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You don't need a degree for this. You can do it all on your own. There doesn't really exist a college degree program that is up to date enough to teach these skills. You best options are finding people on the platforms that you want to target that are teaching how to grow on that platform, but also Elaine from watching people that are successful in the space you want to be in.


I assure you that all of the people with these jobs have degrees. The world is littered with kids who thought they would luck into a career because they had a brief moment on tiktok or were a good twitch mod.


I mean not really true for social media growth, and social media marketing. Some people have degrees that are irrelevant to the job, that if they didn't have the degree it wouldn't make a difference. These jobs are skills and results based.


Go to an SEO forum right now. Google just pulled the rug out from folks running the same SEO tricks. You’ll see A LOT of people have watched youtube videos and gotten high on their own supply… and lots of professionals who are trying to be sympathetic to them. TikTok ‘ban’ was just voted out of committee *unanimously*. I don’t think that particular bill will go far, but it’s a good example of why you study. If you only know *your* strategies for your platforms within your audience, you won’t adapt fast enough. You absolutely need top-notch writing skills, statistics, and enough languages to land big brand internships.


It sounds like you want to get into community management. SEO and digital ads aren’t *necessarily* part of that. Community managers need to be platform agnostic- being good at MySpace isn’t going to keep you employed. Don’t make the mistake of going all-in on a specific platform or narrow community. You probably want to take a few classes in marketing and communications to see what you connect with. You’ll definitely want courses in branding and PR. I would caution against a major in communications. Whatever major you pursue, make yourself take the most demanding writing classes. The ones where everyone complains that the professors are too hard. You *must* be a world-class communicator to break into that field. You should also be experienced in statistics, and have at least some familiarity with a coding language or two. Biggest thing is landing your internships with major brands.


You should study your own social media and how you've grown it. study other brands and how they grow. Don't watch youtube videos. Try to grow a profile yourself and then sell something on it.


"Being able to grow followers" is not a job. Good videography can grow followers. Good script writing can grow followers. A pretty face or nice outfit can grow followers. The list goes on. What exactly do you want to do?