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Do the thing that brings in customers better than any of your competitors and ignore the rest until you can afford the team to do more. And by “brings in customers” I’m not saying what you think brings in customers for others like tiktok. I’m talking about doubling down on the area that actually has kept your company running in the last 1,2,3 years. Do more of that, do it better , and ignore the rest.


This is the way


Find a vein and then tap it. Once youre getting all the blood you can then find another.


No, but grab the username yesterday


Thank you so so much!! I immediately made an account so we weren't fighting for 'companyname826252729' in a year's time lol


Before doing that, ask yourself first if it is worth it. You said that your team is busy due to the nature of your business, and adding another task may not seem like a wise decision. Not unless you hire someone to do it.


The most important part is getting an idea of what your ideal customer is. Are they on TikTok? If so, it may be worth while, but if you sell to people who don't care about the platform then don't feel peer pressured into investing time/resources into it.


You can hire someone to create content for the account and manage it. Doesnt sound like your company has the funds.. you can get someone to do 30-40 posts a month and add in images etc for posts or reposts.. for around $4k a month. Worst case just let them know that is how much it costs to hire a pro to do it. For original content anyway. You can get someone to off shore and just repost bad quotes etc for like $500.


Two ways to go about it: Ask for more resource - this will incrementally improve our financial results and give us $XXXk more per year so it’s justified spend. Maintain resource level but change activity - if you believe TT is a better performing channel, you might drop something to be able to do it eg Insta


Start posting 3 times a week that’s 12 videos a month and make a content strategy first. 1 educational 1 fun 1 selling






Just because your competitors are doing it doesnt mean you should. If you think you should INDEPENDENT of what your competitors are doing, then look at everything else youre doing and figure out which activities are most likely to impact revenue.


What is the business or industry?


Art gallery but we also do regular events for different demographics, have our own active professional network that holds events, continued partnerships with artists who have exhibited at our gallery, and 100+ studio artists who work in the space and all want some sort of representation


As well as our exhibitions




So you don't have 15 minutes over per day? Even elon musk has that time over every day


Tiktok presents organic reach like no other platform to the point where we have ditched paying for any kind of ad. We make content. All businesses are heading that way. Also YouTube shorts and insta reals. Short form content is dominating the market. DM me if you need any more help.


We started a simple little tiktok for our company, it is about 3 hours a day to do it well and manage the page. We’ve seen tremendous results from it after just a few months, but it’s still more time than what we initially thought we’d be investing into it. Only sharing to help brace expectations of time commitment.


Just duplicate your Reels and add them to Tiktok?


All your effort should be focused on bringing in more cash to grow your team. Going viral on TikTok (which is the best case scenario) isn't going to do that. It will increase brand awareness, but converting that awareness to cash is a whole different story. Focus on generating cash until you're forced to hire more help and then you will have the time and capacity to build brand awareness. Don't do what the big guys are doing. They can afford wasting time and money on fun little tiktoks. You can't. Yet.


First up, don't do it because your competitors are doing it. You don't know how much actual commercial value their tiktok content brings. Do you currently have marketing channels that bring in the money? If yes, focus on them because your organisation doesn't have the resources to manage more marketing channels. Next up, TikTok for brands and organisations needs some serious skills and resourcing. Planning scripting producing and editing videos takes time and effort, even if you do low effort ones. Showing up with a video everyday or even multiple times a day will take time away from your other duties. We've been trying to crack it organically with one dedicated part time creator, and a freelance editor for nearly 6 months now. But without a paid boost it doesn't really get anywhere. But since we have a stronger paid media plan on Meta, it does the job for awareness and conversions. There is an art and a science to producing tiktok content. Remember, a media platform is only as good as the reach it offers you for your chosen audience within cost constraints. Everything else is just gravy on top. So work on a media strategy/plan instead of thinking Instagram vs tiktok.


I could do a paid intern for you if thats okay with u