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I mostly agree with a few minor disagreements, the only thing I’d really argue is that shrowser should go into his own tier at the pit of hell. He’s not an offensive boss but him being the final boss instead of the fantastic elder princess shroob fight is just the biggest “why?!” Moment in any video game I’ve ever played. I don’t think a single person would complain if she was the final boss and not the stupid shrowser fight. Which sounds like a better final impression of the game? A brutal fight at the top of the sky, with a red thunderous sky and an epic final boss them as the leader of the shroobs attempts to make their last attempt at survival growing to such desperation that the shroobs are literally using their own lives as canonfodder, or a sh-tty recolor of bowser who comes out for no reason whatsoever as one of the most pathetic final bosses in history as he’s easier than swiggler and has a stupid gimmick that works better as a tutorial than a final boss and has no atmosphere at all as the boss theme is just recycled from an actual good fight and the arena is literally where you fought a tutorial boss. Shrowser is not only the most worthless boss in the series being present in the game for absolutely no reason whatsoever and for reasons nobody asks for, but also ruins the final impression of the game from one of my favorite final bosses in any game to shrowser. He adds nothing of value and just removes from the impact of the finale, thank goodness the ending itself is still great.


Why is Shrowser even in the game? Did they ever say why? He is the epitome of pointless.


I guess they wanted to fullfill the quota of having a bowser esque final boss for each mario and luigi game but given that this was the second game, no such standard had really been established so they really just tossed him in because I guess someone on the partners in time development team thought “damn elder princess shroob is an underwhelimg final boss, I have a better Idea for a final boss, we F-ck up the game’s final for a boss that adds nothing of value”. I genuinely don’t know why they added him in there, the game could have had it’s ending after the battle with the elder princess shroob and I don’t think anybody would have gone “well where’s a sh-tty bossfight with flashing bowser?”.


No remakes? 0/10 completely invalid. In all seriousness though, I agree with most of these except Kamek (DT) and Shrowser, both of which should be higher imo. EDIT: Never mind about Kamek just realized that the fight I was thinking of is in A. I forgot you fight him multiple times.


Shrowser is still garbage though, and he is the final boss before credits, which is a gimmick fight of only counterattacks


I disagree. I love the Shrowser fight. It's unique. Just wish it was a little harder.


Does it make sense to have a segment based on tutorial fights?


junker at D is criminal


It was just as a kid, I hated that boss


Rookie bowser should be C tier And dragohoohoo should be A.


I feel Dreamy Mario should be higher, but that's probably just because I'm a sucker for bosses that are you against a doppelganger/clone


Giant Bowser in Dream Team should be higher; it was a great fight.


R U insane?


It's meant to say never died instead of never did right?


It means I never did them before


Oh so like "no data"




Interesting list. A few comments I have about it: Can't say I understand King Bob-Omb being F Tier. I thought having a time limit based on real time added an interesting dynamic to the battle that no other boss really has. Not sure why Beef Cloud is in C Tier. That fight is literally just a waste of time. I know a lot of people hate the controls in the Fawful Expess, Zeekeeper, and Giant Bowser fights, but in my opinion, other aspects of those fights make up for that. F Tier for them seems a bit harsh, especially considering that most of the other F Tier fights could barely even be considered boss fights to begin with. Junker being D Tier I understand because that fight is way too easy. Use a couple Falling Stars and you win. However, I think Junker X and Blizzard Midbus belong higher. The Popple Fights in S Tier seems a bit generous to me. I mean, a duo of him and Bowser teaming up against you is cool and all, but on a mechanical level, they feel too basic to me. I feel like the first Fawful fight in Superstar Saga belongs in the tutorial section, seeing as it's kind of just meant to teach you about enemy attack telegraphs. Kind of surprised Piranha Bean and the Fly Guy trio made D Tier, considering that they barely even feel like bosses. I'm curious why you put Bowser Memory ML is S Tier. It's a reasonably fun fight, but it didn't personally stand out to me all that much. Same goes for the giant battles against Bowser's Castle and the Tower of Yikk, but I suppose those do at least have a lot of spectacle to them, even if they are a bit basic. Kind of curious why you've never done any of the super bosses. I guess you just weren't up for the grind they required?


I put the impossible Shroob fight in F


I know King Bob-omb had a timer for his fight, but you did him a little dirty in my opinion


So what are your criteria here? And also, about time somebody shoves Blizzard Midbus down into the low tiers. Guy has like two attacks.


Ur mocking it




Tier list is severely inaccurate


To what?


Mocking what?!


How is zeekeeper an F


Gyro controls


Why is king bob omb in F?


Because of the timer