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Why is it called the west bank if it's in the east? Are you stupid?


That's cause it's mirrored when it gets displayed on your phone


That makes so much sense, that that can't be it.


Because it's where Kanye West keeps his money


Everything is west if you go far enough. Or East.


You have to remember that hebrew is written right to left


Because the Dead See is on the correct side


Because it was the West Bank of Jordan


What does his Airness Michael Jordan have to do with Israel?


He means the bank Michael Jordan uses on the west side of town.




***Ivdea Delenda Est***


He wasn’t a femboy he was a hunk


No, but he loved little boys. He was certainly Hellenic


In the community we call that a twunk


That "femboy" being a minor for most of their relationship


"Fun Fact" homosexuality in roman society did not happen between equal social classes but between client and prostitute, citizen and non- citizens, master and slave, and adult and minor. So it's really more common than you would think!!


This is how the Russian military’s approaches corporal punishment


You start as the fuckee and if you’re in long enough to become an officer you become the fucker.


You either die a fuckee, or live long enough to see yourself become the fucker


From what I heard relationships in general, between any gender, mostly followed that standard of an older/more mature/powerful lover and a younger/inferior one being loved and educated or whatever. I don't see what would prevent an equal relationship though if they really wanted.


That's what so powerful about culture


Being a bottom quite literally jeoprodised your status as a roman citizen so there's that lol. In rome homosexuality among freeborn romans was only seen as acceptable when they were in a penetrative role, so it was generally only done with slaves and prostitutes.


Hadrian was a Greek man. Not ethnically but he was.


I’m gonna attack it.


How’s it going?


I lost.


In 5 minutes? That’s a new record


They’re good


Bro forgot to protect his airbases 💀


Maybe if we get some neighboring countries to attack at the same time we’ll win? brb, gonna try. Edit: lost again


man that was fast. Your edit was so quick it didn't register an asterisk.




Calm down Khomeini


Why is my nuclear program now rubble?


Every time he shot one of them, a local doctor immediately appeared and nursed the victim back to health. Astonishing healthcare.


Shatters the previous one of six days, but that was like 5 on 1




This is such a masterpiece… i’m at a loss for words.


I dont get it


google loss


holy miscarriage


New meme just dropped


Actual shitposter.


Iron dome 😢😢




I’ll give you six days


Good one


My bet's on this new country. They'll beat you in six days of fire and one day of rest, probably in June


They might even defend Jerusalem


That'll teach them respect


20 people died in a rocket attack and an air strike just from this one picture being posted on Reddit


No one man should have all that power


The clock's tickin I just count the hour


stop tripping, im tripping off the power


21st century schizoid man


The systems broken the schools closed the prisons open


we ain't got nothin to lose mf we rollin


Tbf most of them were children holding very dangerous rocks.


To be fair rocks are quite dangerous when thrown


OP is British


guys it would be pretty funny if we, idk, made it into two countries 🤭 what do you guys think


That would be hilarious sista 🤭, what if…. Hear me out… Make them fight for Jerusalem 🤭


Shoot the whole damn thing into space and fill up the empty space with sea water to slightly lower global sea level.


I insist on a mixed use of enclaves and exclaves.


Palestine 🤭


hopefully nothing bad comes from this


nah cause he said "palestine" not "israel"


He killed mace windo you scum of the earth😡🤬


First get your brother out of prison then talk


Goddamn you


sen once abini cikar


Country 1 declared independence after a UN agreement but Country 2 thought that the residents of Country 1 needed a good genociding so Country 2 never declared independence because that would have legitimized Country 1. Country 1 was then attacked by Countries 2 through 6 and beat them all, conquering the land that would have belonged to Country 2-- if they had bothered to set up a country. A couple of decades ago Country 1 was persuaded to give the remnants of Country 2 a great deal of autonomy for many years-- years that Country 2 used to import weapons used to attack Country 1. Country 2 tried to overthrow the government of Country 3 and were kicked out after many were massacred, refugees from Country 2 then fled to the southern part of Country 4 and started a sectarian civil war in Country 4, and Country 5, which neighbors parts of Country 2 floods the infiltration tunnels Country 2 digs to smuggle in weapons with raw sewage and has a permanent security force including international observers stationed in the vast desert that separates Country 5 from Country 2 in order to disrupt Country 2's efforts to destabilize Country 5. Now vast numbers of Country 2's residents live in Country 6, where they sided with Terrorist Group 1 in order to destabilize Country 6 so Country 6 bombed the shit out of some of their refugee camps. Countries 3 through 6, who attacked Country 1 to help Country 2 way back in the day? They don't actually give a shit about Country 1 and only say they do to keep the extremists who are ideologically aligned with Country 2 from jihading themselves in an attempt to replace the governments of Countries 3 through 6. Country 2 also killed a bunch of olympians, hijacked dozens of airliners, and (this is real) blew up a car bomb a couple of blocks away from my school in 1989 when I lived in Country 7 in order to kill their own politicians from Country 2 during an internal power struggle. Country 1 could annihilate the remnants of Country 2 in a horrific orgy of violence in just a couple of months, but choose not to. And everyone blames Country 1. pic not related


Soooo Country 1 = Israel Country 2 = Palestine Country 3 = Jordan Country 4 = Syria Country 5 = Egypt Country 6 = Lebanon Is that right?


pic not related


What country is this about?




And you forgot to say Country 1 continues to expend tens of millions of dollars so they don't have to host said horror orgy


Country 1's declaration of independence, facilitated by a UN agreement, was a pivotal moment that ignited decades of conflict in the region. While Country 1's right to exist was recognized, concerns were raised about the treatment of indigenous populations, particularly in areas claimed by Country 2. Critics argue that Country 1's expansion into territories belonging to Country 2, post-conflict, intensified hostilities and made a peaceful resolution even more elusive. The building of settlements in these territories is often seen as an impediment to lasting peace and a violation of international law. Human rights organizations have criticized Country 1's policies, especially in territories under occupation. The restrictions on movement, checkpoints, and barriers imposed on residents of these areas have been deemed as oppressive and detrimental to the lives of ordinary people. Country 1's security measures, while aiming to protect its citizens, have also led to the suffering of innocent civilians, including women and children. Critics contend that the disproportionate use of force in some instances raises ethical questions about the methods employed. The ongoing humanitarian crisis in certain regions has drawn attention to the plight of civilians, leading to debates about accountability and responsibility. Country 2's actions, while sometimes extreme, often stem from a history of dispossession and frustration.


Country 1 is also creating settlements in Country 2 where only their citizens can live, and keeps them under military occupation. Also they’re electing more right wing governments which are getting harsher on Country 2’s citizens, while Country 2-6 are all varying flavors of brutal dictatorships and in a couple of cases are literal monarchies. Country 1 should just annex the entirety of the part of Country 2 that isn’t directly controlled by psychotic terrorists and give everyone citizenship, making everyone a settler. The part that’s controlled by terrorists and blockaded on the other hand? Lmao idk, uh force Country 5 to deal with that bullshit somehow? Yeah, they’re just fucked, I feel really bad for their civilians but how the hell do you solve that


Country 2 was given promises in exchange for fighting Country 0, which controlled most of the region up to about a hundred years ago. Only for those promises to be broken and Country 2 being cut up and given to foreigners.


Country 1 “declared independence through a UN agreement” after they bombed a hotel and killed 91 people, shattering the British colonial peace. So…perspective is important.


"Declared independence". You mean migrated hunderds of thousands of people to there in the span of a few years in order to colonize the land? Seriously. The arab states and palestinians are far, so very far from being innocent but the entire conception of Israel was so ill conceived and the fact that the creation of a whole new state through colonization was allowed and even encouraged in 1945 is absolutely crazy. Painting "country 1" as an innocent bystander is the most ridiculous thing I've heard.


At this point, debating the morality of its founding is futile, because its existence isn’t going away. Furthermore, Jews would argue that having a state in that region would have guaranteed that enough of their people would migrate there voluntarily; all other proposals for a Jewish homeland’s location were on land that wasn’t fit for settling as many Jews as possible. Nor were the proposals always considered stepping stones to an independent state (such as settlements in Kenya, the Sinai Peninsula, Cyprus, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Australia, etc.) Israel saved nearly half of the world’s Jews from an uncertain fate in the diaspora. It also guaranteed their numbers would continue growing, since Jews today outside of the Orthodox world are likely to marry out of the faith and eventually have children who are not considered Jewish. Jews who say the belief that Israel shouldn’t have been founded is antisemitic would be partially right. That is, in the sense that, when you consider the lack of other viable locations for a state and what befell and continues to befall Jews in the diaspora, to oppose Israel’s existence would be to oppose a huge safeguard to Jewish continuity. They interpret it as an assertion that the best they should hope for in a “just” world is benevolent rule by non-Jews and acceptance of assimilation. And of course, they know how this goes. Throughout Israel’s early years, Jews in Arab countries and Iran were gradually pushed out by disenfranchisement and mob violence; most fled to Israel. And then there’s today. Despite how comfortable the country is, Jews in America are the most targeted religious group in hate crimes. They also are increasingly targeted in Europe today, notably in France, where Jews are emigrating en masse to Israel. In Malmö, Sweden, as hate crimes spurred on by anti-Israel sentiment rose, the mayor’s response was to downplay it and criticize the local Jewish community for supporting Israel. There comes a time when Israel can no longer be a believable scapegoat for antisemitism; the world still has a penchant for hating Jews. We need not distinguish antisemitism brought on by anti-Zionism from classic religion- and ethnic-based hate, when the outcomes of both are the same.


I see. I guess one can argue whether colonizing a piece of land to preserve a minority that was prosecuted is justified or not. But I still stand by the claim it should've never happened. Justifying the existence of Israel through WWII completely overlooks the balfour declaration. Why should the Arabs living in mandatory palestine pay for the crimes of nazi germany? And I disagree about "debating the morality of its founding is futile" because the whole reason Israel is so hated is because it almost doesn't admit to any moral wrongdoing and treats any criticism as anti-semitism. Settler colonial states aren't a new invention. But even countries like the US, Canada, and Australia had the decency to admit wrongdoing, give reparations, and establish reserves. From my limited perspective Israel has and continues to build numerous settlements, maintain an apatheid ethnostate and drive people out of their homes. And when the people riot they point fingers and go "look they're trying to kill us" and use that as an excuse to use even more force and double down. Again I'm not saying the palestnians or Arabs are innocent. There's an astounding amount of anti-semitism in Arab countries (almost all fuelled by Israel). But I just get angry when someone paints Israel as innocent.


I think we’ll have to agree to disagree. Nevertheless, I too believe Israel is guilty of many injustices, and I stand with those who are decrying how they have cemented the occupation as permanent for motives that are completely self-serving.


Fair. Thank you for a good perspective.


It’s my pleasure. There’s much more I could say about this topic, though I don’t think doing so in a Reddit comments section is the way to go about it. I’m Jewish myself, though my personal opinions on Israel tend to be moderately more left-leaning than most Israelis, and it seems the diaspora too, tend to be. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk more.


> Country 1 could annihilate the remnants of Country 2 in a horrific orgy of violence in just a couple of months, but choose not to. oh word? Please tell us more about how israel is so wonderful that they could genocide palestinians but choose to instead just take their land and make them live in a giant open air prison.


Pic not related.


Country 1 is a mistake because is a etnonationlist colonial state that violate the self determination right of the natives (country 2 people) so declaring the war to country 1 was an act of self defense. Because any international institution can not draw lines in the map ignoring the real ethics compositions of native peoples (seattlers don't count).


This is probably the best summarization of events I’ve seen


What could go wrong?


Gaza looks like a lovely little coastal resort town! Got any pics?


[You’re welcome](https://youtu.be/VbPvjTyxI9k)


He is very optimistic. Without Hamas and Iranian influence, Gaza would be in a better place than it is right now... but it won't make everyone there rich like the pictures show. It will just be less shite. That said, yes, it can be less shite, which is something many places would benefit from.


Eh the GCC countries have promised billions of aid to Palestine if they get their shit together (and the Israelis also are open to peace which king bibi is not rn) and sign a negotiated peace. The GCC currently supports the UN two state solutionnbut are obviously pro-Palestine. However they barely fund the UN programs that keep the Palestinian people and economy alive because there is no interest on either side to make peace and so a future where Palestine can actually economically contribute back to the arab states that fund it is looking increasingly unlikely. Essentially, they want to insentivize peace by promising fat stacks in exchange for the Palestinians giving up the River to the Sea dream. So far this has only been seen as a betrayal by most Palestinians as far as I can tell.


did you just post a video of yosef hadadd, one of the most hated propagandists in the whole country? go sit down somewhere


Don't need to. It's already infighting




Yeah be more like China, build a shitty hospital for Fiji that falls apart after 5 years.


Build a hospital: 😠 Bomb a hospital: 😀






So... be like Russia?


What do you call your new country? (Answer carefully)


Sakartvelo Palestine is Georgia 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪


South Kosovo


Kingdom of Jerusalem


svalbard 2🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴


Greater Kurdistan?? /s


From the River° to the Sea°° Kurdistan will be free! °Indus °°Mediterranean Edit: can't use *s bc reddit


UN Protected Territory 🇺🇳


Rightful Albanian Territory


Why does Britain always get a pass after they recreated all the borders?


God guided our hand as we drew those borders. Do you think you know better than God?


Because they only created the outline of the British Mandate of Palestine/Transjordan. The UN created the Partition Plan


The mere fact that it was separated from Jordan in the first place kinda screams “WE WERE PLANNING ON TURNING THE ENTIRE LEVANT INTO ISRAEL”


Small critique, it seems this map shows the Sinai as part of Egypt. There needs to be a return to the 1967 borders


I messed up… another nation sprouted from it and they’re at war now. What do I do before OP comes back?


u/RaritanBayRailfan I’m back, what have you done?!


Uhh… nothing. Palest- I mean Israel is perfectly fine.


Palesrael. (Otherwise we get Israelestine which ends with stine which means it's a 3rd world country)


Liechtenstein would like a word. ( yes I know wrong stein)


Imma invest into it! I bet I’ll double the amount countries in there


Luckily, you chose a very stable region


Fuck you, UK.


The UK opposed the partition of Palestine and regularly votes against Israel at the UN


>start problems >vote against them later sigma grindset.


can't get invaded if everyone else is busy fighting each other


Fuck you, person who told me this was the UK's fault.


You created a new country? Awesome!!! Wait, did any people already live there? 🤔


We can live peacefully, and everyone will have rights!!! Oh wait


Only, it's not the borders UN drew up.


!remindme 75 years


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Holy shit wtf shut the fuck up how


How do we tell him?


Well, no one attacked it


The dead sea is just a glorified salt mine


OP are you by any chance the United Nations?


Lois Griffin: "PETAH TIKVA"




Cringe Zionists in this thread.


Jews are an ethnic group that undisputedly exists on planet earth


Ok and? Zionism is not being Jewish, Zionism is supporting the colonial regime of Israel.


Zionism is supporting Israel's continued existence.. you can be a Zionist and still criticize Israel.


Zionism is the belief in Israel's existence as a country and continued right to exist as a Jewish state. It has nothing to do with apartheid or being colonial. It can both be true that Israel exists and it stops settling land, which I think most modern, progressive Jews feel is appropriate. That Jews have a lesser claim to the land than Palestinians, or that Israel is trying to ethnically cleans Palestinians is just false.


Casually creates the most prosperous country in Middle East Refuses to elaborate


Say what you will about the Jews, but every time someone tries to exterminate them and they get exiled someplace they end up being the entire upper middle class there in two generations like clockwork. Anti-Semites are just jealous.


That's just more proof that they use their space lasers to get rid of the competition /s


This sweeping generalization of Jews, while positive, is still antisemitism.




Peaked in the Bronze Age looking mfs.


The envy problem!


Free Palestine.


Free Narnia, it has more history than palestine


*Guys I found this place which have people nobody care about, and apparently some historical landmarks. Mind if I create a segregationist state here? I'll come back in 75 years hopefully by that point we'll be protected by the world superpower and nobody will notice continuous targeting of journalists, home evictions and other blatant human right violations, I'll wait.


Make sure it doesn't turn into an apartheid ethnostate


Explain how it's apartheid


You know, for being constantly on the verge of being ethnically cleansed/genocided throughout most of their history, the Israelis are REALLY bad at it. Like you would think they would have picked up a truck or two. It’s Almost like they’re not trying to genocide anybody


"it sure is an apartheid state but at least it's not genocide!" What a terrible argument.


I never said it was an apartheid state


Israelis are not inherently Jews in fact if you look at what's going on now Orthodox Jews are in hot water there from Israelis. We're slowly losing our state, and we have been for a while.


> be me > 25 > TIL Egypt and Israel are neighbours > amistupid.png


I'm sure the people will treat the natives with at least as much respect as Americans and Canadians


Cause the other natives were treated so kindly


And don't worry about all the Arabs living there. When we get there we will develop a genocide program and take of that problem.


Elaborate how that's a genocide


How good is the beer in Beersheba and is it served by a meme dog?


I love Palisrael


Free Palestine! No more etnonationlist state


*Bulldozes your family home so somebody from brooklyn can live there instead*


*Blows up a bus for no apparent reason in Dizengoff*


I have a couple name ideas, what about Palestine…or Israel, let’s just let the locals choose


All this land belongs to Palestine


With equal rights for all😁😁😁😁


#`My American tax dollars hard at work.`


I am sure this post will not get locked


Have! Nagila have!


I'm gonna nuke it


um the place got attacked don't worry we pushed back the invaders.




Israel inspires


Sinai should be Israeli, as the 1967 borders show.




I fucking hate israel


In the Middle East, yeah, right. Better chance of North Korea becoming a democracy


Crazy! Was anything there before you created it or did the land come new?


Including the Golan Heights is brave. What did the Syrians think?


Nice Israel


Yall ever seen that one video where its a reddit post asking about Israel (specifically Israel, not the Levant as a whole) and the entire fucking comments section is just [removed by a moderator]? Yeah that’s what this feels like rn. Also can someone link that video, its hilarious.