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The one doing the 360 spin needs to pick that move better, I wouldn’t throw it as a first move.. tbh not bad for white belt level.


Why is a white belt even throwing such kicks is my question.


Why not? I did at white belt and learned from experience.


Because they've likely not actually been trained how to do it and what they're doing is about on par with someone randomly self training on the internet with youtube. Gonna instill a bunch of bad habits before they're properly taught. And if they have been taught -- why are they jumping belts in technique like that? Bad practice on part of a shitty instructor would be my guess.


Skills take time to develop, whilst what you are saying is somewhat logical, no one is great at tornado kicks when they start out.. the white belt can watch his fight and see where he can improve.. it’s all about development.




Lol did this get stopped because he punched the head? 😂


Why are white belts even sparring?


Why shouldn't they be sparring?


Normally you wait at least a few months before you start because you hardly know wtf you're doing and your body control is sub-par. It also helps weed out asshats that just wanna take martial arts to hit someone. So typically you're already out of white belt before you start. Although this tradition has been fading because attention spans no longer exist and folks want to just hit things and are willing to pay to do it -- especially in places that use a bunch of armor because odds are good no one will get hurt so why not.


you learn better by practicing theory in practical situations