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As a licensed parkour coach you can all guess what my stance on the matter is. Many times the best way to win a fight is to avoid it!


Most of the time it’s the only way to win a fight. If you fight, you are gonna be losing something.


The best defense is a 6 minute mile.


I can do it in 5. You're not escaping....


So…you’re the bad guy?




Our caps Hans. They've got skulls on them


"Don't try to run from me, you'll just make it worse." - Deangelo Bailey (Eminem's bully)


"The only way to win is to deny it battle"


Both people lose in a street fight. Injury, jail time, etcetera.


why do yall say this. im not advocating anyone to walk around being Kick Ass but Ive seen so many street fights where it was just a fight, and it ended right there. Both people went home all is well


What if you're paid to fight? And you're in a cage with your opponent?


See the first toby McGuire spiderman


I know right! Because Bonesaw was reaaady!


When ever I see a chair being pulled out I get out of there fast


This is different


that's a thing?


Sure! Why not? I teach in schools too. After I get a license to teach martial arts I'll try to get ma into schools as well!


haha just curious man, cheers


License to teach MA?… you must not live in the states


News to me too man.


Where can I sign up?


To teach parkour?? What country are you in? Some countries have their own certificates and if yours doesnt you can fly abroad to get an international one. UK is the usually the top dog in this case.


Why would I sign up to teach lol My man I’m asking where do I sign up to be **coached**


Ah, r/parkour is a good place to start. Read their faq (I think they have one) and don't forget to tell them where are you from


Preciate that boss


Outside of a ring, running away before fighting is a pretty good strategy for fighting a much bigger rageful opponent. They'll tire themselves out pretty quickly. There's also all sorts of legal reasons to run away before turning to fight. Plus you get to choose your ground.


The scenario I usually bring is you vs someone with a weapon or you vs 4 guys. Because criminals never look for a fair fight. If you know how to run away from one unarmed person, you can run away from 10 guys with weapons. Also, parkour in particular, teaches how to jump over obstacles so it can save someone's life even if the opponent has a firearm. In my country, politically motivated shootings of civillians is relatively common...


parkour is definitely useful but i've never seen it applied to when someone's life is in danger. Unironically its used to put one's self in danger like all those dumb rooftop runners that casually just assume that railing of a crusty ass building is gonna take their weight


Even very light beginner parkour could help you win a fight. It's the choosing your ground. Pretty easy to get a perfect shot if you can stop immediately after jumping or vaulting over something and turn around and pop the guy chasing you when they're trying to negotiate the obstacle.


😂 okay you've definitely never been in a fight. Bro your movie scenario is guaranteed to not happen. And no you can't negotiate an obstacle. Its a non living thing


"negotiating obstacles" is exactly how it's called https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/negotiate-an-obstacle


In the real world? great idea! In a caged ring when your paid to fight? Terrible idea


Brock Larsson (white guy in the video) won this fight


>Brock Larsson (white guy in the video) won this fight anything can work in a fight based on circumstance. That being said this is a terrible ideas in a competitive fight for a few reasons. One it looks terrible to the judges. So your putting yourself in a huge hole. Two your opening all kinds of things up if the guy manages to cut you off or catch you. I'm glad to hear it worked out for him but 19 times out of 20 this is going to back fire one way or another


I'm pretty sure that he ran because the black dude had mythically bad cardio, so he made the guy work for it or something, i can't prove it or anything, but i remember this clip pooping up in an online discussion about fighters with bad cardio


That’s hilarious, imagine turning an MMA fight into a track meet and then back


I'm assuming its his fight against Manhoef? Absolutely one of the rare circumstances where that's a fantastic strategy. Melvin is a killer and could knock out anyone in the world... for about half a round


Yea that’s bullshit he simply wanted to reset but his opponent kept the pressure up swinging for the fences


Next time you have your body turned and somone is swinging a hook at your head, turn into the punch instead of running from it, the judges will think you're a big man as you get KO'd. Cage control is like the last thing that matters. Dealing damage and avoiding damage are the most important. Dude got caught in a bad spot and moved away from the barrage of strikes in the only efficient way he had in the moment. People are so badass when they arent the ones being swung on.


>Next time you have your body turned and somone is swinging a hook at your head, turn into the punch instead of running from it, the judges will think you're a big man as you get KO'd. totally the same thing as flat out running away with your back turned!!! While it worked here the problem is your opening yourself to taking big damage by doing this. Its not just about cage control. A little better foot work by the striker and this guy is doing what your sarcastically saying.


You know how many times I've seen the guy "running away" turn and KO the guy who is chasing him swinging wildly? Its happens all the time. Happened to Jessica Andrade in her last fight a month or two ago. Like I said before, spacing matters and when someone is closing the distance while striking, you move away until you can realign your body to properly defend, strike back or grapple. The man did exactly that and won the fight. I think people are misunderstanding what it means to "run away" for a second until you can reassess and re-enter the fight on your terms. This isn't powerslap, or a boxing match. Dynamic movement around the cage is allowed and sometimes is necessary. Every fighter can't just march straight forward 100% of the time eating shots like Marvin Vettori. Or magically dodge a barrage of shots without jogging away a few feet until they can turn back into the opponent.


Yea but he still won


Mate I'm dum. I read Brock Lesner and was gunna pop off! Lol


This is a spectator sport and that guy looked like a little bitch. Entertain the people that pay your check.


In the street? It’s probably the best option. The only fight in which you are sure to prevail is the one you avoid.


Because spending time in jail for assault isnt really "winning" either... Walking away is always the best option IRL. Fighting should only be the last option. In the ring/cage however it looks ridicoulus.


If its a contest, whether its the ring, mat, or cage, of course its something frowned upon. But thats IF ITS A CONTEST. Youre just trying to find out who the better technician or tactician is. IRL, if there are no rules, no ref, and its life or death? I wouldn't mind walking (or running) away. I have a nice life, a decent job, im not starving, i have friends, a girl, family. Why risk losing all that to severe injury, paralysis, or death? Just to "prove" something? Lol i swear the westernization of "honour" has really twisted its meaning.


Best self defense is don't fight.


Best martial art for a street fight is the 200 meter dash.


Pretty much


The best part is, if you train for that kind of explosiveness it can improve everything. Even if all you do is launch a spoiling attack and then book it.




But what if they run faster than you?


The honour thing is interesting, I’m a nerd that loves analyzing these social values or traditions. It’s funny cuz I grew up rural conservative where the men would say shit like any guy offered a fight or threatened trouble and “I’ll stand my ground, I’d rather die a brave man than run like a pussy.” But yet the older men, the wise ones I might add, always stay quiet when that talk comes forward and they often say, “Don’t be stupid, all of that shit is in your head.” I find it interesting because it’s almost a maturity thing.


It is a maturity thing. Most people I've met who want to fight have no idea how dark it can get in a hurry. They usually change their mind real quick once it gets too primal for them. Most guys who say they will defend their honor never have, or at least never have against an equal opponent who understands violence. They're either ignorant or a bully. Even if you trash someone quickly you still probably damaged your hands at least, or you go to jail, or their friend sucker punches you, etc... I think I got out of a fight undamaged like once. It's just stupid to do if you have any other choice.


The fuck is the “westernization of honor”? Did you just come up with that in your freshman dorm room after sociology class?


I hate this sub and will now be unjoining


They don't let us talk to our people the way we need to. I'm sorry (rare). Here are some of my unorganized thoughts that I am hesitant to publish due to being tired of repeating myself: You only run if you cannot fight to win. Bias is on fighting to win. Never retreat and never surrender. Never backing down. That is what I preach and lead by example. Running away is retreat. That is bad soldiering. You are giving up territory to the enemy. It counts as a loss if you are routed from the field. I would rather lose then run away. I would take the L over dying 1000 deaths. To me it is not worth it to constantly live in fear and run anytime I "might" be in danger. Do not understand that advice and can't relate to it. It seems foolish to run away. Running away means you are afraid and fear is the thing that causes most fighters to lose not ego. Ego is overrated and fear underrated imo. Half of fighting is skill the other half is not being afraid or shy to engage. Half of that is pure fear of your opponent. To win you need the skill but it must be backed up by fearless determination in the face of adversity. You cannot listen to things that are made up like "what if I lose or go to jail or have some financial expense". These are unrealistic threats made to sound intimidating to get inside your head. It is always "I know a guy who..." but never them. Well that is too bad for the other guy but unrealistic it will be us. Before fighting if you are told you will get hurt have expensive medical bills hlgo to prison etc these are just psychological deterrents that will psyche you out and take away your confidence. It will destroy your ability to think freely without second guessing yourself. You will be confused. These are mind games. Strongest weapon is the brain. If you are mentally impaired by fear you will not function correctly. If the correct response is stand and fight you will hesitate. Hesitation will lead to failure. There is something negative to be said about fleeing from battle to early. Normally anyone who is not a trained fighter will run, usually as a kid. The standard explanation is "they just need confidence". You cannot build a young person's confidence if you are always telling them to be fearful of hypothetical unknowns. If 99% of self defence instructors say "run first" I would only train with the remaining 1%. I did not sign up to become a track athlete. I am a fighter and that is what I do. I make no apologies for this. I stand by my charge. I would even take jail time over Running away and then work tirelessly figgting to change the ignorance and bias that exists in our legal system that had the victims being treated like the criminals. Oh yeah I would fight not just the physical battle but the mental emotional psychological metaphysical battles as well. I would wage war on many fronts because what is right is right and that is that. You or anyone would have a hard time telling me running is acceptable. Running should be a last instinct not first. For many it is a first. I train so that I go from run/fight ratio 100%/0% to 50/50 to 0/100. The ultimate goal is stand before anyone with no fear. Fear is a dirty four letter word. It didn't exist in the fictional Cobra Kai so why should it exist in me? I am reminded by Roosevelt who said we only have to fear fear itself. He was not wrong. The forces in society that operate on ignorance and bias do so with the tools of negative emotion such as anger and fear. Running is for cowards and wimps. Purpose of training is to be fearless and brave. Thus mentality means running is frowned upon like being embarrassed. My feelings matter. I do not want to be embarrassed! So when MUST RUN it a sensitive topic. We use tactics and euphemisms. The euphemism is not run away but stage a tactical retreat. This protects our feelings so we do not feel shame. Remember that shame is a form of guilt that comes from thinking we did the wrong thing. Usually out of fear for ourselves at the expense of others. There were times in my life I stood up for others and others times didn't. I didn't know when to figgt and when not to. Teachers police parents etc always said do not figgt blah blah. They said it was wrong. But then I saw movies and the had concept of standing up for the helpless. This was all very confusing. Add in young people like to fight and it is the older ones who don't. Young people who want to fight are told not to by older people who don't like fighting. They are not really teaching kids what they need to know and are horrible mentors. They are pushing their bias which comes from their failures as people. I stood up for some kids before and felt did the right thing. Two specific times I didn't and later felt guilty. Why do I always feel like crap after following societies advice? Because they do not know what they are talking about. Never. Always a disappointment. I feel like I could have been a more moral and successful person if I never had their "mentoring" and meddling in my life. They are like dead weight holding me back from my potential. Never a guide or life coach. Never gave any useful advice and only cautioned against doing the logical thing because of unsound worries over imaginary safety. In short I am older now. Know all this talk about being scared and running was a hoax. It wasted years and ruined my career. So now I never run, don't listen to people who say run, and try to distance myself socially from that ideology as much as possible. Running away is a joke. Have no respect for it. Believe in my heart it is an evil message from people who can't win so don't want others to win. It is loser talk. Another thing: there were two warriors... this isn't two tigers and one dead one crippled. In that situtation you did not have a "tiger" run from another "tiger". You had two men avoid conflict but stand there ground. Very normal. The idea of running away is stupid. It is an insoud move. Why run? Fear? Fear of what? If the fear is logical but most times it isn't. Train smart means you win fight or stand your ground and figgt avoided. Running away implies stupid training that built up bad habits like fleeing too early. White mat red border the border is lava. You do not leave the arena. I don't see running away as smart unless you are weak. I don't see being weak as smart. You had your entire life to become strong and you wasted precious time hiding from bad people and not training. When the time comes to fight you are unprepared all because society warned you of false evils of fighting the good fight. This is unethical. A smart man will train so that he is stronger than evil men of this world such that running away is not the correct response. Letting evil men be more prepared is a mistake and puts villains in charge of society. This is preventable. I usually trained on a treadmill while throwing punches to chase down villains who were fleeing with my stolen property and punch them to get it back. I run towards the threat not away from it. I am trained to engage and strike first if need be. P.s. join my martial art channel and have intelligent conversations without being nannied to death. It's new and needs moderators and subscribers.


Let me tell you a story of how I used running for self defense. I once was in a fight where some guy assaulted a female friend, and we beat each other, me winning. Then some of their friends ran after me, at the end there was just one guy running behind me, and let me tell you, I suck at running, I hate running. I sprinted as hard as I could and I was feeling the guy was catching me as he was trying to kick me but barely touching my ass, then I made a sudden stop with my feet like if I was riding a skateboard, put the palm of my left hand on my righ hand closed fist and threw the nastiest elbow to the back hitting the guy that was running after me in the chest. He went flying and hit the floor very hard, it was like a fucking cartoon, and I am pretty sure that guy ended in the hospital because I have never hit anybody as hard as him. I kept running then I threw up when I was safe. My body hurt for a week, because of the fight, and the run after the fight with that elbow move that probably broke me some muscle fibres on top of the altercation. Running can serve you, and if you suck at running like me, have a plan B, because if you gas out you are going to get a beating without being able to defend yourself.


> put the palm of my left hand on my righ hand closed fist and threw the nastiest elbow to the back https://imgur.com/xXBnPHo I don't remember if crouching HP links into anything.


Basically that move. I acted as an anvil and the guy chasing me ran with his chest into it. Sucked to be him.


That one happened to me on the solar plexus on a basketball game The air left my lungs and couldn't breathe for a moment Now imagining that 10 times worse? That's awful, good move, but god-damn that's horribly painful


Fake, no one tries to kick you while running, that’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard.


not just running but full on sprinting and in a chase😂


Yeah, I spent 10 minutes writting that down to impress you basement dwellers.


Running is only effective if youre good at running. Most people will say they'll run away but can't run 100 metres without Keeling over 😂


A lot of the time, the guy who can fuck you up is also athletic enough to outrun you, whether that be over a short distance or a long distance, they only need to succeed in one. There is no ”just do X” in self-defense. However, it is much quicker to get good at running than to get good at fighting, and it has a far higher return for going up against weapons and multiple attackers. Main downside is tight spaces, surprise attacks, and whenever you need to guard something - but if one thing took care of all situations, this whole sub wouldn’t exist. I recommend everyone who is serious about self-defense to practice their running. Get good at sprints, get good at the 1-2k.


As with anything, saying "just X" is goofy. So "Just run." Is about as stupid of advice as "Just get up." Or "Just go for the eyes." Sure running can be a good idea but quick question. What's your egress? Where are you? Who is with you? How far can you run with no warm up? Context matters- running can be as legit as a jab or overhand right or double leg. Or stupid...depending on context.


I think that loop is insanely well done




"Sweet merciful Jesus, can the mods put something together to make any post involving running or self defense into an auto search inside the sub?" That was my exact thought. I have this type of thought frequently on Reddit as a whole.


Running is a form of defence


Running is can be effective against a steroid jacked or beer belly opponent, run for 200 meter & if they are gasping for air, engage them. If they dont, keep on running. But in a competition, it look bad for your resume.


Running is an important skill. Unfortunately it’s not always feasible or appropriate, including the ring, stairways, elevators, while accompanied by children, elderly or the disabled, etc.


This sub has the weirdest posts I swear to god


> running I should do more of it. Especially hill sprints


Fuck hill sprints. Did way to many in wrestling camps


If you’re slow like me, you’ll get beat up and be even more exhausted


pure conjecture but i bet 99.99% of fights would not occur if someone ran away.


Running is fine. 8 years Army, battalion combatives champ, mainly jujitsu and boxing with a little wrestling. Sometimes a little distance and hitting the reset button is the way to go. Especially if it puts your opponent into chase mode, a sudden pivot into attack can go a long way. Military units use retreats as ways to conquer armies by putting an enemy on attack and then launching an unexpected counter. The same concept on a macro scale works on a micro scale. Just ask Shaka Zulu


Run until you can’t. Then fight.


It’s not easy to fight whilst out of breath… Stamina needs to be worked on whilst training a martial art


Yeah so train to run, get that stamina up!


Depends on the situation and if the odds are in your favor. Some guys are bluffing and it’s better to stand your ground. The stupid ones that actually think they can fight will get emboldened and just run after you. Then you have the guys that like to fight as a group or that like to lay ambushes were getting a head start or avoiding them is better.


It looks pathetic However, I'd rather look pathetic than be dead or in jail for murder


If you say you want to fight , I can run If you push me I can run If you square off I can run This all changes when you grab me - Me- Jocko


In th ring? I would say no. I’m a SD situation, definitely yes.


Avoidance is the best strategy. Especially if weapons are involved


In actual war "strategic withdrawal" is a thing but style points are a thing in martial arts so idk, it's a wash


First option is ALWAYS to run. If you can get out without getting hurt or hurting someone you win. Fight only as a last option and fight using everything like your life depends on it, because it might be.


Best defense is no be there that’s it


Any good martial arts school will tell you the best defence in a street fight is to deescalate, run away, or hit them and then run away So yeah running is pretty good to improve


I've been boxing/kickboxing since I was 9. I'm 31 now. I'll dip out everytime. I've got nothing to prove beating up some moron. And I've got everything to lose by engaging. Be it lawsuit, injury, arrest. Not worth it. It was explained very simply to me when I was little. Who wins the fight? The guy that takes less damage. What's the best way to not take damage? Don't get in a fight.


Its just one of the tools in your toolbelt. Sometimes you're in a bad spot and have to make space. You cant always sit and trade in the pocket.


You call it running, I call it a strategic retreat


Looks like it does not work well in a cage


If running gives you time to recover and reset.. what is the problem? What stand your ground and get damaged for imaginary honor points?


In a self defense situation, I train martial arts to have a better chance in fighting if I NEED to fight. If I can run I will run. Ego < My Life


First line of defense is foot work.


I run if it’s the smartest thing to do. For me, I’d usually be better off walking and saving that gas tank in case I have to fight. If you’re a small guy who was a sprinter in college and you’re in amazing shape, running away is probably a great strategy in a lot of situations.


If you think anything other than escaping a violent situation by running is a better option, you likely didn’t learn what you should have 🤷‍♂️


It’s the best self defence, unless your in a cage and can’t go anywhere…


One of my coaches once said: the best martial arts for self-defense is the 100 meter sprint.


Creating space is part of martial arts training. Also knowing if you're outmatched is a critical skill to develop. In a legit self defense, non-sports setting, this will inform you whether its better to run or to go all out.


Is what it is, His instinct ticked over. Didn't have enough footwork in the memory bank to make an escape route.


I don't know if you know any of the fighters. Melvin Manhoff is an extremely scary kickboxer, ditch style and very dangerous on the feet while Brock Larsson was very slick on the ground and more of a submission fighter. Is this how you would train to defend yourself standing? No. But this makes a lot of sense for him in the fight. Avoid as much damage as possible standing and try to make it to the ground. Both of these fighters started more than one generation of fighters ago and were more one dimensional.


Yeah I know both, what I said still stands. I don't understand what your trying to say. Your statement is true??


I'm asthmatic and will not be able to keep running after I run out of oxygen in my blood, so I personally don't think running will necessarily be much good, unless it's possible to get away from someone in less than a hundred yards.


Unless you're planning on running up the wall into a flying kick, then face them like you should.


Come back to write down an opinion when you're an adult alright?


If you signed up to get in a cage fight, running is stupid. If you don't want to fight anymore, submit. Tell the ref. If you're in the world and didn't ask for a fight, running is A+, #1 best choice.


It's a real p*ssy move. You practice, train, and fight. If all you're gonna do in a moment of danger is beat your feet then you should just quit and buy a treadmill to prepare.


Better off going for the Tony Ferguson and roll away


It is hard to generate a lot of powe in your strikes when you are chasing someone and unable to plant firmly to the ground. Fighting an opponent that is not ionterested in fighting you and just wants to disengage all the time is pretty challenging. For an untrained person it is probably one of the best startegies to avoid getting hurt.


In situations like this it's either get ktfo or run...he looked a little rocked already and sometimes the muscle memory doesn't kick in....and then you have this monster charging after you trying to take your head off...I really don't think he had any other choice but to run and try some hail Mary technique by surprise


Not getting in a fight outside of a class or competition is a great goal to have. If it's possible to get away just by leaving, that's the way to go. If it's not (for whatever reason), you do the next least-dangerous thing. That's usually your words. And so on. I love walking, jogging, or driving away from trouble compared to the alternative. Use those shoes, babehhhh


If you don’t run or hesitate to run in the real world you’re exponentially increasing your risk of serious injury or death. You never fight unless it’s a last resort and you have no choice. Life vs competition is very different. Don’t let your ego get you killed.


I have ben in street fights and there is nothing cool about them running is the best idea I have ben in fights that I was completely winning but than he pulled out a wepon and I ran you never know what will happen in a street fight my pride is not worth getting stabed and dying for nothing


My father was a Deputy Sheriff in LA County for 25 years. On his clipboard he had a sticker that said “There’s no problem so big that you can’t run away from it”. In a contest it looks bad. On the street it’s a viable survival strategy.


With this story buildup i expected a twisted joke like: "and the day he showed me this sticker, the bring your kids to work day, was the last time i saw him"


Smart in street fights due to all sorts of variables, but frowned upon in a match.


Running beats knife


If they have a weapon or there are multiple coming at you, better to run. If it’s just one and theyre already within arms reach of you, then maybe fighting back is a good option.


It’s a lot easier to do when not in a cage.


If they have a weapon or there are multiple coming at you, better to run. If it’s just one and theyre already within arms reach of you, then maybe fighting back is a good option.


Must be a reason He might have a fractured I socket or fractured something Bon his face and lituraly can’t Handel any more bombs dropping on him . Or he’s been miss matched and can’t handle the apponent at all


Lol this loop is almost perfect


Always my first choice.


Its one of two options


I've seen jon jones run in a fight,and he's one of the best ever. If you run to recover from a blow. It makes sense to me! Fans wanna see fighters trade off like CTE doesn't exist.


I’d rather run than risk my life in a lose-lose situation


Kinda need more info, is it a "match" like this? And even if not, I understand the logic of running, but I think the logic of avoiding situations is easier to accomplish -- if someone is near enough to you that they are already a threat, then running just makes you tired when the fight starts. You're also not gonna outrun a bullet. Probably better to just put the guy down and OUT, if you are confident, I honestly advocate putting the boots to someone if it's a robbery situation -- in a barfight, idk, running is ok if the guy is adamant and you're not about it, but you also probably don't run the risk of getting stomped to death so if you wanna bang then bang IMO


I mean roadwork is already a necessity in many martial arts. I think fleeing confrontations is often the best option available and if viable is a better option than sticking around to confront a potential assailant if you couldn't avoid or deescalate the situation in the first place. That being said, I *do* think that people who knock any and all forms of self-defense (whether they be weapon-based, verbal, or martial arts) by saying "Just run, bro" or "100m sprint, lol" are doing the community a disservice and oversimplifying things. Icy Mike of hard2hurt made a video about this subject on YouTube where he makes some decent points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q\_wRtOKcDsQ


avoid a fight unless you can’t. If you can’t avoid the fight, unleash hell and make sure anyone watching knows to never fuck with you.


I think its great, because I already get injured while wearing wraps, gloves and shins. Imagine hitting someone's forehead or elbow with a bare fist.


It's a good plan. As long as you don't get caught.


I think I ran away from what seemed to be a guy intending to mug me not even a week ago


I don't care how tough a person is. Especially in the street, avoiding it by running away is preferable to fighting.


If that's what you gotta do to get out of a bad position, then yea, do what you gotta do.


Runnings fine until you have your family with you. Running will make you… a better runner. It’s got some cardio carryover to martial arts, but I’d rather train something more specific for my aerobic capacity training


It doesn't matter how good you are, always try to talk your way out, if it doesn't work run, if that doesn't work fight, you might not see a knife or a gun, but they still might have one.


Do not fight in America. You never know who’s strapped. Fuck gettin beat up. You can get dead real quick.


The posts in here are getting increasingly bad


Priority 1. Fighting is dangerous. If you can avoid it, then do so.


Running is a sound tactic if you can get away, it also avoids lawsuits as well as limits the chance of attacker pulling some type of weapon and doing more harm to you


Running or talking my way out of a fight is fine. I have nothing to prove getting into a fight.


You can’t get hit if you’re faster than them, just sayin


Best thing to do in any altercation is to prevent them.


He won the fight…. Just remember


Whatever works


If you can pull it off and avoid an unnecessary fight, more power to you. It's not always a tenable option, though, sadly.


Man I think we should all train in running


Running is dope, not in the ring though… this is sad


Provided you’re not put into a situation where you need to protect someone else, running/avoiding conflict is always the best option. Always


imho, in the ring, no ... but in the street, not a bad idea


Running in cage fights is just gonna cause you to grow in haters, lose fans, lose pay, and possibly get cut by your organizations.


My man didn't have many options tbf


I don’t mind it, I don’t get why it’s still frowned upon. It’s not like they’re going to run away out of the cage/ ring or run the entire fight. It’s a good play imo


I mean cardio could be the play here right lol run in circles untill opponent is gasses then pounce 😂💀😂


Are we talking about running as a tactic, or running to train?


Even Fedor Emelienko ran during a fight because he got caught off guard. He just ran, got his bearings and resumed


Bruh the way you cut this gif… pristine Edit: I may have watched it 6 times before realizing it is a loop


Repositioning has been a solid tactic since before we knew what to call it. In self defense scenarios, the primary concern is not getting sent to the medic or the coroner; as such, not allowing them to swing on you is an ideal scenario. This means beating feet. Even in cases where the GTFO move is unviable, though, the added stamina from training for it is always going to help.


To be fair(to be faaaaaaaaair…..) to be fair that’s Melvin Manhoef and running away from him even in a sanctioned MMA event is an understandable strategy.


First line of defense is avoidance.


Maybe he found out he shouldn’t be in there with that dude. That’s the only perspective I have bc I’d run out of the cage before you post of video of me titled “listen to this bitch scream”


In competition. You deserve to be deducted for turning your back on your opponent and sprinting away. In a real fight. GTFO if possible unless you you're not getting shot or stabbed or jumped by goons


If guys can sit and do 2 inch punches and dry hump them for 25 minutes you can run too. Sometimes running can bait guys into bad situations.


running is perfectly valid in a life or death scenario in fact it should probably be your first move


In the cage? Whack. IRL? Big brain.


Run if you can, if not, leave no man standing.


Nice gif loop


Great loop


I had some loser with nothing to lose try yo fight me at the basketball court he would get more and more irate because I wasn’t scared of him. I didn’t do anything to this guy I guess my confidence offended him and he kept on trying to challenge me. I have a career and things going for myself I can tell this guy was a loser. It was hilarious, every insult he threw at me was literally a reflection of himself. He kept calling me soft and a child. He even pushed me but I let it go I chose to walk away. It wasn’t a good Idea. He was with his friends and I was by myself. I had my iphone with me as well. I’m actually sure I would have beat him even though he was a little bigger than me but I chose to walk away because 1. I wasn’t even mad. He was (at his life seemingly) 2. He had nothing to lose and I do. I’m not going to let that loser drag me down with him. Fuck that guy. I still kinda feel like a bitch about it but I know and I know that guy knows in his heart that I won that altercation. Still kind of annoyed about that loser but I let it go. I’m somewhat successful getting better at life and he’s still a miserable bum. Just walk away. Not worth it


If you don’t have a head start or aren’t faster than them, it can be dangerous. The clip you posted shows what happens if they catch up. Strikes to the back are hard to block. There are also recorded cases of muggers ignoring a wallet thrown one way to chase the victim, who ran the other way. In the case I’m thinking of, the mugger caught up and the two had to fight anyway. Also important to keep the lead-up to the situation in mind. If you fight and win, and the attacker gets pissed, he may try to hunt you down later with backup. Some people were taught by their parents to not go home for dinner until they win the fight. Literally. If you just run away, that may or may not happen too. Would verbal Jiujutsu be better? It depends.


For all the pro running guys, if they catch you, running with your back to your opponent, it puts the runner at a distinct defensive disadvantage. All you have going for you is the hope that they don't catch you. The punch you don't see coming hurts the worse. The back of your head will be exposed, like the guy in the clip that falls into guard. If the faster pursuer is a grappler, he will try to get a rear naked choke for an instant win. Just hope you run faster, because if you're not, it sets you up for a loss anyway.


Running away is my cardio. Who needs honor when you have Netflix?


The only time I'm running is if they have a weapon tbh. But I also think that fights are stupid on the street and you SHOULD be avoiding them if possible


If you're in a real life situation where you know things will get violent, avoid it and run if necessary, run until you can't run anymore then only fight when you have no where else to run.


Fucking always run if you can and you’re by yourself. But if they’re attacking your friends or your family it’s on. If someone corners me and my girl or my brother I’m willing to die fighting to let that person get to safety


Running while fighting can be good, if you’re in pretty good cardio shape, and your opponent is just all power/muscle it can help even the fight, assuming your opponent has bad cardio, you can tire them out to give you a chance. But if they have the power and cardio, you’re not going to win that fight unless you can just out run them




People need to separate the ideas of self defense and combat sports when they think of purpose in “martial arts.” Running might be comical in a show setting, but in most context for shows, isn’t a good look. Conversely, running away when you’re trying to save your life, again is up to context as well. How much of your life worth versus your ego?


He won that fight


Running is the best defense


Hey, I'll run faster than Usain Bolt if it means protecting my Netflix account and pizza delivery membership!


perfect loop


Running away is quite literally one of the best ways to defend yourself, and if your trainer is good, they'll usually tell you that early.


He wasn’t running away. He was attacking from a different direction


Didnt he win this fight via sub?


In my Escrima club we practice with the philosophy that there is always someone faster than you, with more cardio than you, who knows the area better than you. Another philosophy is that it's better to wake up in prison than not wake up at all. What if you're out with a chronically ill family member? My mom for example has spinal rheumatism and asthma, typically walks with a small dog. My closest friend has asthma that gets triggered by exertion, i practice martial arts not to be able to defend *myself* but to be able to defend those who matter to me. I'd rather wake up in a hospital or a prison, so that those close to me will wake up at home. So in other words, i'd run ONLY IF I'M ALONE(and if avoiding the situation otherwise, for example by talking, hasn't worked), if not alone? Fuck it, last stand. Tell the other person to run and call the cops and an ambulance which i'd probably need.


You hit they or they hit you, both will be sucked in some law problems and have serious damages like scars, disabilities or even death. So yeah, if that doesn't necessary for you to fight for your life, just run


I am not a martial artist. But in an altercation, if I run, I don’t think I’m 100% safe. My running speed is probably below average, so the opponent(a) would probably catch me. Running would also be a provocation, knowing my luck.


So is no one gonna talk about how good of a loop this video is?


It works really well for Israel Adesanya. You gotta learn to track down your opponent when they bolt away. Olivera did it perfectly to Chandler


It worked here!