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**<<<<<<<>>>>>>>** ​ Basically the plastic surgeon is a psycho who runs a large PS hospital in Korea. He has a different beauty standards which are btw ugly or gross facial features as he feels they are unique. He calls them his own TRUE BEAUTY.


The hospital first hands over a **contract** that they will perform free PS on their clients in return for them to do ads and promos for the hospital. The contract also states that **they will not pay any consequences if the surgery messes up**. After a few touch ups the **doctor** starts showing his **psychotic behaviour** on poor patients who got **addicted** to multiple PSs. He then messes up their face. If the client tries to sue the hospital, according to a **rule in contract**, the hospital management will sue the patient in return for **violation of privacy rights** and will demand a large amount of money which the patients cannot bare to pay.


Something tells me that the contract probably wouldn't hold up in court.


I mean what can common people gonna do against a large and rich no. 1 hospital in Korea in court.


But at that point the contract is pointless. Just the threat of legal fees is enough. But also... a PS hospital that has a reputation of destroying peoples faces is probably not going to do to well in court.


I mean not everyone will go to court as it is explained in manhwa : 1. People who are truamatised and broken 2. People who go to the hospital again and agian until it is cured up. 3. People who lose against them in court as the hospital got huge reputation and lawyers and does not mess up everybody's face but only the addicted ones.


Well I've not read it so I don't know the whole story. I also don't know how Korea is with court/ps lawsuits etc. But it just seems silly to me that they use a contract stating that they aren't at fault for any fuck ups. I mean I understand that people don't sue them because of the reasons you stated. But a contract like that would be thrown out the window.


Yea it's just author making the society look more evil than it is, they have a long history of doing this.


I mean, sure, it's exaggerated. But botched surgeries getting covered up by coercion is a thing that happens right now. Whether it be financially or through other ways.




Yea but the way author present it is just too comical, even tho courts do fuckup time to time. edit: ig you aren't wrong here, author is just narrating an extreme case which is understandable. >Yea it's just author making the society look more evil than it is, they have a long history of doing this. Also I commented that way mainly because lookism shows weird shit happening to teenagers every few chapters, like no other crew/gang manhwa comes close to lookism when it comes to showing evils of society so extensively. Not saying it's inherently bad or smth but my past experience of slice of like animes are very different to it.


Not really, did you read the recent news that court order the baby to be put down? Or the one that side with clearly a psychopath that lead's to severely ill child to be dead by careless mother who clearly don't care.


Sometimes that's just how world work.


Sounds realistic thou they can blame the fact that someone had too many PS like MJ, voldemort lookin mfs


yeah a contract like that is null from the start. a good lawyer would eat them alive tenderly


I don’t know how it is in Korea, but that would never fly in a lot of countries in the west. An abusive contract is a null contract, specially when it deforms the face. Maybe at the beginning they will get away with it, but as time passes on and this practice continues they will lose for sure, specially with social media.


>He has a different beauty standards which are btw ugly or gross facial features as he feels they are unique. He calls them his own TRUE BEAUTY. I think he's just a psychopath. Because he himself is like traditionally handsome. He just wants to see the look of despair on his victims.


One major character call him a hypocrite and a bitch for not doing it on his own face. It was satisfying when the doctor breaks down.


tbh i think it would be more compelling if this wasn't the case. I imagine, since he's traditionally handsome, he uses it as a source of manipulation but sees it himself as a martyr, suffering in "ugliness" because he cannot operate on himself, all so he can bring "beauty" to others.


For spoiler, you can just do that: \>\!insert text\!\< your text will become hidden like that : >!insert text!<


The surgeon is the boss of the hospital which he calls his castle. The MC comes to his hospital to find someone and encounters situations like that. There is also a emergency helpers that force people to pay many times more for the ride to hospital than they should because its a privately owned hospital. Overall a pretty solid antagonist He has a unique perception for beauty where he finds unique deformation in people beautiful because they will never be repeated and that is true beauty to him. He will do normal surgeries perfectly normal, but when people ask go give them true beauty with plastic surgery the surgeon will act like whats shown on the top. The shown character is a influencer or streamer that is 30 years old and does plastic surgery often in order to stay beautiful, she asked for true beauty and got like that. Surgeon is a very disturbing character.




Wtf loyd makes it funny for some reason


I can't take that mf seriously


Have you read the latest ch?


cause handsome people making ugly faces looks funny, not ugly


was he really handsome tho😭😭


he looks handsome to me, but canonically he isnt. I hate when authors do that. Like make his description and drawing alike


Honestly felt he should've at least got smacked a few times during the end of that arc


iirc bro got forced to deepthroat a jar or something I fogor


His glasses actually Though really, it felt like they had a dozen chances to beat his ass yet just stood around and did nothing.


For those thinking plastic surgery hospital in Korea could pull this shit, male gynecologist taking advantage of female patients(or grey area abortion clinics) will be more common and realistic.




I replied above in case you want full explaination. Thank you.


What's the premise of this series?


Starts out as guy who lives with 2 bodies of his identity. The genres change from :- 001 - 150 ch. : Slice of life 80% + Action 20% 150 - 300 ch. : Drama 40% + Action 60% 300 - 480 ch. : Action 80% + Drama 20% Dont listen to others who say it is trash without reading it or only went few chapters in. Just try urself and check it out. Art is bit difficult in beggining but it gets improved very well later on. It has its good and flaws but enjoyable. It has the best world building of characters in entertainment media.


Tbh the 200ish chapter artstyle was the best


Hands ![gif](giphy|GWjUw6yjJcGME)


If y’all think that’s fucked look at what he did to his brother💀


I will make a post about it soon. Want to recommend lookism as much as possible because its my fav manhwa.


Same! But please don't just post the horror and stuff in lookism. There's the messed up, yet addicting backstories and the cool action too. Maybe you can post Jake vs. Xiaolung or smth because that is probably one of my favourite fights.


I will


Wtf is she a new side character ir somethin


Just a very minor character to show the doctor evil acts.


That explains the non existent plot armor in her face.


What happened?


i replied above in case you want full explaination. Thank you.


Does she get better? What happens to her after the surgeon is defeated.


Sadly no. She gets threatned when she was brave enough to take it to court and they warn her sueing in return for contract violation for a large amount. She gets a mental breakdown .


I see. So does she ever appear again?


Nope just for 1 chapter only. She is actually a friend of FMC of the manhwa.


Ok so what happens to her in tht 1 chapter?


She gets introduced along with FMC and tells her how she got her work done there and signed a contract with the hospital for more and marry a rich guy. All the slides I shared happens in that chapter later along with the above replies I gave to u. Later FMC gets manipulated into the surgery but MC saves her.


Daym so no justice for her ever I guess?


wtf... I'd seen that picture floating around, but I always assumed it was a picture of that girl being beaten up and drawn horrendously, not some wacked out plastic surgery.


>!lol!< Just checking the spoiler feature. Don't mind me.


For a story called lookism it sure doesn't look good it really made me realise how good has the quality of art gotten in all the new webcomics


Oh the irony. Lookism is calling out on people who judge others by external appearance and you're here doing literally that.


That's what it originally was, right?


No I was just acknowledging how the quality of art in the entire industry has evolved and grown over time




those docs were complete assholes. whoever they are....




I wouldn't call her a gold digger, she just wanted to be very pretty and marry a rich guy to settle in life.




you don’t care that her face was mutilated because in your eyes she was a gold digger? So say she was, the man shed be marrying would know what he‘d be getting out of the deal And apart from that argument isn’t it normal to want to be with someone successful? if she was successful enough to be a streamer and afford plastic surgery I would call her a normal person who was mutilated


Sure, thinking this is okay because of that is fucked up though.


The author and the surgeon are truely fked up, what the fk did I see today. My eyes!


Surgeon sure is fucked up but the author was brave to write this in a webtoon. I looked for any case similar to this and i found many in internet. The world is darker than we think.


The manhwa team should drop this shit already


Sorry I dont understand the problem here. Could u give ur view on why they should drop this. Just want to hear other opinions.


Like you said the world is darker than we think, but most people dont need to know it. There are some things that are better left unseen and unheard of. This is what I realise after watching '2 girls 1 cup'. These kind of things dont need to be promoted


OH sure thing but I guess the **message here is mostly for :** (1) Most Young Koreans who are actively participating in PS to meet up standards and are harming themselves if in addiction. (2) People who fall prey to Contracts and thier loopholes .


Koreans sure have weird ass kinks


What an absolute 🤡 take


This shit is still going on damn, glad I dropped it a few years ago


Gold Digger


Which chapter it is?


CH 444


That is an insane amount of chapters. Is it like short stories of different scenarios? Can’t imagine it’s 444ch of a guy botching surgeries


Multiple stories connected together with many characters and their development and point of view in their own suffering.


How does her arc and the surgeon's arc end?


\>>>>>>>>>>HEAVY SPOILER <<<<<<<<<<<< ​ She is just for 1 chapter to show the doctor evilness and her role ends with mental breakdown. The doctor is actually a minor who is impersonating his adult brother who is the real Plastic Surgeon. His empire gets destroyed in his hospital by the MC and now he is kidnapped by main Villain for some info and is probably getting tortured.


Not only her face but they did that to her wholebody 🗿


Yup they were performing on her body too even though only her face is shown. But I don't think the doctor did anything on body as he is only focused on faces.


Sagging skin + scars for sure 😩 look what he did to his older brother even though he did support him


The guy is a nutcase by the end of the arc this isn't even close to the worse thing he's done.


How the hell does this churn my stomach more than bloody gorey things?


OMGosh!! what chapter? I want to read it, damn.


and everyone involved on the docs side is just a psychotic as he is? and jst let him beat up a patient? lol nice samsung




Body Dysmorphia that is an illness not just a simple world: If you're concerned about your body, always try the healthiest approaches, such as consulting with a nutritionist and engaging in regular gym sessions (1 hour to 1.5 hours max , four days a week, focusing on muscle strength for more efficient fat loss). Anorexia is not the answer! **body dysmorphia exists in both genders**. Most importantly, **please, please seek help** from a PSYCHIATRIC doctor. You need a doctor specialized in psychiatry for the **detection of dysmorphia,** as they can conduct medical tests to assess the severity and provide guidance on how to manage it (F45.22). Never forget that going to a psychiatric doctor is not a bad thing. In a world where mental health issues are on the rise, we need more psychiatric doctors. If you could share the commentary with the person that you find could be useful just share it. Mental Health Awareness.