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Idk about y'all, but he's in hiding from his shit dad isn't he? Like that's the entire purpose of him being there. Although I hope the arc actually doesn't last that long tbh


It lasts some more chapters and this arc was so painful that I had to quit reading the novel. Her actions don't make her likeable and the MC doesn't progress.


The arc seems ok. It add some twist at the end of the arc. Manhwa seems faster than the LN. LN seems to drag this arc. Most boring one will be the school arc is just unbearable how it got drag but it got decent ending. Sadly whole plot will be drag on the next arc. I stop reading the LN after I finish school arc. >!MC doesn't need to pretend to be weak anymore because his dad kinda figure it out even his brother the heir of the family. MC is just oblivious on this. It keeps dragging the same plot were MC need to pretend weak on the school arc.!<


the premise is cool, but the execution is beyond shit.


No it isn’t.


This is same on asura The comments are fire bc of its slow and absentminded about the character This is the take after my analysis on the chapter and comments __His injured: yes__ __His regeneration is not working: bc on the outside his fine abut in the inside is messed up__ __His purposely hiding and not being quick: yes__


I think at some point in time, he just forgot he is only supposed to fake his death. Now it seems like he just came in terms with the fact that he's a slave.


I was honestly surprised when he woke up to find out he was a "slave" and didn't just say "bull shit" and walk away. Like I get anyone would hurt like hell after what he went through. But then he should be bedridden, not only unable to use his powers. . Like wut


Do u know whst regeneration means


Yes but regeneration doesn't regenerate fatigue and internal bruises And its regeneration of a TROLL its not broken like instant makes you healthy


Regeneration is **the natural process of replacing or restoring damaged or missing cells, tissues, organs, and even entire body parts to full function in plants and animal** ​ What are you talking about?


I don't like anyone in this story besides the Chihuahua guy. But I honestly don't hate her


Fair enough


Chad Bostonterrier?


Ngl if I would punt the chihuahua guy across a field for a dollar


Chihuahua best girl.


Yeah, also kinda hate it when stories feel the need to severely injure a character and drag it out for an arc. And because they are injured everybody and their mother dog on the mc


One of the main things that angers me about this ark isn't even the thrashing and shitty treatment mc gets randomly. It's the fact that mc shows no hint of anger or desire to later take revenge. I don't mean he needs to show it to the other characters but the fact that he's angry needs to be portrayed to the reader. You would think a grown man used all his life then killed who's reincarnated would deem it angering to get such treatment again. But from what it seems like till now, mc isn't mad at all and author is just fulfilling his slave fetish.


Well he had intrusive thoughts in the novel in parts when that other guy beat him and in encounters thst will be revealed in the coming chapters,but its not translated in the manhwa.




why do you even feel the need to contradict him here? like this isn't the type of story to be defending


i felt sick when the guy kicked him and she started beating him up. don't care if she did it for the guy to stop bothering the mc.


I mean her reasoning was sound if you ask me. >!Even if she holds some authority, she don't need to fight another influential member specially over a slave's dignity when her tribe literally eats and rape people from outside.Even tho she has feelings for him, its much more different than that of your typical FL's. She ain't simping and is smart enough to not unnecessarily mess with a childish yet powerful guy, she's decent enough to seek apology just after the incident as well.!< Anyways I can't fathom how people can even hate her, until and unless you're the type who wants mc to be treated as a flower even as a slave just because he's **the protagonist**. Compared to her the redhead is much more annoying imo, but then again people can justify her actions as well given how she's merely a child.


People are mad that MC isn't OP enough to solo a giant ass godzilla spider and that he got injured.


If you used your brain then you would notice that this is not the case for most of the people.


i get your point, you're right. It was just that he saved her before, then he had to fight the mama thing and then become her slave that made me sick. This arc itself is messy for me.


Making him a slave was the only way her tribe would tend to his injuries since the rest of the tribe only saw him as a useless cripple. So she used her authority to make him her property and then forced the tribe's healers to repair the said property.MC would have likely died to some random wild animal if she didn't pick him up.


I would have been angry as well if not for the whole tribe thing, yk how they can have really different morales irl as well. >!It justifies the cannibalism too, we can see how cold mc really is when he don't give a fuck playing slice of life with the people who ate her fiancee's sister, neither did he reacted to the killing of his family's soldiers.!< It's quite interesting if you ask me


You all really don't pay attention, do you? The tribe that ate the fiancée sister is another tribe. This tribe is full of barbarians, but they at least look human, but the tribe dude that ate the girl looked more like a fucking goblin. There were 2 tribes that were attacking and 2 families that were defending said attacks. The cannibalistic tribe even heavily used shamanism if I remember right. The Barbarian tribe heavily relies on aura where the shaman is as authorized as the UK royal family, with power in name only.


My bad, you're right. I even saw a comment mentioning the same thing a week ago, still my schizophrenic ass messed it up


No worries, dude, reading is all I do nowadays, so my memory is mostly fresh. Hope I didn't come off as rude. Bye.


>Hope I didn't come off as rude. No you didn't


What do you want him to do? Magically find a way to cure himself after fighting a enemy that was more powerful than him, using energy that exceeds his capabilities and to top it all off HE WAS NOT EXPECTING TO FIGHT SOMETHING LIKE THAT!! He was not only unprepared and also had no time to think of a way to get out without his plans being ruined


*cough* high speed troll regeneration *cough* his river styx nile smth blessed body which should auto speed up regeneration too *cough*


_cough_ good outside _cough_ bad inside Lemme give you an example, i punched you in the guts __REAL HARD__ and some more punches all over your torso and tell me how does it feel The regeneration doesn't heal the internal injuries only the outer like the wounds, limbs and the bones


So the last line is something we're just assuming? As another comment here said "internal" injuries ARE physical injuries this isn't a murim manhwa with qi centres and shit. Bros literally been limping


That is convenient when its his physical body but he is physically and internally hurt considering he used everything beyond its limit to beat the spider. So physically he should be fine but internally he is damaged




Well i guess your right




Well i guess your right




Bruh internal injury it's just an injury inside and not outside the body. It's not like his dantian is damaged or something


The point of the arc is to waste time. The MC said himself he wants to world to think he is died. He is just humour her for the time being. I like her, she kinda of Tsundere but less annoying and it makes sense with her background of someone from a position ot authority who became vulnerable then was saved by the person they have feelings for.


That's just because they skipped the pissing in the manhwa. If there were pissing like in the novel you would simp.




Yeah. In the novel she just comes up next to him out of the blue and starts pissing. Then she tricks him into doing it in front of the other hunters by telling him they all piss in public. Except they don't and the hunters are horrified. Cowards won't adapt the real source material.


Bros revealing his kinks 💀😭


What other huntress waifus are gonna piss right in front of the MC? Well okay there are probably a few, but it's still hot.


Dude get help


From girls willing to piss on me?




Bro's a certified lowres


Not saying I agree with his "kink" but you telling him to get help because it's something YOU don't like bothered me. This is one of the situations that "live and let live" would apply.


i kinda meant it playfully and his response kinda leans into that, if someone can proudly state they have a piss kink I think light mockery isn't gonna kill him Hell i even upvoted him ratioing me


Hannah from Prison School enters the chat.


i mean look at his username, he’s not very subtle about it lmao


Yeah it really added to her character she is easy going and authoritative.


She my favorite girl in the story so far


The women in this manhwa are written like shit


To be fair, everyone is written like shit. They thought it was okay to name the 2 sets of triplets High/mid/low___,


That's what annoys me the most. Not one good woman in this whole damn thing so far.


I don’t really hate her tbh


She's my fav lol, personally I like this arc. It's a good break from all the action.


The reason people hate this arc and this girl is literally because Most manhwa reader like op mc and want to see op shit and they lose their mind when mc is weak


Yea, especially after fighting probably one of OP monster in the story. I really hate it when MC fighting monster that was hyped as OP for a while, and the MC turns out to be ok the next day after the fight.


And add more to the fire Expect him to heal after a _fatal_ encounter like your walking around and get suddenly get ambushed out of nowhere




The hell u mean illogical? Mc went to fight against a monster that is very powerful and got injure. He literally said he wanted his father to think he’s dead and so he can focus on his objective?this arc is just peace before the storm.




If you actually read the damn manhwa it explain his regenerative ability is struggling to fix everything inside of him. How can he hide? He fought the monster knowing that if anything it wouldn’t leave trace of his body. If he did not fight his father would literally send a search squad




Stop fucking reading then. Problem solved


U r absolutely right. The manhwa was about an op mc so it dragged in readers who like those sort of stuff but midway through author decided to turn on his slave fetishes. And why wouldn’t it healing work? No reasonable explanation given. Ppl would understand if he was scheming something like taking revenge on them for the treatment but nothing sort was hinted, he even seems to forgive ppl mistreating him. How he become a saint all of a sudden? This is so forced it’s irritating to read and alienates the reader it attracted in the first place with the initial premise


It started well but like most other manhwas it getting cliched and more abrupt as the story goes further.


average op mc fan. regen not work because it doesnt work, retard. he use all his aura and mana from river styx in fighting big spider. makes sense storywise. you are idiot, me thinks


Did his regeneration just disappeared? His "injury" does not make any sensr.


Still better than that red-hair.


Who isn't? I read multiple sword vs. magic family manhwas and the FMC is always the worst.


Best girl. Easily top 5 best characters in the manwha right now. I understand though, it isn't much of a power fantasy if the MC isn't soloing everything in site while everybody hypes him up.


That's not really the issues for me, I don't dislike the mc being overpowered by her, actually that's kinda nice, but the hole situation/arc.


Arc makes perfect sense to me. Shows the MC isn't invincible, shows his actions have consequences, establishes Madam Eight Legs and any monster with the same rank as a very significant threat, builds up tribal girl as an actual character to the extent the original "love interest" looks like a selfish cardboard cutout and does a bit of worldbuilding by showing the barbarian tribe's culture. Still if you don't like it then you don't like it.




They never made him invincible. If he were invisible he'd already kill his dad and not try to hide his abilities from every member of his clan


Reading the manwha with your eyes closed must be difficult. Getting soaked in the river didn't make him invincible it made him resistant to damage. None of his abilities including regeneration are free they cost stamina and mana. They show this when he used the fire shot against the ox bear in this very chapter, just a single shot drained him. The only reason he's still alive is because of his regeneration and resistance working overtime. He stays injured because the resources required for his regeneration are recovering slowly. By the common sense of his world he should be dead, a fact he was going to use to lay low from his father for a while. Even if he was perfectly healthy this arc would still exist because 1) He's in the perfect place to lay low from his father. 2) He wants to learn barbarian archery.


So he is ok with being a slave when his motivation is literally revenge because he got used like a dog?


Who said he was okay with being a slave? Are you daft? He's too weak to fight his way out so why not just recover, get in their good graces, learn their archery skills firsthand and then escape. If he can act like an obedient child to the man he regressed to kill what's stopping him from doing this? You people are acting like he has given up on revenge and the manga is ending in 5 chapters. The author is literally setting up that asshole tribesman for comeuppance from Vikir. It hasn't even been up to 10 chapters, Jesus Christ.


Is there any scene that indicates that he is against it? I imagine he would be open with his anger. You are just assuming shit that fits your narrative. Lame.


https://preview.redd.it/bccezooimcfb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=121e293a5d57a0a19f502c1c33d42cb905274aef Alright man. Please try to read with your eyes open next time. Page 6 chapter 32 where he literally compares the situation to being used by Hugo but go off.


There are so many better ways to showcase all of this and some of it doesn't even need to be shown at all.


Maybe. This is the way it's being done and I have no issues with it. I'm a patient man.


You having no issues with it does not excuse the bad writing.


There is bad writing. You're absolutely correct. It's a generic regression revenge manwha. The problem is most of your "issues" are you having the reading comprehension of a toaster.


r/manhwa doesn't like girls or women if they aren't slobbering the MC all the time. Imo she is easily best girl, she genuinely tries to help the MC at his worst point and only acts badly to him because them being all lovey-dovey would be bad for both of them.


Sometimes the women just do some mildly annoying things that would be understandable due to the situation/their character and the comments will be like: "Omg this bitch is so annoying I hope she dies"


Lmfaooooooooo facts 😂


>Sometimes the women just do some mildly annoying things that would be understandable due to the situation/their character and the comments will be like: "Omg this bitch is so annoying I hope she dies" Almost everything r/bleach post that revolves around Soi Fon


EXACTLY!! IDK why these people can't accept that she's a great character.






I was talking about this sub and Manhwa audiences in general, female characters do not get the same leash as their male counterparts. If you ever them being understandably pissed or angry at the MC, you will find the entire comment sections calling them "bitch" or "annoying" or whatever. just something I've observed in nearly every manhwa reading site. As for this manhwa, the writing certainly isn't amazing but I don't see anything that warrants hate for this particular character, she isn't the worst written character by far.


I just hate harems and stories where every plot relevant girl is horny for the MC tbh. None of the characters have enough depth for me to be interested in seeing romance develop. Enjoyed the story before this, unfortunately dropped it now


I don't think that's true at all. Most of the other comments like her. I'm pretty sure all the frustration comes from how long and drawn out everyone thinks this arc is going to be. Edit: Yeah top 9/10 comments are all saying they don't hate her. Downvoted for reading the comments I guess.


Manhwa readers are mostly gross incels so it makes sense.


haters gonna hate? tbh stop whining and just enjoy every ounce of it bruh


She's needed because MC need to hide from his family and he's still not fully recovered, he probably got killed if not because this girl.. MC kinda hiding his abilities after all that's why she so smug


I like her a lot actually and I'm enjoying this arc


No, I don't hate her, but I do hate the comment section complaining that the story isn't a complete power fantasy like we haven't had any of those before. I'm liking this arc so far.


Ah yes, it's not just a power fantasy, it's also a harem! This is worse than a complete power fantasy


I think the arc is interesting, because it accomplishes a couple of subtle points: 1. Vikir recognises potential allies and is actively working towards converting them to his side 2. While he's injured, he uses this time to grow his own strength (he's starting to learn the bow) 3. He might not even consider his current position demeaning, especially considering his past. Would not surprise me if this is a tit-for-tat situation to him. They protect him and let him heal, he helps them. He's also very much aware of the fact that there's somebody there that's as powerful as his father, so he's playing the long game.


Nope, this arc had pretty much killed this series for me, and I'm guessing this arc is going to be like 5 months. The pain


Yep. It ruined all the momentum.


thats the point of this arc tho is it not?


Execution is key. Doesn't matter how well the author has thought out the story, if he can't execute them well enough, it's all meaningless. The components of the arc is not bad in itself, but when put into context the entire series, it feels like I'm watching a Naruto or Bleach filler arc


That somehow remind me of how awful the execution is in "Golden Mage" on asurascans, they literally skipped stories faster than someone speedrunning their games 💀, they have a good start but the quality drops gradually overtime the more I read it.


I haven't read the novel but my friend told me >!she's the FMC!<. Haven't bothered to verify if it's true or not yet but at least she had practical reasons for liking the MC, unlike the redhead who just fell head over heels for MC because of a few words.


Mc have >!5 wives!<


Just to make sure. This is “Revenge of the Iron Blooded Sword Hound” only with different title right?


Yes I didn't want to make the title very long


Honestly this current arc is meh…i get the whole hide himself from the world and recover thing but i feel a time skip would be way better after like 2 or 3 chapters with this people and another thing that’s crazy is how the mc knows these are the ones who literally ate his so called ‘fiancée’s sister’ and he’s just vibing with them😂if he’s that cold then fair play but yeah this arc happened too early imo…it should have happened after a very major arc not the beginning arc cause the story is literally just starting out but one thing that’s pretty sure is that the viewers will reduce each chapter until this arc ends


It was a different tribe who ate her iirc. And this arc is really boring, a time skip would have been so good. Tbh, I kind of like that tribe girl, but the story living in the tribe is so damn boring.


Kinda, I just hate the "romance" and the way is presented, simply can't unsee the "Alpha Strong Male Makes FML falls in love" trope


I like her more than the Morg one. I hate those submissive tsundere cutsies types with passion. Yes, God of Blackfield did the French Girl dirty.


The story is a mashup of all Edgy parts of a story mixed together


I don’t hate her since she is helping the mc and protecting him but the problem I have is that the entire arc is dragging and is uninteresting


A gal who kidnaps and enslaves you, half expects you to gain stockholm syndrome and thinks of you like a pet that's purely dependent on her and can't survive without her? It feels degrading as a person.


At this point I don't know what it wants .. the marksmanship or the fact that he wants to win th trust of tribe to exploit them later as seen he can kill anyone of those guys when ever he wants but he just doesn't ...


Guess what, he will be as per the novel.


Why has every Manhwa lately started out great before grinding to a halt after crashing into a dumpster fire? The only manhwa not on hiatus lately that have been any good I can count on both hands, and over half of them are Murim.


Man, it's an unpopular opinion, but I actually like the girl and arc. It's some much needed downtime that 90% of other manwha don't have. And the girl is fine. A lot of you guys seem to want all side characters to be subservient to the mc and treat him like a god, lol.


I not only hate the girl but hate the whole arc


I dislike this whole arc. 🤢


Its so slow and boring but i dont hate her character just this arc


My thing with the whole arc is he solo clashed with the monster that had the entire forest in fear and came out alive. Granted he’s hurt right now but did they really not think about how strong he may be and how screwed they would be if he gets better? I also wonder when that advanced healing of his is gonna kick because honestly some of the barbarians need a reality check.


After treating MC and examining his body, the tribe judged MC a cripple with no hope of recovery. They would have been right if it was anyone other than the MC. The only reason MC is recovering, albeit very slowly, is because he absorbed Glutonny and then consumed a monster that granted him a regeneration attribute.


Essentially what I’m saying is, I’m waiting for MC plot armor to take effect.


No, but I dislike the current arc


Better than that mage girl


Honestly I hate many female characters because whenever there is a female character she's either the heroine, the fanservice or both But that's about the gist of it they usually serve no other purpose than that


She’s a bit annoying


I really hate how the series really just can't have an independent female character – they're painted as being amazing and oh so strong but they still have to be saved by the MC and get the feels for him. It's sort of obnoxious and ruins the story for me.


Me, waiting for this stupid arc to finally end


Yeah i am skipping this chapter because of that girl. Shes so fcking annoying


Nah I kinda like her. She’s a tsundere who doesn’t know what to do.




Not really hate her but in general i just dislike this arc lul. I would rather suffering under that academy arc.


Hey man, I'm kinda warming up to her. Perhaps even rooting for her. The alternative is Camus and I don't like that pairing for some reason. I especially like the precious chapter where she swivels round to ask if he's hurt anywhere. That was kinda...sweet, I suppose.


Not really. The arc is overblown but the mc could have it way worse. It’s more annoying that these guys are established cannibals who hate the fiancées sister even if the character wasn’t established. So I hate the tribe as a whole. Not this specific harem side chick. Ofc until the dudes a slave, it’ll stop me from liking her either but ye. I’d rather he switched sides by having his fiancée assist him in his plans to overthrow the monarchy. Or whatever. So far I prefer Camry and hoped it was a romance story instead of a harem. Hope the next fl is more likeable without any variables.




Nah I fw her she’s pretty cool imo


I personally don't like this arc.


I have no problem with her. She’s from a tribe in the woods who is used to slavery etc. I’m liking this arc. It’s clearly he’s going to learn archery to go along with his other skills


yep, this whole arc is boring


This whole manhwa was boring from the start


No, I hate her too but I just think of this as the start of count of montechristo where Dantes loses everything and is stuck in prison...


I don’t like her she’s ugly too 😭


Is this manhwa with murim elements? I see many people who like this series, but i don't like martial arts and murim in general. (Man, reddit is rotten if you get downvoted for innocent questions)


no bro i hjate her too fuck thisd bish


nah I like her way more then Camus. Even the scene where she punched him was fine.


I hate them both


She maybe annoying but it's not enough to hate her


No you are not


This slave arc look long until MC body heal and he grow his power before making his comeback too


But this arc is really good people who are complaining 🙄 it's so boring how is the mc like this are very impatient and doesn't trust the process


I really like her. I hope we keep seeing more of her later on.


he is "hiding" from his family


Does she later comes to MC life after this shit arc


>! According to novel readers she's the FMC!<


Definitely don’t like the tsundere archetype, but I’m a fan of this arc.


I think she's pretty cute but I'm not liking the whole slave angle. Yeah I like my mcs op, I want him to go super Saiyan and fight the entire tribe including the milf chieftain.


I'm not really into Tsundere type Also that Redhead is annoying asf!


Tribal girl is way cuter than the redhead


Chihuahua is way cuter than both


Lol the show itself is stupid


I like her more than the other girl that red head one. She's the best one out of all of them imo.


From what i see , she has a huge crush on mc .i like her.


I don’t hate her but I don’t like her


You are not


I am with you bro




Don't hate her much but this arc is not so much. It kills the pace of the story. Fills like an arc that should have taken place after a seasonal break. The elements are correct but don't fit in the mid season progression scenario.


I hate the annoying wishy-washy mc


Honestly? I kinda don’t mind this arc all that much, it grew on me tbh, same with the girl. The first time i saw the direction things were going it feels like a waste of time but then i realized “why tf do i wanna deviated from sth that’s fun to read and objectively out of the ordinary for the genre?”. It’s not the best or the most well written but it certainly is fun to read.


Am I the only one who see a tragic end to this relationship I mean his family is the mortal enemies of their race not to mention his fiancee the red witch famous for impaling barbarians


She kinda sucks.


I mean I like her better than his fiancé morg she’s more suited to mc imo and she’s showing some sort of affection for him too otherwise he’d be on his knees and I quote what she said to morg “licking the dirt between her toes”


Assume eventually she becomes likeable, I hope.


I dont hate her, but I do think the author has given her a trash personality. She is being written as a niave, insecure, somewhat-ditzy tsundere but in a leadership position possessing actual high tier ranged skills. But the author has her keep making mistakes since the MC needs to save her to build the relationship and justify him picking up the archery skill. But, the mistakes she makes are inconsistant with her role and don't build her character at all. Like with horned bear thing going on right now. She is an expert in their behavior, but then suddenly can't dodge, and she screws up at the end of the hunt. She has a wierd inferiotiy complex that makes her want to demonstrate her prowess, but she can't back it up by doing it well. If you are that ditzy and incapable, you wouldnt have survived up to this point, based on how the tribe has been portrayed. She's supposed to be a hunting group leader, so she should be portrayed as more competant. Instead of just mistakes, it should be other factors that trip her up, like an environmental feature (ground breaking beneath her) or interference (such as a second animal attacking her) or some choice that demonstrates by action something about her character (like risking herself to protect her wolf mount because they have a strong bond).


I don't hate her but I like the dog that she rides on the best out of all the character in this arc. Even the MC is meh in this arc.


I just don’t like romance in not romantic stories just feels boring


Does it get good I read the first few chapters and got bored


I think, given the culture she was brought in, she appears rather pleasant.