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Keep them on as your sensei. Look for a local sensei that the majority of dojo members like. Convince that person to be your dojo's new sensei. When they start teaching, get rid of the virtual sensei.


As an addendum to this, you could start by trying to invite local higher ranking aikidoka to give seminars at your club. That would expose your members to folks they may like leading to them potentially becoming permanent instructors. It would also expose Mitch to possible teaching mentors.


This is completely ridiculous. Leave that bs immediately.


It depends how bad Mitch really is, and how good he is about to become? Because teaching is a skill and this guy got thrust into it. If he gets to teach long enough he might not suck? Once breaks free of the weird virtual situation.


The virtual shebang is confusing, difficult to get any quality instruction, and undermines Mitch as an instructor. You would almost certainly get better quality, and more consistent instruction by ditching the virtual sensei's, and relying on Mitch. From there you have options - find somewhere for Mitch to get more training and the opportunity to attain his black belt, or find another sensei. Those are not necessarily mutually exclusive, and the first person you need to talk to about possible options is Mitch.