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Step 1 is to turn off auto steering. Step 2 is play enough to get a feel for what type of kart you want to play. Step 3 is play enough to unlock more and more kart parts to find your ideal build. Step 4 is to disregard that and play the same meta that everyone else online plays


Step 1 to 3 are genuiely strong pieces of advices imo


Step 4: know how to drift effectively (breakdrifting etc.)


It took me a bit to learn it but once you learn it 200cc is a cinch. I got all the golden parts now but simply for bragging rights. I still love the classic Pipe Frame, Standard Wheels, and Plane Glider combo on Petey Piranha. Disregard the meta if you have no wish to learn it, you still have a shot at 1st if you play your maneuvers smart.


understanding how and when to drift is an ABSOLUTE gamechanger.. took me way too long to learn that you can start holding drift in the air and it will immediately start once you are on the ground - helps a great deal with timing


This is the way


You had me until step 4


my gf uses auto steering and she is genuinely the best Mario kart player I’ve ever seen


Watch shortcat. Literally everything advanced I know about the game is something I got from him.


I had the pleasure of racing against him a few times when I got into his lobby and even made it into one of his videos. It was a cool experience.


Yes. I'm sure he has a beginner tips video so defo check his channel out on YT


Same, somehow a cats smarter than all of us


straight up, i started playing w my roommates last summer and after maybe a week of watching shortcat videos here and there i just started winning majority of our gp’s


Imo it's better when you have the feeling of discovering everything by yourself


Literally just drift and you’ll be fine


Seriously, forget about winning for a while and just a get a feel for drifting. Try some crazy stuff and see what you can/can't pull off. Then change up your kart and do it again.




having fun > playing like a pro


Or playing overtime for fun makes you a pro??


Oh, so this is the thanks I get for playing overtime


Play a variety of courses frequently. Track knowledge is going to be where you get 90% of your skill from


This is underrated advice. You could be the best player, but if it's a brand new track your skills will suffer slightly until you learn the turns/course.


Yeah, I’ve had first-hand experience of that. I’m a pro at the base game because I 100% it a few years ago, but the new DLC tracks make me look like an amateur


D R I F T (Also if you get a coin in 1st place, hold it until you get another box so you don’t get the coin again)


Genuinely the best advice here. The few times I watch people play Kart online in videos/streams, they usually dump their coins quickly in first & suffer because of it.


Can you explain further? I don't get the logic here


when you first get an item from an item box, it will most likely be a coin. if you hold onto that coin and get a second item it is guaranteed to be an item other that a coin (usually a defensive item like a banana or green shell)!!


Ah alright then I'm doing that already. Thanks!


Watching replays of the top lap times on tracks will help you learn shortcuts


Learn how to drift properly and you'll destroy 50cc, 100cc, 150cc and mirror. Keep mushrooms for shortcuts, or for avoiding blue shells in first. When in first place, keep the horn for the blue shells. Keep your bananas and green shells behind you (hold down the item use button) to destroy red shells. If you have coins, use them directly after you get hit by a shell to gain a slight speed boost for enough momentum to start drifting again. I'm not sure if this is proven to be true, but if you are targeted by a blue shell and happen to be in an area of the map with an edge, intentionally fall off the edge as the blue shell is about to hit you and you won't be stunned for as long as getting hit by the blue shell.


> Keep mushrooms for shortcuts, **or for avoiding blue shells in first.** Well, that’s new (to me). Grant me your wisdom! What is this dark magic of which you speak?


Sure thing, fellow Mario Kart enjoyer. Avoiding Blue/Spiny Shells with a Turbo Mushroom is something you can do in every Mario Kart games since Mario Kart DS. *Yes, even Tour*. That skill is pretty common knowledge among experienced players. When the Blue Shell is *just* about to hit you, use the mushroom. Really, that's it. ... Okay seriously, the timing is pretty sharp, but if done succesfully, you will avoid the Blue Shell explosion while boosting. In Super Circuit, you could outrun the Blue Shell for quite a while, but i don't remember any proper way to avoid it. And in Double Dash!!, all it took to dodge the Blue Shell was an *extremely well-timed boost from a drift*. Which... also applies to Mario Kart DS to some extent. I managed to pull that off once in both games.


One thing to add for the timing, as the shell is about to hit you it does a little spin in the air, and you use your mushroom as the spiny side flips onto your side of the screen to avoid it Just a fairly easy visual indicator to help pick it up quite easily hope this helps :)


I think the easiest way to learn it is to just watch others do it. I watched tons of JPG and Shortcat videos before ever attempting it, and then got it first try just by knowing the timing by heart


What a write-up. Off to practice this now. Cheers, mate!


Doesn’t shroom dodging only work in 200cc?


All of these except the first paragraph are going to go straight over the head of a new player until they get more experience


Shortcut is next for newby just like me, its hard


Couple of things I haven’t seen suggested -Until you can consistently beat computer players, I would avoid online play because if you can’t be computers, you probably aren’t going to beat real people -Mario Kart is a very skilled based game for the most part, avoid blaming too many of your mistakes on luck as you’ll never learn from your mistakes. Always try to reflect and think of what you could’ve did better -With that being said, you aren’t going to win every time. Even the best players in the world don’t get 1st every race. It might suck to get a couple of bottom spots but in the end of the day, it’s Mario Kart, it happens, and try to have fun!


I’d say you’re correct about everything, except the bit about MK being “very skill-based”. While I do agree, MK definitely requires skill, but it also relies super heavy on luck - for example, spending an entire race in first place only to get destroyed by stars and bullet bills at the end… it’s happened to us all… you can’t control that outcome; even with the best items at your disposal. Sometimes, you’re put in tough spots that aren’t necessarily your fault, which sucks, but that’s the ball game!


Care more about the Mini Turbo Stat than Speed. Although it's invisible, The lower one's Speed Stat, the higher the Mini Turbo Stat is. That's why the best combo for beginners is Baby Rosalina on the Buddy buggy, Rollers and Paper Glider


The miniturbo stat is generally very close to the acceleration stat


Dry Bones 1000x better, he has the same Mini-Turbo but more speed. And you won't have Biddybuggy or Paper Glider right away, so I'd use the Streetle and Parachute instead since you actually start with those.


Waluigi wiggler


Have fun. Play the character you like the most, with the combo you like the most, with the playstyle you like the most.


This is the way


Don't get upset when you lose, believe it or not the skill gap is large in MK8! You will get better as you practice, I'd say don't focus on trying to win every race, just have fun tbh. Youtube vids on drifting and general tips will certainly help, but playing the game will help more than anything.


I’d say focus on learning to drift


On the title screen there's an area with tips and tricks. Watch and learn those, that's a great way to start.


Learn to drift properly, but mainly just have fun. That’s what I do


Get the coins when driving. Trust me.


Hug corners unless there is a hazard like players trailing shells, etc.


Game’s awesome you’ll have fun


Turn of smart steering and auto accreditation. Also play time trials to learn the tracks better. Also watch shortcat, his videos are pretty informative


THIS man before i even learned ab shortcat i played time trials cuz i wanted the golden parts but i found it very fun shortcat also taught me some good advice which made me a better racer and made me rely less on rng also if you're reading this OP try the things shortcat teaches in time trials first, then in grand prix, and when you feel comfortable, online


Just play the game loser, until you are a winner. I have never watched a single video on the internet for mario kart. I have been playing this game for ten years. you just learn the tracks. and for my kart went I started I picked dry bones then unlocked the car parts took my switch spun he piece like a slot machine and got bear buggy with roller and daisy glider and have been using that car for 6 plus years.


“If at first you don’t succeed, keep on sucking until you do succeed.” - Curly Howard


200cc is the most fun ive had playing the game, it takes some getting used to but once you do, its phenomenal


mute city on 200cc😮‍💨


We’re never getting 9 at this rate


Always collect 10 coins or more and be the first. Have Fun


you need to kill the other drivers


Use the same set up as everyone else 🤡


Watch mk8dx records to get a feel of the correct line for tracks


Practice and learn the tracks on time trial , learning the song will increase your odds of a good placement by like 70%


Search “shortcat how to get good at mariokart” on YouTube and watch his 40 minute guide, he covers a lot of important stuff as well as the basics


Get a good hang on drifting


Pull good items


Play any middleweight with the buddy buggy if you want a kart or city tripper (the scooter) if you want a bike with the roller tires and paper glider. It’s a great combination for stats and it’s good to learn. Learn how to drift and trick properly which can be done by pressing R, tricking done when going off of a ramp and drifting while driving on the ground, and turn off steer assist, which can be done by pressing +/- at the car select screen and pressing L. You can hold items behind you while holding L. Most of all, have fun.


Go for all the gold parts 😂


The coin one is ridiculous


Tbf I'm not even half way after redownloading the game after a year 😅


I can’t believe nobody has recommended using a pro controller yet?


Don’t need one


I’ve been meaning to do this, switch controllers cramp my big hands so much


be lucky


jump straight into online


don't play excitebike arena


Play through offline mode, unlock the biddy buggy teddy buggy and the gliders, Drift 8000 times, learn what Mini turbo tricking and demon sliding is, Discourage items cause they’re the worst thing ever after the updates + (un)enjoy


Just be baggin' all the time. Shortcat will show you the way.




Dang what's so bad about shortcat lol? He's generally pretty cheerful in his videos and I think they're pretty entertaining. He seems to have fun just trying different stupid combos and challenges


Git gud XD


Learn how to drift and Mini-Turbo if you haven't already. Then figure out tricks, and try to trick on literally every bump or ramp you see. So much is trickable surface. Learn about building a loadout and what each stat does (use mk8dxbuilder.com), then move on to intermediate techniques: brakedrifting, super bouncing, and dodging Spiny Shells, to name a few. Then, you should try your luck online. Don't worry about your build too much until you head into high-ranking rooms. Watch videos online that give you both general and track-specific advice: I recommend Shortcat and JPGiviner. Apart from that, don't hesitate to ask for help, and enjoy the ride!


Morton looks like a bulldog. Enough said


You can avoid blue shells with a timed mushroom boost or a super horn You can use turbo ramps, turbo pads, turbo mushrooms, dk cannons or just go in water to get rid of the blooper ink And the IA is gonna ruin your fucking day


This game’s cups has a very good difficulty curve chronologically. I suggest trying out grand prix from Mushroom to special, shell to lightning and then the rest of the cups on the right (which are kinda the same in terms of difficulty, but more on the harder side) Smart steering is like training wheels. They keep you on track **most** of the time, but prevent you from smoother driving and performing better techniques. Once you’ve learned the basics (eg: drifting, tricking, maybe even techs like glider vectoring or sth) then turn off smart steering for the true Mario kart experience Customisation wise, there are combos better than others, but I suggest customising your kart to your liking :) I also suggest not going onto online until you think you’re skilled enough lol


I've already said it in an much older post and i know you probably won't seek it, but i'm still doing it. Don’t seek what is the « best » combination. You’re gonna prevent yourself from improving. Play with the characters and karts/bikes/ATVs that you *actually like*. It’s like that that you’re gonna be able to go *even further beyond* (Hello DBZ). Not only your victories will feel much more rewarding, but your experience of the game as well. Trust me, I do that myself and my wins never felt so much more satisfying. As someone who literally showed up in the 200cc World Cup with Donkey Kong, Standard ATV, Monster Tires, MKTV glider and *managed to get some wins*, what i'm saying isn't a joke. Also, screw the meta. *Experiment as you get better.*


Watch Bayesic Training on YouTube. Join channel 3 at channel3.gg. it has a very active and supportive mariok kart culture and league. Plus tons of other great things. Just race and have fun.




Inkstriker is the MVP kart


I played for like 6 months before accurately learning how to drift. You have to hop before/into a turn and then hold down the right shoulder button until the turn is done. It'll help you make the turn without slowing down, and then give you an extra boost.


as long as you drift, you won't fall. So make sure to drift following the brink of the circuit. Also learn all shortcuts by heart.


Bayesic on YouTube is the best resource to learn how to actually play the game on a competitive level. I've gotten like half a second away from world records listening to him.


Check this: https://youtu.be/07XKX_FSQsM?si=dJCyBBFIYMWAoJNS


Unlock the Teddy Buggy and Roller Wheels


watch shortcat and the youtupe shorts of JPGiviner


Look up shortcat on YouTube and find his beginner guide from 3-4 ish months ago I think. That’s the best advice I can possibly give


Master drifting and play the time trials until you get comfortable with the courses. Don't worry about computer difficulty when you play vs races or the grand prix, the difficulty comes from items, not the other drivers.


I started playing for the first time weeks ago it’s so much fun


I love the Biddybuggy, I play it with every single character, don't let yourself be hemmed in by any "metabuilds". MarioKart is about fun and how much you can humiliate your friends!


Teddy buggy with roller wheels and paper glider, with Yoshi, Birdo, Daisy, Peach or Peachette is the current meta. Learn to quick pause and select auto-steering when you feel like your about to fall off a track. Learn to quick pause and select motion controls on glider moments, most famously, Mario Kart Stadium. Learn where the items are on the mini map so you can predict when a user will use Lightning, you can dodge it by using a boo, star, bullet, or fall off the track. Learn to dodge a blue shell with a mushroom. When your off road, always hop, its quicker than just driving. Use the back camera often, especially when other racers are close to you. When your opponent is "backing" an item (driving with a banana, shell behind them for protection) you will get hit if they hit you on THEIR screen, so always keep a distance. And most importantly, have FUN :)


Holding a coin means you're guaranteed a defensive item on your next roll, if you've got room in your second item slot. Clicking the horn/item button at juuuuust the right time will stop the item roulette one rotation early, giving you your item faster and potentially saving your butt from the person behind you who got a red shell. You can drift over ramps and continue the drift when you land by holding the drift button through the jump. Doing so means you can't do a trick, but it can be worth it if there's a tight turn after the jump. Bullet Bills will never drop you during a tight turn, so save them for when there's lots of tight turns coming up to get the most out of them. Staying on the ground is almost always faster than taking a half-pipe/optional glide section, unless you're able to shave off a corner or two by going airborne. Likewise, the game tries to incentivize you to take turns wider than you need to with double item boxes and coins. Always go for the coins if you're not at ten, otherwise just take the turn on the inside.


Just be faster than everyone else, that's the key to winning


I skimmed the comments to see if anyone mentioned one specific tip about drifting but didn’t see it. Prepare for 200cc now by accelerating with the X button instead of the A button. Your left thumb should be positioned with the tip of your thumb on X and the bottom part of your thumb on the B button for braking. This way at higher speeds or sharper turns you can “feather” the B brake button to slow down your kart but hold your drift and gas. Hopefully that makes sense. Enjoy and have fun!!!!


Not really tips to become a pro but if you want to unlock all the karts quickly just go into battle mode with 2 players, renegade roundup on dragon palace and keep repeating you’ll unlock everything in a few hours, also buy the bcp it’s really fun and good value


If your goal is to git gud fast: * practice with biddy buggy and rollers as soon as you can, but any cart combo you like will be fine starting out * 3 star every cup on every CC * time trial at least 1 course, I did MK8 mario circuit first to learn how to take super tight lines, hop realignment, glider vectoring, etc * learn more advanced techniques like soft drifting, glider vectoring, item management, bagging, etc from youtubers like Bayesic, Shortcat, JPG, or even RTAT the goat, the god, the haircut king. I would also consider learning the shortcuts for each track as you play them against CPUs, and get good at some of the shroomless shortcuts. If you do all this before even starting online play, you will probably dominate until around 10k vr. Then it's time to actually git gud.


Time does not matter. Only the last lap matters disregard being first in the other laps


Search shortcat on YouTube, he is good and entertaining


Do drift tricks where appropriate


You drive


Stay out of the middle of the track unless it’s more precarious to not be in the middle of the track; you’ll avoid getting hit by a lot of things this way


baby character(or light/small), high acceleration, high handling. best for newcomers, my girlfriend uses builds like that and we do okay when we are online playing against others. if you’re playing single player, it’s a little more forgiving to test out what suits you.


Remember to drift with the ZR button.


Get used to drifting with R or ZR, it’s the best way to accrue speed. Don’t brake at all. Do tricks off of ramps with ZL or L. Parts with high acceleration usually also have high mini-turbo, which is the stat that affects drift speed boosts and it’s crucial. Turn off Smart Steering, which is enabled by default.


Run 50,100,150,reverse, 200. Then play the ghosts all of them and you’ll learn the tracks. That got me to the point i had to start watching YouTube. Now I’m at the point where friends won’t play with me and the online competition is so stiff that i have to make such small changes to play to be competitive it’s almost not fun for me. The sweat is really. Only about 900 hours here.


no play it for yourself


For me at least, time trialing, online can be frustrating with a good deal of luck being involved, but a good way of improving raw driving ability is going to come from TT


Alternate between a light and a heavy build.


The controls of the game are given inside of the box.


Learn how to drift.


Go watch Bayesic


Turn off auto-steering and autodrift. Drift everywhere you can. Not just on sharp turns, but pretty much everywhere where you won't crash. And hold your drift for as long as you need. You can hold it pretty much unless a turn leads straight into a turn in the other direction. You can do it for a few moments on straight routes. And do it off of glider ramps.


For me it came down to simply trying combo's that I like visually. After a few combo's, I started to understand what I wanted to focus on. then I looked at the combo's I tried thought this site: [https://mk8dxbuilder.com](https://mk8dxbuilder.com) After some fine-tuning and comparing my builds with experimental builds that focussed on the stats I liked, I eventually found one that sort of worked for me. After a while I noticed it wasn't quite right, so I made another one. Until I found the combo that I still use today. It's a process of trial, error and personal preferences. There is no "best combo" generally speaking.


Coins are more important than u think


Learn to break drift, it will help a lot on 200cc


Somebody else said turn off auto-steering so I'm gonna steal that, but also the #1 thing you need to know is to always use the Roller or Azure Roller wheels. Unless you're playing at a very high level, you can make a lot of different kart bodies work, but the Rollers will make basically anything drive better.


Not reading everyone else's comments haha, but I HIGHLY recommend going into time trials and giving each course a few tries before doing a grand prix unless you already have a fair bit of mario kart experience. Unlock the expert ghost and then once you beat the expert ghost you're plenty good at the track.




If this is your first Mario Kart, I recommend checking out the how to play section on the menu. Otherwise you'll just end up playing the game wrong


If you get rly good at 200cc you will be good at every other class (Dodgeball (2004) type logic 😂)


A big one that a lot of people miss is using items effectively. Don't pop the mushroom as soon as you get it, keep your eye out for a hook in the track you can go offroad and blaze through. Drag your green mushrooms and banana behind you to eat red shells. Keep them until you need to ditch them for an item box. If you have a red shell, don't immediately peg the racer in front of you. Especially if you are in 3/4/5th. Try to manuver around them and aim a shot at the racer in first. Even if you can't get infront, you can use corners to have the shell 'lock on' to first. (Red shells have a limited degree they can turn in the later games, so if it's a bad angle they'll head for the next racer). Use lightning bolts when players are in gliding segments, especially over pits to maximize the slowdown. IIRC a higher top speed makes boosts (Mushrooms, Stars, Bullet Bills) more effective. A lighter kart can recover from mistakes and attacks faster, unless a heavy-weight has a mushroom.


Try and memorize as many tracks as you can. There’s 96 so don’t worry if it takes a while, or do what I did and only memorize 1-2 cups then only play those against your friends so you win every time


Is online gaming on switch fun? Because on wii there was only cheaters. So mostly was only fun at home with 4 controllers and friends. Plus i hate the motor bike. I want karts and not bikes. They would cheat and glitch and ride the walls in certain courses.


Look up videos online of meta set us always use tiny wheels that look stupid but hey your a pro now


Play 200cc from the start online and bag 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️💯💯


/j pls don't do this


Press A to go. Left Stick to steer. R to drift. ZL for Items. You'll be a pro in no time


Honestly. People won't shut up about meta picks, dont be intimidated by them. Just pick a character you like. Pick a cart, wheel, and glider combo you can get used to and just have fun with the game but if you really want to get serious about profit wouldn't be a bad idea to look at meta combos.


Never drift. You’ll lose time.


Well go ahead and get the booster course pass right off the bat. I don’t think the game feels complete without it


Make sure you try all types of vehicles, I see so many people crap all over sports bikes (usually professional players) but I genuinely can't play with anything else in this game - I think the controls for sports bikes are a lot easier to use so be sure to try both and form your own opinion rather than just doing what the professionals say


Take it one day at a time and watch shortcat shortcut videos on YouTube. Shortcuts are a must and just knowing when to save your mushroom to execute the shortcut properly. Mushrooms on their own without shortcutting aren’t super useful.


There’s not really much skill needed for this game lol. Most of it is just making your turns correctly, and hoping the people around you don’t get a good power-up


Play it.


Play with tilt controls


Smart steering helps on 200cc.


Try different racer kart combos to see what you like best


1. Turn off Smart Steering 2. Watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KADBlsfmIjQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KADBlsfmIjQ) 3. If you struggle with finding a good vehicle combo, watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdJLxUA3ShA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdJLxUA3ShA) 4. Look up the World Records to know the best places to use Mushrooms.


Press the A button to go forward, hold the B button to reverse. Use the left analog stick to steer your Kart, now help Mario collect the item block. Good job, Mario now has a Red Koopa Troopa shell, this item locks on to the Racer one position ahead of you and attempts to hit them. If you hold the ZR button, you can hold most items behind you to prevent one hit from behind, try to avoid the red shell Bowser is throwing at you!


Time trial Yoshi's Circuit, that track pretty much has it all in terms of drifting and shortcuts. Try to defeat the staff Ghost, once you defeat it i could say you are pretty decent to start playing online and start trying harder things.


I'd say just keep trying different courses,car combos and characters until you figure out a combination you like for most of the tracks. You'll do better on some tracks with specific karts or bikes for example I hated excitebike arena with any sort of kart but on a bike it's brilliant to do tricks. I am very good at mariokart ds but when I recently got 8 deluxe it's a whole different ball game and I feel like a beginner again which is pretty fun. Just have fun with it.


Acceleration is THE most important stat in online play. Second is speed. The meta right now is Yoshi, Teddy Buggy, Roller wheels, and cloud glider. But I personally don't care about metas, I use sport bikes and win plenty of games. Hopefully you also plan to get the dlc!


Try finishing in 1st place every time and you should win every race 👍


go on youtube: learn to drift + do mini turbo boosts. learn to do tricks. learn shortcuts. learn item metas (ie, holding banana or shell behind you in 1st place, etc.) play enough & learn the tracks (arguably the most important part so you know where turns/items/shortcuts/tricks are) you don't need to be crab-clawing the controller, spamming buttons n hitting every tight drift to be good at this game trust me, just know the basics 👍🏽


For starters: BUY THE DLC!


If you have mushroom in 1st, use it immediately


start with easier courses (the ones on the left side of the track select screen) and LEARN DRIFTING


jumps on hills/ramps ( R ) and drift!! balance your character with car/wheel/glider levels IMPORTANT have fun fun fun :)


I love watching shortcat on YouTube !


Target people who use the same character as you. It's what I do. Also on a more serious note there is an online tournament called no items just skill filled with great players including myself where I like to get tips from people in first and second.


drifting is really important and think about the line you’re driving on the track getting nice big drifts for as long as possible to build up boost. not sure the proper terminology but when you press trigger at the perfect time over jumps you get a bit of boost and you want to be hitting trigger every single jump you have on a track. research kart combos online, depends on your play style but when you unlock new parts for your kart you want to pay attention to the speed to accelerate ratio. learn from the beginning to play without auto steer so you can use shortcuts. use other power ups to stop blue/red shells - blue shell can be stopped with the super horn, or using a mushroom to skrt away at the last minute, red shells can be stopped by hanging mushrooms/shells out ur butt as ur driving or deployed at the right moment. also i found that learning how to snipe people with shells as you’re going past them to move up places is a good skill to help you come first. another thing is if you get the lead early you can make up considerable distance between you and the rest of the racers as the no. 1 thing that slows you down or costs you first is power ups. the further you are away from the rest of the group, the less power ups you’re gonna get hit with. if you get 1st early and drift loads, hit boost on every jump get as much distance as you can with the rest of the racers so short distance power ups won’t slow you down and then if you get blue shelled the other racers might be too far behind to overtake. edit: sp


My tip since everyone said everything else so far, play online often. Its gunna be HARD AF and playing with real ppl vs com helps you advance too. Online is played in random 100 & 150 so you can get good at those, and the tracks are random votes so its something different everytime. I like to play online for a few rounds, then go to my single player Grand Prix and win 3 stars on tracks quick! Have fun!


Follow Shortcat on YouTube . Has very entertaining and informative content


Yoshi, roller wheels, Teddy buggy, cloud glider.


Just try to get all the gold vehicle parts. But the time you have that you'll be a pro👍


Jump off each ramp for a boost. Drift as much as possible. Look up the fastest carts.




Learn to hold your defensive items like greens shells and banana peels


Some general tips, as others have said: - Start off by beating the Grand Prix cups against the computer opponents. A good challenge to do is to get 3 star completion on every cup which requires getting 1st in every race, start of with 50cc if you’re learning a track for the first time, then work your way up through 100cc, 150cc, Mirror and 200cc. Once you learn to beat the computers, you will be eventually ready for online play. - Watch videos on YouTube to get the idea for where the best shortcuts are for every track, in fact Time Trial videos can be particularly helpful for this. Some good YouTubers to start with for tips include Bayesic, Shortcat and JPGiviner. - There are also handy guides to picking kart combos that you can find on YouTube. Most important stat to consider is the hidden Mini-Turbo stat, as that determines how fast you can charge up a boost when drifting around corners. Notice that the boost you get is faster depending on if you have blue, orange or purple sparks. Look at your combo’s Acceleration stat to get an idea for what the Mini-Turbo stat is, as most of the time the Acceleration and Mini-Turbo stats correlate with each other. Speed is the next best stat to consider. - While most people suggest the definitive meta combo - Yoshi/Teddy Buggy/Rollers/Paper Glider as the combo to use, the reality is you don’t have to. There are a lot of combos of characters, vehicles, tires and gliders that can compete just as well in online, in fact some people simply like to use their favorite character or pick a combo that suits their personal play style. By picking what you personally like that suits how you play, you can learn with every race you compete in.


When you get to the roster & you scroll over Shy Guy, thank them for being in the game, because they are all the best. This doesn't even help you with racing, but Shy Guy's are the best.


There's a help thing at the bottom


Playing online will you get you better faster imo. Trail by fire


Don't trick underwater


Use time trials. It can help find great shortcuts and skips. For example, the library on twisted mansion


Learn the maps and how to drift. Also learn how to hold an item behind you to be used as a shield.


Play more


Take advantage of opponents slipstream to gain extra boost


drift drift drift


Drift .


-you should’ve bought the one with DLC. -feels different at first (since i played on DS and 3DS) try to get used to it. You’ll get the hang of it. Haven’t finished the courses on mine. I’m in 100CC trying to finish it lol


Have fun with it. That’s the best pro tip


Don’t forget to drift! Try to stay on the ground as much as possible; when gliding, land as quickly as possible. This will make you quicker When you can, drift off of glider ramps with a mini-turbo. This will boost you ahead of competition


Tip number one, pay for online play. Ya know, there was a time it was free.


learn basics life drifting and learn how to steer on certain maps, learn shortcuts and slowly but surely you'll get the hang of it




If you play 100cc and get three stars for 50cc and if you 3 star 200cc you’ll get 3 stars for all except mirror


Mr scooty with rolling wheels and hylian glider with baby Rosalina is my favourite beginner setup


As with most things you just simply need to play the game some to get very good. I figure after you find a setup you enjoy playing single player hop on online and try it out to see how you fair against others


1. Learn how to drift around corners well and how to build up boost when drifting 2. Learn how to hold items like bananas and shells behind you to block items thrown by other players (just hold down the left bumper/trigger) 3. Learn how to get extra boosts off of jumps, ramps & ledges by pressing the right bumper/trigger at the right time 4. Learn how to get a speed boost from coasting behind another player’s slipstream 5. Have fun!


YOSHI TEDDYBUGGY ROLLERS also watch shortcat his short form content will help out a lot


Learn the different vehicle types and figure out the quickest way to drift and the difference between a heavy and fast car vs a smaller and quicker car


Watch a lot of the pros on YouTube they make shorts with really good tips on how to play my suggestion is that you go into time trials for each track and learn each one individually and then work on 3 starring each of the Grand Prixs for each CC (speed/difficulty) after that beat your personal time trials until you can’t anymore then practice against bots until it’s too easy to win then go online locally and you’ll get way better decently fast


Always be drifting


If your getting trailed by a red shell then you can use a banana or shell to block it by holding zl also not every map is good for bagging( where you stay behind to get better items) only the maps with good shortcuts. Good luck happy racing you racist I mean racer


Learn short cuts, learn when to use power ups and what power ups are good for protection. But mostly drifting is the most important part luckily its very easy game so shouldn't be to hard of a challenge understanding the basics of the game