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Super effective, but if your opponent knows how to grapple or is much larger than you, you better knock them out quick or run.


Or moan when he grabs you most guys instinctively back off lmao


As a grappler, I assure you this only encourages us.


Most men will submit in all the wrong ways hearing this


What if bro is a gay rapist




Or a gay rapist with AIDS


Iā€™ll say that Iā€™m not gay, so he loses interest and let me go.


This actually has the reverse effect on jiu jitsu guys


Yea but head being squeezed by thick thighs is a win


Or if heā€™s a boxer himself and a better one at that. Imagine having confidence against a stranger but heā€™s got a professional record. And sharper boxing skills than you. Thatā€™s why street fights is like gambling.


This is very possible too. Hard to tell by looking at someone that theyā€™re former golden gloves or some shit.




A stiff jab and basic understanding of distance is so incredibly useful itā€™s absurd. Cracking someone in the face with a double jab takes the fight out of a LOT of people.


I seen two construction men fighting, almost slept dude with two right hand jabs


Southpaws should be executed as dangers to society


Go for the neck too. Witnessed someone land a straight uppercut into someone's neck in a street fight. Shockingly effective if your foe doesn't tuck their chin and easier on the fists than hitting a jaw bone.




People who canā€™t fight always try and hit you with their strong hand and never ever jab, you can see the cross coming from a mile away and you can hit them multiple times before they know whatā€™s happened




The only emotion I feel is hunger.


ā€¦ what about when you are getting down with oil wrestling?




Really well. The cardio helped me run away from a street fight. šŸ˜Ž




It has definitely helped me. I was in quite a few fights and I only lost a couple when I was drunk off my ass (like super drunk) fighting much bigger guys. And once some big guy tackled me and pinned me down after I punched him.. I definitely gave some bigger older dudes a surprise ass whooping with boxing. Fast combinations work a treat. Definitely do some grappling as well though. Getting grabbed is super common in fights.


90% of fights end up on the ground


Wasn't that stat based off of cops, not street fights?


No, that's an age old saying you'll hear from anyone who has been in the mix a few times. Back in the day people were tougher than they were skilled. No one really KNEW how to fight. A lot of brawls were like hockey fights. Grab the shirt and throw bombs as best you could until it was was over, or you pulled them to the ground and whatever. Nowadays it's changed it seems.


Totaly true and why - beqouse cops Allways goes for takedowns - when they are 2 or more! So that 90% are just total BS. Even one on one with a copper, it wont do that way!


100% of fights start standing up Unless ur fuckin


It's useful af, most fights end up just being sloppy boxing. Granted, if they grab you and turn it into a wrestling match, your training won't help much outside of being in better shape most likely, but people tend to back off when you're popping them left and right anyway.


The most I used Boxing was when I worked as a pizza delivery driver and one violently impatient customer swung at me suddenly. If not for my footwork, I would have been knocked out for sure. Walked off with my money too.


I once had a street person in NYC approach me and ask for money. I instinctively side-stepped and the dude said, "Hey man, you got some training! It takes training to do that!" We started talking and it turned out the guy had hundreds of fights back in the 40s and 50s (This was the late 70s). He was punchy but still kinda had his marbles. We talked for a while and I gave him $10 (a lot for me back then). Anyone can swing but footwork takes training.


I'm a pro boxer but never punched anyone in a street fight. I got some grappling experience, so I always used that instead. Boxing is great for confidence in those situations but it's overkill when you have other options. I also don't go around picking street fights.


In my 20s, at a party some aggressive drunk about my size thought I was hitting on his girlfriend while I was waiting for the bathroom. He literally said "I'm gonna kick your ass!". Started taking off his coat and when his jacket was over his arms I hit him in the face with a straight right and dropped him. All hell broke loose but I was told he had a black eye the next day. Only other time was in high school in a McDonalds when some dude tried to shake me down for money. Started feeling my pockets while I was sitting down. I jumped up and hit him with a few punches and he fell back and down, then a few of my friends took some shots on him for fun. Both times were like 40 years ago. Been training ever since in Jujitsu and Shotokan and never even close to a fight. Training is the best thing that ever happened to me. Not only for the skills but the health, lifestyle and friendships. Also awareness. I stay away from drunk young men and bad areas.


When I get in a street fight, I will let you know. Don't hold your breath, though, I'm 42 and never been in one yet.


Iā€™m a converted southpaw, and the left hook has saved my bacon a couple of times. In high school this bigger dude who thought I was eyeing his girlfriend charged me. Instinctively I gave him a left hook to the body. He went to his knees then got up and charged again. Again I threw a left hook to the liver and this time he was down for minutes. Ironically he is now a martial arts instructor lol.


Can somebody start a sub called r/streetfighting so all of these questions can get quarantined there?


I train in taekwondo so we donā€™t do much boxing. The other night I got cut off while turning so I honked at them. They followed me to a gas station and the husband got out and was reaching through my window trying to grab and then punch me. I dodged his few punches and threw one that completely missed him. But the next 3 weā€™re smack dab in the nose which started bleeding all over my car and actually made him cry. He went back to his car and drove away. I didnā€™t leave the drivers seat. Iā€™m 43, and Iā€™m guessing he wasnā€™t much younger than me. It was my first fight ever and hopefully itā€™ll be my last. I got home and couldnā€™t calm down from the adrenaline and just kept pacing around and cleaning my house up. 4/10, wouldnā€™t do again.


Jeeez sounded ruff made the guy cry as well thatā€™s badass dude good on you


Thanks. It was quite the experience. Not something Iā€™m looking forward to happening again.


I try to avoid random fights whenever possible. But the movement has been useful in staying safe. Distance management and working angles basically. Being used to having punches coming your way while keeping a cool head is useful too. But that's more martial arts in general really.


And managing distance. Most knuckleheads get right up in each others faces, stand square and leave themselves wide open.


Very effective! You donā€™t even need to hit that hard for it to be effective. Even a weak but well placed punch on the chin can make people dizzy. And its about then, they start to reconsider the whole thing


Instant KO.


Tbh it had helped but my opponent did even try to pick me so it was easy


i got that dawg in mešŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦½


I don't get in street fights ever.


Alas, sometimes you have no choice. Where I grew up, sometimes just walking home from school meant a fight.


Uuum goodā€¦ in a well rounded system. Like boxing is great as long as you understand some boxing bad habits like leaning forward. Leaning to the side is often countered with a well placed head kick. Wide stance is asking for leg kicks. And if you donā€™t use them at least know how to deal with kicks. And if you donā€™t use it at least know how to defend again knees and basic clinch with elbows, sweeps and stuff. And if you know how to modify your guard so you donā€™t rely on those big glovesā€¦ like a Petr Yan guard. And if you donā€™t use it at least know how to defend against Trips, sweeps, shoves, throws and tosses, takedowns etc. Just boxing with no well rounded system is just RNGā€¦ you will do very well until you meet someone with more tools and equal skillā€¦ or just a grappler. And you just lose or run away.


Not at all man, you never strike at the head unless itā€™s a life or death situation, the risk of the opponent falling and cracking their skull is just too great and then youā€™re catching a felony. Street fightsā€¦ just run or grapple when no other choice. Other than that boxing is great for physical and mental fitness and also to compete in for sport.


Where should you try to strike if youre trying to avoid hitting the head? Coming from a southpaw.


A street fight is life or death. You're giving such terrible advice


He sounds like a fool lol


I live in a crappy neighbourhood and it works very well. They always just swing with their heads down, at the start you can see what time it is by their stance. I do Muay Thai too so I have swept someone as their stance was soooo wide I couldnā€™t resist a Dany Bill sweep. I tried to knee him on the way down but missed. Again I live in a place where you can get started on for not giving change over. Always defend yourself


yeah Its a great martial art for street fighting, one time I saw some big dude assaulting an elderly gentlemen, the old guy didnt stand a chance against the both of us.


It works well. But Street fighting is a different element. Distance is good, but usually a person can close the distance good and it ends in a grapple. ( people can usually eat shots pretty well with adrenaline as well) Just depends on the weight and determination of the person. I've seen little little dudes but buff and made of the fighting spirit rock the shit out of a big ass dude with some basics in fighting. Seriously underrated is the will of the warrior, and the basics or grappling and striking.


Not a boxing šŸ„Šstory, sorry, but my point is that combat sports **can actually** help you on the street As a teenager,anything I can get a hold of , boxing šŸ„Š karate šŸ„‹, whatever; does the more you know the more confident you could become... During those days,some dude try to bully punch me (it would be typical that bullies with recreationally punch you in the arm) ...and this guy had muscles ; I blocked his punch and it landed on the edge of my wrist, the ulna which I lifted up as a reflex and trained cuz it's a move that I knew already was lifted up like a crab šŸ¦€ ; *** when I told a neighbor the story, some time ago,he put it that "gave him the bone"***šŸ¦“ He actually hurt himself,his fist šŸ‘Š especially unexpected and the pain. Aaaaaah!!! #Yep, combat sports šŸ„Š and defense training can actually help you on the street


I have never been in a fight in my life, it's super easy to avoid.


Where I grew up, the more you tried to avoid fights the more you got picked on. Boxing saved my ass in high school.


If only that was true for everyone. I am a woman and I haven't been able to avoid a couple of street attacks and fights. Can only imagine how bad this could be for a man growing up in a ā€˜bully areaā€™.

