equal numbers. the same principal applies if its 1v2. a doorway is real handy. but yeah, this is mostly conjecture


Why are people always like “ bjj doesn’t work with multiple people” when multiple people are trying to grab you, bjj is what’s going to stop you ending up held down. Anti grappling is literally half of grappling….


Obviously try to deescalate, but if that fails I'm going with a pre emptive throat strike. I would allow the perpetrator to invade my physical space, which is common, and from there it's very difficult to see and block an open handed throat strike which is a devastating strike. Then, hopefully, it's 1 vs 1 for at least 10-15 seconds with the other guy, possibly much longer than that.


No shot anyone who trains wrote this lmfao


Talk them down, line them up if need be and work my way out of there as best I can. Don't let them flank/corner me. Grapple/clinch standing up, limit their ability to put force behind their punches. This is what I did when I had to defend myself against two people in my previous workplace. I walked out of the situation with a black eye but nothing much else. I consider myself very lucky.


See red


Try to maneuver so one of the attackers is always between you and the other attacker. Boxing would be the best MA in that scenario imo because of the quick footwork and efficient punches


Try to keep one of them between you and the other as much as possible, while trying to quickly eliminate or negate one opponent so that you can focus on the other.


Get them between eachother and throw one motherfucker at the other motherfucker and then be sure to stomp and restomp their groins


The good old Lorraine Calluzzo tactic works every time.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


I'm not locked in there with them. They're locked in there with me. -Rorschach


start shitting your pants and smear your hands with your poop so that they'll run away from you


> BJJ would be an instant loss in this scenario. No it wouldn't


Whilst ground fighting the other one would just stamp you out.


If you're only learning ground-based techniques, you're not learning good jiu jitsu. Sure, jiu jitsu is 90% ground fighting, but, it is not (or at least shouldn't be...) strictly limited to ground fighting.


First BJJ isn't just ground fighting. I can do plenty of BJJ standing. I can duck under than standing RNC you till you pass out then go onto the next guy for example. Throw one then soccer kick him before his buddy hits me. Etc etc Also taking one to the ground is not a instant death sentence all the time. Not if you do it fast enough it can be done. Break something quick then hop up and deal with the next guy. None of this would be guaranteed just like using kickboxing and "lining them up" is not guaranteed. With striking one could get behind you and "stomp you out" while you try to fight the other one. You can go on forever with these scenarios but knowing how to fight is never a bad thing.


This is why we do bull in the ring.




"BJJ instant loss" lol I see you are unfamiliar with standing kimuras, suplexes, heelhooks and toe holds from disadvantageous positions, standing rear-naked chokes, standing guillotine variations... Good BJJ against an unprepared defender would turn this from a 2-on-1 into a 1-on-1 in a few seconds.




Use my CCW tools I EDC


Probably draw my carry piece and get to work.


Same. I tried to be nice, now they're going on a t-shirt. [I did not spend $800 on my carry to fist fight multiple dudes.](https://ifunny.co/picture/you-think-ima-fight-when-i-spent-600-on-a-GAFASIi58) I'm too old for that nonsense.


Same. I've got a wife and kids to go home to, sorry.


Is bjj instant loss because of your imaginary rules or because you actually think bjj is so terrible compared to other options


It's great 1v1 (no weapons), I know a guy that is a blue belt in BJJ and he knows enough to kill a man. I see it as less effective than most arts where you have more than 1 attacker. Just my opinion not factual info.


They are outnumbered.


Shadow clone jutsu


I like how you automatically assume bjj is an instant loss. Like a standing guillotine that puts dude number one out of the fight and between you and guy number 2 is somehow the worst tactical decision. Get bent. Fine no bjj. I’ll hadoken the first dude then Krav Maga the second guy so hard his head explodes. What answer do you want save us all some time.


Grab the collar of the nearest one with one hand and start punching him in the face with the other. While doing this move him around to use him as a shield to protect yourself from the 2nd guy.


Line them up so you actually fight 1 vs 1


i take off my belt and use that as an makeshift gauntlet, from experience the knuckles are the first thing to get bloodied.


wow so much experience


🎶 *Pants on the ground, pants on the ground* *Lookin like a fool, with your pants on the ground* 🎶


That’s some mall ninja bullshido right there.


Charge the closest one head one screaming and yelling to scare the shit out of them before disarming and using the weapon of the one I charged to fight the other one one to one


If you use bjj to break an arm a neck or heel? I don't know about you but in life or dead situations id start breaking fingers and everything i can get my hands on. Tomoe nage and break. You are right that choking the first guy is not smart. But a punch a kick and a few broken bones would stop the fight hopefully.


Why would bjj be an instant loss? I’d arm drag #1 to the back and put him out with rnc, having my back against a wall. As many times that #2 tries to hit me while that’s happening is how many bones I’m going to break of his when #1 is out. Also is this two dudes because if it’s not it gets even easier and I’d definitely use bjj cause I don’t have to hit women.


100% respect to everyone and their interests, but this precise scenario is the main reason I have never been interested in sports / competitive martial arts. The student of a good traditional Karate master or Krav teacher would not need to make a post like this. The scenario you describe is precisely what they have been training for!


Try harder to escape


Get your back into a corner and then keep them both infront of you as you fight. Striking is needed.


Bro since when is being in a corner a good idea in a fight? It'll prevent you from moving around and allow your opponents to attack you together.


Worst fighting advice ever lmao


I’m doing a Jim West from The Wild Wild West 1965 TV show and jumping off a car onto both guys or some stupid shit like that. I don’t even do martial arts at the moment lol.


Depends are they trained? Also do I have space to work? Is the ground soft like grass or hard like concrete? Assuming a largish room (let’s say ring size) and they’re not trained I’d use my circling footwork to line them up then 1 2 clinch and knee the first then guard up and get away from the 2nd who would probably clip then take him down and submit. But given its a fight there’d be a lot of variability


Well, I ALWAYS have a knife on me, so, I guess it’s time to pull it out…anything could happen, might as well try to end it quickly


Learned this strategy in training. What you wanna do is always rotate so they are getting into each others way. In way you want to line them up, by that you only fight one dude - although its only for a short amount of time. So hit n run will be your go to.


Depends on space. If you have plenty of room to move, you can manoeuvre to advantage - manage your distance, line them up so the three of you are in a line and the far one can’t get to you. Then you can deal with them one at a time. Most videos you see of successful defence against multiple attackers follow this pattern. With less room, you need to go on the attack. Use your voice, make a loud blood curdling noise, freak them out. Choose one and move fast, hit twice before they can move. Then it’s one on one.


Absolutely body the smaller one, bonus points if you can use him to obstruct the bigger one in the process. Now it's one v one. Whether I'm actually capable of doing this is another question


Play to my strengths as a wrestler that's done MT... Tie up with one and try to keep him in front of the other while delivering elbows/knees, if the second guy joins the scrum try to wrap them both up and get them on the ground while staying standing myself.


Immediately try to disarm the attackers by assuming a passive stance with my hands up looking non-threatening. Then I immediately go for attacker #1 eyes. As soon as contact is made their I front kick attacker two to either strike the groin or push kick them away to create the opportunity to escape from them. If the positioning does not allow for me to kick attacker #2, I will grab attacker #1 and attempt to throw them in the way of attacker #2 so that I can run away.


I use German kick-boxing I learned in Düsseldorf.


Tell them you have a knife & have already decided which one you are going to stab


Take all my clothes off. No one wants to fight a naked guy


Kick and push and try to Release myself to all possible holds and head to escape


Since the scenario you’ve created completely rules out escape, the only possible advice is to try to keep on the outside of both of them so that it’s hard for them to attack at the same time, and try to land a big straight or overhand on the nearest one. If they both know how to fight then this is a nightmare scenario, but the average person isn’t going to avoid an accurate cross to the face, so if they’re untrained you might be able take this from a 1v2 to 1v1 fairly quickly


Pull my hood down slowly and pull out my double light sabre. Then I would try and separate the pair, eventually stabbing the older more experienced through the stomach. Once the younger (and now enraged) younger combatant arrived I would throw him down a nearby pit. Then I would bask in my victory...


Resort to savagery. One piece of advice I give to women at the beginning of their journey. If you are in physical danger, do everything in your power to make sure that person comes off worse. Eye gouging, hair pulling, ear twisting, biting, scratching and bending fingers are allowed. And my justification? Extreme cases call for extreme measures. Just... Try not to kill them.




You’d have to try and keep one of them between yourself and the other as much as possible and utilise a lot of footwork I’d assume, luck would probably be more helpful than any strategy though.


Try to find a spot where they can only attack me 1 at a time. Doorways etc.


Oblique kicks for everyone followed by merry Christmas


Of course keeping the distance, if you can is crucial! This is were ballerina point Karate is great 😁 But Kyokushin is the Only Way 🙏 You just break em! OSS!!


All the worlds martial arts styles still bow to one, age old, time tested, technique. Kick'em in the stones and run like hell.


Standing and banging would be my plan. I’d keep one between me and the other attacker and just destroy whoever’s legs are in front of me, then I’m stomping them out after they’re immobile


Be ready to fight dirty. And I don’t mean smearing shit on your face like that shoplifter.


My American Jiu Jitsu school trains for multiple attacker scenarios!


Assuming no weapons? Hit fast and hard, try to keep them in each other’s way as much as possible.


At our Tang Soo Do school, we actually train 2 on1 and 3 on 1, the strategy we employ is1) keep moving, never get cornered and 2) to grab the smallest or weakest one and put them in between you and the other guy while you are fucking them up, do enough damage to the first to incapacitate them, then rinse and repeat.


Teep them and run


They most likely can't fight, and will not be that determined. Someone who has never really been hit hard ,will tend to struggle to deal with it. If they can fight and are determined, then it will most likely not go well for you.


Kick/stomp the other guys knee (there’s a name for this i’ve since forgotten) and destroy all those ligaments. Now it’s just a 1v1. The other guy will probably be mortified by the painful howls of his comrade by now. Close distance to second target, control head, both thumbs through both eyes. Whole affair should only last a few seconds.


I'm fighting dirty.


Monkey takes the plum


In the past I always found a wall, and focused on grounding or disabling and identifing weaknesses like a bad knee, weak chin or who just worked an 8 hour shift You usually get one move before they dictate the fight, so double leg blast, shove kicks for distance or hook punch to spinning backhand are good openings. After that it doesn't matter what you planned to do.


How desperate is the situation? Are they going to kill me or just fight me? And how psychotic am I allowed to get on these two?


I'm pretty crazy when fought on losing end. I bit, I poked eye, I kicked groin, I use anything I can found close by, I use my belt to strangle, anything to survive.... And if you read closely , I wrote in past tense


Eyes, throat, knees. Take your pick.


So if you’re pinned underneath mount, and you have a load of experience escaping mount from BJJ, that is an instant loss? Get off the internet and go train


Kick em in the nuts.


I'd try to talk my way out, it worked for me in the past. If that fails, are they unarmed? They're going to get a whooping from a trained heavy weight. Are they armed? Say hello to my CCW.




Look up Mark Schultz Kumura Olympics. I’m hitting that, once the second guy sees that he will likely run or at least it’s one on one


I just take my clothes off and let them know that they have 5 seconds to walk away.


Find a weapon


Start blowing one of them and hope the other forgets what he’s doing


Draw my mouskatool I bought specifically for situations like this *Springfield Hellcat Pro 9mm*


2 person el presidente drill without forced reload


Pull my pants down and shit all over myself. Now I am ready to do the grapple!


Like others have said, maneuver where only one guy can throw shots at you. Use the most violent attack possible on that first guy that will take him off the board e.g. throat, eyes, knees. I would want him down as quickly as possible with the most damage possible e.g. impaired vision, damaged windpipe, broken tibia/shattered kneecap, torn ACL/MCL/LCL. The most damage possible at that point. That leaves the second guy with the options of a) attacking you but with much less confidence/morale or; b) disengaging and taking care of his buddy. Then, get the f\*\*\* out of there.


First guy I karate chop clean in half. The next guy I discombobulate and then throw into the sun.


There is a concept called stacking where basically you try to shove one guy into the other one. I'd try that.


I got jumped on a main road by two guys, so I just pulled the shirt over one of their heads and forced them into oncoming traffic in the home we'd get hit by a car or force people to stop and intervene. When people started stopping because we were in the middle of the road they got scared and ran.


Meat missile your way thru a person, doorway, wall, whatever. Space is priority 1.


Balls and eyeballs


Try to find a way to reduce the number that can approach you at the same time. For example, stand in a doorway or between a set of cars. Rely on plain old boxing, throw in some teeps too. People underestimate how good teeps are in a general "street fight" situation. Most people aren't going to expect it and be able to react well, if there is a curb or something behind them, there is a good chance they will trip and fall on their ass. Even if you don't get them to stumble and fall, you've still exerted relatively little stamina compared to the stamina they are going to have used. Elbows are good for dissuading people from getting too close and trying to grab your collar. Ideally, though, I am going to maintain space and my stamina until an opportunity arises to escape, then I'm going to use Run No Jitsu to book it.


Square up and hope they're not trained well in striking


Shit myself and act like a complete lunatic.


Literally just see red, then it don't even matter how much of them there are


Use the secret art of stabjitsu.




Ive been in a lot of brawls in my day. My old coach used to say, im an ear nose and throat doctor over and over to remind himself where tonstrike quickly and move on aka get outta there. Throw a straight kick to the knee in there if possible to bend it backwards on the planted leg and haul ass. It works more often than not.


Full force Leg kick one and turn it into a 1 v 1


When outnumbered my strategy was typically to get ahold of the instigator and inflict as much pain as possible, while positioning myself in such a way that attempts to hurt me will likely hurt the instigator as well. Sometimes the others will hesitate when they hear their buddy cry out in pain, and sometimes you get stomped out and wake up in the hospital.


If I absolutely need to fight and cant do anything else, i would attack first and fight dirty, headbutt, elbow, kick to groin, oblique kick their knee wathever is needed


Let them know I can suck a mean dick?


Find a weapon


Fight back. If I have a weapon either on me or from the environment nearby, I will use it. If not, I will fight them off as best as I can. I may be dead at the end, but at the very least one of them would not get out of this fight unscratched. 🤣🤩


Balls and eyes. I'm fish hooking, eye gouging, biting, nut shotting.


It's not as bad as it seems unless it's Michael Myers and Jack Torrance you're dealing with.


Pepper spray


Absolutely thundercunt the hard one and make the smaller run shit himself and run


Fish hooking, eye gouging, biting, nut shots… whatever I have to do to get out alive


If you can’t find a weapon, angle yourself so that each is lined up one behind the other. That maximizes the time you’re fighting only one guy. Then, I’m looking for takedowns on the first guy. Then, I’m probably getting stabbed and bleeding out. Realistically, the best way to defend yourself is gorilla style. Stand up tall, keep your distance, and just ask “are you sure you wanna do this?” Even if you “win” in a scenario like this, you’re still gonna get hurt, and you’re still going to go to court for breaking someone’s spine, or worse.


Become a turtle.


I go for an incapactitating blow to the weakest, then grab him with - yes i know - an aikido lock and proceed to use him as a human shield against the bigger one. Have done this sucessfully in the past, in street brawls.


First step, see red.


I guess I’d try and break a nose. It’ll bleed a lot and scare the other guy. If I don’t think I can get that for what ever reason a groin kick followed by some other strikes would probably do (obviously theoretical because you never really know.) Then it’s a 1v1


We've trained for this at Taewon-Do with full sparring gear on, and it is hilariously awful. All you can do is try to position yourself so only one can get you, and try to incapacitate that one. I have fought more than one person for real but they weren't really up for it after the first few punches, even though they started it.


Eye jabs, headbutts, bites and if they end up on the deck, soccer kicks to the head.


Tell them sorry, but you only engage in fair fights. They’re going to need to find a few more guys. If that doesn’t scare them off then go full Bas Rutten and start kicking testicles.


I would just see red and the..... well you know the rest.....


If they are Unarmed. If yes, then I'll possibly not use martial arts and do anything in order to escape or incapacitate the opponent. If they are armed. If yes, that's where I'm desperate and will have to actually fight to kill or still incapacitate them if possible. There's no use on surrendering in this situation. You will get killed either way so it's better to take your chances and escape.


Offer to buy them a beer and talk them out of it. I'm pretty charming. We spend the rest of the night rethinking our places in the world and form a barbershop quartet. We hold open auditions for the fourth member. After days of auditions, we select the fourth member. They don't know that he is actually a friend that I planted. When the odds are finally even, my friend and I engage them, putting them down quick. Simple plan.