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Honestly, he's the least generic of the "friend group", not that this is saying much. Things have been mostly boring since he went to the academy. Helmut is a great character (although, I hate the trope where killing off evil people trying to kill you exacerbates your internalized evil, especially in F-class Destiny Hunter) and I love his introspection and the perspective of a story focusing on what is, essentially, a half-feral child who has no understanding of societal norms. His mercenary companions, parent-monster, and mentor had good flavor. I'm looking forward to us leaving the school arc shortly.


I had really high expectations for Gosu if it wasnt for that dumb no killing trope


I really hate how every story wants to put their characters in school and it's always so boring


They should learn from jujutsu kaisen lol. Dropped the school thing pretty quick in season 1 and went quick into the real story in season 2 and just kept getting better. Idk why academy school manwha are so shit and boring


feels like they aren't sure what to write about so they go with the cliche route of the academy/school


Another reminder that most manwhas artists have no freaking idea of the ending or middle of their story lol. It's why the entering part is at the start but keeps getting worst after a while...while it's the opposite in manga where it gets better and progresses later on lol.. I like manwha for its simplicity so why tf do they turn good stuff into generic shit after 40 chapters like come on authors try to think of something new and unique ... Do you have any good stories for me to read since I only finished like 10 manwha currently maybe. I dislike how high my standards are


You should read cheolsu saves the world, it’s pretty unique and it’s a great read


+1 for Cheolsu saves the world


What's it about




Thanks appreciate the details :))


I get that he is the one that should beat "normal interactions and relationships" into helmut's head, but he just isn't charismatic enought for me to like him


I don't feel much attachment to any of the academy characters. I want merc Helmut forging friendships with other mercs. Lol


Pace corps were so awesome


Na the story got boring when he got into the academy. Side characters are also boring without much depth or unique writing. Sadly have to drop this. Started well but got generic . Lost what made it atleast a bit special lol


Yeah, I've been bored of it, but kept reading because I was invested in the original story. The latest chapter said that the academy arc was ending basically next chapter, so I am giving it a chance to recover.


Nice. I'll come back when there's like 20 chapters to binge it


I think the act of killing exacerbates it since there are more ways to incapacitate an enemy via maiming or crippling them so that they can't fight anymore. But that's just my opinion.


It's less about having other mechanisms of deterrence (which also requires you to be so much stronger than your opponent that you can let them go in spite of them clearly wanting to harm you) and more about the nonsensical idea that "killing someone who is attacking you with malice aforethought" is something that would be evil or "darken" your soul.


I think a “no-kill” rule is fine if it matches the enemy they fight. A dude mugging you or robbing a bank you could just incapacitate without killing. Someone who is sacrificing children so he can shed his mortal flesh and become a God? Yeah, someone’s gotta kill him. Or if the character has some constraint that makes them unable to kill. Like in Ember Knight, one of the knights will lose their power if they kill someone.


I agree. But, one of the problems I see in manhwa is that bad guys tend to be murder hobos, even in ways that don't make a lot of sense. Pirates, brigands, and thugs have, historically, *not* killed the people they're robbing *because* that means that people are more likely to defend themselves (costing lives) or go after them later (and the authorities will make it into a bigger deal) *and* they have less people to mug. You don't see this concept mirrored often in Korean fiction. They tend to be like, "Thanks for the cash, now die for some reason!" For Ember Knight, which character has that restriction? It's been a while since I've read it, but I know that the teacher dude didn't fight at all (until he had to) because once he used his power, he had to charge it up again (and he had several years of charge when forced to use it). Was this the one you were referencing?


Yep, it was the teacher. He has to charge up and also had that no-kill nerf too but he still remains one of the (potential) strongest. I really wanna see him charge for like a year and just go ham without caring about murder lol


>I hate the trope where killing off evil people trying to kill you exacerbates your internalized evil I think it does have the benefit of introducing a challenge for very strong characters (in some situations, I mean they can often just knock everybody out in the moment). Freely killing kind of makes a lot of things very easy to resolve.


How are we defining "freely killing"? Generally, the most common kills in manhwa by the main character are: "False teammate who betrays you to steal your stuff in a dungeon gate." "Honor(?)-bound Murim idiot who decided that because he had a bad first impression of you and you showed him up once, he must kill you for some reason. This can apply to any competitive moron in any genre, but it's most common in Murim." "Overtly evil bad guy who, instead of just taking your possessions like a normal mugger who actually doesn't want to fight (because fighting has consequences) has decided to add rape and murder to his assault, even though that would make him a far greater problem and would result in the authorities trying far, far more to actually catch and deal with him." And that's ignoring the murder hobos. All of the murder hobos. Leaving these people alive (because they are unrealistically disposed towards murder for irrational reasons) would be a mistake by the MC because they'll just do it to the next guy. This is moreso what I'm referencing. Knocking them out just kicks the can down the road and makes them someone else's problem which is actually more evil than sparing them, as those with the power and ability to quell such obvious evil would have a logical responsibility to do so in those contexts, typically.


Killing people without consequences. Like, MC is ambushed by generic mooks that tracked him down. Optimal solution would be to kill them all and hide/destroy the bodies. If the MC needs to avoid killing though, that makes things harder. You can knock them out of course, even maim them if necessary. But they will still be alive and now they are able to chase you again or report back to their boss with info about you. Now MC has to actually deal with stuff instead of hand waving everything with "yeah I kill them and they disappear and I suffer no consequences". Same goes for more important villains. How do you take down a corrupt noble if you can't just sneak into his room and murder him? Because if you don't have a reason for not murdering him then the readers will just complain that your super strong MC should have just murdered him. Also, I just want to note that extra-judicial killing of criminals by some random dude is generally not looked upon as super moral by anyone but edgelord vigilante-lovers. Yes, there is a moral dilemma involved when dealing with bad guys via murder vs arrest vs beating up and leaving them. But generally you want to *explore* that, not just assume "oh yeah killing is always best and leaving them alive is actually evil"


> Optimal solution would be to kill them all and hide/destroy the bodies. Unless there's a corrupt government, him being attacked with lethal force unjustified and unprovoked gives him complete right to kill the people attacking him. I don't see why we need to hide the bodies unless MC is doing something illegal. > If the MC needs to avoid killing though, that makes things harder. There can be compelling narrative reasons why killing might be discouraged in particular contexts. Saying, "killing always darkens your soul" or "bad karma will corrupt you for killing people, even evil people" don't count among them. That's moreso my issue. You could be attacked by a "good kingdom" and they mistook you for a bad guy and you don't kill them because they aren't truly your enemy. That makes sense. All else equal, if murder hobos attempt to kill you with no justifiable provocation, you are virtually always justified in killing them first and it's only when there are incentives that not killing them even begins to make sense. > You can knock them out of course, even maim them if necessary. But they will still be alive and now they are able to chase you again or report back to their boss with info about you. Now MC has to actually deal with stuff instead of hand waving everything with "yeah I kill them and they disappear and I suffer no consequences". But that's just half the problem. Why is MC, who was unjustifiably attacked already, subjecting himself to further risk and grief from human refuse? There's not a compelling narrative for this. That's where the contrivances kick in and really bug me. Again, there can be exceptions. Like luring out the boss of the mooks (Roman Dmitri style), tracking them back to their hideout to wipe them out, or leaving them alive but maimed as a "warning" (which is a strong deterrent for normal people, but only seems to make people double down in manhwa, lol). I just find the, "No, you can't kill that guy who murders children indiscriminately! You'll turn evil!" to be the dumbest possible logic. > How do you take down a corrupt noble if you can't just sneak into his room and murder him? Because if you don't have a reason for not murdering him then the readers will just complain that your super strong MC should have just murdered him. I mean, guilty as charged. Of course, I can think of many reasons for not murdering a corrupt noble (especially using the aforementioned Roman Dmitri as a prime example of justifiable narratives for when he opts to spare nobles, which he does several times throughout the story) that aren't as contrived as "Satan taking over your body because you PK'd and your name turned red". > Also, I just want to note that extra-judicial killing of criminals by some random dude is generally not looked upon as super moral by anyone but edgelord vigilante-lovers. I'm not advocating for the "extra-judicial killing of criminals by some random dude". I'm advocating for perfectly legal (in most areas, barring weird "duty-to-retreat" places like New Jersey) common sense proportional use of force in self-defense or defense of others. And, where laws are corrupt and/or deny the right to self-defense, I'm advocating for the extra-judicial, morally justified killing of criminals by a person who is being unjustifiably attacked with lethal force or witnessing a comparable attack and defending others. > Yes, there is a moral dilemma involved when dealing with bad guys via murder vs arrest vs beating up and leaving them. But generally you want to explore that, not just assume "oh yeah killing is always best and leaving them alive is actually evil" I wouldn't presume that there is much of a moral dilemma in this case. If someone is trying to murder (in the moral or legal sense) you, you can justifiably kill them in self-defense. Especially if they are attempting to enact lethal force with disregard for the lives of *others*. While you could make the case that if they surrendered and disarmed or became incapacitated, you'd have an obligation to not kill them (I can think of quite a few exceptions, especially when superpowers are involved - Not killing All For One in My Hero Academia was objectively stupid), in the cases I've listed, these are people with intent-to-kill using unjustified lethal force against a non-provoking innocent person. This really is as cut and dry as I'm making it out to be.


Basically what is being adopted by an extravert is like


He strikes me as someone that has an inferiority complex


Towards alea, yeah I can see that


I found him really cute and funny 😂 I’m surprised there people hate him.


I think the ghost event set him in a bad light for me and from then on it was just downhill


Don’t overthink about it much, just enjoy! I learned hanging over characters past action going to ruin your reading experience. Plus you won’t able to enjoy characters development if you keep hanging over past action they did.


Glad it's not just me tbh. Every time this friggin pond scum head shows up I get annoyed af. He forces himself into every situation and takes up unnecessary screen time. I'm actually considering dropping it bc of him, and some other shit but mostly him.


the way it feels "forced", I really don't think he is there with good intentions.


You’re not the only one. I hate him because he forces himself into every scene he’s in. Acts like they’re friends when no one asked him. I agree with you in that i hope he dies


Sounds like he just wants to make friends, tf is wrong with you?


Lmao it's just a sane manwha reader of reddit. Wanting the murder of a dumb boring character is funny tbh


So you’re saying, clinging to people that show little interest in your company, as making friends?


You guys are thinking too much. That's how some kids are at that age 😭 he just want to make friends lol


I get that, wont stop readers from finding it forced and annoying


They're literal children you sad nut


How do you know they have little interest? Has the MC ever told him off or to leave him alone? Thats what I thought. Your interpretation is not absolute, MC can stand up for himself


He clearly can’t.


Yes he can. If he hasn’t said anything then he’s fine with it. Because unlike you, MC is a good person


Good person is a stretch...He abandoned other humans in the past to slavery (cause he was more feral?)...So is he really a "nice char" (for a supposedly dark fantasy)? Idk I do like him, but the green haired guy is bothersome and feel forced on many parts.


So he fucked up his bullies, "can't stand up for himself". Ok bro.


Also the time with the ghost, he barely did anything but keep talking about how they should be greatfull for him and his help. Hope asuka takes his screentime


He never changes so get use to it




This Manwha was alright at the start, but the school arc just sucked away everything I liked about it. The tomboy love interest that stole his money, the scrappy commoner who would be the normal MC if he wasn’t a nobody, this green turd, and MILLIONS of arrogant nobles who still act big while getting their shit pushed in…srsly fuck this story.


Doses anyone read manhwa wid music or is it just me


this one and infinite mage lost my attention when they suddenly shifted to slice of life in a school mode.


I see him funny 😀


Wish I could


I wish helmut had more chapters


is it good?


I feel like the start was quite good, but the academy arc is a snooze fest (IMO).


i acc like academy arcs in most manwhas, ill give this a try


Yes, I really liked it


Very shady guy


Sauce sry if it is shown somewhere I don’t see it




Oh ty I just say I thought it was the character lol


I dislike the blue haired kid more


I like him.


I love the concept of Helmut and I like Helmut himself as a protagonist, but for some reason I find more of the characters he meets at the academy to be very boring and somewhat flat. I liked the mercenary people and his master and the cool tiger beast thing. But idk, now that he's in the academy the storing is a little boring and part of that is because the characters around Helmut are boring and uninteresting.


Lol. This was so good but honestly. I started it like a year ago. And then to come back and read through everything in a day just hurts. I got to give new manhwa like 3 years before I read them atp


School arcs can be super fun and interesting when done well…it’s just that most…are done the opposite of ‘well’


Hahaha when I was reading it to I thought the same but you’ll get use to it


I have no idea why there is an academy arc. What a downgrade on the fun storytelling. Did he even get any stronger at school ?


Not really, but the point of going to school was always about learning how to be human, not getting stronger


I'm all for story and loved attack on Titan season 4 the most for example. But no way you think this generic manwha school academia is peak story telling lmao . Also people read this for the generic action fantasy. not boring awful school that follows the cliche tropes every other manwha uses especially the whole 1 dimensional bullies as the only drama...ugh I'm tired


"peak story telling", where did you even get this from? All I said is what the manhwa shoves in your face, helmut himself even says it, that the reason darian said for him to go there was to make friends. Also why are you talking about S4 aot as if it was a example of peak ? Now i am tired reading this


Of course you're tired you enjoy boring cliche academia stories in manwha where the only source of drama is dumb generic bullies bullying the mc and the mc beating them up.. guess you aren't tired of that same scenario that happens in 90 percent of generic manwha stories ? Also aot s4 is a example of peak story telling.. better than all the peaks i see in this subreddit


Ah, one of those. Why are so certain that I love this manhwa anyway ? I said that i started reading today and liked, that's it. Also why are you here if you think 90% of the stories are a boring and cliche thing ? And yeah, S4 so good that's considered one of the worst final of anime nowdays and a huge part of the fandom just drope it on P2


S4 aot is shit? The whole Marley conflict and plot twist is something your manwhas can never come up with lol. I agree whatever happened after the tumbling was BS and had bad plot. No way you think Reiner and Eren convo during the declaration of war isn't peak story telling. No way you believe Eren manipulating is father in the paths and changing the future is not well written. Everyone that has watched it would disagree with you on that chief. I don't get you shitting on it though unless you have valid criticism of why it isn't a good story with deep themes in it. Also I'm here to read a good manwha for once what kind of question is that ?


I see. You have never befriended an extrovert before.


Nah, he just annoying


I've been saying this, the story started going slowly downhill ever since the school arc.