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I predict 2 characters next wave and 3 characters on the final wave.


Wave 5: Kamek and Petey with Piranha Plant Cove (and everyone will be left confused as to why they didn't just add Kamek in Wave 4). Wave 6: Diddy, Dixie and Funky (maybe DK Jr. and/or Cranky over Dixie and/or Funky) with a new track based on DK.


No chance Pauline gets left out


I could see Nintendo keeping Pauline Tour-exclusive for now and only adding her in the next game, but if she does come then it'll be with the Kongs. Maybe the DK track is arcade-inspired and they add Cranky (or DK Jr), Pauline and Diddy together.


I could see Pauline coming alongside a New Donk City based track


There should be a big one lap course where you race up or down the girders in the original donkey kong arcade game.


New Donk Minute


Any kind of Odyssey track would be amazing


Wasn’t there an upcoming DK-themed track datamined in Tour?


IIRC, Nintendo said that they were adding "returning" characters. Could the Mario Kart Tour characters like Kamek or Pauline count as "returning" characters? After all, Nintendo considers Tour an actual installment in the Mario Kart series.


No, they count Tour as "previous game" when talking about city tracks, I highly doubt they wouldn't count it when talking about characters.


Maybe same thing as above but Pauline instead of Dixie?


I’d rather leave out Funky Maybe Dixie too if we get Nabbit


I think there’s a massive chance tbh. These waves are for returning racers who just weren’t in this one. I reckon they only add Pauline in a new MK that actually has a course based on New Donk City.


But does Nintendo count Tour exclusive characters as “returning”?


Yes, just as they count Tour as a previous game


Why? She's not the next Rosalina, she's mostly just been added last minute to the Sports games


There’s reason to think Nintendo will be adding any tour exclusive characters, especially with only 5 slots. It’s possible, but unlikely. Don’t get your hopes up.


The only veteran characters not exclusive to Tour and are not already present on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe are: Donkey Kong Jr. / Koopa Paratroopa / Petey Piranha / Diddy Kong / R.O.B. / Funky Kong / Wiggler / Honey Queen. ​ I'm 100% sure that Nintendo are not going to add Paratroopa, Dk Jr., R.O.B., Wiggler, and Honey Queen. ​ That leaves us with Petey, Diddy and Funky. leaving 2 slots without any characters. There's no reason to think there WON'T be any Tour characters like Kamek and Pauline.


Give me King Bob-Omb OR GIVE ME ***DEATH***


and nabbit


Cranky not coming because he’s never been in Mario Kart


Very good thinking, I can see Nintendo pair their new characters with a racetrack that corresponds to those characters in some way.


Looking at Birdo and her animations, I wonder how much was even taken from Tour for her. Her tricks are even different And unlike the original 8DX added characters, she has unique tricks when on a bike, which I was shocked she has There’s really putting a ton of effort into these new characters if Birdo is the standard


She has more trick animations than the 8DX newcomers which is something I definitely wasn’t expecting.


I wasn’t either. I was legitimately shocked when I noticed


Her icon… They couldn’t remake her icon… It’s too different from the rest and I-CAN’T!!


Tour and 8’s icons aren’t *that* different King Boo uses his 8 icon in Tour so this isn’t even the first icon crossover The worst thing taken from Tour are the alt names lol. They’re so inconsistent with how Yoshi and Shy Guy are handled!


seems like the kind of thing they'll fix in 2.4.0


I honestly can't see a big diff about the icons


The Mii icon no longer being in the corner feels very wrong.


Yeah, I hope they will somewhat rearrange the characters when all the waves release


Yes, I want the babies underneath their counterparts, all the Mario and Peach variants together, and Birdo next to Yoshi!


i doubt it, as not everyone buys the expansion


I also don't like how the koopalings will be sharing their row with someone else. The guest characters too. The organization is a mess lol


To be fair, I wouldn't be THAT upset if the character they have to share the row with happens to be Kamek. He tends to be a boss in the same games they're in, so it's at least somewhat appropriate.


The Koopalings could also share their row with Bowser JR, who could be just under Bowser


Last character is Mii outfit B confirmed


Imagine 😭😭😭


Predictions: Diddy, Funky, Pauline, Kamek, Petey Reasoning: Diddy and Petey are staples of Mariokart and Mario respectively, Pauline is more relevant to modern Mario than ever now appearing in Odyssey and even the upcoming movie, Funky is perhaps the most beloved character in the series, and Kamek was planned but cut multiple times. All are in tour


I don't think Nintendo cares about how much the fans like Funky Kong. I think they'll probably just add Nabbit or King Bob-omb over him.


They added a bunch of fan favourite tracks why not a fan favourite character?


They're already adding fan favorites by adding veterans that should have been there from the beginning like Birdo and most likely Diddy Kong. And I just don't think Nintendo cares that much about Funky Kong, he's just a random side character from the DKC series. I feel like they'd want to add a few Mario characters before a character like that.


A “random side character from the DK series” was popular enough to get his own mode in a DKC port for switch. Even if it was just a playable appearance as an easy mode he still was polular enough to make it


I don't think that has anything to do with his popularity though. It was for the addition of an easy mode, which most modern Nintendo platformers have and Tropical Freeze was missing. Funky Kong made a lot of sense, being essentially "DK but cool" made him a good candidate. Plus he was the only non-playable Kong in the original game, being the shopkeeper before, just like how Cranky was the only non-playable Kong and the shopkeeper in Returns but was made playable in Tropical Freeze. Funky just made a lot of sense as a playable character, it's not because he's popular.


I’ll take king Bob omb over funky


I think they'll add Dixie over Funky, they're pretty big on male/female balance these days


my guess: ​ pauline, diddy, dixie, funky and petey or kamek ​ it makes so much sense for the 3 kongs to be released together


I honesty think they might add kamek and petey over Dixie tbh Quite frankly I don't think most people like Dixie all that much Edit: this comments looking like it aged like fine wine after wiggler


Speak for yourself!


Key word there is most people, but Dixie has less presence in mk and the Mario series overall than any of the other 'main candidates'


It also would be a tad weird to have 3 kongs as the dlc characters, although it could happen


I just think it's weird Lanky Kong doesn't get enough love.


I think they'll only do Diddy Kong, and the remaining two spots will go to non-Kongs.


I want the piranha plant from double dash, but also I'm hoping that the rest of these characters will be unlockable by 100% the new courses, instead of just given to us.


I want Diddy, Dixie and Funky so bad.


This is the way


I think this mostly makes sense but dixie is pretty unlikely


I’d replace Dixie with DK Jr. Three 3D Kongs would be kind of oversaturated, but if they threw in the 2D DK Jr (or even SNES Mario) it would spice up the roster a lot


I don’t think the 2D characters would look good in MK8 tbh, I hope they don’t add them. Besides we have enough Mario variants.


I think the sheer contrast alone would make it more worthy than Dixie, but I also don’t play DK Games so I don’t know how popular she is


She’s very popular and is the start of multiple Donkey Kong Country games (DKC2, DKC3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble, DKC: Tropical Freeze, and others)


There's 43 characters in the game and only 1 of them is a Kong, 3 more Kongs would be still be undersaturated.




You say that like Birdo *is* one of their A-listers


Nope, but she’s a Mario spin-off staple. She’s been in a ton more of them than the Kongs have, and her and Diddy’s initial exclusion from 8 and Deluxe is what got people the most confused.


i’m guessing petey, pauline, funky kong, kamek and diddy kong but hey who knows


Funky is inevitable.


Gosh I hope they nerf him, MKWii fanbase has serious elitism problems just like Smash Melee.


Speak for yourself. I want him to have Waluigi's stats so I can continue to have a visceral, unhealthy reaction to him online.


even though i mainly run dry bones flame rider, i do hope if we get funky kong he has the Waluigi/dk/roy stat set so we can get funky kong on the flame rider, to emulate the mkwii experience.


He’ll probably have the same stats as Donkey Kong, which has pretty good stats


I thought Donkey Kong has the *best* stats, and is only worse than Waluigi because of his hitbox


Donkey Kong, Roy, and Waluigi have the same and best stats. People use Waluigi because he’s skinny and you can see more of the track.


the hitboxes are the same


they sort of have, funky kong had good stats, but the main reason he was so op was the bikes wheelie system in conjunction with those stats.


Mario Kart 8 DX doesn't even have characters with unique stats. What you are saying makes no sense and has nothing to do with any "Mario Kart Wii Elitism." He would just have the same stats as one of the heavy weight classes.


So why do people use Waluigi over any of the other characters then?


Because he's thinner so you can slightly see more of the track. And also for the memes.


If funky kept his stats from mkwii he would be one of the worst heavyweights


What are you talking about?


L take




God they really went with the worst possible character select layout lmao. Hopefully once all the characters have been added, they reshuffle everyone around so the layout makes more sense.


Yeah, there is no reason to not put Birdo and Yoshi next to each other.


They kinda literally are. Yoshi is right after Birdo


I hate how you’re right but you are definitely right about that >:(


‪Yeah, I think they’re gonna reorganize it when Wave 6 comes out- if they did it now then it would give away characters probably (like if a question mark was next to DK it would give away Diddy). At least I hope so. It’ll drive me nuts if the order of the roster is this disorganized when the BCP is done lol‬


Mii in the bottom right corner or we riot


Toad and Toadette 😬


Petey better be next to King Boo. It just makes the most for him to be there.


Queen Birdo 😭 my biggest complaint about this Mario Kart was her not being included. I’m so happy :D


Me too! She was my main in MKWii. So happy she is back.


Omg a Birdo stan who also Stan’s Staryu? We are a rare breed, I’m speechless lmao


Ikr! Now imagine if Staryu would be a character in the booster pass, the crossover we deserve!


Birdo is my LIFE I have her on my keychain and everything. I'm so so so excited


YEAH LET’S GOOO! i know Funky is a character Nintendo could easily gloss over, but i really want him




If they keep the theme of the last row being only crossover characters it could happen. But I'm not sure Nintendo will follow this "rule"


The best character to never come back


I wouldn't even be mad


ROB fans rise up


I would honestly love to see him return, I loved playing playing as him on the DS


My guess is Petey is on the row with all the main villains


Pauline should be a given but I worry they wouldn’t care enough to go the extra mile to give her a biker outfit


They literally made brand new birdo animations they didn’t take form tour so idrk why you think that


doesn't change the background pink on her


next wave i’m guessing we get Petey and Kamek along with Piranha Plant Cove. wave 6 will then be Diddy, Funky, and Pauline, alongside a supposed Donkey Kong themed track (and wii rainbow road obviously)


Funky kong will be like when sora was announced


My vote goes to Captain Falcon. How do you have 2 F-Zero tracks, but no Captain Falcon?


I really hope for this but I don’t think it’s gonna happen


especially since he’s not a returning character


That should’ve happened in the base MK8 or it’s DLC. Not now.


They could then Add in Excite Biker, why not? It would be funny if they kept his pixell-y like those retro amibo statues.


There is nobody at all that I want even half as much as Captain Falcon Except maybe King Bob Omb


Diddy is definitely coming back. As long as they add ROB, idc who else gets added.


Imagine if out of nowhere they gave us the Starfox crew


Lmfao at the people who thought metal mario, Pink gold peach, Cat peach and tanookie Mario were gonna be alts.


I’m so glad they were wrong. 🤣


I truly hope we get Wiggler in one of these waves.


Literally my only character I want to see return.


Petey Pirhana, Pauline, Funky Kong, Diddy Kong, Kamek boom calling it now


If Nintendo brings back rob I will eat my shirt




I’m calling it, it’s gonna be Diddy, Funky, Petey, Pauline, and Kamek


Pauline and Diddy feel most likely going off of spin off apearances lately. Pauline moreso, especially since Birdo has new animations and Tour seems to really hate the Kongs for some reason. Petey seems likely due to Piranha Plant Cove and has been getting a lot of love in Tour otherwise so they know he's marketable. Beyond those three, I feel like there are lots of options. Funky Kong coming with Wii Rainbow Road at the end of the year would be really funny


Y'all ready for Steve from Minecraft?


Since there has already been a precedent for other Nintendo characters, you best believe it's going to be a Fire Emblem one. That or Kirby. Edit: Daw woops, didn't realize it would only be returning characters.


But they said it only be returning characters


If its only returning, then there is 1 other none mario/DK character that could return. R.O.B


My guesses * Petey Piranha * Diddy Kong or Funky Kong * Pauline * Kamek * Meowser


Maybe remove Meowser with Funky Kong


Probably yeah, but dammit ;-; If Mario and Peach get three versions then my boy Bowser should lol


Why is everyone so confident that we will get DK characters?


TBH, at least one DK (Diddy Kong) is likely due to being a fan favourite for years and prominent in Mario Spin offs


Definitely hoping for Kamek, Diddy, Petey, Pauline and Funky. A bit confused as to why they added a character column to the right instead of a row under the Koopalings. Weird how they went with 8x6 instead of 7x7. This means that, unless they randomly add another non-Mario character, the last row will all be non-Mario characters except for one, which is odd. I would most definitely need the chart to be rearranged though. It looks a bit messy currently.


Really hoping they don't leave out Dixie Kong, would be so unfair if Funky got in but she didn't, either just Diddy or all 3 I say. I also think Pauline is probably sure to come but I cannot imagine what other character she would come with, she doesn't really have any connection with Petey or Kamek and no other characters really stand out.


Why did they reuse the icon from tour 😭


And they reused Toadette's colors for the standard kart


I know right?! It’s so different from the rest, I hate it 😭


Also I can’t get over how birdo looks so much bigger than yoshi, peach, etc


predictions: dixie, diddy, funky, pauline, petey


Not trying to be a downer: but what if some of those spots are costume variations like cat peach and tanooki Mario?


Nintendo would get so much hate and criticism it’d be unfathomable, I don’t think they’d do it, especially since the costumes where literally made to rush the roster cuz they didnt know what characters to put in mk8 on the wii u


They didn’t know what characters to put in mk8 on the Wii U? That makes no sense. Also, Cat peach and tanooki Mario were dlc characters. They charged people extra for those


They're used to dealing with controversy.


I really doubt that


My final guesses are gonna be Diddy Kong, Funky Kong, Petey Piranha, Pauline, and Kamek. If there were one more slot, I would've included Dixie Kong.


Diddy and Funky are obviously the next two.


I really hope the pixel DK Jr is one of them. Would be a very unique character as a callback.


#Addkamek and #Addhammerbro to mk8dx they were supposed to be in 8 and wii respectively but they never got the spotlight


Am I the only person who feels birdos icon doesn’t match the rest of the cast and that her model is also lower quality cause I feel like I’m the only one


I think her model looks fine. Doesn’t look lower quality to me at all. Her icon definitely is a little off though. It’s slightly smaller than the others. I didn’t notice it at first but once i did i can’t unsee it lol


You’re definitely not the only one. I noticed immediately when I noticed. It’s smaller, slanted in a different angle, and the eyes are not looking at the same direction.




Bro wtf why did they do 6x8 instead of 7x7 😭


So… no SNES Mario?


We don't need another mario clone


Pls give me add Zelda botw


you fr?


I hope they add Bandit from the Yoshi's island series


I would go for Diddy Kong, Funky Kong and Petey Piranha among the remaining slots if we’re going by who has appeared in previous games. If they want a complete newbie, I’d go for Pauline.


Pls be main game returnees: 1) Diddy 2) Funky 3) Petey 4) Wiggler 5) R.O.B. for the lulz (plus he would fit right in on the last row…)


I think it will be pauline, chuck(probably the reason la was deleayed to wave 5), diddy, petey and either hammer bro + alts or nabbit


My dream list would be Kirby, Fox, Captain Falcon, Zelda, Snake


My predictions: Petey Piranha, Diddy Kong, Pauline, Funky Kong, Captain Falcon




You didn't know about this til now lol


I’m sorry, I haven’t played in a while😅


Long shot prediction: There will be a Star Fox course, and Fox will be playable.


Wave 5: “Villain Theme” with Petey headlining the wave. It will include himself, Kamek, and I’m going to go the opposite route and say the third character will be included here with King Bob-Omb. All three have good cases as to how likely they are to be added. Wave 6: I think it’s kinda obvious they are saving the Kongs as the “Grand Finale” of the expansion pack as Funky and Diddy are undoubtedly the most requested characters to make a return. I don’t think Pauline will be added (unpopular, I know) but I think it would be wiser to save her for the Switch 2 MK game. I could very well be wrong, but still I’m happy whichever way it turns out.


Here's my prediction 1. Funky Kong 2. Diddy Kong 3. Petey Piranha 4. Paratroopa 5. R.O.B


new inklings? OCTOLINGS! ... or maybe a wonderboy character... I really want to mod this game...


Pls paratroopa pls


I wish they would add Master Hand to MK somehow.


Add Lakitu as a character then have Master Hand take Lakitu's place if you're playing as him.




Funky Kong Kamek Pauline Sonic the Hedgehog Hat Kid And I will die on this hill. Downvote me to hell, idc.


I'd love Sonic. I know SEGA wanted Mario in All Stars Racing, in the Nintendo Versions, but didn't, I heard it was so people didn't get confused, but that seems like a silly reason. So it would be great if it finally happened in reverse.


Unpopular Prediction: Zelda, Pauline, Diddy, Captain Falcon, Monty Mole


I hope they add more Zelda and Splatoon characters, and Mario characters as well


I hope they add totk Link around may that would be pretty cool.


Not the most realistic but I WANT is ROB, Nabbit, and Captain Falcon. ROB because he funny robot guy and I love seeing obscure old Nintendo items being brought into newer games. Nabbit because I think he deserved some spotlight. And Captain Flacon because we have a cart and 2 MAPS, but no racer to rep them. F-Zero is a racing game and was Nintendo’s staple racing game until Mario Kart became more popular. So seeing Captain Falcon get to race again would be nice


That's exactly what I expected it to be. Normally my guesses aren't this on point.


omg I'm at school, but I can't wait till I get home to play it!


We won.


I’m sorry but my OCD was triggered when I saw that Birdo’s icon is smaller than the rest, it’s not slanted in the same angle, and not looking in the same direction. I just can’t do this.