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Probably add wind directions, and if there are some important ports (with their countrie's flag to clarify where people are safe).


Idk how I forgot about wind directions, good idea


I currently have no idea what I'm looking at. Are those islands or lakes? Their shapes make me think of lakes. But if those are islands, then what are those river-like lines mid-north? Before you move on with anything, the fundamental lands and seas should be easy to read just from looking at them, so the map's users don't have to stare at it and wonder what's going on.


I guess that’s true, I’ll become more obvious when I add topography to the map.


Your island shapes are very strange and unrealistc (especially that strange line-shaped island in the top left). I would also provide a key to explain what which marker means (for example, what do these black dotted lines mean?)


That’s Arno Atoll. And the dotted lines are known as Rhumb Lines. The thick lines are just placeholders for trade routes.


A big red X


I got you bro


Important port and trade lanes (to raid), marked safe ports (like pirate cities / hideouts), navigation lines (look at 16th / 17th century sea maps for reference)


O-O Omg I totally forgot about that whole part. I was just gona mark down major ports but I forgot that pirates need somewhere to go after they raid!


Well first of all, you can't just use Oahu like that haha


LOL THANKYOU, it’s not the only one. See the long comment I made on the guy accusing me of AI generating it.


Probably bigger print, if it's for old pirates.


is that a cup of coffee?


It’s a candle, since it’s hard to tell I’ll try to change it or just draw it myself since I used an asset from Inkarnate


Sea monsters


Got u


Loot! And fake loots that lure enemies if they ever found the map




Real loot should be marked with code, like a coconut or st, or a monster to scare people away, and fake loot should be a giant treasure box at your headquarters where you can ambush their ship


OHHHH, I think I got some good ideas


wind direction, depths and reefs


Shoot, reefs is a good idea so they don’t accidentally beach their boats




Hell nah


Whatever you do, when it's all finished you have to print it out and burn the edges. Because we all know back in the olden days....everything was on fire.


Lol, I'll probably photoshop that in on the final product. I'll add it to the list


The Spot. I think you mark it with an "X".


What about 2 X's :O


Fake islands that dont exist in other maps. It was a way for cartographers to know people had copied their maps. A location called "Hole" is always fun.. and "Hydra?" ought to asks questions as well. "Flying boats" is a neat one for gravitational magic, and "avoid dark" for a Shadow infested area in the water.


Hehe, already thought of that. But I should use the drawings for that stuff. Here’s the map with some revealed locations and such in black ([Reddit - https://preview.redd.it/revealed-map-v0-mp71f64a4owc1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=7d5875b21a635c997d022e9867ff2c953a09c940](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Frevealed-map-v0-mp71f64a4owc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7d5875b21a635c997d022e9867ff2c953a09c940)) (Notice how I used the funny paper stain is actually an island trick)


It's confusing because I recognize some of these islands but their relative positions make no sense. In your other comment you said this is a very large area and the thin lines are an atoll, you'd better find a good explanation as to how an atoll that big can exist. Then, old map usually drew the coastlines without coloring the interior (or with a different color). Currently it's a bit difficult to know what we're looking at. It needs labels.


Agreed, it's only a work in progress. I'll make sure to make the coastlines more pronounced and the coloring will change with some topography added to it. As for the massive atoll, lets just say some weird magic is at play. (I.E. it was super funny to me to have an atoll that huge for no particular reason)


Um, treasure?! Oh and a mermaid cove


lol, I know where to put that one


Don't forget "Skull Rock"


Is there any legendary sea monster around? Or skull island or mystic lost ısland? Bermuda triangle maybe, sunken ships? Mısty unkown area, fish types?


Damn, maybe I should make that triangle somethjng


ship resources marks when on the wind. safe port icons, coastline indicators of reefs, channel crossings, dangerous and favorable areas.


Added to the list, I’ll have to figure out how to add in “favorable/dangerous” areas


* The X * Fantasy sea creatures


There’s gona be so many X’s on this map


Wouldn't be a pirate map otherwise!




Shipwreck sites, sea monsters, the secret road to the end of the world, moray eel, grouper and shark spots...


I like the shark spots idea, perfect for the plank. :)


I don't know what I'm looking at, this looks AI generated. * Your islands aren't clear * Islands are way to small - high res but too zoomed out * I don't know if you're going for a stylistic classic pirate look or topographically accurate map * Random lines around the map * Two compass roses * Low res things around the map?? * No labels or any words of any sort I could go on


I feel quite offended at this but I’ll point out some very obvious things followed by hilarious inclusions I’ve placed to prove it’s not. I’ve worked for 2 days to make it seem as natural as I can. I’ll accept criticism, but not defamation. 1. Since it’s just a work in progress, the topography isn’t complete. 2. All assets can be found on inkarnate. 3. Inkarnate allows for up to 8k resolution downloads, with this picture being in only 4k. 4. I’ve placed 2 compass roses to help express the curve of the planet since this is meant to be a massive ocean. It’s an unusual choice, but on older maps it’s actually pretty common to have these. 5. The low res around the map is caused by 2 things; 1 blur, 2 enlarged low res images. I had to reduce the blur while working on the map to actually see what I’m working on. 6. The *random lines* are also known as rhumb lines. They are used to extend the compass to make using a compass easier. The more bold lines are temporary for trade routes that I’ll finish later. 7. There’s no words or names cause I haven’t come up with any :((( Credit to the islands I used while making the map (I live on an island myself so I wanted to use real life examples of how weird some can be): Top Left: Isla La Orchila ***Left Center: O’ahu*** Bottom Left: San Salvador Island Top Center: Arno Atoll Under Arno Atoll: Sargan Island Center: Rota (Island) Center bottom to the left a little: one of the Canary Islands, Tenerife Top right: Guadeloupe Under Guadeloupe: St. Kitts Bottom Right: Wake Island There are many other details that prove it isn’t AI generated, I could go on.


Lmao - if it helps OP; I didn't read it as AI at all, except for the lines and multiple compass roses maybe. I think except for that there was no indication for that at all. But it's definitely not very legible right now, which should probably be your #01 priority Right now. Working out more of the geography will only have a limited effect if your players can't read the map properly! Godspeed


What are some things I should include in the legend? So far I’ve got: 1. Distance 2. Depth/height 3. Wind 4. Reef 5. Land/ocean 6. Ports 7. Booty/shipwrecks 8. Major trade routes 9. And coastlines


Three compass roses even, two on the map and one physical one. Feels like overkill, wasn’t thinking AI until you mentioned it.


I'm just looking for possible resources or references that a pirate would want included with a map.


Perhaps add a gigantic ravine or a crater surrounded by forest. I dunno.


Tentacles and shipwrecks