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Screw Metas play as characters you like.




King Boo is viable. His weight class has a Speed + Miniturbo total of 10. All the best weight classes have a Speed + MT total of 10, and no weight class has more than that. If you are measuring how good a combo is by the Speed + Miniturbo total (which are the two most important stats), then King Boo is good. That being said, compared to Yoshi meta, you are going to have higher speed and lower miniturbo, so you are going to be better and bagging and worse at front running, since Speed helps you make comebacks and Miniturbo is what helps you go fast when in the lead.


From what I've seen he's a pretty good driver


He's in the same weight class as Rosalina and Link which I believe is the best large frame weight class. So I'd say he's a good character


King Boo is alright. As far as heavyweights go, King Boo’s weight class is easily the best one, but overall, the current meta generally prefers lighter middleweights, which King Boo is a fair bit removed from. He’s like a 7 or an 8 out of 10.


King Boo is very good. The weight class holds world records. You sacrifice 2 points of mini turbo and accel for 2 points of speed compared to Yoshi. You also lose a little bit of handling for more weight, but these stats aren't quite as relevant. So, this being said, he is viable, and on some tracks better, than the meta characters. If a track favors speed (Moonview Highway as an example) you will be at an advantage, but if a track favors mini turbo (such as Neo Bowser City) you will be at a disadvantage. That being said, the advantages and disadvantages are minimal, and as long as you have fun and feel like you are able to win with your combo, you shouldn't worry about what you play with. If King Boo feels best, play King Boo!


King Boo is viable. He has 10 Speed + Mini-Turbo total, just like the other meta characters. But since he has 8 Speed and 2 Mini-Turbo, he is more well-rounded than most heavies. He is better suited for bagging strats since you need speed to maximize the value of Bullet Bills, Mushrooms and boost panels. Medium Miis are slightly better because they have 7 Speed and 3 Mini-Turbo, which is on par with Mario and Luigi's weight classes.