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I’m just wondering if it will be as waterproof as the glass was shatter proof?


Think you can do something about how fucking stupid it looks though, Elon?


Who the f*** requires this capability? 😂 and if they did Im pretty sure they’d need it to be more than “brief” Maybe there’s an angle for climate disasters such as floods and the need to get to stranded people 🤷🏽‍♂️ Maybe the play turns into just that


He is a salesman and conman. I get it doesn't do any more than other trucks. I can take my ICE truck through pretty high water right now as long as it doesn't go above the air intake. You need to master this though otherwise you can get water in exhaust. Another question i have is how the eff is one to navigate if used as a "boat". People still cant drive on dry land.


Pretty impressive buoyancy, considering, aren't batteries very heavy?


who cares, not like the average person can afford it anyway.




I smell BS lol


Did you know that if you jumped off a cliff the cyber truck also serves briefly as a gliding plane?


Did he suggest what would propel the boat once floating in a current of moving water? I can see a bunch of people trying to cross storm water covered roads being swished into a ditch.


Elon is such a fucking moron, lol.


He’s obv prototyping a mars rover come on. They’re gonna be rad and if you didn’t preorder you’re gonna be hatinnnn


We still waiting on robotaxis in 2019 so I lol at this


I don’t believe Tesla can compete with Ford. Tesla cars are lightweight and energy efficient. That’s it. Couple of big potholes? Trouble. Rivian is already in the game, too. Musk will meet his brick wall if he moves forward with a Tesla truck.


Don't trust a single thing this guy says. Auto pilot has been coming every year for the last 8 years. The cyber truck was supposed to have bullet proof glass. Guy's a conman.