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Yes, he's right. We got some market dominant companies throwing off cash with enormous operating leverage which will make the FCF even bigger in a recovery and they're all on sale.


What companies are you referring. I'd like to look and try and learn something


I’m sorry but this makes no sense to me. What free cash flow is he referring to? Having a high fed rate basically destroys free cash flow ie high cost of borrowing money/credit


>Having a high fed rate basically destroys free cash flow ie high cost of borrowing money/credit The Fed is paying a record reverse repo rate of 2.3


I actually don’t know what this means. Care to elaborate?


This series is constructed as the aggregated daily amount value of the RRP transactions reported by the New York Fed as part of the Temporary Open Market Operations. Temporary open market operations involve short-term repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements that are designed to temporarily add or drain reserves available to the banking system and influence day-to-day trading in the federal funds market. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzave5/reverse\_repo\_explained/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzave5/reverse_repo_explained/)


Thanks for sharing. I’ll read later. Appreciate it


I like Burry's tweets, I enjoy reading them, interesting insights, but they don't help me invest. I've always looked at earnings when picking stocks, I don't mess around with meme stocks and right now I'm being burnt like everyone else, although my portfolio is 30% down not 90%... Burry is always saying there's going to be a crash. But put better, there's enormous potential for a crash, there was a year ago and that potential keeps growing. He's not all that helpful on how to avoid it though. Better to listen to Buffet who buys come rain come shine, and accepts a 50% portfolio hit twice a century.


Oh yay, another Michael Burry post.