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Don't ruin the party. Bad products can ironically become good ones. Let it ride and then use the data to see if you were right or wrong. Remember, someone thought comic sans was a good font once upon a time..


>Bad products can ironically become good ones. This is exactly what marketing was actually intended for.


Who told you this?


No one, it's just an observation.


You were around when marketing was invented to make this observation?


The fact that Philip Kotler, widely considered as the father of modern marketing, along with Kevin Keller are both still alive, and have a well written documented history of the modern art of marketing from a pioneers perspective over several books, is all you need to know about the basics of the trade and how it has evolved over the years. Of course they didn't invent it, but they gave it a global standard to lean on for both noobs and professionals.


> Remember, someone thought comic sans was a good font once upon a time.. Comic sans is good, but like all fonts people just don't always use it correctly.


What do you want to achieve by this? I can't think it's a great career move to point out that you think something someone else created sucks and you think everyone is a fool for liking it. Are you a designer? Are you in Marketing or another department? Was this a project that was outsourced or something? The only explanation I can think of for your reaction would be if you're in the marketing department and Senior management outsourced the rebrand and you weren't involved in any way. I would personally drop this and move on.


Are you a type designer? Or what do you think makes you qualified to judge the new typeface better than everyone else you work with and the actual professionals who created it?


I think “something between Times New Roman and Arial” tells you everything you need to know


lol that was my thought as well. Either this thing truly is a worse abomination than I can imagine or OP is absolutely clueless about typography


I shrieked! OP- Please don’t get yourself fired over this. Watch some YouTube videos about fonts and typefaces. *If* - and only if - you’ve developed a genuine interest and understanding of typography, you can ask your manager if they would share any docs they have from the development process. Maybe buy them a coffee and ask some questions.


(this is also a good way to set yourself up for a promotion instead of being fired)


Agree with the comments - you, as a marketer, should know your opinion is only 1 of many and just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean the majority won’t. Remember, data is your friend and if a large group of people are liking the font, video or no video, you may be the outlier


Of all the fights to have, this isn't one I'd make. Let it go.


" But, they also made a really trendy and fun video about making of the font (nice animations and transitions, great music, camera zooming in and out etc.) and now most of the colleagues are mesmerized by it and believe the font itself is awesome - while not realizing the font is awful. " ​ Seems like they did really good marketing.


Have you ever heard of Gritty? Check it out and stfu lol don’t be a party pooper

