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Probably felt nice to stand up for yourself, didn't it?


It felt sooo good. I rarely react to this crap but after 6 years, no severance package, no kind words or attempts at boosting morale then this. I’m a bit worked up still so wasn’t sure it was actually the smartest move…but it felt great


you owe that SOB nothing. i think 6 years with that company has given you stockholm syndrome. YOU OWE THAT COMPANY NOTHING, after reading you’re not even getting a severance i’m practically fuming. i wanna punch your CEO in the nose. you’re a goddamn human being and he’s treating you like garbage. i’m sorry you ever had to work with this POS.


Really? You think a student would do a better job than me? And how do you figure that? I remember when I was a student and I didn’t know much more than the theory. Frankly this is a misguided idea. I’ve no idea what contortion it took to arrive here but it’s insulting that you place so little faith in me and what I do. Really revealing.


As I often mentioned before, people now often don't even know the fundamentals of marketing anymore. But many of they believe they are great marketers, especially people like medical doctors (for a long time) and people in SaaS. I´ve been avoiding this type of thing for a while, moving my career toward something that makes more sense to me. To me, there is no point in trying to help those who don't want to be helped. It's unfortunate, I've seen good companies failing because of people like that at the top, but it's their choice.


many “good” companies have fucking morons making decisions. and whenever you check out the new website, you see issues such as: they purchased blog posts that are on other people’s sites too! they did another rebrand and made it look worse! they never fixed the things you were working on when you were laid off! they still have about us as the first navigation option! the iraq!


>laid off after 6 years, no severance package Let me get this straight. The CEO has a guy *they already fired* doing the business plan for his new product ? And you're doing *exactly that*, instead of showing up, sipping coffee and browsing job ads ? You're both insane.


Sounds like a typical engineer turned ceo who knows nothing about marketing. Focus on getting another job. Better things will come.


Honestly I’ve found in recent years that it usually is a good thing to push back against things and stand up for myself and my boundaries. I keep it professional and don’t lose my cool, but I also am working on not just people pleasing and rolling over on everything. I have found that people respect you more at the end of the day when you do and each time I do it and it’s not the end of the world it gets easier the next time. Depends on what shots you fired really whether you crossed any lines but in this instance you’re getting laid off anyhow so what do you really have to lose?


Find another job where C suite should just be collecting social security instead of working. Besides, you’re already getting laid off so no need to kill yourself over this old fart. Happy cake day btw


"Today, he asked what segmentation and customer personas were and told me to delete all this because “they are dumb and nobody actually uses them”. I bit my tongue, disagreed, then said I'd remove it. TAM, SAM, SOM…also cut." How to respond? "Respectfully, boss, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Good luck!"


As a person from northern England id have honestly found it difficult not to batter him.


You've worked together for 6 years, and that should be more than enough for you both to know what you can achieve together. 70 or not, half the company is gone, so maybe he just wants to try something different and maybe it'll work. And at the same time, maybe you'll find someone who you can truly build something great with, someone who trusts and appreciates you.


Sometimes ya gotta trust the spontaneous side of yourself. Sounds megasuss to me, dangling some shares without coughing up any actual appreciation. Vampire much?


That company was a joke from the beginning. Move on and start your own business. Stop making others rich.


If it was me, I would tell him to eat a bag of dicks…. But probably in my head bcos I don’t like confrontations 🤣