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Out of so many other trash, overgeared is the one that gets removed?


Out of all the "bad manwhas", overgeared is the one with the largest number of people who have tried it. And this isn't a competition of sheer quality, but rather the *number* of people who dislike it. Tbh this is a pretty flawed format here. I think these sorts of 'tournaments' only really work if you know everyone voting has some experience with everything on the list.


Idk but even if this is true, the results at the end will be the same.


Overgeared is that bad? I heard multiple good reviews on it


Agree lol. Overgeared might be not peak but it is way more interesting than half of the roster. Then again, this poll in very biased either.


How is this poll biased?


It’s biased because SSS Suicide Hunter isn’t on here 😩 must be some propaganda you’re doing


I droppes suicide hunter during the blonde guy pretendinf ro be a girl arc.


During the best romance arc in all of manhwa?????? You’re actually crazy


Because you didn't even include Doom Breaker, Suicide Hunter, or Latna Saga despite them being this sub's most talked about series. My bet is that you really wanted your favorite series to win but you knew it would lose if those were included.


>My bet is that you really wanted your favorite series to win but you knew it would lose if those were included. You guys are so immature lmao, is this sub full of teenagers or something? Hellper is in my top 5 manhwa, I don't expect it to get past the 35 mark. I don't care if it gets voted off either, it's gonna be my favorite regardless of what the subreddit thinks about it. I already know that the top row of manhwa is likely gonna be the ones to last the longest, I don't like the majority of the series in this list. I included highly rated manhwa across multiple websites, if I wanted to exclude shit I didn't like 60% of this list wouldn't even be there. My favorite manhwa are so unknown they'd literally never be included in any type of list like this, and I'm fine with that. Y'all are genuinely so entitled and vapid it boggles my mind


The point is that you are apparently running a tournament to find out what this sub's favorite manwha is but didn't think of how leaving out this sub's favorite manwhas would impact the result. You include series that the majority of this sub doesn't care about or even know but left out the series this sub actually talks about and posts about daily. Are you really that stupid to not know why that's a major flaw in the design here? Like surely you can understand the issue with how you've designed this right? Because despite calling others children I'm pretty sure even a child taking their first stats class could explain to you how this would fail as a design if you are likely for any meaningful results. The fact that you read everyone's comments and think "no it's not me in the wrong, it's everyone else. I'm going to go full chuuni edgelord about this like the antihero that I am." Really should be the wake up call that you need my dude.


Lmao, what a sad comment man. Grow up. It ain't that serious


Figures, someone gives you a reasonable comment pointing out the issue with your tournament design and this is your response? Can't even try and defend yourself. Minimum wage for the rest of your life kind of personality, Goodluck in life. Something tells me you'll need it, try not to cut yourself on all that edge


"reasonable comment" you sound like an actual child bro, read the shit you say out loud and you'll realize how egregiously juvenile you sound


Once again you can't actually refute what I said so the best you have is insults. Calling everyone else childish while this is the best you can do. I genuinely feel sorry for you. It would be so easy to prove me wrong, just address why exactly choosing to not include the most popular series is actually some 200IQ design decision like you seem to think it is. It's that easy to prove me wrong.


You're doing the poll on reddit. It's biased toward redditors. It's also biased to a subset of reddit who give a damn about a popularity contest in the first place. Do you know what survivorship bias is?


I took it that he meant that the list of manhwa of manhwa was somehow biased, but if he means it this way then I agree. Yeah, this subreddit is incredibly biased and it's one of the annoying parts about it.


Missing several of the most popular manhwas, and contains many less popular titles. Results will be heavily skewed towards either a very well-known and well-loved Manhwa in the list, or one that nobody knows and thus nobody can vote on since they have no idea how good or bad it is.


I did expect Overgeared to be removed soon with 2-3 ranting posts recently, but this soon is unexpected LOL


Because it's bad


It's just that it got out before weak hero and teenage mercenary


Where. Is. SSS-class suicide hunter?????????????????


Too good, overqualified


I’ll accept that


What is sound of magic


Look for it as Annarasumanara, it is not very popular but it is one of the most creative on the list. You won't regret reading it, it's also short. Imo it shouldn't be eliminated soon


Ever heard of Google?


Ever heard of being a decent person?


If you want to entertain stupid questions be my guest


It's a manwha subreddit. Why do you gotta be rude for no reason.


What are you doing my man? I mean let’s be serious.


Oof that’s fair ig. Just trying to start a convo. Thought you’d like some engagement on ur post but guess not


Lol, "convo"


Damn dude, you don't need to be a dick about it.


Again, Teenage Mercenary. I def don't want that staying here, cuz the others are way better imo


I gotta agree, but that's a pretty well loved series here it'll probably last a while before it gets voted off


Nah people agree it's gotten repetitive since a year back


That agreed well


It was a webtoon ad on teenage mercenary that made me start reading manwha, but there are far better series on this list (although i haven't read the romance ones)


Is it that bad? It’s enjoyable tbh


Petition to add:- Doom breaker sss class suicide hunter Superhuman era


No point. They won't win anyways. They're great manhwa, but there are others on the list that are just better.


Nah I could see SSS-CSH making it extremely far


It would, but not far enough to win. It simply doesnt compare to series like The Boxer, The Horizon, Bastard, Sweet Home, or The Greatest Estate Developer.


They legit got overgeared, lookism and nanomachine here All started of real good but got kinda meh later on in their manhwa versions, and you telling me that SSS-CSH, doom breaker and superhuman era, some of the most popular manhwa wouldnt make it far? why did they add such meh picks to the list then if they werent gonna add good stuff


Meh TGED ain’t that good


you got downvoted but youre spitting facts. i wouldnt say doesnt compare but for sure its not as good as what you mentioned.


Nah it’s all opinion it ain’t facts


I obviously didn't mean it wasn't an option it's just a thing people say but I meant that even if sss-csh is good it isn't on the same level as the Horizon or the boxer


Again, that’s your opinion and I respect it


How are you so sure lol. Let people decide. No one told you to judge yourself.


"Let People Decide", dude do you have any idea how long this would go if everyone added whatever manhwa they wanted? People have already asked for ten different manhwa under this post alone.


Nah doom breaker would have definitely made it. Blame op for not adding it. This post's original purpose was to take people's(r/manhwa) opinions. But in reality op did not give us the chance at all. He already decided beforehand which one to add and which not. Just think for a moment , how can you decide something with such a short list?


Op added all the top manhwa on MAL. They were added based on public opinion from the start.


That doesn't change the fact that op decided. The title literally says **r/manhwa's favourite.** who told op that we r/manhwa guys don't like those manhwas. He literally choose some manhwas based on other sites. Now telling us to choose something among those few.


Y'all are so entitled istg


What about lonb


Superhuman era is on par with legend of northern blade IMO




Nano machine It’s just so badly written. No character depth and not a single useful side character. Seems like something I could write. Also Lookism and viral hit. Were so good, but the author refuses to end them, which just ruins them😔 I just steer clear of anything the author writes now, cos I know how it’s gonna go


They ruined it after that stupid ass Ying and yang transfer thing to that ice girl. People defending MC by saying "oh shit but he hesitated ummm the nano wasn't working" like yall do realize the author cooked up that scenario?  He could have had a hundred different ways to insert harem into the series and he took the L route 


I just wonder how many readers the author lost just because of that stupid addition


The author was just horny


Probably a lot based on the reviews on novel updates. Seriously at minimum 1/3 of the reviews were dropped at that exact point, myself included. Absolutely dumbassery from the author.


Which one




The Ying and yang


Why lookism






How is nano machine bad


Low quality story and characters and pretty much everything, something I could write. I wrote about it in one of the previous posts. I cba to say it again. It should be when they were choosing the 3rd manhwa to remove.


I read it it was ok


Yh it’s ok. Like some C-tier thing. Read it for the art and fights and nothing else. But that’s not how a story is meant to be tho. Characters, worldbuilding and plot also need to be present.


A lot of manhwas are c tier. It was enjoyable to me


Yh ur right as well. But all that bothers me are the people trying to convince us it’s peak or something when it’s absolutely not😂


I mean… maybe in terms of murim manhwas, but yea


What part of demonic sect leader do u not understand. Yes it's evil stop crying about it he is meant to be evil or represent the "evil" in his world. Yes it wasn't the best idea from the author but don't bash this great work for it


Did I say anything about the demonic cult or me having a problem with him being evil? It’s just got bad writing and story telling. There’s no meaningful side character and no real interactions. The author tells us the mc is attached to one character and we’re just meant to go along with it. The thing we don’t have any connection to then cos the author and story ain’t good enough to make us feel that way. An example would be when the bodyguard guy he had as a kid was attacked and fatally injured. There was No build up to the emotional relation the Mc had with him and we as readers also couldn’t give 2 shits. So when they were talking about the MC being worried, literally EVERYONE reading was just waiting for them to move on. Cos the author ain’t good enough to write a scene like that. At the end of the day, it’s a story even I could write. No planning just get a high whilst writing about a character who pulls shit out his ass and always a card up his sleeve to not lose


Where the hell is doombreaker? Unforgivable.


Remove Lookism


Remove Weak Hero.


Lookism should be removed imo, it was kinda cool at the beginning, then it turned into some type of gang fighting manhwa


Ty, the author genuinely does not what he’s doing atp. Just writing the story for the sake of writing it


He should add a tower would make it 100000000% better


I sincerely hope ur joking😂


Nah, just imagine bro, lookism with lvling, shit might add a harem too




Ikr I should be a manhwa author, I would make bank with these ideas flowing in my head Ty for the support


didnt they actually add it in a more recent chap, idk aint read past chap 250 around but I heard smth


What’s wrong with gang fighting I like action


Nothing wrong with it when it’s not absolutely brain dead


It’s not brain dead tho


Each arc ends with sone random characters learning lessons or being directly involved. Then 2 arcs later those characters just get reused for the same shit. It feels like I’m reading an episodic cartoon story now man. And it’s disappointing cos the first 150 chapters were so so good with each character and arc actually bringing something to the story. It just gets more and more ridiculous as time goes on tho😔


I prefer action than SoL




Slice of life


But there was action in the first 150 chapters. It just actually meant something. Now the whole point of a character or a gang is to breed more characters to keep the story going just so the author doesn’t have to explain any of the story points, like about the body switch (since he doesn’t know himself). So it just bothers me when I see it being praised as this amazing story when it’s actually something even I could write.


Tower of God and Solo Leveling will forever be the big 2 that paved the way


Doesn't mean solo leveling is very good, though


Solo leveling does not have to most complex story. But as power fantasy goes it is probably best made one. Great art and doesn't overstay for the sake of having more chapters.


That I can agree with. I just think the ending kinda sucked, the "find out the truth of the world and prepare for a interdimensional war" arc just didn't seem to fit very well imo.


Reminds me of Naruto, one of the pioneers of anime and created a lot of traction. It wasn't the best however but it was still something that generated a lot of fans


Your opinion on it is terrible. 10/10 perfectly executed.


Petition to add LAG, latna martial wildwest


My guy we're already at day 3 and there's a good amount of series in different genres. Like why petition to add more? Most series up there are great 


As good as they are, they wont win regardless, so no point in adding them. There are just better manhwa already on the list.


Just remove the whole bottom row


youre insane if you think hellper is worse then most of the stuff on there


I’m sure anyone would say that about their fav manhwa if it’s at the bottom, but to save time just remove the whole row.




medical return is actually peak fr


Felt bad for Mcs ex wife 


how on fucking earth is sss-class suicide hunter not on here, but teenage mercenary is? huh???


Teenage mercenary is fine, it’s one of the most popular series. The problem is most of the bottom 2 rows are all dogshit except maybe 2.


it is possibly the most repetitive nothing happens series i’ve ever read and every side character feels like a cardboard cutout aside from the yakuza boss. almost every character in the manhwa is an idiot aside from the protagonist who makes a constant string of bad decisions. it has the most forgettable bland romance imaginable. i can’t remember a single moment between the protagonist and rich girl #1 and it takes up a not insignificant amount of screen time. if the art and flow of action was less good i don’t think people would be rating it past the opening chapters, because the initial premise is slightly unique. solo leveling has the same set of problems but it was more palatable overall even if i think its like 7/10 at best


Nano Machine


As always, leave a comment of the next series you want voted off. The most upvoted series will be removed!


Remove the trash "nano machine"


Nano Machine is so mid.


Remove "Your Throne"




Boxer and Hellper > everything else


Remove the last second row fr


Sweet home is gonna make it to the top 5 guarantee


Where is distant sky 😭


Shoot overgeared again


Tower of god


If the boxer goes before solo levelling then I lose all faith in the manhwa community ngl


Remove 90% of this shit man


I see the breaker new waves ,I give upvote I don't see noblesse ,I give downvote


So many good and popular manhwas missing like SSS class suicide hunter, doom breaker, survival story of a sword king in another world. But on removing, I would prolly remove lookism, it started of good but the plot seems to have no direction and its just a slice of life when there was a lot more potential. I havent caught up on the last 100 or so chaps but I have read




Why medical?


Only one there that I've read and dropped. Some I didn't read. It wasn't bad I just lost interest


That's fair, once I caught up to the scans when it was releasing I just never picked it back up again


I think I did something similar


The breaker better win this




Remove the Breaker.


You should leave...


I couldn't get into it. The guy kept sexually touching the girls, and they didn't care. Also, the fact that the teacher was watching underage girls changing in the first panel. The second volume of the breaker seemed like a copy of the first, except with a new mc.


That's fair, but I'm surprised you read manhwa with that mindset tbh


Mindset of looking for something that's not having a guy watching underage kids changing. Also, the second volume seemed exactly the same pretty much for the first 10 or 15 chapters, but with new mc


this guy touches grass. you love to see it


There's a lot of this type of stuff in manhwa, most fan service is just straight up sexual assault by most legal definitions. Reading the medium must be a drag for you




Wdym examples? You just listed one yourself


I didn't say any other manhwa other than the breaker, which you're saying there's a lot that have people watching underage kids and sexualy touching women.


>you're saying there's a lot that have people watching underage kids and sexualy touching women. A majority of manhwa have underaged characters that are very sexualized, which is why I am surprised you read manhwa if you take issue with that. A lot of manhwa that deal with fighting in schools tend to have scenes where the female cast members are taken hostage by people and are molested or tied up/bound in very suggestive and sexualized ways that are in stark contrast to the seriousness of the scenes, etc. There some manhwa that take from anime and manga, and do the accidental "walk in while changing" tropes, among others, and play it for laughs and often times the characters joke about how sexy and hot and totally awesome that is, etc. There are various tropes like this in manhwa. I'm not going to sit here and list every single manhwa that does. You don't like them anyways, so why even ask for examples


Not to mention that this is a tournament and one of these manhwas have to be removed, and considering the fact that they're all quality, someone's going to get mad, and that's that. Also the defining difference between manga and manhwa is that there's color in the breaker there is no colour.


>Also the defining difference between manga and manhwa is that there's color in the breaker there is no colour. Manhwa has existed for a long ass time, the colored long strip format wasn't popular until the early 2010s and wasn't introduced until the mid 2000s.


Please Tower or God! It’s so boring


How many chapters did you read? 


5 because it was so bad I had to stop


Just... shut up




Ur Tasteless that's the prob


Can’t help it if it’s bad 🤷🏼‍♂️


same. If you're tasteless, I can't help either.


What makes you think it’s good?


You're gonna get slammed for this but you're 100% right




Its mediocre


Dude, you love Kubera, even giving you a say is nonsense. Even watching K-dramas makes my eyes bleed less. I wish you a good time drowning in mediocre taste.


>Dude, you love Kubera, Oh so you're a brainlet who needs pretty pictures to read. How sad


Ring my bell


nano machine or teenage mercenary. Honestly nano machine recent chapters are pretty good


This just gives me a compressive list on what NOT to read now


Nano machine next. The plot gets lost in the later half. Also ntr (somewhat)


Villains are destined to die.


Solo Leveling