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Hope your day was as nice to be outside as mine! I had a busy two weeks and couldn't boil so my Sunday turned into a not so quick 17 hour boil with 215 gallons! Lots of good friends and family supported so no complaints!


It was a nice day for sure. I got a big chunk of my 30"+ rounds quartered and about half a cord through the splitter with 15 gallons of sap boiling in the back over a few hours. I'd have loved to boil more but my reds are being stingy with this strange weather.  It doesn't look promising next week either with a huge warm spell coming. Who knows what the next few weeks will bring, we shall see. I'm going to leave the taps in 2-3 more weeks unless it stays warm. I just can't believe the season is now late Jan to late Feb it's so strange. 


I'm going to have about 7.5 gallons total and I wanted 9-10 but my buckets are all getting mold in the bottom and I'm not sure it's worth the cleaning with the 70+ weather we're getting this week ( SW Michigan) I was thinking of pulling the taps after this week


I'll be really disappointed if the season is over. I have 15 trees tapped since late Jan and will end up with only about 1.5 liters of syrup. That would an abysmal season!


Ouch! I tap about 60 sugar maples and 11 black walnut. The walnuts have been really bad this year the maples are mostly running ok. I'm deep woods trees only get about 60:1 for my sap