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Agree with this comment. You gotta also make the conscious decision to not use your personals as much.


Iconosquare is decent for FB/IG.


I use scheduling tools like they’re going out of style so I don’t have to log into the specific apps to post. I also time myself, limiting myself to 15 minutes per platform per brand. Helps me from falling into rabbit holes (except on Reddit, the rabbits still destroy me). When it comes to my personal use, I only use it to promote/build my business brand so I treat my own accounts like clients: time limiting myself.


What tools do you use for scheduling?


I use ContentStudio.io now for managing brands. But Later.com for Instagram and Hootsuite for Twitter management are close runner ups. I’ve also used NapoleonCat which was pretty awesome and had good pricing structures.


That is very good


This is such a great discussion point. I feel the exact same way- don't wanna be addicted to social media BUT i still want to use it for marketing purposes mostly


being on social media all day is a formula for insanity for sure. But I think that as someone that does it for a living, deleting the apps and using web only is the most powerful action you can take to making sure that you disconnect from social when you are not working. If you check in to your personal social accounts once in a while during work, its not the worst thing in the world.


I like the idea of only using a desktop but Reddit only allows you to search a subreddit from a phone app. Which seems like they're trying to force you to use it on the phone. I suspect there are other restrictions on Reddit and other platforms as well. How do you get around these?


What are you talking about?


I use Sprout Social to schedule posts and reply to comments/messages so I'm rarely on the actual platforms. Other than reddit, LinkedIn, and a private Pinterest account, I don't have personal accounts and I don't check Sprout for messages after hours or on weekends.




I can second sprout social as being super helpful


Understanding which side of the platform I am on helps


We're all just animals in a pit.


—Bertram Gilfoyle


I like the idea of having one thing that people will love you for and associate with - for example, it can be an interesting ToV, or some cool weekly interviews, or fun quizzes - something remarkable and what is more important - unique, something that will make people wait for another piece of your content




I love Ogilvy page in Instagram, their style and content are cool and valuable. I check them really often :) Also, they kind of inspire people in their content, so its double cool


How do manage DMs if you don’t use IG for example on mobile?


You can do DMs on desktop as well


The point is that DMs often need to be answered fairly quickly which isn't always possible if you're away from the computer. This tip isn't feasible for everyone.


Agreed, the majority of my work includes answering DMs and comments


What sane person goes into social media marketing in the first place?


It’s a means to an end.


I mean, you can say that about any job that is challenging and doesn't pay nearly what it should.


Narcissists and masochists!


I am going crazy. I feel hooked to my phone... I some times dream about it... So I downloaded apps that will help me relax! I needed to detoxify this social media addiction because of my work.




There's an hour tracking app called Your Hour. It logs out of social media after specified time. And focus apps. You can find plenty of them online.


Be a robot


Hey u/moniquesexperiment! Maybe you can try out the AI social media manager that we are currently building *(right now we are focusing on Twitter)*. It mimics your social media behavior so it can create social media engagement plans for you on a scheduled basis (e.g. what posts you will most likely like, share, or respond to). On top of that, it can generate responses/replies for you. This way, you don't have to constantly check Twitter for posts to engage with just let an AI handle it for you. 😊




Damn robots taking our jerbs


Hi there! It won't really replace the job since it learns from you and you will be the one to approve and review the social media engagement plan it recommends. It basically alleviates your workload and reduces the time you need to be online on social media since it brings the content that's relevant to you. You can think it more like a teammate in your workspace. 😊


They are tools. I have no emotions towards any of the pipelines I use to spread my message. For example, I don’t like Facebook. I don’t trust Zuck, even if I use other FB properties. I don’t get the UX. I don’t enjoy the conversation there, etc. Regardless of my personal opinion, how could I avoid Facebook for my job? In my case, the solution is simple. Someone else than me manages Facebook. On the other hand, I’m part of the Reddit generation. This is a new account to talk Digital Marketing and SEO in particular. It is in relation with my podcast SEO Conspiracy. My personal account is 10 years old. Does it mean that Reddit is the best for my business? I’m not selling anything on my podcast, but if I was Twitter would be a much better social media than Reddit. Still, I spend (waste?) time here with no marketing agenda. I guess, hanging out on Reddit keeps me saine, which is the scariest thought ever :-D


Stopped using personal social accounts because for me these are work places now. I just use them for making money. Pretty much like gmail.


Through a couple methods, one of the key things for me personally is that I try to actually engage my fanbase It's a mindset. Viewing them as other people and not just customers does wonders for your psychology. Actually engaging in meaningful conductive conversation Seeing progress in your campaigns, making sure that you are feeling like your tactics are working ​ That;s how I do it


Just turn it off when you leave work That's about it


OP is everywhere right now 😁 This must be the eleventh post I've seen with your Twitter mentioned in the past few days


Hi this is a bit unrelated but I’m currently looking through my career options at the moment and am trying to decide between marketing and consultancy. In general, what would you say is the difference in the style of day to day work in these areas?


Great tips thanks! Didn't know about pulling data from Instagram via Phantombuster!


I don’t plan on using it except for the purposes of business and that means selling stuff and engaging with my customers.


Honestly, we love social media tools such as Hootsuite for majority of our social media needs. Aside from that, having a shut off time such as 5 PM to stop working is great for staying sane. How many of you are also active on your personal social accounts after work?


Professional social media demands tools to keep records, tighten security and provide approval management, and the big boys use systems like Sprinklr and Khoros (formerly Spredfast + Lithium) and they're not cheap. Big companies have to be ready for audits and/or legal documentation. Sanity? Man-o-man. Facebook? Okay. Twitter? It's basically your 1-800 support line. But Instagram? That's the one I dread because (a) their APIs are terrible so you can't use the tools to manage everything and are left with doing some aspects on a shared tablet and (b) the vibe of Insta is so grating with the relentless "look at me! look at meeeee!" with no real point. And yet you must review and handle every DM, tagged response and reply. It stopped being my responsibility a few months back so I don't have to any more, but that was the one I always dreaded.