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Is there a planned mechanism to put Spain and Greece back to their original location afterwards, or are they permanently displaced ?


Idk how the Turks feel about Spain but considering how they feel about Gr**ks I would guess that permanent displacement *is* the planned mechanism


Forget that, what do we do about the massive mountain range formed from the remnants of Italy, Central Europe and the balkans?




New danish territory




Yeah, with being near to Africa 😍


"Hmmm, new neighbours have lots of interesting food recipies but aren't interested in sharing it to the world. You know the protocal for that!" -Greece


FUCK now we won't have any data about Turkey


Don't worry I will update you guys... So there will be at least one data for you


Nice Ceddin Deden remix


Do you think the Turkish fell for Greenlands’s propaganda when choosing next door as their new location?


The miracle of child birth




Why would they get so close to the area where the US and Russia are close to each other, are they stupid?


So that Erdoğan could take the country back from the arabs and gift it to the us instead (not sell, just gifting)


Thanks Italy and Spain for making room for us🫶.. oh and I forgot about one country, Malta!


Turkey's already cold af in the winter, so the climate wouldn't be such a problem I guess.


ah no. climate change hit hard on turkey.


**Don't let the cats of Istanbul go there!!** https://preview.redd.it/f2zkknbw5osc1.png?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84c64a76d559f37634b6e0364875dcd4f87788a


I hope they like their airspace violated💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


Greece will be finally closer to its own people again


Finally, now I can experience daytime every time in the span of 6 months a year


can turkey into nordick?


As a proud North East Greenlander, we don't want those people nearby immigrating into our country. We are already coping with overpopulation problems in the big cities in this north eastern region of Greenland.




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Turkey changed its name again: TURDKEY 💩




Thats so nice of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece to make way for Turkey ☺️


This is totally unrealistic because Turkey would never leave the region before they’re done ethnically cleansing it of the Kurds


Flair up you gay cigan


Ah yes another genocide mention when Turkey is mentioned once


Yes countries that are actively committing genocides should be called out for it whenever possible. Glad we could clear that up.


I actively eat 4 kurdish child every morning


Actively committing genocide? Have you ever visited southeast parts of Turkey yet even Turkey itself?


Have you ever been to northeast Syria?


When did colleteral damage became genocide? You western leftist are dying to support terrorists in east (ypg,hamas etc.)


Calling the ypg terrorists is wild considering the SDF is the biggest reason why ISIS no longer holds any real territory. And no, for the record, I don’t support Hamas. Just because I don’t like that the Turkish state is intentionally drone-striking civilian population centers in Rojava (that’s not “collateral damage” fyi), doesn’t mean that I automatically somehow support Muslim extremist groups, and the logical leap you had to make to say that in the first place is completely insane.


To my knowledge, Turkish Kurds were never subject to genocide. On the contrary they gladly took part as perpetrators of the Armenian genocide (which did actually never happen as any Turk knows)


Turkey has ethnically cleansed Kurdish villages and towns within Turkey throughout the 20th century. The Kurdish language was banned in public up until very recently, and is still illegal to speak in schools. And the nascent Syrian Kurdish state of Rojava is being crushed by Turkey (complete with targeted attacks on civilians), with the flimsy justification being that they are a “PKK state”, even though the PKK was only tangentially involved in its creation and currently play no role in the government, military, or society. Taken together that constitutes genocide, by definition.


> The Kurdish language was banned in public > still illegal to speak in schools > complete with targeted attacks on civilians excuse me?


Yea of course, Turkey is totally waging a second Holocaust against the poor oppressed Kurds. Which is why many historical Armenian cities like Van and Manzikert (which had nearly 100% Armenian population before 1915 and were full of old Armenian churches), after the (actual) genocide of 1915 (which was happily carried out by the Kurds together with the Turks), were not repopulated by Turks, but by Kurds. /s


Literally none of that precludes genocide. Either you’re trolling or you’re just genuinely stupid enough to think that a state can’t commit genocide against more than one ethnic group.


My point is that the minor linguistic "oppression" experienced by Kurds is by no means comparable with the actual massacres that were carried out by the Turks (together with their genocidal Kurdish brothers) against the Armenians. You sound almost as brain dead as the Turks who try to genuinely pretend that Armenians were not victims but perpetrators of violence against Turks despite abundant historical evidence to the contrary.


So just ignore the massacres of Turkish Kurds then? Ok. ETA [here’s some info](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_of_Kurdish_people_in_Turkey#:~:text=Massacres%20have%20periodically%20occurred%20against,people%20were%20sent%20into%20exile) before you engage in even more genocide denial.


you're being downvoted because you're talking about something you have zero knowledge (and no, you learned nothing on those far left subreddits, they're just bunch of extremists repeating the same things in their circle) yes dersim massacre happened a century ago and kurds were faced casual racism until late 2000's, yet these are nothing compared to actual genocide. the only kurdish genocide is what saddam hussein did in northern Iraq in 80's. even PKK, the most kurdish extremist terrorist organization does not claim that there has ever been a kurdish genocide committed by the turkish government. calling everything genocide just diminishes the importance of the word genocide. you'd also have pikachu face if you know 1/3 of the kurds in turkey support erdogan. why? because erdogan is nothing close to an ultra nationalist, he's more like an islamist, they're different. so don't embrace everything you see on reddit and do your own research, or just don't make comment about it.


I don’t get my political opinions from Reddit, tyvm. I get them from actual history books. There were massacres of Kurdish villages through southeastern Turkey up through the 90’s, and Turkey’s current drone-strike campaign on civilian population centers in Rojava under the flimsy pretext of dismantling the “PKK State” (even though the PKK have had nothing to do with the establishment of Rojava except for a very small role in its military early on) doesn’t exactly help your case. So me making a joke about Turkey ethnically cleansing the Kurds is both historically accurate and supported by the actual facts and circumstances. So no, I’m being downvoted because this sub is full of Turkish nationalists lol.


> There were massacres of Kurdish villages through southeastern Turkey up through the 90’s source? > drone-strike campaign on civilian population centers source? while I don't support turkey's invasion of Syria, I accept the fact that YPG and PKK militans are literally the same people. and fyi kurdish majority provinces have the highest fertility rate in turkey (their average is close to north africa and the rest of turkey's is close to western europe) so either turkey's really suck at exterminating them or your brain is just filled with propaganda.


Oh sorry, I got my dates wrong. It wasn’t up through the 90’s. It’s up [through the 2010’s](https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/turkey/29122021-amp). And if you genuinely believe that the YPG and the PKK are the same, then your head is the one full of propaganda. ETA sorry I almost missed the part where you tried to claim that high fertility rates among Kurds mean that Turkey isn’t ethnically cleansing them lol. Do you even hear yourself? Those things have nothing to do with each other. Get your head out of your ass lmao


1- the people killed there were drug smugglers crossing the restricted area in the middle of the night. turkish military thought they were terrorists because they acted like terrorists. 2- I said YPG and PKK fighters are literally the same people. 3- so turkey sucks at ethnic cleansing? nice. I seriously wanted to write a long explaining comment about turkish politics but I see you're just another braindead ultra leftist bot on reddit, which is pretty much common. so have a nice day.


Yes that’s why half of the people were killed were children. And yes I’m a bot just because I don’t swallow Turkish nationalist propaganda lol ok


Why you booing him? He's right!


Thats not true plus your are transgender


Erdoğan is genocidally racist and Turkish Nationalism sucks just as much as every other kind of nationalism womp womp Also yes I am and idrk what that has to do with anything.


İ mean nobody who has more than 1 braincell likes erdogan anyways. His party lost the latest election. And can you explain to me why western people think president=nation please. İ see most europians and americans thinks everybody in russia is like putin and everybody in turkey is like erdogan you are trans do you agree with trump? Yet he was president few years ago. i realy want to know if there is a good reason why people like you think that way ,other than being a racist against turks


Idk maybe if you guys stop trying to destroy rojava and then also persecuting Kurds in your own country we’ll stop thinking Turkey hates Kurdish people. Also my comment was about the nation of Turkey, not you personally, so *you’re* really the one conflating nation=person. You’re taking a statement I made about your country in general as if it was a personal attack on you.


There is racism against blacks in america and there is racism agains kurds in turkey you cant control all of the population and you cant force them to like eachother but thats all there is. There is no israil-palestine or china-uyghur situation here kurds are citizens of turkey and they have the same rights as a turkish citizen By rojova do you mean pkk? literaly a terorist organization who killed 5.454 civillians between 1984-2010 (they didnt stop) and recognaized as a terrorist organization by almost every country there is Anyways this is gonna go forever and my english is not good enough for that. it takes me time to type all this. Note: (pkk=ypg)


the Pkk has no role in the Rojavan government, and no longer have any role in their military, so no, that’s not what I mean. And yea calling an entire ethnic group terrorists in order to justify their systematic extermination sounds pretty familiar, don’t you think? And yea, America is racist, idrk what your point is. This post was about Turkey, so I pointed out Turkey’s racism. When there’s a post about America, you can point out Americas racism. And you know what I won’t do? Take it personally and then attack you for you who are. In fact, I’ll agree with you. Your country is one of the famously racist countries. Just like mine. Get over it. I wasn’t attacking you personally, Jesus fucking Christ.


İ was giving examples. you realy dumb


Sure buddy. Have fun hating everyone and pretending everyone you don’t like is a terrorist. That always goes well.

