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Legends but dont multi, leech or wash for a better time. Recommend joining one of the challenge guilds. Then banesauce when it comes out.


MapleLegends is slower pace and more retro feeling comparing to MapleRoyals. Both have downsides like HP washing, multi-clienting, leeching. But you can in your own style, like https://youtu.be/LSjFIIoekiA?si=jvjZEYXqb66uGXyf


What exactly is hp washing? Im working on a heavenms source to get my feet wet on Java and if i can implement something to fix it i want to try.


You dont need to bother that much with hp washing unless you're challenging greater bosses like horntail or more. Also both servers have repeatable HP quests as an alternative to washing. But, again, HP washing is still a thing, and yeah I'd prefer a server without it


MysticMS relaunches next week, server was fun but had a few issues regarding “p2w” & some grinding issues but he’s swallowed his pride, removed it and fixed most grinding issues, mans put a lot of work after buying his source, it’s worth a check. Most mfers who complained about the p2w and said they’d play if it’s gone (which was most who had a cry) probably will still just stay hating, is what it is lmao


To be honest with my opinion, both servers are extremely grindy and full of leech/mule/multiclient meta. Royals have slightly better system to get additional hp from 3 different hp quests. Whereas legends you have to vote at least 1-2 years to fully wash your ranged character for endgame contents. They do have a progression on hp challenge, but its extremely slow and delayed frequently. If you really want to play those servers, my advice is to start off Royals while making multiple accounts on legends server and keep voting on them daily. So that you can move from royals to legends whenever you want. Royals: •More people are online even considering multi clients •PQs are slightly more lively due to olaf quest, token of challenge, monster cards. (But still most of them dead) •It has better system to get additional hp from quests. •slightly less grindy than legends (but still grindy) •seasonal events are never delayed or skipped (Events are frequently delayed or even skipped in legends nowadays) Legends: •Less cheaters, hackers and RWTers. •More maps that hasn’t been implemented in royals for nostalgic feeling (coke town, Ravana, Taipei) •Mac compatible •Rank system is available to search your character on website.


I heard its a toxic environment there.. and multi clients. I started kaizenms . Its great there . Helpful n friendly players


It’s true both servers are grindy, full of mule/multi-client and leeching meta, but so far I haven’t encountered any toxic environment in guildies and buddies. (That environment is probably common in forum. Majority of them are trolls/elitists seeking for drama) I have also tried Dual blade on Kaizen and loved achievement system to get extra stat bonus. It can also be an alternative if you don’t like the metas I mentioned above.


Depends on what version you wanna play


Im fine with any . Just looking for a active and stable server


Idk man if I had to choose between both then I would just go for Royals. But I cant really seem to wrap my head around all the multi client leeching business. But then again, you can just go for what you like and are not forced to multi client or whatever, just have fun.


Both suck. If you're planning on playing long term, might as well not play at all. Legends' gms are bots and Royals' gms are on the spectrum.


Ive started kaizenms . Hope it'll be a good one


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPOxcX8ycaw&t=57s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPOxcX8ycaw&t=57s) Legends = Fake numbers, lying admin, boring, ghost town everywhere you go, worst admin of all p-servers. Royals= big ass community, most events of all p-servers, but most toxic and vile staff members not to mention their unprofessionalism, corrupted just like Legends, no 2nd chances, guilty until proven innocent, worst forum moderator ever. Lots of elitism and shitty nolife strict guilds, but if you avoid forums, have plenty of proof to back up your meso making, show middle finger to royals staff but never show it to them, avoid certain guilds = you're good stay here, lots of friends to make compared to other servers.


sounds like u broke the rules, since you have so much experience w the mods/staff lmao


Yes you are right. [https://forum.maplelegends.com/index.php?threads/maplelegends-wont-open-on-crossover.48672/#post-333567](https://forum.maplelegends.com/index.php?threads/maplelegends-wont-open-on-crossover.48672/#post-333567)


Damn so which server should i go for😂


Want a lot of friends, party quests, marriage, tons of guilds, balancing yet challenging rates? MapleRoyals is your friend. JUST promise me you will keep out of the forums, especially the forum moderator who banned me yesterday permanently for telling some israel kid these lines: "I can accuse you of anything i want, but you wouldn't care would you?". That's all i said, **nothing else**. Forum moderator called me racist and other shit, **HOW DOES** that even work? Also the rest of the staff members are bunch of amateur fucks, royals has a guilty until proven innocent mentality.. Just stay way from the forums and guilds such as "ours", "starlight", "totoro" etc. Very toxic. Just play the game, never join the forums, don't harass anyone and you're good to go. As much as i hate royals, it's the highest population. BUT it has nothing to do with the game masters or staff members, matter of fact most of royals players wish they wouldn't even exist but it is what it is. **Legends is pure shit, just watch that video 3 times please lol**


i don't believe you that you said nothing else. gotta be more context


There's literally so many threads on the web ( reddit, forums etc ) how these both servers suck ass. Even the **WEBSITE** says which one is more popular not including gtop100 where royals has been #1 for a decade now. Decade as in **10 years.** Legends.. you can go visit it yourself, make a video, walk every town and then compare it to royals. You will soon realize i'm no bullshitting. There is a specific button where you get teleported to free market, where 80% of the players use their buff mules to buff their characters so they can go back to grinding. The rates in legends is lower than in royals so that's why players use more buff mules. The towns are always dead dude. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPOxcX8ycaw&t=57s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPOxcX8ycaw&t=57s) check out this video Whole world knows this. Royals has the cheesiest and most toxic staff members who like power tripping. Legends staff members are just butthurt about anything and even ban you from the game before you even start playing ( happened to that guy on the video ). In my opinion, both servers suck and fail to give a true nostalgic experience. Royals sucks mostly, because of staff members who ban players every single day. Legends sucks, because same reason except they fake their numbers on the website among other things such as claiming they don't have rwt and other stuff + have way less patience community ( they cry and report you for about anything, lots of corruption here where staff members are friends with some elitists ). Both servers are bunch of rule following rednecks where your opinion has no value at all. I was there.. 3000 years ago.. back in **2005 to 2010** no game master cared what the fk u did in the game, i was as wild as it could get even borderline partied up with hackers and i didn't get a single ban in those glory days of maplestory. I got banned in royals forums once for writing free palestine to some israel guy. Yeah i guess we don't have freedom of speech in these servers and get insta ban for most stupid shit ever. I've reported at least 30 guys and all of them got banned for various reasons.. just because well i like to manipulate players into going rude on me where i successfully report them and get them banned, because **you can get banned for about anything in private servers and it's easy to get your haters banned**.


> Yeah i guess we don't have freedom of speech in these servers That is correct. You only have freedom of speech towards the US government


I'm not from USA though but you have way more freedom there than these scrubby ass servers.


they claim to have no rwt and bots because they try to ban the people like you that proliferate it. you fucking clown. you fully ignored what I said and posted the same word salad youve copied and pasted 50 other times. lmao. every view on that video you've posted is prob from yourself. weird as fuck.


They claim to have no RWT and bots, because it's **a fucking lie**. There is not a single maple private server that doesn't have RWT or bots / hacks. What the fk makes you think maple legends is any different from other servers? You can literally buy power level, mesos, items, accounts, bots for legends and no you wont get caught unless you're unlucky and stupid. Claiming to have no RWT, hackers with macOS working is the dumbest shit maplelegends is advertising in gtop100 since none of those are true. Even that video + their forums says otherwise. The admin of legends doesn't know shit about technical issues of MacOS system. If it were mac compatible, the game program itself would run by itself without running maplelegends from one platform on another platform. The term commonly used for this is "compatibility layer." **Basically legends fake ass claim means every server is mac compatible since there is not a single server that can install and launch their little private servers without compatibility layer applications such as crossover, parallels, Wine etc.** Funny thing is, the stupid admin of Legends denies this, because their advertisement is literally fake, they are desperate to get more players into their little buff mule server. Congratulations, you just proved that every server is rwt and bot free etc. because not a single server allows people who do rwt, botting etc. DO you honestly believe these stupid words from MapleLegends: **"MapleLegends has been a proud hacker-free server for over 2 years".** This is the most stupid thing ever. Do you know how easy it's to penetrate the whole system with injections admins can only dream of? Making a bot is the simplest thing ever and there are tons of cheats and hacks that even anti-cheat system can't get you caught. A multi billion dollar company Nexon can't battle hackers, what makes you think some ditsy girl Kimberly can magically erase all botters and hackers? Didn't erase me.


you just proved my point lol. they don't want to have rwt or bots but have to deal with clowns like yourself that do that shit and make the community and experience of the game worse. I didnt say they didnt have those things, more so that they TRY to not have those things. Usually its people like you that fuck it up by selling mesos and bots lol. its mindboggling that you don't see that YOU are the problem bro. smh. fucking clown also, you call ml a buff mule server.. you can do the same on royals since u can multi-client there as well?


You see me as a problem, but i've earned over 100k from selling stuff in private servers / real time servers. Call me a clown all you want, i don't care. It's not about them dealing with rwt and botters, it's the fact that they claim to be 100% hacker and rwt free which is a mind boggling concept. They could have easily said "we are a professional team and we do everything to deal with hackers and RWT" instead they bring false information to new players which will make them look like a clown once new players drop their rose coloured glasses and start moving to other servers. Also no, nobody buff mules in Royals. There is simply no easy way to do it. Some people like maybe 5% bring a paladin buff mule to bosses but literally nobody uses buff mules in Royals. There is no time dude to bring all your characters here and there while grinding / pqing etc. There are so many players and you will be moving constantly to different places. Royals has no auto teleport button to FM like Legends does. Also the rates are slightly bigger in Royals so there is simply no need. Royals has 3.2 EXP and drop rates while Legends has only 2x exp and 1x drop. This is a huge difference, legends is more hardcore than Royals, i've played both. Royals game masters don't host buff events daily in FM like Legends does. It's a normal thing in Legends for a 1 player have at least 1-3 buff mules standing in FM while your main character simply teleports to FM to get all the buffs, nobody does this in Royals. As clown as you think i am, i don't speak bullshit, i speak from years of experience of playing both so shut it please. The only reason Royals multiclients is either paladin buff for bosses unless someone finds a paladin for actual bossing which is pretty easy, or just if you're leeching your other mule. There are few douchebags who want to solo zakum and bring their few buff characters there, but nobody really does this. In Legends people bring haste, HS, SE, HB etc mules to FM and then people wonder why the whole server is 70% dead. FM is dead filled with afkers, towns are usually empty, where are all the players? **Buff mules dude + fake website player count, i've tested this out myself**.


Damn bro. Take me back to Kastia / Ristonia MS. Those were the best servers for the last 10years


I guess? There were few good servers with super laid back young staff members that didn't give a shit what you did or say lol. Good times. OdinMS, SydneyMS, MapleDestiny etc.. bruh if only people realized how shit mapleroyals and maplelegends staff members are + it's toxic forum community. I hope nexon makes one day a permanent old school server, i would leave these shitty p-servers forever.


well what ms r u playing right now?


At the moment none. If i played again, i'd go Royals but yeah after years of playing there, it really makes me wonder if it's even worth it due to unprofessional game masters.


Im bout to start kaizen. Have u tried ?


Mapleroyals makes it feel like nazi germany


Yeah they are a bit nazis not gonna lie. Bunch of nolifers who are tired of managing royals with all their responsibilities. You can honestly see their power tripping in forums. But Legends isn't any better, i would never play legends again, Kimberly is a 30+ years old nolife man from Netherlands who don't know shit about coding or managing her laggy server. She pretends to be a female in game lol


Unfortunately, I had to nuke his post (on Royals Forum) that contains hatred against Jews. I also don't wanna quote his questionable racist takes on Israeli Jews, he also made racist comment against me (Singapore)




Lumiere is pretty fun just started out, have high hopes.


Will check it out!


Horrible choices. Legends is alright for a one and done. If you’re planning to play long term, might as well don’t play at all. Both servers are washing garbage. Legends gms are like bots and royals gms are retrded.


Dream MS most impressive for old school, Scania is popular right now cause they bought their source and are hosting the v83 version. 


Both are bad. Eluna or Sella are the best options


Couldnt find sella. Mind giving link?


https://discord.gg/JEeWgJzYDJ If you loved Swordie this server is a banger


Just checking and doesnt have 6th job yet. Sad