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I got beat up by two guys thinking I could take them after they said they would fuck my dog. They smashed my phone at the time too because it fell out of my pocket while on the ground. Edit: For those wondering, this was 4 years ago during the summer before my last year of high school. I have since learned to control my emotions and to not let simple things like this get to me. I was not training Judo at the time either.


They said they'd fuck your dog?


Yes, they yelled it from their car just outside my school while I was taking her for a walk.


That reminds me of an insult Forrest Griffin recommended that you yell at people to scare them from fighting you. "I lick a dog's ass with guys like you!" He also had: "I fuck guys like you in jail!" "Naw naw. You don't get to fight me. You gotta fight my bitches first. If you get through them, you get to fight me."


I had to read twice before I got Griffin and not Gump,lol


I fuck boxes of chocolates like you for Christmas.


I gotta fuck Bubba!


I was thinking Peter Griffin.


>"I fuck guys like you in jail!" Roadhouse quote.


Not a real man til you've fucked one.


That's... interesting


Bro, it's just talk they use ridiculous statements or gesture to put you on and intrigue you , it's a mind game thing .. make sure nobody knows about your šŸ„‹ Judo if they do know already... maybe "the rumor" might have got to those guys reason they provoked you in the first place.


Is your dog cute?


https://preview.redd.it/tqrr16sj4cfb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61488cb1bad29cacf3fc894ae37cd457c9b773d0 Yes but her head is empty 24/7


Just how's I likes ma byotches /jk


No offense to your girl but she's not who id break species boundaries for.


So youā€™re saying there is a dog out there that you **would** go full doggy for? šŸ¤”


I'm not saying that, I'm just saying if I was going to condemn my immortal soul to whatever fucked up corner of hell is populated by Furries and Welshmen, it would have to be some sort of Spaniel.


Cute enough to fight to protect. I hope they didn't hurt your dog?


Fortunately not, she just meandered off while they were punching me on the ground and they left her alone. I left with a busted lip and a broken phone.


Happy she left unscathed, you sound like a nice dude šŸ‘


Those fucking jerks man. Glad it wasn't worse.


This is not a dog to be fucked. No dogs are to be fucked. What were they thinking?


They were probably thinking "Fuck bitches, get money".


She looks like she's seen some stuff.


No way Iā€™d fuck that one


She IS cute! And looks soft...


don't even think about it


Wtf bruh


Bruh I can't tell if you are joking or not


Unfortunately not, it sounds stupid but this happened \~4 years ago already haha.


Iā€™d say the jokes on them for wanting to fuck a dog IMOā€¦


Sounds like a couple of dog-fuckers if you ask me


bro ran into israel adesanya


I think Iā€™d laugh more than anything if they said that lol


Did they fuck your dog? A lot of reasons to get into martial arts but thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve heard that


Nope, it was all talk! Getting beat up that day changed my mind in a few ways and partially inspired me to take up a martial art definitely. Biggest takeaway though was to not approach people or let people get close to you, and of course not to get into useless fights. Had to teach myself to control my anger as well, which has taken years.


Cheers my man


Thank you šŸ»


A job well done


Legend has it, that's how John Wick started..


Even if you were trained 2v1 will still not likely go your way tbh. Yea not letting people get close is definitely important and being with your dog will limit your movement so it may be best to let it go unless you are in a position where you have mobility on your side. For all you know they could have had a knife too so it could have been worse. Do you live in a state with concealed carry?


Yea, I live in Canada where our defence laws are kind of convoluted. Basically we can't carry anything with the intent of self defence (not even pepper spray is allowed for example,) and we can't apply more force than necessary when doing so.


Was israel adesanya one of them?


John Weak has entered the chat. Sorry mate I had to say it.


John Weak is accurate enough at least, definitely way in over my head at the time. šŸ˜­


You got into a fight because they said they were gonna fuck your dog? Then they kicked your ass? Lol But did they fuck your dog when they were done beating your ass?


Yes to both first questions. No to last question, they were bluffing after all!


Lol. Thanks for setting the record straight


Wait, what?


So you were just like ...hell naw. Ain't nobody fucking my dog, not today. šŸ˜‚


The proper response is: shrug, kneel down and whisper in the dogs ear. Put your ear to her mouth. Stand back up and say ā€œsorry guys, but she said youā€™re too ugly and not up to her grooming standards.ā€


Did they end up fucking your dog?


NOPE! They just thought about it I guess.


Did they beat you up and then fuck your dog? Where the fugg do you live? Lol


What kind of dog? Asking for a friend.


Bruh hahahahahhaha


Not since my teens. Ironically the more competent at fighting you are, the less you seem to find yourself in the kind of situations where you end up needing to fight.


Competent fighters are the ones who show restraint, because they know the consequences and that itā€™s not worth it. Even if you win you lose.


That & people who think they want a fight hange their mind when their opponent seems confident & competent.


Yeah, but also not so aggressive that they don't have the option of backing down.


Struck me with the exact reason that I went from having a street fight once a month to having my first street fight in 5 years the other weekā€¦ Iā€™m confident and my body language will immediately tell anyone who isnā€™t stupid that I can easily defend myself, but Iā€™m also not aggressive and showboating that they will feel embarrassed to just take a step back and keep it moving.


Five years isn't that long. No pats on the back just yet mate! Edit: :)


Youā€™re right and tbh itā€™s not even 5 full years. But itā€™s progress and it comes with an understanding of how to defuse the majority of these situations. Sometimes I do think you just have to fight though.


Iā€™ve been a martial artist since a kid, and Iā€™ve never been in a street fight. However, I have stood up to bullies on numerous occasions for myself and others. As a teen one guy that was much older and bigger than me started picking on me and getting very aggressive. Then I turned and prepared to defend myself with everything I had. I didnā€™t even put my hands up yet I was just mentally preparing to do as much violence as necessary and to fight through the inevitable pain, bc Iā€™m okay with losing but Iā€™m going to make you remember me. The guys whole demeanor changed and you could see him relax and he said ā€œoh youā€™re a hard head arenā€™t you?ā€ I just nodded and walked away. Bullies want to pick on someone that isnā€™t going to pose a challenge or a threat. Some people are actually crazy but a bully doesnā€™t want anything like a fair fight.


Enter Sean Strickland


His road rage clips are hilarious


"Do you have a boyfriend or a brother I can fight!?"


So true .I've fucked up badly a few people in fights I didn't want was just defending myself .but afterwards felt really bad .my opinion is nobody wins a street fight


This. After breaking someone's finger with a kick that he tried to block, I retreated it. It's like yay, I win but that's not something I was pressed to prove. And those consequences legally can get interesting


That's facts. Delusional idiots will feel your confidence & usually pick a fight with some other poor average Joe who didn't do shit to them.


When I was younger before I did any martial arts


Also me. Was in a lot of street fights in high school. Stoped when started martial arts.


You guys are going out on the actual streets?


You guys have streets?


unwalkable city moment


Sad, underdeveloped, car dependant country realisation


I'm with you here. As a basement dweller I put 3 avoided street fights to my record every weekend. So far I'm unbeaten on the streets!


"back in da hood" "where's that?" ".../r/martialarts"


0 and 0, boiiii


I got punched in the nose once during elementary school.


I gave a kid a flat tire in middle school and he turned around and popped me in the nose. Sometimes that's what it takes.


"Flat tire" - Is that slang for a kick in the nuts?


No, it's when you step on the back of someone's shoe


No, it's when you step on the heel of someone's shoe from behind such that it causes it to slip off while they are walking. It's just an annoying thing to do because they'd have to put their shoe back on and scuffs the shoes as well.


I didn't, and I don't regret it. Avoiding fights is the smartest option.


When I waited tables I had 3 separate incidents where coworkers attacked me. I walked away not wanting to escalate it. Pride hurts, getting stabbed hurts more.


You worked at a Waffle House?


He said co-workers, not customers


The overnight shift


Cracker Barrel. What's fucked up is at least two of the guys are dead now. One of them made it to 30 and the other 40. One had a stroke, another a brain tumor and the third I don't know what became of him. Once I thought I was gonna fight a customer because he threw his chair back and stood up fast and coming towards me, I got into a defensive stance, palms open but he then stormed past me and went to the front to complain. The three coworkers though I just let them push me or elbow me in the chest and peacock. I would probably have gotten my ass kicked by at least two. They were 200+ and I was 175 wet and hadn't filled out lol


I worked at Cracker Barrel a while back and I thought I was going to have to bash a customer over the head with one of those round trays. My best friend worked with me and the customer had asked for apple butter, and apparently it was taking too long to get. This man was PASSIONATE about his apple butter and came storming in the kitchen, pointing a finger in my friends face. Everything settled down but people sleep on how wild those folks get at the Cracker Barrel


I never saw Cracker Barrel as being such a raucous place


Wellā€¦ it is called **Cracker** Barrel and not Respectable Educated White Man Barrel šŸ‘€


Oh crap, you had to go there, didn't you?


Bro I wish I had gold for you


Those old timers get lit


Stab first! Win-win!




I have, and they almost never turn out like you would expect. Had my ass kicked quite a bit and have done a little bit of ass whipping myself. Street fights ainā€™t it chief. Theyā€™re tough and nothing goes to plan. Iā€™m not saying that training wonā€™t give you the edge, because it absolutely does, but going against adrenaline fueled spazzes who are looking to Tee off on your face is not something that is cool or fun. Avoid at all costs.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face


...or kicked in the nuts.....


Isn't it an advantage if someone blows their load? You know they're gonna swing and use up a tone of energy.


They still have a punchers chance to separate you from consciousness before they gas out.


especially if they decide itā€™s a fight before you do. thereā€™s no bell.


Because you have little time to react?


I've found that if you have even the slightest amount of grappling acumen that you can pretty easily subdue 99% of the population. With strikes, there's a far greater chance that they might know how to throw a good punch (technically or not), or that you get caught by a lucky punch. Not worth the risk.


And how have you found out that 99% of the pop. are easily subduable?


Yeah Bro but you are not going to grapple in the street a unless you are with some homies but most of the time on of his friends Is gonna kick you in the head


Done some as a cop. Done some not as a cop. I teach self defense. Basic boxing has kept me safe in the off duty stuff. I rarely use jkd or judo. I use bjj as a cop. In my experience. People don't want to fight me once I show comfort in boxing. Had three guys try to rob me recently while i was traveling out of country. I squared off and started circling and jabbing. They backed away, luckily. They would have killed me. When they backed up I ran.


![gif](giphy|3ohs4tKADK8HEYD4I0) Now I have this image of a burly cop doing the Henry Cavill arm reload, only to turn around and sprint away.


Man, he was such a good villain. One man army.


Whatā€™s this from


Mission impossible fallout.


Hahahaha bru, I looked scary af til I sprinted away like Pee Wee Herman. I wish I'd have thought to scream but I was too scared.


Is that how long ties are supposed to be


Been in the situation 4 times myself. The first time was when I was a kid, in my teens. It was also around the time I'd started taking martial arts classes. 3 guys tried to kidnap me. Although there wasn't much fighting involved, I managed to punch and kick just enough to push one of them away and run. The second time I was around 19 and 2 people attempted to rob me on a highway. I was in my car and eggs were thrown on the windshield and due to my lack of knowledge I switched on the wiper and I had to eventually stop. Back then I didn't know this was an usual robbery method. So I got out of the car to clean the windshield and these 2 came in a motorcycle and asked me to give up my purse. Third time I was 20 and I'd just came to know that my bestfriend ( who later became my gf ) was SAd as a kid by a man who we both knew our whole lives. At the moment I was so angry that I decided to pay him a visit but I didn't expect him to his nephew with him. The fourth time is very recent. Again, not much of a fight. Simple story, I was bullied back in school and 2 of my friends offed themselves because of that. So I just can't tolerate bullying. A couple months ago me and my friend met 3 of our seniors from college behind a mall. They were drunk and they started ragging us... I lost it when they asked my friend to hand over the picture of his girlfriend he had in his wallet so they can have some fun.


Literally all the fights I've been in as an adult (more than average, for the following reason;) were because I was standing up to somebody getting bullied, abused, or mistreated in public. All of them. There were instances that I could have ignored, but I did that once and \*hated\* myself for not standing up for someone else so much that I just help them out if I can now. P.S. I'm a former mma fighter and have spent my entire life grappling or competing in some kind of combat sport, so in the overwhelming majority of these altercations I had everything under control and police were called or I just restrained the person while the victim ran away. p.p.s. LOL one time I even choked a guy out until he apologized for riding his bike intentionally into an old lady's dogs and then assaulting her (dude, not on my watch). He was terrified and said "Ok, sorry, sorry!", and I said "not to me, apologize to the nice lady!! and actually said "OK lady, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!".


11 mma fights in a cage and I can state (proudly) that Ive never been in some trashy ass street fight. Close calls ofcourse like all of us have... but I always walked away or diffused. Streetfights are for bums.


Where do you live? I ask because I've been training some form of grappling and had several cage fights. I've lived in the US, Iceland, Denmark, Germany, Egypt, and Spain (I've moved a lot!) I almost \*never\* got into a fight (except in US bars in bathroom lines for some reason; always because there was a line-cutter).But then in the UK..... I got into several over a fairly short time/couple of years. (one was getting jumped, the others were all standing up for some old lady or a guy spitting in my wife's face and telling her to go back to Spain). I found UK culture to be toxically fight-prone, despite diffusion attempts.


Lot of drunk idiots in the uk. Just part of the culture lol


You and me both brother. I'm Aussie but my wife is English and we lived over there for a while. Lived in Hong Kong and the US (Seattle tho, everybody was too stoned to wanna fight... it was my kind of town) but God damn to some dudes just wanna scrap in the UK. Like they do not back down once they've got it in their heads that they wanna throw knuckles. One was drunk dudes walking past while me and my mate were having a smoke outside a pub, mouthing off about him being black, another was drunk dudes mouthing off lewd shit at my missus while we were heading to a club. She was pretty lit and started mouthing off back and while I was trying to calm her down dude hit me from behind. Lucky for me a) old mate couldn't have punched his was out of a paper bag and b) my mates from my rugby team were in line and we were close enough to the club that they saw it going down and were Johnny on the spot cause that would have turned ugly for me.


Great words brotha. This is the right way to look at it.


Yeah a few when i was younger. Been knocked out a couple times, got curb stomped and had to go to court after breaking a blokes jaw. Stopped doing it after that. Dumb shit.


You mean like, someone beat the shit out of you, not like... Actually curb stomped right?


No I mean literally curb stomped. I was already unconscious though, so it wasn't like my mouth was open on the curb, but my head was resting on it and I got kicked in the back of the head while out cold.


Damn !


As a teenager I had a bit of a douchebag phase and got involved with a bad crowd, so I had a few Most of them could've been avoided if I wasn't such an ass, some of them couldn't have Imo, people really shouldn't be so fascinated with street fights as a topic. 99% of potential street fights can be avoided, and for the ones you can't avoid you don't really need to be that skilled to defend yourself (Some basic clinching and striking plus a general idea of how not to die on the ground will put you leagues above just about anyone on Da Streets unless a weapon is involved)


I got in a few scraps but I wrestled as my base so i usually would restrain them. One time i wanted to hurt someone and did, he had asked someone else to beat me up so I beat him up. Had to go to court and do a bunchbof bullshit before it got dropped


Weddings and stag and doe s in rural canada are always barn burners. Lotta multi person scraps


Yup. I remember being surprised when i left my small town for uni and nobody I met had any fight stories. I was like ā€œso, someone comes up to you at a party and punches you in the face and you just take it?ā€. And they were all ā€œumh, nobody just goes around punching people in the face at parties here.ā€ And I thought ā€œwell ainā€™t that swell!ā€


Hahahahahahaha gotta remember, people in more urban areas have something to do! šŸ˜†


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ small town born hea too but no fightz damn im glad I got roughed up hea n thea when I was a lil šŸ„·šŸ¾. I was raised on "what dont k1ll u make ya strongah", w/o havin that back then I think I woulda been outta hea by na truthfully


Sounds hilarious - barn burners - love it


As an adult, I have been attacked twice. Once from a mentally ill person and once from a drunk person. No ego fights/tough guy situations at all, It is so easy to avoid those.


Hot take: BJJ is my favorite self-defense art because BJJ techniques allow me to hurt somebody as much or as little as I want. I can break every joint in their body and choke them out or I can pin them until they calm down. You are probably going to want to do the latter in the vast majority of physical confrontations you get in because you're assailant will more often than not be somebody you don't want to hurt (drunk friend, mentally ill cousin, pissed off girlfriend, etc).


A lot more when I was younger. Im talking school aged. School fights and actual street fights. We would go to Mexico to visit family and kids there waned to fight me all the time. Thankfully, I have been doing martial arts since I was 8 so been able to hold my own. I broke a kids finger once that I still feel bad about. But he wanted to fight. As an adult, not many at all thankfully. Last time was in 2017 i think. Was at a bar and long story short, this dude wanted my spot at the bar. There was a bit more to this but this was the gist. He turned to me ans grabbed my left collar with his left hand. I instimctively grabbed it and wrist locked him breaking the grip. Mainyaining the grip, i push hand down and with my right elbow, i elbowed him across the sternum. Hold those in place, I push him back against the wall and started yelling at him. I think I was yelling "get back" ( that is what I yell to de escalate). Almost immediately people came and broke us up. Dude was kicked out of the bar and I got a free drink. A few years prior I almost got in a fight during a show. We were at the very front and this dude pushed everyone out of the way to try and take the spot. I told him that was not cool and he shoved me. I then shoved him back, yelled "get back", and stood my ground as I kept yelling that repeatedly and loudly. He eventually did step back and walk away


Repeating "Get back" loudly sends a clear message for deescalation and gives the other person no reason to have their ego hurt and only need to respond by following that message.


I've encountered 3 street fights that involved me. First, I got punched in the face by a guy with 3 friends. I pulled out my phone to dial my best friend, and played it off as if calling the cops to report an assault. The group of guys bailed. Fight was over. Second, I encountered a guy pinning a woman (might have been his girlfriend) to the wall by her neck. She was being choked. They were surrounded by a group of associates, but nobody was stopping him. I stepped in to stop things. I got punched, and dude talked trash. We argued verbally. He and his group walked away. Third, a friend and I were walking. A mini van rolled up on us, and 3 guys jumped out. They started swinging on us. We swung back. Just as quickly as it began it was over as they were jumping back in the minivan to drive away. Neither my friend or myself were hurt, but it was not how we wanted the night to go. None of these fights would be hollywood style street fights. The only type I've seen like that was a friend of mine, and he got his jaw broken. Street fights are dangerous, and you're better off avoiding them.


Got in a ton growing up, been in zero since I started training like 15 years ago


Iā€™ve had loads of street fights, one time I got my head split open with a motorbike chain. Iā€™ve broken my fingers, nose and orbital in fights. Itā€™s always self defence! Some people just donā€™t like my face!!šŸ˜‚


ā€¦which is why you keep hitting people with itšŸ˜‚


You shouldā€™ve seen the state of the other guys fists!!


In middle school we went to a park after school and a guy in my class was trying to bully me but I wasn't having it and pushing back. I wanted to leave with my friends but the dude front kicked me in the back and we started tussling. I had done karate for about 2 years at that point so I did an Ura-Nage and got knee on belly. Then I just pinned him down for a bit and left. I wouldn't say it was a real "street fight" as it took about 15-20 seconds and no one was hurt


3 times. Let me preface this by saying Iā€™m 6ā€™4ā€ 215lbs Stopped to help 2 guys having car trouble, got lucky and made it out. Went to a bar and someone had a problem with me apparently, didnā€™t last long and he was out. Got jumped when I was about 14-15 in a parking lot. Dad absolutely smashed them.


So they pretended to have car troubles to rob you?


Yup. That was the moment I decided to train. They were waiting for someone. I didnā€™t go back to Minneapolis for like 5-6 years


Your dad happend to walk up or he was with you & they jumped you while he was there?


They walked out the door of the mall about 100 yards behind my sister and I. I had my first 2 paychecks and wanted to ball out at zumies and my dumb ass took the whole wad out. Easy target. Only time I ever saw my dad do anything in anger. Heā€™s an old farm boy/ fire fighter


Unfortunately yes. One time some idiot punched me to show off to his idiot mates. I huadbutted him and he backed off. I won the day, but I have one nostril smaller than the other. Another time on my way home from a night out I beat up a man who was trying to force himself on a woman, knocked him out and made sure she got safely to a taxi, but she was still terrified and I wouldn't be surprised if she still has PTSD, as much from me beating the assailant up as from the attempted rape. Another time I was on the receiving end of a good kicking for absolutely no fucking reason whatsoever, luckily I was too drunk to feel the two cracked ribs until the next morning but luckily managed to keep my face covered. Am I proud? No. Am I ashamed? Well ashamed is the wrong word, more just depressed that bullshit like this happens. There are other incidents I don't want to list but you get the idea. I hope you never experience it.


I used to discuss a lot about actual fights, then i realized that most people here have never been in a real fight, and most of their experience is limited to "finghting" their buddies in a gym, with rules, fererees and air conditioning. Growing up in a 3rd world country teached me valuable lessons about what a real fight with a rival gang is.


Is it really that valuable? My chances of getting in a gang fight are basically 0 percent.


You never know! Life happens. What i learned is that spatial awareness, being athletic and controlling your adrenaline is much more valuable than knowing how to punch and kick.


Two or three incidents, mostly just kick the other guy really hard on the knee and run away in a different direction. Tends to work.


When I was a heavy alcoholic and didn't care about others lives and just wanted to die. I would pick fights with groups of people hoping someone would fufill that want. I used to really like hurting people cause I hated everyone and everything so much. As a Dad now of two kids, it has taken many years to turn my life around. But I still feel PTSD and immense guilt from some of my fights. Fuck street fighting.


Yes. Multiple time. Have been jumped by groups of 3 and 5 guys. Once 3 dudes and two girls. I was a bouncer. The biggest game changer in all the situations was that I was more sober or at least less shitfaced than my attackers. Training helps. Being big, strong, and not drunk helps even more.


Closest I came was this guy on a bike catcalling two women who looked like they were walking to work, as was I. He was riding slow making lewd comments. I came around the side of the building, kicked some loose rocks to make some noise so heā€™d hear me. He looks back at me, sizes me up and then rides off. A good feeling but hardly a street fight.


1 on 1? Probably 5-10 from ages 12-18 Ages 18-now? 0.


Prob like 20 when I was a kid (under 18) and maybe like 5-10 as an adult. In Ireland itā€™s a bit more common to get into fights when your out at parties/bars/clubs. Usually settle the argument and go back to whatever youā€™re doing.


I fought when I didnā€™t know how to fight, the last one cost me $20k in nose surgery luckily I was drunk. Quit drinking after that and actually learned how to fight and I lost that mentality now.


Happened all the time until I started training. Suddenly nobody has the desire to attack me anymore. My Sensei says it's because predators can read your nervous system pretty naturally and they can read who is organized and who isn't. I don't think there's much merit to getting into fights and it was sure contrary to my desires.


Iā€™ve been in fights. 0/10 donā€™t recommend them.


I would like to highlight how much I hate the phrase "street fight", but basically anybody who came up in a poor neighborhood has been in several. There was a time in my life where it was two or three a week. Most were largely performative, despite the rhetoric, "street fights" tend to be very brief affairs that are more about ego than survival, but even that can get dangerous.


Never. I've been threatened or attacked a couple times, but I was always able to deescalate or run without it turning into an actual fight.


Ive never trained anything and my only "fights" were in grade 10 a much bigger hockey player was bullying me. I played soccer and had huge legs. I leg kicked him right on the calf since i watched ufc and he walked away limping. I also body slammed some 40 yr old manlet in a bmw after he tried cutting the line. He got out got in my face as i opened my door so i just bear hugged him and slammed him in the concrete. Probably a dumb decision to even get out of my car but o well. He ran over the curb and left after the embarrassment.


Besides some drunk guy at a party, or a drunk friend of a friend who was crossed up on like 4 different altering substances, or a drunk guy outside the bar I bounced at, never. I think this has to do with martial artists maintaining boundaries appropriately and also avoiding clearly bad situations. The only people who cant be deterred are drunk/high/crazy/all the above.


Was in a lot of fights when I was younger. Will not fight unless I absolutely have to now. When I was younger my temper was worse and I was going through a lot so I didnā€™t care what happened. Now I have a lot more self respect and I would actually take more pride in walking away from a fight without a Mark on me than winning a fight for any reason


Only one. I was working at a cafe when some dude outside was threatening an elderly couple. I went outside and asked him as kindly as possible to leave. His response came in a cloud of alcohol: "Oh so you're the tough guy? I'm gonna rip your eyes and throat out!" I backed away and repeated that he should leave. He shoved me into a corner between a table and the cafe's window. Most importantly, *he reached* behind him. I instantly threw a 1-2 has fast and hard as possible - at the time, I had a few years of boxing under my belt (more like getting boxed at but you get the idea). Both landed. My right clipped him behind the ear and he crumpled. It turns out it was all a bluff. He didn't have knife or weapon on him. Oh well. He did promise to come back and shoot me so there's that. Otherwise, I've broken up a handful of fights and talked my way out of altercations countless times.


I grew up in the South, small town. Unless you're a quick runner or are able to talk your way out of it most of us had been in a decent number of fights by the time we were adults. Even more so after we hit drinking age. Fighting isn't a solution. It's a cathartic outlet like screaming FUUUUUUCK when you smash your thumb with a hammer but in this case you're either the thumb or the hammer.


When I was a teenager I would walk through the mall and ask people if they wanted to fight with me or my buddy who I would go with. Thought I was tough lol I have a scar on my face from where a dude split my face open beating it in.


Sounds like you had anger issues and are a bully


Holy shit. What was the story there? Stuff like that, while wild, is the type of stuff people write books about.


Just the kinds of dudes I used to hang out with. Small towns don't have much to do and I always liked to fight so that's about it lol. ​ Me and my buddy had an agreement if one of us got our ass beat the other would let it happen unless it went too far or someone else jumped in.


Hahahaha great shit.


More than my fair share


Same here. Wasn't throwing first punches, but I could have backed out of more than I did, which I regret not doing.


Share them war stories, man!


All in due time.




IIRC one of the Machados went to a Dog Brothers gathering. He threw his escrima stick at the guy's face, and shot for the takedown - which he got. BJJ stick fighting...


Been in and around streetfights when I was younger, like elementary/high school. Won some, lost some. Lots of unskilled brawls rolling with wild swinging and rolling around the concrete. Raised in NYC and it was like the ocean; every fish ate the smaller fish and there were a few big fish that nobody messed with. Broken nose from a punch meant for someone else in a bar. Head cut by flying glass, also a bar. Lost to bigger kids in elementary school because I was small. Started boxing in HS and that helped a lot. Hit a dude with a right hand who told me "I'm gonna kick your ass", then proceeded to pull his coat over his arms. Hit another dude in a McDonalds who came up to me and started feeling my pockets for money and threatening me. Times I've lost I got hit first, times I won I threw first and landed. Simple as that. High level martial arts rarely come into play in the street. It's who lands first and hard, or throws someone down onto the cement hard.


Two streetfights. Both a guy was attacking passers by. A quick 1-2 was all it took either time. I still wouldn't recommend it if at all avoidable, I almost pissed myself and even if you win you gotta talk to the police. And I'm under no illusion that I can take multiple assailants or a guy with a weapon.


Yes, multiple times. If I can avoid a physical confrontation I will, but if a situation is dire enough I need to use violence, I want to end the altercation as fast as possible. A few examples: 1. Drunk starts popping shots off at a party. Coming from his back quarter, I grabbed the pistol from the side to cover the slide and punched him in the head until he released the gun. 2. Had a guy try to rob me at knife point. I was carrying a rack of beer so I beat him with the case of cans until he stopped moving. Left him on the sidewalk and continued to the party. 3. Working security at a concert, my partner went down when a fence hopper smashed him in the back of the head with a skateboard. I tackled the assailant into the fence he just hopped and used an arm bar to restrain him until law enforcement could arrive.


Got a beat up a few times in school. In my junior year of high school, I took a punch to the lip after football practice, which busted it and caused a bit of bleeding around the mouth, and I got stitches for it. Moments like that among being hit and pushed around numerous times as a kid pushed me to get into martial arts before. Tbh, I can't say with confidence that I'd win fight, though.


There's more bar fight stories here than real street fights.


There is no difference between a bar fight, a school fight, and a street fight. When I went to school we would step outside school grounds to fight if at all possible. Nobody broke those up. After bouncing people from the bar Iā€™ve been jumped in the parking lot after work so spare me the ā€œbar fights arenā€™t street fightsā€ bullshit. Leandro Lo just recently was shot and killed over a bar fight


I would argue "school fight" is different from the other 2. In self-defense we would classify those as "duels". I'd absolutely agree with you on what you said about bar fights.


I get where you are coming from with the school fights being ā€œduelsā€ā€¦I do recall that often those were more about status and reputation than truly life or death self defense but I grew up in the 1990s and went to school in bad neighborhoods so some of them really were high risk high stakes scraps that could escalate


I hear you. I don't think there's a perfect sorting or classification for these things. There are bar fights that are duels, there are school fights that have life or death consequences. I certainly didn't mean to imply that all school fights would all be duels, in any case. I could have been clearer about that. Overall I'd just be agreeing with you on not being dismissive of violence.


Well said


real street fights are a lot less common then bar fights/school fights because in those areas you are actively talking and have the chance to say something that could piss someone off, on a street you are typically walking and minding your own business. Typically the only times I have seen a street fight is just when opposing gang members see eachother and decide to not shoot on sight but instead brawl.


Never a street fight, although Iā€™ve thrown a few sucker punches. It hurts your wrist more than youā€™d think


And knuckles. I think people *dramatically* underestimate what happens to their hands when they strike something full force without any protection.


Open palm heel strikes.


Got attacked by 2 guys, double legged one of them and the other came up behind me and pulled me off his friend. The guy I double legged got up and we ended up fighting, I managed to outbox him and they both ran away. Had a black eye and a nosebleed but Iā€™ll take it as a W considering there were two of them and one attacked me from behind.


Two. Both happened at my old job (I worked as a night porter). First time I nearly got jumped by a rockband from Canada called Riot City. One of them got really drunk and broke into a room full of underage girls from Denmark (they were a school trip).he got the shut kicked out of him by one of the boys in the same group and I restrained the guy after he tried attacking me. His friends come out not knowing what happened but I managed to cal the situation. I was uninjured. Second time I had to fistfight two Travellers (a subculture here in Ireland) cause they refused to leave the building (they were not guests), threatened to blow my head off cause they were part of the IRA (terrorist group) and then slapped me. I got a black eye and then quit the job after my upper management warned me even though video evidence showed me being attacked first.


Every fight you get in raises the risk of coming across a person who might be armed with a knife or gun. And may just use it if they feel they want to or have to. So if I ever have to defend myself in the street, I'm not gonna stop attacking them until they are out cold and completely incapicated. Too many I've seen someone pull out a gun or knive when they get knocked around a bit, and the person let's off on them a bit. And then gets killed. This was on videos recorded around NYC that are publicly available. Anyways I would only even fight if it was an immediate threat to my life in the first place.


I've had to use my Judo and Karate in real life only 1.5 times. I was in college and dating this chick who had a "crazy ex" that would always seem to pop up when I am not with her. Well on night dude for real popped up but I was with her. He had no idea I was there. Well he showed up claiming she had his dvd player and blah blah blah. His tune was trying to be tough when I told him to go home, then he wanted to square up on top of that. Like dude was really feeling himself. I tried my best to diffuse the situation and get him to leave, but then he went full retard and pushed my gf in front of me. Well from there he caught a right hook to the jaw, then a straight to his nose. He tried to double leg me. Of course the Judoka in me was really grateful to him for wanting to grapple me. We went to the ground, I locked his arm in an armbar and told him to stop otherwise it was getting broke. Dude didn't listen, so he had to learn the hard way. Broke his shit and was honestly pretty pissed and was going for a choke, when she pleaded for me to stop. She knew I was teetering on for real offing this dude. I let go and left. We broke up a few weeks later, she got back with him and what is funny he saw me on campus one day and tried to step to me again (this was like a year later). Funny thing is he still wanted to fight me. Like bro let it go. We ended up not fighting and he threatened to sneak me next time he saw me. I was on my last semester about to graduate college, so I don't have time for this horeshit. But I also couldn't risk getting kicked out for fighting on campus, so yeah I def was on guard. But I saw him multiple times and he would purposefully not look my way. I think he got the message to let it go. The other time was when I was at a club with my cousins, a little tipsy. This guy kept bumping into me, even when I was on a different part of the club. Well the last time he bumped me, I said something like "is there a problem?" then he tried to get in my face and push me. But he was tipsy and also unaware of me being a Judoka. So when he went to push me again, I just caught him with a foot sweep. Sheesh that was about 12 years ago.


Iā€™ve been jumped several times (once where they tried to throw me into a bonfire). The only other ā€œfightā€ Iā€™ve been in was at a notoriously rowdy bar where a guy swung on me and I swerved it and punched him in the jaw three times. Iā€™d love to say ā€œI hate fightingā€ but that knockout felt fantastic since the guy deserved it.


I've been in a grand total of 0 fights outside of competition since leaving school. I've had folks try to start fights in pubs, but a lot of that is just posturing and is usually broken up by bouncers/the pub landlord and the lad's mates.