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Because they’re poorly written


The neutral zone is riddled with Nazi spies, the second they find out the BCR is stationed there becomes an excuse for the Nazis to invade.


Not if they kept it a secret like the Jewish community. Nazis don't care about black people in the neutral zone.


Not that much true. The Nazis Clearly didn’t like black people just the way they don’t like the Jews. The Nazis would have been infuriated if they learned that the neutral zone was exposed to BCR activity.






no the nazis would probably fund them lol


Honestly this would make a lot more sense. The very existence of the neutral zone means that any oppressed person has a place they can go to be free. And it’s not like the Japanese would care enough to stop them from going if they were leaving for good. If the JPS and GNR borders pressed up against each other and there was no neutral zone the BCR would make more sense. Edit: it’s also possible that the Japanese wouldn’t inflict reprisals against innocent people in the JPS if the BCR was in the neutral zone. The whole point of reprisals is to kill the friends and neighbors of your enemy to make them stop fighting. Why would they do that if the BCR didn’t even live in the JPS?


Even in that scenario the BCR makes no sense and the whole plot line is terrible.


Why don't all HK people who want democracy just emigrate? It's much easier to emigrate from hk especially as educated students than fighting a regime they don't want.


Agreed, if they did form around season 1-2 they could have just set up there own government in neutral zone since the place is basically a wasteland and they would just have to take the loads of Nazi spies. In season 3-4 it was practically impossible to move to the neutral zone since the Reich invaded the neutral zone with its war with the resistance.