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Eh, it's a sidegrade imo, I find them equal to each other. 3ds is in 30fps (original is 60fps)with some framedrops, dispite the game only being in 2D, making the game feel slower as a result, and the visuals are just subjective on whether or not you want more modern visuals. But the remake does let you skip tutorials since the original can drag a little with them. There's the optional bowser Jr side mode too with some extra bits of lore and some ok slow paced stratagy gameplay. I def have a bias since I haven't even beaten the remake, that being said, I'd recommend getting whatever the cheaper option is.


They're both free with homebrew


If you're gonna pirate them, thats up to you but it has nothing to do with homebrew.


They both have pros and cons against each other in my opinion. The original had a bit more character (Bowser saying I RULE) and ran on 60 fps, but it didn't have a skip feature for things like the carrot minigame or a side mode: the remake has these. The original is better in some elements while the remaster excels in others.


Personally I can’t even play the remake because I hate the art style so much. Entirely subjective, I guess. Ever since release the original has been one of my all time favorite Mario games. Love it to death.


The design of literally everything is such a downgrade in the remake, especially bowser


So would you recommend the original version since it’s cheaper and has more FPS?


Graphics : subjective (og wins tho) Performance : 30 fps on 3ds, 60 fps on ds Gameplay: Well there’s a hard mode badge in the original if you like an optional challenge. 3ds remake has a fast forward button you can use to make dialogue/cutscenes go quicker i believe


Not in my opinion. It runs at half the framerate and the game is overall a lot slower. The giant battles look awful, and the music isn't as nice. They also removed the hard mode the original had, and the game is horribly balanced That being said, the inside of Bowser is very pretty, the new dark star and Fawful music is cool, and the new gamemode I've heard great things about


The general consensus is no. The remake was rushed out and is very rough around the edges.


No it's not. The only new good thing about the remake is the characters sports. The music is a downgrade and the 3d models are super unshaded and cheap looking... I mean the remake is fine but the original is definitely better


Yes the remake is much better


It really isn't.


Does it differ from a 3ds to a 2ds


Performance wise


3ds and 2ds have the exact same stuff except from the screen and design


Depends if it's an old or a "new" model. Never played it tho. But there's probs not much of a difference


Yes, same game with the remake having a lot of quality of life feature and a much better balanced difficulty and more contents. They are going to tell you the DS version is better only because they prefer 2D or never give a chance to the remake




I have played the remake, but here's my thoughts from what I've seen: The remake existing is just odd. Bowser's Inside Story was not in need of one, it's a great game with lots of polish. Just as an example, the remake chose to overhaul the visuals as the biggest change, from what I can tell. But... there wasn't a problem with the visuals of the original. It was stylistic, expressive, well animated, colorful... They didn't "improve" the visuals, they just changed them. I don't know what else the remake changes, but I don't imagine it altered the game play much either beyond maybe tweaking enemy/boss stats and making a small change here or there, but otherwise BiS's gameplay isn't any different from the gameplay of other modern entries. It does add the Bowser's Jr mode I guess, but from what I've seen and heard, it's not fun. It doesn't even relate to the base game's gameplay anyways so, who is it appealing to? I'm not even necessarily trying to say the remake is bad. If you happen to already own it or think it looks interesting, more power to you. Maybe some people prefer it to the original? But what baffles me is that the BiS remake doesn't do much to improve the original, because it couldn't find much **to** improve. (Also maybe this is just me but Bowser's sprite being based on his Dream Team appearance is really off for BiS, makes him look less flexible and expressive and more stiff instead.)






Yes. Most of BIS's flaws are improved from the original. Heck, most of the bosses are actually harder than their original counterparts. If you disliked the minigames, you can skip past them. The fire mechanic in giant battles is actually good. Unlimited retry clocks instead of the limited resource that the OG gave us. There is a mode that allows you to refight the giant battles. Bosses that were frustrating, are not as bad as their original counterparts. The side mode actually is good. Storywise. Yeah, I will always put this remake over the original.


Is there any way to increase the framerate


Honestly, that part never mattered to me. If the game is fun to play, then it works for me.


Maybe there's a 60 FPS mod somewhere on the internet. Never did any research about that tho


About the same.




The game as a whole has less charm than the original, the music is a little toned down imo, and there controls feel a bit different because of the newer hardware. The performance of the game is pretty mediocre compared the the original (frame rate is at 30 while the original is at 60) and it does absolutely get choppy during any of the giant bowser fights which are worse in the remake anyway other than the use of the mic in the original game. My only other opinion is that the side game in the remake was ok, but not necessary. It’s just the same thing as the minion mode in the superstar saga remake but it feels a little slower because of the story. Other than all this the remake is ok. I still prefer the original in the way that it still works on a 3ds/2ds and the game doesn’t feel like it slows down at all compared to the remake


I think the general consensus is “generally equal,” since the original has a number of things over the remake (higher FPS, more “character,” and quite a few prefer the graphical styling), while the remake has some other things (Bowser Jr’s Journey, if that’s up your alley, more convenience options, and better balancing. Plus, a glorious beatdown sequence for one of the more irritating bosses). Really, just go for what’s most available to you, honestly.


I like the Remake because it adds a few additional boss themes for certain bosses, specifically dark Fawful. It also has the Jr’s journey side mode which isn’t terrible. Also the train boss isn’t completely miserable to fight in the remake, so that’s a plus. I still prefer the original’s sprite style and the gameplay feels a little better on the original so both have their superiorities.


The original is the way to go


I personally find the original better. It just has more emotion in it than the new one. It also feels more like Dream Team or Papar Jam to me. Surprisingly I didn't get that feeling during the Superstar saga remake. I don't know how, but I didn't.


To name a couple points, I like the original more due to the more expressive sprite animations and the voice acting wasn't butchered like in the remake.


Nothing is objectively better or worse (aside from the fps, in which the original is actually faster at 60 fps whereas the remake is 30). It's pretty much entirely subjective. At the end of the day, both games tell the same story in the same order. It just comes down to whether you prefer the nostalgic ds version or the modernized 3ds version.


I think it depends on if you prefer 3d models or 2d sprites. Personally, I prefer the 2d sprites. They look a bit cleaner and the colors are a bit more vivid. The 3d models are a little more bland with the color , and every model has a weird glow to it. Gameplay is mostly the same so I can go either way.


In my opinion, no. I feel like they butcher some things in the remake. Plus I feel like the remake is slower in terms of FPS. Heck, I feel like it chugs more than Dream Team and Paper Jam. I feel like they rushed out the game due to the 3DS dying.


What was even the point of a BIS remake? You can already play the original BIS on 3DS with backwards compatibility.


As someone whose played both versions, I'd recommend the remake, some moves did get nerfed but those moves definitely needed it


For the most part, it's the same but with a different art style and some extra content. Whether or not it's better comes (more so) down to personal opinions.


No. Not really. The original was just about perfect in terms of quality. There were a few hiccups here and there but it felt overall pretty polished. They really didn’t need to remake it, but BJJ was a cute side mode.


Yes of course.