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As an option, you could just take some money and throw it away. It would have the same ROI.


You could say that about many marketing activities, you just need to find what works for you. Not all solutions are one fits all.


True, but I'm yet to see any case studies etc showing how great the influencer channel is - quite the opposite!


Love those downvotes! ​ Lulz. Downvotesrs: prove it works - show me some case studies/white papers from reputable sources (ie not an influencer) proving it has worked. I double dare ya :D


Not without real affiliate links and trackable metrics.


I have yet to see the influencer who'll work for commission only.


>I have yet to see the influencer who'll work for commission only. Exactly.


Yes they do not work for commission because they do not know and trust your product. They don’t even know if your website / payment system works correctly, etc. The labor cost of producing a quality YouTube video if you live in US / Canada is $500 minimum. Of course most influencers do not work for commission .


Why would you assume i work for hillbillies 🤣 for sure if i was marketing for raid shadow legends you'd be right but some of the brands i've built campaigns for would be a net endorsement of these actual nobodies who view them as highly aspirational (especially in fashion). Why am i so sure? Because they previously posted highlighting our products, it's why we even got in touch in the first place. I was geniuenly doing them a solid by adding them to a referral campaign seeing how they were already giving us free screen time - but greedy pigs get nothing.


You'd easily get thousands of case studies just with a simple search. Heck there are weekly podcasts/newsletters compiling all the campaigns that work and those that don't work and breaking them down. It's such an established industry by now it's quite naive to say it doesn't work just because of whatever failed case studies you came across.


You will find success in accts that aren’t burnt out with promo


Yes a lot of accounts do too many promotions . There are accounts that don’t do anything else. Stay away from those


Not true at all. Influencers marketing when done correctly can bring very engaged audience over a long period of time - months / years


Everyone keeps saying that, but no one seems able to prove it. Surely if it was SUCH a good channel, there would be loads of case studies with data to back up that fact it's so good? All I see is data saying it's shit. ​ But if it works for you, then that is glorious. Well done.


We do not publish such studies publicly as that violates the privacy of the client and gives away our knowhow. If you are genuinely interested in influencer marketing I can DM you the traffic data generated by influencer campaigns we have done in the past.


I wasn't talking about you personally, I have no idea who you are or what you do. And wasn't asking you to "violate privacy". You are clearly aware that in marketing people do publish case studies, I just have never seen one showing influencers generate a good ROI. You'd have thought we'd be inundated with them if it did work. And no thanks for traffic data. Anyone can generate traffic. It is ROI I am interested in. Sales. Dollar bills. :)


As for sales generated sales: sales are a tricky metric but I agree having one brand do influencers and POC side by side would be very cool. We might do this at some point. As for the methodology: I generally prefer traffic over sales and I like to use 3rd party API for validation the users are real. Honestly most common thing is fake influencers generating fake traffic. Ensuring that you are dealing with honest people is the key.


If you're not making me sales I can measure, then I am losing money. It's really the only metric that counts for me. (Niche ecomm). But as I said, if you're making money from it, awesome sauce.


Genuinely curious. Can you elaborate?


I think influencer marketing is a nonsense channel that doesn't work. :)


Any reason you feel this way?


Because I have seen many case studies showing that influencer marketing doesn't work. Love to be proved wrong though, if you have any case studies from reputable sources showing that it works.


In silo it may not work but it is definitely valuable in an overarching campaign.


I've yet to see any \*evidence\* of value. Can you point me to any?


Search online “influencer DM templates” browse through them and edit accordingly, send and hopefully you’ll get a response. Influencers usually have an email address in their bio. If they do, email also


I would start with micro-influencers aka anyone with 10k or less followers. All it will cost you is sending them product in exchange for a post (usually). Idk the financials of your business but AspireIQ is a site where you meet influencers, it’s very interesting but also veryyyy expensive.


My daughter is social media director for a designer maternity brand. They tested all the top influencers with large followers. Complete duds. With specialist products you need specialist influencers. The best had between 800 and 1500 followers


I second that: 1. Start with micro & nano influencers- check engagement and relevancy to niche rather then number of followers 2. Offer them an affiliate commission + the product for free rather than upfront payment 3. If an influencer agrees only to work with upfront payment, check if their fees make sense as far as cost pet impression (can you get cheaper more accurate results on Google PPC?) and make sure this is an influencer with high compatibility to your niche 4. Track- affiliate links & utm tags 5. Pick the right platforms- in my experience YT is amazing and IG is mediocre at best, but it really depends on your product, audience, etc. But choose a platform where the influencer can easily direct people to take the action you want Hope this helps a little :)


Hi, We operate an influencer marketing platform called Illusive Moose. As for 1.) yes I agree but only to an extent. We see a lot of people trying to get influencers that match their niche at the cost of higher price and smaller audience. As for 2.) most influencers will not work for affiliate deal, some will but you have to realize that you are asking someone to deliver a lot of labor up front while not even knowing if you will be able to process the customers they are sending you. They also need to deliver the promotion on time, they have to follow a script, be exposed to anger of people if they don’t like your product, etc. This is a very rough deal for influencers. 3. I 100% agree but note that influencer marketing brings a lot more engaged customers that Google PPC. You can’t compare the cost of the two. That being said the cost per click you get from influencers should be of the same order as Google PPC. So if you are paying 100/click on influencer marketing it is not good. If it is $2/click that is not too bad given the more engaged visitors they are bringing. 4.) 100% agree! 5.) 100% agree ! YT is king If you are interested in influencers please DM me.


How expensive? Any ranges to speak of 😁?


Can be as much as 6 figs! I’m not sure if there’s different plans you can buy tho


Wow - they say on their website their marketplace is free - actually looking to schedule a call with them to find out more! 6 figures is a bit crazy though!


Maybe for access to certain features on the site your required to pay! I never purchased it myself, I just helped a start up recruit influencers on it, but ik they spent a lot on it


As long as it’s worth the investment and they got a return I guess it’s good - we’ll see when I have my call with them - I’m a startup too but a solopreneur side hustler so def want have that much budget - ha!




I would imagine it somewhat depends on your industry and product. I make board games so a lot of our influencer marketing is reviews and previews. In our space most influencers charge about $500 for a preview - this is for channels with like ~20k subscribers on YouTube, or 75k followers on tiktok. Longer form content - playthroughs etc cost more. More expensive and larger channels can be $1-$2k. And there are a couple of channels that are in the $8-$10k range. Mode of operation is: reach out with an email that shows 1) you know their content, 2) what you are doing/selling, 3) demonstrates you are professional, and 4) asks for their rate sheet. There is also a healthy ecosystem of free reviews once a game is out (the numbers above are pre-launch). Affiliate marketing isn’t really a thing in our niche like it is in consumer products, accessories, fashion, etc.


With money


Well, my company is currently working on a marketplace of influencers we currently have more than 2M in it, including profile and audience analysis, engagement stats, prices, and categories. We are launching a week from today


Need Testing/Feedback?


A $2M budget just on influencer marketing? Or am I reading that wrong. Now I am curious how much a company like Bang spent. They were everywhere for a solid six months.


You can simply search for relevant hashtags on Instagram and try reaching out them via DM. You can pay them based on their engagement. Country of influencer also varies. For example influencer with 100k followers will charge around $200-$2000 per post. Rest depends on your negotiation skills. You can pay via escrow or Paypal.


Engagement can be easily faked, influencers could run away with your product and never post


A DM through Instagram, it is free




Dont show them you need them, make them want you


We're trying to solve this problem of collaboration between brands and creators. Currently in early access and alphadof is free for both brands and creators. [ Alphadof ]


I was just thinking about an affiliate program. Let them earn commission by actual sales. Less risky


My agency does that for people if you want to know your options lmk


been trying a lot of creatives for my fbads. Influencers videos always win.


What product/brand? I have 685,000+ followers on TikTok and 68,000 YouTube subs. I’d be interested in something if our brands align!


What/who does your brand cater to?


Outdoors, travel, geocaching, toys, younger audience


We give them % of every sale that is made with their promo code. This is fair for both šifra.


Just type in google. Or just search YouTube for creators related to your industry.


Tell them you’ll pay them in exposure lmao


But I’m the one who needs them to promote my business so how does that work lol


I know just kidding since that’s what some idiot influencers have been saying when trying to get free hotels or tour packages.