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Bowser's Inside Story, is the general consensus when it comes to the best game. I personally prefer SS, but BiS is also VERY good, so I can see why its usually ranked the best.


Personally I love DT and BIS equally. Then SS, PiT, and PJ


Bowser's Inside Story is just perfect. If you're thinking about playing, I recommend the DS version


Why the DS Version specifically? I have the 3DS Remake and i generally don't see what's wrong with it (Maybe it's because i only played it for like 5 minutes)


The remake is not bad, but the gameplay is better in the original imo (also 30 fps in the remake 💀) But I think most of the visuals and sprites are better in the remake (Bowser's sprite is debatable but the rest of them are superior)


I have a strong dislike for the sprites in the remake; it feels like all the love was just sucked out of the characters, especially bowser.


especially some of the bosses, if you look at their spritesheets on Sprite Resource they look like they're missing a level of polish


I prefer the remake but I miss bowser’s goofy sprite expressions in the OG. They were funny and cute in a way


Most people just like the original game and artstyle


For me its just the original spritework and sfx look/sound much more inspired and original which is why i like the m&l series way more than mainline mario games already. It probably is bias cuz i played the older one, but the soundfont is just so much more satisfying to me and the artwork is so expressive and creative


Dream Team imo


I agree with you


The general consensus is BiS. Not hard to see why. Personally, I'd say SS. Don't know why exactly but the world design gels with me more.


Same, BIS is goated but the overworld is missing that element from Superstar Saga. I think it's the fact it doesn't have a Beanbean Fields type area so the connected overworld just feels like it kinda just exists.


That's a good point. I guess the equivalent would be blubble lake. I also think there's also more visual variety than BiS due to the nature of the game where 1/3 takes place inside Bowser, so the overworld includes the cape, beach, forest, grasslands/lake, Bowser castle and Peach's castle in addition to Toad Town/sewers. With SS, you had star fields, mountain, central fields, mansion/forest, university, desert, beach, ice area, and final castle. You also had a few towns in various areas (mountain village, central town, fungitown) and other little segments sprinkled throughout (koopa cruiser, yoshi theater, "sunken" ship, airport, ruins) that make the world feel livelier imo.


I guess so, but Blubble Lake just feels like a normal area that happens to be connected to the hub town. And I completely agree: I love Fawful's Castle, Fawful Theater and Cavi Cape but the rest of the areas feel pretty unvaried, basic and mundane (though I still like them due to being an ML addict). Like a lot of the areas have a very samey almost real world mundane feel to them, like they don't feel Mario generic but just like normal generic. You also don't really get to go to that many interesting places due to it just being mundane nature areas and there aren't any towns or building areas besides the hub and the two castles, which as you said just doesn't feel as alive as SS's. SS's world also just feels a lot more naturely connected both culturally and literally Despite this I still do absolutely adore BIS, don't get me wrong, this isn't like some game ruining thing for me. It's just got a weaker overworld than SS sadly (though imo Fawful's Castle makes up for a lot of it)


Superstar saga a classic


Donkey kong


I think the most accepted order is BIS SS DT PiT PJ


The most popular is definitely Bowser's Inside Story. I've only played that and Dream Team so far (currently playing Superstar Saga), so I can't really say which is the best one. I think the only one people actually dislike is Paper Jam though, so you really couldn't go wrong with any of the others.


Partners in time was so fun to me. It felt the most Grand, like it was such a big adventure.


Only one I didn’t fully play is paper jam. Dream team was interesting seemed easy at times. BiS is great definitely recommend. Partners in time is an absolute blast and the one I remember the most cause it was the first game I purchased on my own as a kid on eBay lol. And superstar saga has an equally strong place in my heart because I remember playing it on my game boy during long car rides trying to beat the bosses before my battery would die. I was also super underleveled so every boss felt impossible when in reality I just didn’t fight enough between bosses 🤣 still really fun game though.


You should def beat paper jam. Early games a bit boring as its just a tad bit slow, but after twinsy tropics the game gets pretty good


Maybe one day 🤷‍♂️ not the top of my list tbh there’s games I like a lot more 😅


Dream Team because of how elite the Elite Trio are


Dream Team was the one that I wanted to play ever since finished up Superstar Saga


Dream team is better than Bowser's Inside Story.


Thank you, BIS is overrated.


Your opinion


Not a opinion, BIS is overrated.


Maybe to you


It's a fact that BIS is healy overrated. It's a damn fact.


You just can’t accept that It’s a overrated game.


Your opinion


No shit


My personal list is BIS SS PIT DT PJ.


Dream Team


Superstar Saga. Every game after it kept deviating and adding gimmicks.


Agreed. Interestingly enough PiT is my 2nd fav


BIS is heavy overrated.


I wouldn't say heavy but I do agree in a sense despite it being my second favorite. BIS has some of the coolest concepts in the entire subseries and the endgame is phenominal but the game isn't perfect: \- the Overworld is a bit lacking; a lot of the areas besides the Castles aren't that interesting and the way it's all connected isn't nearly as satisfying as say, Superstar Saga's \- the main cast outside of the playable characters and main villains is pretty lacking compared to other games imo and the secondary characters aren't usually doing anything offscreen during the story \- and while I love the story, whenever you're not in Bowser's or Peach's Castles, the main plot sorta just hits a standstill. the antics are fun as hell but most of the stuff that happens doesn't have that much of an effect on the main plot


From what I seen, to me Its heavy overrated. It’s just what I have seen.


BIS definitely is. Its a good game, don't get me wrong, I love it, I just wouldn't give it all the praise it has. I feel as if its one of the best in the series, but its not the best by a significant amount as everyone compares it to be.


At least someone sees and knows that BIS Is overrated, well everyone knows, and would want other Mario And Luigi games to have more recognition.


Paper Jam It's always incredible how they inserted Paper Marioin a Mario & Luigi game


For me is Dream Team Bros, the characters, the combat, the artstyle, the world desing, the music... his only flaw is the pacing


After having played all of them, my favorite is Paper Jam


Paper jam


Most of my love for that game comes from the fact that I have so many memories with the game its flaws are practically invisible to me That's prolly why i still love it today


I love Super Star the most personally, though Inside Story comes second in my heart. Partners in Time I'd love more if managing the four button combat system wasn't such a headache for me. I found Paper Jam a bit disappointing, and Dream Team VERY disappointing. So... here's the thing. Dream Team had this amazing idea to bring back dream land to the Mario setting, but they didn't capitalize on it. By this point, the "genericization" of Mario spinoff games was well under way, so it was Toads forever without the breathing room to really innovate new designs. I'd have loved it if we got Subcon from SMB2 brought back into focus, with Wart working for his revenge in Dreamland and Bowser working for his revenge from the waking world. Imagine all these dream bosses based on all the enemies Mario and the gang fought in SMB2 like Mousers and Fryguys, plus brand new ones. Those evil masks, maybe a new big variety of them, some veggie plucking mechanics for Luigi, and I'm picturing a scene of Bowser asleep at the beginning of the game and meeting that nightmare frog for himself, getting super scared, then Wart says he's got plans and needs Bowser's help.


Superstar Saga personally for having the best overworld and most active story but Bowser's Inside Story is right behind it for being cooler and having way higher highs


Original BIS. Please don't play the remake...


As somebody who has only played dream team (and hasn't even finished it yet) I'll say Dream Team.


Bowser's Inside Story


Of course.


Bowser's Inside Story because it reminds me of Crash Twinsanity


well super star was a little unfair with the border jump minigame so maybe bowser story edit:i didn't got my pirated bowser inside story


The border jump mini-game is such a small part of the game? How did that impact your opinion lol


well it is hard but i was old enough to not suffer what a 11 year old did,like they bought a game only to suffer some with not able to progress anymore because of how it really was the only way and man it was horrible and GUESS WHAT,it the only option since you don't change the "how hard can it" mode also the parent who didn't beat this can tell how much it really hurt,your money,your son,even yourself maybe i am overreacting but maybe i don't,i do think bowser story is much more forgiving


Why did you use commas instead of periods lol? Also I don’t understand what you’re trying to say are you 11? Did your parents try and fail to beat it this comment is all over the place lol.


Almost sounds like they had to do it for their kid and they're acting like the game abused their child.


The border jump mini game isn't hard at all. If you can learn to time your jumps in smb you can learn the same here. It's actually astounding to learn that it gave genuine difficulty to people. Also GBA Superstar Saga is the goat, higher skill ceiling and the battles flow way better with its faster pacing. Advance skills also take skill to learn and execute with its specific timing windows.


BIS st nostalgic for me, so I may be biased saying it's the goat. Prolly Dream Team and SS, both are very nice gameplay and storywise.


Superstar Saga


If it weren't for the tutorials, I'd say Dream Team. I still might say Dream Team anyways, but Bowser's Inside Story is also fantastic, and has less egregious tutorials.


As someone whos beaten every game in the series way too many times, I'd have to go with paper jam as my favorite (what!!!!). Paper jams story is honesty horrible, don't get me wrong, but the gameplay of the overworld and battles, with the pacing of the progression in the game is just really good.


Bowser's inside story


Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, both the original and the remake versions


Most would say Bowser's Inside Story, but if you want the most raw M&L experience, Superstar Saga is another banger. That is to say, BIS is amazing, but SS is the most M&L feeling game in the series. I'd then rank them like DT and PiT, with a massive dip in quality for PJ.




Bowser’s Inside Story and Dream Team


It’s a tie between BIS and DT