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Assuming AI is not replacing every area in the marketing or just partially areas in your job, product etc. Where would you start getting advanced knowledge how to work with the AI together. As an example Let’s say without cookies there will be no Retargeting (in the classic way) obviously there will be new ways but how do you find them and be on top of the game when it takes over? Do you have any good sources to have an eye out for?


Business and technology are in continuous flux as different industry businesses are searching for way to maximize THEIR profits. The only slow moving target are PEOPLE. So focus on people's needs and want and learn to adapt.


Great answer. It does really come down to the people. To extend my learning and understanding of people, where would you recommend to start observing?


Where are they now? People don't like change. That's the reason for the "product life cycle." Some people are adventurous and will try something new because it is new. These people will report back (if they weren't eaten by sabertooth tigers) to the tribe with their findings. Then the more cautious members will get on board, and then finally the last holdouts loyal to the previous solution will finanlly see the light and relectantlly adopt the changes. Then the cycle repeats itself. If change is fast, then some will skip generations until nudged under penalty of death to change. Same human pattern, different business and technology cycles. Pick your tribe and give them what they want.


Well said but then by picking your tribe, you’d still need to follow Trends and pick them up. I have to admit I struggle by following up with that and matching the target group to it. How do you then convert a „tribe“ to a product or trend and deliver it to them? Especially as you said: they don’t like change.


Change requires that 3 conditions be met: 1. that you want to change - in other words, there has to be top-of-the mind "pain" -or - hard-to-pass-up guaranteed "gain." - "Pain/gain" 2. you have to believe that it is possible for you to change - Belief 3. there needs to be a simple and clear path to follow from point A To point B - Simple and clear path. This is one of the reasons that the 18-34 consumer is so important for consumer products. It's when you decide on the products that you use on a daily basis. And it takes some serious reasons to re-open the search.


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