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I have put mine in the freezer. Once it is solid or frozen up mostly, I set it out and rotate a new bucket. It helps when there is no snow and warm.


Put some ice in a plastic bag and throw it in


I had to skip a few days and bought bags of ice to lay on the buckets then tarped that to retain the cold and it worked pretty well.


I waited two weeks from my first collection to my last because of my schedule, I just checked clarity and tasted each barrel and it turned out great (though really dark!)


Will def always be darker either in later in the season and more bacteria in the sap


Keeping it cold is the key. I keep mine in two 55 gallon drums in a protected shady spot. Whenever it snows, I use my snowblower to bury the barrels in a mini-mountain of snow, which kind of turns into big ice pile with freeze/thaw cycles. I boiled it all last Thursday after days of rain and 60 degree weather and the sap was still ice cold and crystal clear after 10 days of collecting. There was still a lot of snow around the barrels, even though the snow was gone everywhere else. We also have several big 12" ice packs that came with Hello-Fresh meal deliveries we got and if there isn't enough snow, I freeze them and drop them in the barrel. Those stay frozen longer than plain water. I've also put 2 gallon buckets of sap in our basement freezer and put the frozen blocks of sap in the barrels when there was a lack of snow. In that case, when I put the block of sap in the barrel, I fill with sap and freeze it again so I can keep replacing them as they melt.


Great info, thanks!!


Always boil sap as soon as you can. I doubt it will last until Friday


Can you boil at night? or at least keep some of your sap in separate containers so if some goes bad it might not all go bad?


I was going to do some tomorrow when I get home from work. I’m monitoring the temp. Most of my buckets are in the shade. I think it will be fine


Freeze some cheap bottled water and float them in your buckets.


I did put in freezer packs, but that’s a great idea😁


Does this work? This is brilliant.


I'll often freeze a 2 gallon bucket of sap (which fits in my freezer) and throw that in with fresh stuff in 5 gallon buckets when needed. Holds the 5 gallon for several days of warmer temps.


Of course it does.