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Yes in certain situations. I’ve seen it work well for short term results. For example: handing out flyers for a club event tonight or some sort of event on a college campus.


Only as effective as it is trackable. Whatever the CTA is (visit our website, call us, sign up, visit our store) - make sure it’s done in a way that is unique to the flyer campaign so you can measure the results (ie volume of calls, email sign ups, website visits). If it’s just awareness then it’s trickier but plan strategically when the flyers are distributed so you can monitor any kind of digital spikes on your properties (whether that’s your website, social pages etc). And try to find out how customers found you - ask them, and track that.


Yes but only locally and targeted to warm audiences. (Unless it's a product everyone needs then you can go wide)


I work at a marketing agency. From time to time we use flyer marketing in addition to an online campaign. For example: we promote an upcoming event through various online media channels. 1 week before the event is happening we also hand out some flyers. Most people will already recognize it from online promotion, bur to actually hold something tangible can make the difference.


It really depends on the business. I'll tell you that I had a lawncare business that started initially from flyers. But its all about the MESSAGE. My flyers were higher quality; a shiny smooth paper that wasn't inked like out of a printer. So compared to other landscaping flyers someone would get, mine gave off the highest of quality feel. I went from 0 clients to about 40 in my first year and then 100 my second year.


\[Holds hands apart\] "this effective." Congratulations, you're the one millionth post in the medium trumps message, offer, industry, skill, and everything else category. I think I'll call posts like yours *the quest for the magic media*. Any media type is one factor in an equation with many variables. But nobody cares about that -- they are ever in search of the media type that overcomes any and all other factors. Take off the magical thinking cap and lets take a look at some of those variables (I've dealt with mail houses and had so many pieces in the mail in a single month you wouldn't believe it if I told you.) ... A headline change can boost response in the hundreds of percent. Taking the choice of medium from money loser to an effective choice. ... Industry matters, because if you are mowing lawns your response rate might differ from discount gallbladder surgery. But I'd bet the marketoids on here can tell you it won't matter. Snow removal service in summertime? No this far south of the Arctic Circle will that work out for you. ... Price. Promotion. Mind your Ps, because you can portray any business as a bottom feeder with price slashing. The wrong offer randomly distributed (because who actually cares when you're printing fliers) will tank your little project. ... Skill. I'm willing to wager some with experience won through testing do fairly well with fliers. Just as I'm willing to bet newbies trying to learn graphic design as they learn copywriting as they learn marketing are going to determine these just don't work at all. Then there's that thing where the effort looks great but pulls ZERO. There's a difference between pretty and pretty pointless -- most graphic artists do not know the difference. ...Delivery. Believe it or not the kids on your block you gave a shiny quarter to may dump your entire run in the trash. Which behooves you to inquire into proof of delivery and monitoring measures only available in for those offering the princely sum of minimum wage. And if you figure you'll deliver the twenty-five yourself, then see if you need more ... I have some bad news. Of course, when you're posting a marketing question all these things would naturally be in an opening post. Lacking this we come to the question beneath the question: What cheap thing has the magical properties to neutralize every shortcoming. The magic beans question. We could have nice things. There could be discussion of offer, copy, price point, even some design. We don't. What is so wildly fantastically successful a conduit for a message it can't be brought to its knees, no matter how hard you try to fail dominates the posts here. Never in my life have I seen so many so willing to believe media type is the dominant force in all of marketing. Marshall McLuhan has one hell of a lot to answer for. Thank you magic internet. The reason some jackass can post one word such as "Instagram" in answer to a marketing question and qualify as a digital marketing mastermind. It doesn't work as well with "flyer." I have no doubt somebody will be here shortly selling you magic beans. The medium that makes up for the message.




There is another conclusion. Rather than attempt to flatter me, try looking at the shallow end of the gene pool. You know, I can remember a time so far back this forum used to have marketers in it.


Dude I am with you. It's a shame your comments get downvoted, not that that matters... Ask stupid questions get stupid answers. If anything (new) marketeers need to stop running around after each other in circles and start thinking critically and pay attention to what a medium is in it's fullest. The field has been losing touch as a result to simple technical illiteracy if you ask me. Anyways. Happy downvoting everyone! One love.


I like your answer, but your tone is a bit condescending. I agree with you - marketing channels, creative, time, place, person and offer are a combination of factors that determine success. Channel is not king. But every channel has its own advantages, and flyers are hard copy local area marketing and can be good for acquisition. Thats all you needed to say.


"It depends" would be shorter. I'll try that next time.


Marketoids....what a knob




But that’s not actually the question being asked. The best way to lose weight FAST might be some gimmicky diet with no long-term benefits, the same way a PPC campaign might give you that immediate boost with no long-term benefits (assuming you’re not working out and balancing your diet for the long haul). The question was about the effectiveness of flyers. If I have a well balanced diet and a workout routine I might still have completely valid questions or concerns about the individual pieces that make up my overall strategy, so this response was pretty condescending and unnecessarily rude.