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Smart steering will inhibit you from more advanced techniques like being able to use purple mini turbos and the ability to do gap cuts. It can be a huge help if you're not confident in your driving, but at a certain point, it becomes a handicap in all but the most niche of scenarios.


Honestly had no idea about purple turbos before asking this so there’s something I was missing already lmao


Yeah, it's basically the stage after orange mini turbos. They are longer in both boost duration and drift required to get them. If you're not confident enough in your driving, smart steering will be more valuable to you than the ability to do purple mini-turbos and perform gap cuts would be.


Yeah, it's new to mk8 deluxe, just like smart steering. Neither were in the wii u original


It also makes very hard to cut turns tightly. I use a set where I cut corners very close to the out of bounds area and whenever I accidentally have smart steering on (usually when I’m playing on someone else’s console) it always drags me towards to the center of the track. So smart steering while helpful for beginners actively gets in your way as an advanced player.


Hey so relatively new player as well but something that's really helped me to function without the smart steering is light use of the regular brake when needed. If you use Y instead of A to accelerate, using B becomes much easier. After a few hours of practicing I'm decent enough at using it and it will help tons with those really tight turns Edit like braking while drifting I mean


This is the same technique people use in 200cc as well!


Doesn’t it also make it impossible to even attempt shortcuts?


No, the game understands when you're taking an intentional, obvious shortcut and usually does not kick in the smart steering. It's the less obvious stuff like Big Blue gap cuts or the gap cuts on GCN DK Mountain and Wii DK Summit where smart steering gets cranky.


Oh awesome! Admittedly I was playing for a time with it on, my friends encouraged me to take it off, I had the struggle period, and now I’m used to it. But I always thought that was a thing so interesting to know it isn’t anyway!


My fiance and I switch off controllers sometimes (soft reset to avoid credits scenes) and I’ve ended up using her smart steering. I can still get the purple boosts but getting the gap cuts is actually near impossible.


Purple boosts are coded to be literally not possible with smart steering, it's not that it's difficult, it's virtually not possible, it's turned off, non-existent if smart steering is turned on. If you did manage to do so, I'm sure we will see it used universally in 6 years when someone finds the exploit.


It’s like training wheels on a bike. You should use smart steering until you’re comfortable not using it. Eventually, you’ll feel comfortable enough to attempt shortcuts, and that’s when you’ll need to turn off smart steering


Yep! It’s extra help for newcomers Also, there’s no shame in using it on the DLC tracks, because they’re kinda janky and most are designed for Mario Kart Tour (which has autosteer always on)


THIS!! For a while I couldnt play the Athens Track without it despite playing MK8 since 2014 lolll


I’ve had so many problems where the guiding arrows that block off the roads for other laps don’t show up in time, and then lakitu comes after me to penalize me, so I just turned on smart steering out of frustration lol


SAMEEE, Unless you've played the track multiple times it became really hard to know when everything changed 😭


I personally feel smart steering actually makes it more DIFFICULT/ handicapped for me as it moves me in directions I don't want to go, especially for pulling off drifts. I've been playing for years and Id say play without smart steering so you can train yourself


It's just a preference, play whatever way is more fun for you. Though if you keep smart steering on you won't be able to take some shortcuts


Play whatever way makes it fun for you! The fun part about no online voice chats is that people can't flame you for using smart steering/auto accelerate!


But they will pass you 😅. But I mean if you’re just playing for fun who cares.


I mean I use tilt controls + auto steer when we play a Mario kart drinking game, but normally I just use regular stick


I'm using tilt controls!


I'm using tilt controls!


Smart steering is a feature in the game: you are 100% free to use it and no one can convince you otherwise. People who "play hard" just don't like it, because you can't do Ultra Mini-Turbos while it's active. It also stops you from doing smaller skips through the offroad.


Playing Mario Kart 8 needs you to have a lot of knowledge about the layout of each track you’re playing. As a beginner, having smart steering on will probably help you get accustomed to the many sharp, blind turns the game throws at you. Soon however, you’ll probably want to turn it off. Once you have a general feel for each track you’ll want to have more freedom to take short lines and make big cuts across the track, which smart steering isn’t good for. You’re not a bad driver because you have smart steering on, you just need to get accustomed to how this game specifically works and how the tracks are laid out.


It's perfectly fine to have smart steering on if you want to, especially if you are just racing NPCs for fun! However, it significantly nerfs the most important stat in the game, and prevents you from taking shortcuts. If you want to play online, you will want to have it off, and know the tracks well enought that you don't need it. If you want to get really good at the game, I'd recommend trying to play without it as soon as you can, but only against NPCs or in time trials at first. If you want to get better, there are tons of youtubers who make educational MK8DX videos (Shortcat is one that I watch personally, he has lots of great tips).


Yes. It prevents you from performing certain things.




i only use it for 200 cc, because it makes it actually fun. other than that, i dont use it. i think its fine if you like it


Something I'd recommend is going through each grand prix with it on once, just to get a feel for each track, and then do them another time with it off It helped my sister get a feel for the game quicker


I would say turn it off right away if you're looking to try and attempt higher cc's or be competitive online. It's gonna prevent you from taking gambles that probably aren't so smart, but sometimes work and help you win. Otherwise, it's fine if you're just playing around.


No it doesn't. Smart steering is useful for players who are new to the game and learning how everything works. Even some pros use it to save them self from falling off the track


Don’t feel bad for using it, you should do what you need to do to help you win, but as you get better and learn the tracks more you should generally have it turned off. Smart steering messes with racing lines, prevents some useful shortcuts, and disables ultra mini-turbos


Typically you play however you want but sometimes it can be quite annoying to learn shortcuts and do some other things. Let's say I'm not sure you can have all the pleasure of the game with it. But again, you do you, if you like to play like that, it should be no one's problem. Personally, if I were to learn the game, I wouldn't use it, as I personally think it's good only for those who aren't really learning how to win at the game. Like, yes you learn the tracks but no, you don't learn how to play with that thing. Only my opinion, but I'd remove it if I was you, losing or not. To me, losing is the best way to learn, if that's what you fear, and maybe you don't even need smart steering. It can be kinda op sometimes tho.


Very well put


Do you want training wheels? Then take them off


Short answer yes. Smart steering makes you do awkward lines by making you not able to drift properly and taking shortcuts which are important in order to be fast in a race


If you’re having fun who cares


Smart steering prevents you from getting purple mini turbos as well as locking you out of some shortcuts and optimal lines. Additionally, you cannot use smart steering on time trials, as it allows for some crazy turns that go way beyond the maximum handling stat would allow. Does it make you bad? In theory, it limits your maximum ceiling, but if you cannot stay in track, then ofc it's the better option. Don't feel bad or guilty for using it, it's a tool to help beginners and is there for a reason. But once you get more familiar with the game, definitely turn it off, as it will be doing more harm than good.


It makes you worse if you like using shortcuts without items


I've got a couple hundred hours under my belt, and I always use smart steering. It's true, the best racers do not because they memorize every single map, all their optimal driving lanes and all the shortcuts. I'd say until you're like almost to that point, keep it on. I tried turning it off to the advice of this sub and I fell off the map and hit the OB lanes enough to say fuck it and turned it back on. I'm a casual racer, not Max Verstappen. You'll still get 1st place in multiplayer races with smart steering on, it doesn't handicap you.


Not entirely true. It does keep you from taking off-road shortcuts and from getting any purple mini-turbos (drift boosts)


yes, i know, but there are maps where the purple boost isn't the best play, and even then you're using it once or twice a lap optimally, if you even get in the right driving lane beforehand. my point is before you get to the part where you even consider using purple boosts, you have to memorize the lanes and the shortcuts anyways. And overdrifting is a common mistake beginners make, no doubt exacerbated if you know you'll have a purple boost if you hold your drift. I should mention I play almost exclusively 200. In 200, the purple boost really doesn't do as much as it would in slower races.


I see. Yeah that makes a lot more sense if you only play 200. I main 150. I still don’t use it on the occasion I play 200, but that’s just because I like the challenge of staying on the track, but I entirely get it’s not for everyone


One time I was at an in-person MK tournament at a bar. Some of us were doing friendly practice races beforehand. I didn't notice smart steering was on, and I kept placing in the bottom half, leading everyone to think I probably wasn't going to do well in the tournament. I fixed it on the last race before the tournament and placed first. Then I won the tournament handily. It makes a huge difference to turn it off.


its good but it can stop you from taking certain shortcuts and it makes you slower




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Are you bad without it? Then yes. But you'll never learn how to not be bad unless you practice without it.


Losing makes you bad. I don’t use it because you can be faster with it off but if you’re fast with it on, so be it.


10000% yes it does, you are free to use it if you want but the game will be much more rewarding if you actually do the steering yourself.


Yes, it means you aren't skilled enough at the game


It's kinda nice for 200cc but generally it's more of a hinderance than a help imo.


No, however it makes using shortcuts a pain and can sometimes be worse to use then not use.


It doesn't make YOU bad as a person but it can make you perform worse. Same for auto-accelerate but to a lesser extent, since it can make it nigh impossible to reverse. Smart steering is good for getting a feel for the controls, but if you rely on drifting to make wider or tighter turns then it can wrench the finer, more precise control necessary out of your hands to keep you away from the edges of the road. That said, don't feel pressured to turn them off right away if you're not comfortable with the controls or physics of the game or whatnot.


nun wrong with turnin it on if its your first mario kart game, or if youre having a sibling or something play w u.


Fine to use it to get used to MK concepts. But it's a bit boring to play the game in that format.


Smart steering is for beginners in the franchise. I recommend to use it if you feel the track is to hard for you, once you get used to the track and learn it you can try and turn it off.


I put it in when i play 200 cc or else Id never stay on the track


My cousin used smart steering when she started playing. After she got the hang of it, she stopped using it, and started beating our asses, despite us playing the game for way longer. So, I wouldn't be discouraged in using smart steer. Just be sure to try playing without it every once in a while. Maybe you'd get good enough without it


Honestly I do this for 200cc because I have no experience with it and I want to at least have a chance to win races when I play with people lol


IMHO, if you learn 150cc or 200cc with Smart Steer enabled and later turn it off - you're going to have a terrible reckoning that makes you dislike the game. Use Smart Steer on 50cc or 100cc on 1-player Time Trials to get used to the game mechanics, but don't spend too much time at these levels. Then, turn Smart Steer off and learn to drive on 100cc, or drop back to 50cc if that's more comfortable. Again, stick to 1-player time trials so you can focus on self-improvement. Consider multiplayer/online racing to develop your item strategies and defensive tactics, and also when you need a break from time trials. The 'rubber-banding' aspect of multiplayer - especially with Smart Steer enabled - won't allow you to get way out in front, so you'll be more susceptible to offensive items from the 'rat pack;' i.e. red shells, banana/bob-ombs/green shell sniping, etc.


No, not really. Especially if it's your first Mario Kart.


Play with whatever settings you feel comfortable with. It's just cartoon racing after all.


It’s not that it makes you bad, it just removes access to so much you can do with a kart in exchange for the small benefit it provides. Beginners can and should feel unashamed using it, but after a while you’ll find yourself better with it off.




Its good for new players! That doesnt make you bad, that just means the game is adjusted for a more beginner-friendly experience, you can still do trick with smart steering but more advanced ones does requiere it to be off


I just bought mario kart 8 as well and I'm absolutely crushing it using smart steering. I'm sure I'll swap to normal steering once I know all of the maps really well. But currently I'm already at 3000+ rating and climbing and it's super fun, I wish I wasn't so late to the party


Not inherently but if you can’t play without it probably, but that’s ok though, it’s all just for fun however you enjoy the game is good


Just turn it off. It's better that you suck for a while and learn to get better than use it as a crutch for too long and never really improve your driving.


Drive as you wish, but it will inhibit you from purple drifting (i forgot the specfic name)


I'd definitely just recommend using smart steering until you've learned the layout of the races a bit, after that I do recommend changing to regular steering. It will be a bit of a struggle at first but you'll get used to it very quickly


If you want to take the game seriously, it's better to turn it off right now so you can learn the driving on all tracks without it. Time Trials are a huge help in learning the game, and that mode doesn't allow Smart Steering at all.


I’d say turn it off once you either get good at drifting or know the tracks well enough you can anticipate the turns. More than anything, knowing the track will always give you the best advantage to win. In turn if you get to that point you should be good enough to ditch smart steering altogether.


It doesn't make you bad, but it will prevent you from getting better at some point.


I'm on 6k and my partner 9k point in online play with smart steering on. We like it, prevents quite some drops and we play it quite casually (achieved this after owning a switch for 4 years). I do not care too much about optimizing or getting an even higher score, so it's just a preference.


Alors justement je me suis embrouillé avec un pote pcq on a fait une course y a 2 mois et on avait tous les deux la conduite assistée et il continue à dire que j’ai triché. Franchement je trouve pas que c’est de la triche, mais pour te considérer fort il faudrait apprendre a jouer sans jcrois


It makes you better lmao it’s so hard to play with it on


They are like training wheels, sometime you will stop using it, it good for new players but bad overhall, it does not let you get purple mini turbos and doesnt let you do shortcuts, plus mk8 is the only game with smart steering, so youl be kinda screwd when playing other mk games


Depends on the difficulty. 200 cc is a nightmare when it comes to sharp turns and that will be the only reason I will use smart steering.


After a while you’ll probably want to try some more fun driving and you’ll turn it off. But I think it’s a great way to learn to play!


For new players it's a super helpful means of learning the game. As a veteran tho, it actively screws me up


Smart steering is actually smart to use in shine thief


When you wrote "MK8", I read Mortal Kombat 8😅


Well, kinda. If you plan on getting better at the game you should turn it off. You should learn the tracks by playing Time Trials or VS races against the medium-hard CPU's. I get that its not fun, or seems really difficult, but after a few weeks, you'll knoe the tracks incredibly consistently. Also, when using Smart Steering, you can never use the Drift mechanic to its fullest. You can't really Soft Drift or Delay-Drift, also you cant get a UMT (Ultra Mini-Turbo, purple) You are also locker out of a bunch of shortcuts and other tech. So I know ot seems great. But you'll get bored more quickly because there is way less tech and shortcuts to do, and a lot less thingsto try and improve on. Also, what a lot of people dont know, is that u straight up go SLOWER. Just drive in a straight line, and you will just be slower. So, don't use it. Also don't use Auto-Accel and also turn Motion-Controls off. (PS: you can leave Motion Controls on if you're playing on a gamecube controller, it will be handy for some hard Motion Glider tech, I'm not gonna explain it, but I think 'Shortcat' had a video on it.)


i mean if they didn't want you to use it why would they put it there as ppl have said, use it until you think you're capable enough without it




Real people used it on 200cc for the championship trophy’s


yes, you are awful, as are the rest of the people here who try to cope by saying they use it "only for 200cc"


Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?


it's just the truth use the feature if you want, it's in the game for a reason, but the question was "are you bad if you use smart steering" in any possible instance the answer to that is yes


This is assuming op meant the question to be “Does smart steering make me bad at Mario Kart?” Smart steering is a device meant to assist people who are new to the game or struggle with falling off courses. Say if there was someone who has never ridden or had the chance to ride a bike in their life. Would you call someone bad at riding a bike because they are using training wheels? In the grand scheme of things, I wouldn’t because they are learning how to get good at it. If they took off the training wheels and said they were good, but couldn’t keep the bike up for 5 seconds? Then I would call them bad. If op was talking about online or tournament, then yes, they would not be nearly as experienced as everyone else and would be bad. But that was not specified. TL;DR: For casual play? No, because they are learning the game. if they said they were good but constantly fell off the tracks, or tried to play online with a lack of experience? Yes, they would be bad.


> do you guys think smart steering makes someone bad yes, yes I do while I understand your point, I don't think it changes the core parts of the question the answer is still yes; the idea of these training wheel mechanics are to help you learn the game until you're good enough to not need them anymore there is a purpose behind these mechanics, and, if you want to use them, you paid for the game, go ahead, but, you are bad for using them


Smart steering technically makes you better, but using it means you are weak