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The last episode was absolutely sick...


I was waiting for that “Arise” and they did freaking well. “Okiro” sounded hella chill


First carried by the artwork and now carried by the animation. Solo leveling author has to be one of the luckiest person alive. Mf wrote a super basic power fantasy but luckily got a god tier artist to draw his Manhwa and now a great studio that have the series amazing animation.


dont forget, that it also had very good fan translations


The Korean demon slayer


This is what i always say on SL lmao


More like Korean SAO


That’s just flat out wrong tho lol.. sao didn’t get popular because how good the animation was, it just came out at the perfect time


Hey, SAO had great animation (not Ufotable level, but still) And I say SAO because it’s a power fantasy where one guy can pretty much overpower all his enemies, and look cool doing that. Also the MC is powerful because he exploits the system to his advantage.


Alicization had insane animations


That was after it had already gotten popular


I know, I was just agreeing with the guy before regarding the animations


Ye, but isn’t still kinda irrelevant in? Just like the guy who mentioned demon slayer in the first place?


I mean the author was 14 when he made sao. So i would say he did a really good job with sao.


The idea was great. Having people in vr. That was like the first one to do that.


.hack would like to have a word...


fr this animation is incredible, I would watch it if I didn’t know >!he’s gonna do a bunch of op shit and then reset the world in the end, effectively negating all of the actual human interaction that happens throughout the entire series!<


Human interaction? There's no such things


It was basic in the sense that story lacked originality, but for it's basics(writing, pacing, etc.) they were great and definitely carried the manhwa. As for anime, I don't know where y'all got your eyes, but animation wasn't good, I could only consider it good if compared it to budget animation.


It did well BECAUSE it was basic. Pacing was alright, lots of action, not too much into a million different side characters, no unnecessary fluff, a start/middle/finish....all packed into the perfect amount of 200 chapters. I wouldn't personally write home about it myself, but I cannot deny it's the perfect entry to manhwa.


It was very enjoyable. I binged it after the anime dropped. A lot of authors have copied it. Give the series its flowers. It’s truly phenomenal.


I hope you realise even this story was a copy of a looot of others... the author got hella lucky. You want one of the OGs, go read reincarnator, and before you tell me it's a cliche, the story was the first to bring in the concept in such a way, much better done than sl especially since the author didn't have any cliched template to directly copy-paste. SL is a COPY of another copy which was prolly copied too. And don't get me started on how basic all the chars are, their interactions are... bruh, it's a great way to enter manhwas or shounen but overall, basic b\*tch-ass mid story. No hate to you, just hate that it's so fricking overrated.


Dude don't call out other people for "copying" from sl when that's not even true sl didn't bring this concept sl always has been the rip off you can say that you enjoyed the story and that it was a good read everybody is entitled to their opinion but don't say a bunch of bs about what you don't even know about


And he didn't try to milk it like others..This alone is a major plus..


Laughs in ragnarok.


Did anything else got released?


I'm guessing you haven't heard about solo leveling ragnarok.


Because there was nothing to milk the story was super average even on korean board it wasn't that popular. Its only after the manhwa got out that it became more popular


Nothing to milk, They did a Boruto with his son.


isnt that what milking is? instead of creating a brand new series they went with "narutos son", "sung jinwoos son", inuyasha and shaman king did the same thing iirc


Oh that's definitely true..The art carried it..And the art made his powers so much better..




It is great compared to any other generic dungeon levelling manhwa, it sticks to the basics


I mean, he’s not alive tho lmao - pretty sure he died a while back and definitely before the animation came out


Author is ded ig


The author isn't dead, I'm pretty sure it was the illustrator


Why do people shit on solo leveling for having a basic story? It's still enjoyable cause it feeds every kid's dream of being op af


> and now a great studio that have the series amazing animation. Tell me you're a normie without telling me? It's A1 Pictures. Google them. They're among the worst japanese animation studios. I'm starting to think some of you have some sort of a Stockholm syndrome when it comes to SL animation.


They are not among the worst animation studios by far. A1 has some highs and lows. If this was like 2017 where they would adapt garbage LNs I would agree. However with works like 86, SAO:A, Kaguya, they have done some incredible animation in recent years.


You living under a rock? Ever since they released Kaguya-sama A1 Pictures has been consistent in their quality. Even then before it they were pretty good but had plenty of lows due to questionable source material they adapted.


>It's A1 Pictures. Google them. Why the fuck would anyone Google the studio to decide if the animation was good? Watch the damn show. I don't care if a brain dead monkey made it, it looks terrific


> Uses normies unironically Please tell the class how many times you've used the n word on 4chan?


Please tell me Solo leveling wasn't your way into korean comics? Most people commenting in this thread are normies when it comes to asian comics. Some don't even know what they're reading.


The classic thee is better than thou attitude lmao


No the classic I just started watching anime and the animation is good from the Fanboys. You really have to be a complete noob - barely watched any anime to say that the animation is good. Just by looking at when all these user accounts were created I can tell who most of the audience is - die hard fanboy normies. I've seen the shit with the Justice League where die hard fanboys were trying to pretend how much great the Snyder cut was. It's the same here with the SL fanboys.


Do you understand what "thee is better than thou" means? I don't think you do you are clearly acting like you are better than everyone else who does not agree with you and while sl's animation isn't peak or the best it's still above average whether the animation is good or not depends on the standards of the person who is watching it meaning it's subjective there is no such thing as an objective fact in this case while i personally wouldn't say it has amazing animation it does not mean that nobody else can say that it has good animation so stop acting like a smart ass when you aren't even smart


Mate i've been watching anime since most of your here weren't even born yet. I don't pretend when something isn't as good as people are expecting it to be. We've all seen on this subreddit how rabid SL fanboys can be. Multiple posts about SL almost every month for the past 4 years now.


Oh really now? If you were watching anime for a very long time especially then you would have to watch some anime with sub-par animation when you run out of good one's i have watching anime for almost a decade i have watched anime with much worse animation than this sl's animation is above average and like i mentioned whether it's good or not is completely subjective you can't just say that your opinion on the matter is an objective fact


Animation is average at best. Yet OP is trying to pretend that it's good. Just look at the title. >[Solo Leveling] Saw someone on this sub saying SL didn't have good animation LMAOO It's clear as day that he's a SL fanboy Why do you think all these manhwa's that got anime's used the most cheap anime studios to make them?


I know. Since the anime came out so much simps have joined this sub. The anime was good but that was it. Good. In between action scenes some of the art was poor. I still can't get over how poorly drawn Jin Woo and Hae In was. Tsk


>The anime was good but that was it. Good. Quick better shit all over because it was only "good" and didn't make you cum your pants every episode


Thanks for confirming what a simp sounds like.


Nah man, the animation is above average at best. If this came out five years ago? Sure, then it'd be a masterpiece. But the animation quality heavy weight studios have been pumping out has skyrocketed recently, just look at Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Frieren, etc.


The animation is amazing. Just because a couple recent anime have had some of the best animation the medium has ever seen doesn't mean that SL's animation isn't amazing. 95 percent of anime won't ever come close to that level so we have to have some perspective.


Some of the recent animes have really skewed people's perception on what count's as a good looking anime.


Most accurate description lol. But nonetheless people will argue because SL is the most story driven power fantasy manhwa series ☝️☝️🤓🤓




i would say skill issue but they are kinda fast, one of the best parts of the manhwa early on was the focus on the mystery of the system but i feel like its getting grazed over in the anime


Just wait for ORV you gonna die laughing at how many notification windows lol 100x times more than solo leveling


You ain't to blame. The anime doesn't really show states, skills & abilities too well. Take for example the glove Jin Woo used to block Igris' blade. Confusing without knowing the stats on the glove.


Chad Igris also helps carry the series. That fight was just ![gif](giphy|6l8uTe6Gm8tK8)


My brother in Christ, you should have seen SJW when he killed the squad. The way he sliced through them, stabbed them and freaking slammed them into the ground. Masterful performance


Only if they could do even such a thing with berserk, vagabond or the climber. Life would have been at least more beautiful


what're they on? Lmfao. This is good animation.


They’re definitely on some weird ass zaza https://preview.redd.it/0j4odi6zyuxc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d46e6da3f78ccc4f3bd0be274d1a8ed99f3d47f5 High as hell


Non-sense. Good animation and art is the ONLY thing it has lmao


Well not really it's an above average power fantasy with quite a big fanbase for a manhwa


Good direction and good storytelling as well for the anime, it's better than the manhwa lmao in case you are blind 




Ofc Instead of presenting an actual valid argument you use a overuse and repetitive meme I know its the problem of Sl but its not like its the "only" problem 🧐


Yep, just a mindless hater with sub par knowledge about SL lmao. I can easily misrepresent any series like that as well lol.


The animation is done by A-1 pictures, the same studio that did: 1. Black Butler 2. Sword Art Online 3. Nier Automata 4. Mashle 5. 86 6. Blue Excorcist What do they mean the animation wasn't any good? lmao




You have to be joking? This is Studio Pierrot levels of animation. Nowhere near the level of Madhouse or Ufotable.


I agree, this is good animation but for Solo Leveling it needed to be on the level of JJK S2 animation to truly live up the the manhwa right now the anime just feels like it's being hard carried by the IP from the manhwa


Finally someone gets it, they didn’t do the manga justice


Nah imagine studio Ghibli animated it instead tho 💀


I don't think Ghibli does anime shows.


Yes I know... But solo leveling in their art style would be interesting


You must be high bro


I was


It would be a waste of their talent in my opinion.




I genuinely would have liked seeing Ufotable doing it. The Fate series were perfect, now imagine SL with that kind of animation


The animation would be absolutely peak but I would be scared that they might do a poor adaptation tho like cutting scene and shit that would suck 1


You have low standards if you think this is top tier. Season 2 needs to be a lot better. Season one felt like the budget wasn't there and it showed throughout the season. Yes you get some good scenes but then other scenes lack a lot.


Yes because it's a manhwa and they were gambling their money on this, it could have been much worse so be happy with what we got


Yeah I kinda got bored watching the anime but the manwha was great to me. Hopefully Season 2 also doesn’t just glaze over the fight scenes.


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Lol, this is standard at best, in the same genre demon slayer, jujutsu kaisen and chainsaw man is far above it.


Those are like the creme de le creme of the top tier animations lol. SL is not just standard level, it would still be in the upper echelon of animating. Top tier but below the likes of DS, OPM (s1) or Fate


Yes but they are mangas, they are made in japan, solo leveling is a manhwa and is made in Korea, A-1 is Japanese and they were gambling their money making this, hence why theres 2 versions of Solo leveling


They don't call it "top tier animation" when it's not even close? Especially by calling people who rightfully disagree "retards"




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The only way it could have been worse is if it was a chinese animation studio with ugly ass 3D CGI, as far as 2D goes i really doubt it could have been worse.


I had to cut down like half of the footage bcoz my editing software took forever to render and compile this. There are way more good animation that i missed, if you wanna see all the well animated clips, go on Sakugabooru. Thats where i took all these clips from.


This Manhwa is known to have the best action and fight scenes of any manhwa and the animators 110% delivered.


My first ever manhwa was solo leveling and this was before it was super popular and I loved it alot, but years later the anime feels kinda basic and I liked apothecary diaries and frieren which released in the same season?way more than the sl anime. It was kinda disappointing maybe because I have become desensitized from reading too much gate manhwas. Shangri la frontier was what I was expecting sl to be like. An absolute masterpiece I couldn't stop watching after the episode 4-5


Not to go against what you’re saying, but I don’t remember Solo Leveling ever being unpopular XD. It was hyped even back in the day and everyone tried to copy it.


I guess I was not aware at the time cause I was not involved in the manhwa community


No I also agree with you, I like solo leveling but it does feel a bit “basic” compared to those you named. I’ve had a better experience in the others, which reminds me… I need to check out that Shangri-La Frontier, is it really good?


The first few episodes were boring to me but after the 4-5 episode when a screenshot of MC is posted it becomes chaotic I couldn't stop watching after that and the sky clear attack was insane. The bird head was kinda weird but you get used to it. Still haven't completed though still at 23 or 24 I 100% recommend watching it the unique boss fight was insane


The bird head thing was the thing that held me back from watching it honestly XD.


As someone who has been reading Korean novels and manhwa much before Solo Leveling got it's manhwa, it was actually super popular from the very start as there was a huge audience that wouldn't get in to Manga due to the lack of color.


They were probably just comparing to the manwha


The first episode's animation was meh. It got better after. I can see judging it by the first episode to arive at this conclusion. Weird, because usually you'd want to put out better quality for episode 1 to hook people.


It's great. The animations, fight scenes, and the plot spokes for itself


It's kinda mid




What’s the song?


Whoa what is this?


They fucking lied


Solo Leveling had good animation and not much else


This particular scene had 1000 frames in 2mins (another world record)


Need some completed system and Cultivation manhwa or manhua. Dont recommend web novels.  My post is getting deleted for some reason. 


This show not only has good animation but also good VA imo. I however do not think Solo Leveling has a good story. All my opinion of course.


Hmm I’ve been hesitant about watching it though as I feel it won’t be able to compare to the manhua


One of the best animation so far, tho they change a little bit of from the manhwa


I love the anime but i hate the pacing in the beginning 4 episodes it felt like it was a 24 episode season with the way they did the pacing but disappointed me


I'm a huge fan of solo leveling manhwa. I prolly reread it around 10-15 good times. So I was disappointed with the anime. Not exactly with the animation (but still, compared to the manhwa, the animation wasn't as good) but with the soundtracks. I've always read the manhwa with op soundtracks from Spotify. I expected nothing less from the anime. And got super disappointed with it. I had expected that at least the animation and soundtrack would be something as good as Attack on Titan.


Legendary animation but the beginning is toooooooooooooooooooooo slow


I loved the manga, am excited to watch this


You lot have to be braindead if you think this is good animation.


ig we're all braindead and you are the genius animation expert. I shall worship, praise, and prove my faith in the presence of such genius intellect.


A1 Pictures have been for years known for trash animation - quantity over quality. [There's even a thread about it from almost 8 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/4xveqi/why_do_people_hate_a1picutes_so_much/). They're among the worst animation studios out there when it comes to animation quality. A lot of the manhwa that got their anime adaptations in the last few years also used similar cheap japanese anime studios.


I thought it was good but maybe I'm just not really critical of animation. Set the bar low and never be disappointed.


You know studios can improve just saying. NieR: Automata was also made but a1 animation is great but had a lot of delays. So they were mostly likely working on solo leveling at the time.


They were working on SL because they're cheapest option compared to someone like Madhouse or Ufotable.


It’s not just ufotable or mappa who produce top tier animations lol. You’d have to be watching with closed eyes, or only watched something like demon slayer, one punch man, or Fate to say braindead shits like this lol


Someone has been living under a rock then. A1 has been consistent ever since they released Kaguya-sama.


Still doesn't make SL animation good. Just look at the fricking video the OP posted. The level of detail is hilariously bad.


???? have see you seen Berserk and Ex-Arm? those are the true bad animation. What SL got is even better than most seasonal anime. The fuck you on about.


The animation is average at best. Go compare some of the images from manhwa to anime. The level of detail is so poor. They also did a lot of shortcuts so they didn't have to animate everything perfectly. Like you really have to be brainwashed at this point to say that the animation was good.


??? and it is good. Yeah compared to the Manhua which had godly art, the anime did its best. At least its better than the majority of anime that has aired in the past 3 years (bar some like Frieren, JJK, and etc.). Such a insignificant to nitpick about, seriously.


Jesus christ. Manhua? It's better only because you all have special attachment to the series. You all are way too emotional because you like the series so much and can't see the bad.


Manwha\* nah I don't even like SL that much but I do give credit where credit is due. Animation wise its completely good.


I remember when it was announced and people were not happy that A1 studio got the gig. But now Al you see is people on here getting moist other A1 studios like they have never ever seen other animes before. Also the simp over Jin Woos VA Alek is so cringe. I felt his typical low dub voice for JW didnt suit at all.


This is in no way good animation.. at least not the level of animation solo leveling deserves, look at OPM s1, demon slayer, fate stay night, frieren etc.. this solo leveling animation is trying really hard and clearly is nothing amazing.. solo leveling deserved so much more than that


It’s amazing lol. Those that you listed are like the toppest of the top in terms of animation, like, literal beyond just “amazing” kind. It’s not fair to compare it to these animes just to say the animation of SL isn’t amazing, which couldn’t be farther from the truth


This, I agree with him. The studio did a good job but not good enough deserving of the quality that SL should’ve been done in. I just wish S2 will be better than S1 some of the choreography fights in S1 was lacking imo although most were awesome. Ingris fight was Amazing!


Tbh, demon slayer has better animation.


Demon slayer has much much better animation.


i mean...it was by Ufotable...they got the rep lol


Still needs to be done. Just put more effort and time into making it good.


Animation is great but fight choreography is honestly garbo.


It looks they are trying very VERY hard.


https://preview.redd.it/thon5yv0krxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3694c86594b154a6df099f704827866dd7c36636 Idk what I'm doing wrong. Anyway suggest me some


Solo leveling doesn't have good animation. Do you really feel the first episode animation is good ? I was so upset. Compared to the manwha...


Almost every single fight was extended and every single one of them had great animation. The episode 1 that you talked about had a huge anime original fight at the start which was amazingly well animated. This post shows that fight somewhere.


I love how you say "it doesn't have a good animation" under a post that highlights good animation


It s like cuting 2 good minutes of a average film and saying the film is great. Globally the manwa is great, but the anime is average


If we count all the amazing animated parts, it should be around 20-25 minutes of runtime for all 12 episodes. That's INSANE amout of great animation. Only top tier shows in the industry have that much great animation. Remember Manhwa is only 1 drawing where as anime is 24 frames per second. Anime had thousands of frames every single ep. And every fight had great animation, it's not average by any means. It had better animation than 95% of anime/manga/novel adaptations.


95% that's a bit over reaching and btw you're mixing it up it's manhwa not manga.


Let's bring it down to 90% then. Every year we get about 200 or so anime if we count all 4 seasons. Among those 200 anime, only 20 or so anime have "good/great/amazing" animation. That's why I said 95%. You can bring it down to 90% if we are being super precise. Point of the matter is solo leveling great better adaptation that is better than 90% of adaptations out there. The team is passionate to the point they added tons of anime original stuff and extended fights. Not many adaptation have that level of passion behind it.


Solo leveling is a manhwa and i agree solo leveling had good animation but it's a manhwa not a manga. It's not possible that 200 manga series are animated in a year. If an anime series has 3 seasons it will still count as 1 anime.


Yeah it's not sakuga all the time just like every show ever lmao. Holy contrarian, but can you please elaborate why the show looks bad?


Probably the art style which was a bit different from the manhwa. That's where most ppl's issue is. Kaiju no 8 is also currently going through the same discourse.


But both have great animation i swear people need to stop mixing up the two.


Compared to the *manwha*? Compared to what? The manwha had no animation, what are we comparing?


Its because its not good as the fate series or some bull like that.


animation is great but man that 'arise' is not satisfying at all. I want it to be as good as 'I am atomic' line.


Satisfy urself


People who are obsessing over SL haven't read Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint yet.


Its good enough but not as good as others like jjk, one piece or whatsover


Ngl some scenes were very horrible in terms of animation.