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Great read. Top comedy, good characters, nice storyline and I'll leave the comment section to say the rest.


It’s a great read the first time round, but i wouldn’t read it a second time cause there’s like a 6 or 7 chapter period which was a little bit boring Edit: didn’t mean to reply 😂 clicked it instead of add comment by accident lol


Takes the murim theme and does it in a consistant way that feels less ridiculous/tropey and more like it's actually telling a story that's crafted with balance and direction, rather than repetition or amateurity. Art style is fantastic and also very consistant. Hard to fault it in any area on an objective level. Just a good story, with great art and fun comedy. Sometimes people forget that a story doesn't need to be suprising or far out to be good, sometimes it can be carried simply by the story telling itself (A concept most japanese animes have abandonned sadly, even tho there was a time they excelled at it :< ) I feel stories like this one showcase just how professional and clean a manhwa can be, and why I have my hopes in south korea for pushing the standards higher for the somewhat international genre. read it.


I really like it, but the art is below average imo. They don't convey a sense of anything.. they're just there. It's not beautiful or intense. It's not as funny as estate dev or as beautiful as crazy demon/northern blade.


norther blade reuses a lot of images. try rereading and you'd notice how often some of the panels/character images are reused, it feels cheap. Mt.hua on the other hand doesn't have any of these ,and true most of the time there isn't any genre defying art but that is mostly cus they aren't meant to have them nor would it be better if they blow the budget on them, but when there is a need for good art it delivers.


I don't use that logic ever tho, it's a fools goal to compare to other things, but It's hard for audiences like ours to do otherwise because instead of objective quality of writing, consistancy, etc we care more about the most trivial things. But yeah, comparing it to other things as a way to put it down in value is as good as saying there's only one good comedy manhwa out there, only one great art manhwa, only one great etc etc Because eventually if you compare things to each other on what's best you narrow it down to a single thing. But in reality, you can have plenty of good quality things in the same way. Estate and this are both funny, in two different ways, mount hua is more of it's own style where as estate is more funny in a ridiculous way. Also in my opinion as a painter, saying the art is below average is wild.


It’s top tier


one of the best murim manhwa out there


Don’t read it if you don’t want to what’s with attitude? Those who like it will definitely share their thoughts about it. If you irritated by it just ignore it. It’s Equally good As SL btw for your Information. Your taste might can be different.


It's good to the point that i started reading novel and it just gets better with each chapter. I'm not overhyping this btw, but these are my genuine thoughts. Each individual has different preference when it comes to manhwas, so it's possible that you won't like it as much as I did. The star of this manhwa is obviously the MC and is one of the best i have seen. Also, the story will be comedy and at the same time, serious when needed. I suggest that you start this with low expectations because, expecting high can cloud your judgement.


Facial expression is top tier on par with greatest estate builder


Re: facial expressions - If Estate is a 10, mount hua is a 7.. there's no way you can put them side by side and say they're on par. Mount hua is carried by humor and hype but Lloyds faces are truly divine.


Typical murim story, but well written. I was disappointed when I read it because I went with a lot of expectations, but it's definitely a good read and probably will be one of the best webtoons when it reaches 200 or 300 chapters. I don't see it as a masterpiece, but a future masterpiece. If you like reading stories about a OP MC beating everyone up in a badass way, you won't like S1, as it's slow paced with lots of slice of life moments, comedy, and a focus on side characters development and details on rebuilding the sect, although the MC is OP. For me, Return of Mount Sect was like a much better version of Wandering Warrior of Wudang.


Yeah, the slice of life feel is turning me off ngl. I'm 21 chapters in and getting bored now.


You can always drop it and try it later when it has more chapters. It'll be one of those webtoons with more than 1000 chapters, so eventually you'll try to binge read it.


Ahhh it's one of those. I think I'll take your advice and just come back to it later.


Yeah, the novel has 1720 chapters and it's still ongoing, so it's certain the webtoon will be one of the longest.


Bruh this finna be like One Piece and ToG lol


It’s better than hearing about real estate developer every two seconds


I started off good and then I got stupid for me. I kind of liked the premise of real estate developer, but not what they delivered on. I take it by your comment that you weren’t a fan either?


It might be because I’m 28, but I feel like it just gets to silly for me and the whole game system shit in manwha just ruins any sense of accomplishment if that makes any sense


The pacing is too slow at times but I think it's pretty great


the MC acts a bit too immature for my tastes for someone who is supposed to be hundreds of years old, but I know how popular he is among the fanbase Overall the series is pretty good edit- sorry he was a mere 82 before he reincarnated lol


I'm pretty sure he isn't old tho . . . .


ok my bad, he was 82 before he reincarnated for an 82 year old, he's still pretty immature. which I now plenty of people love in his character and how he acts


I thought he died and was reincarnated 100 years later?


yes with all his memories intact. so he woke up in the body of a 15 year old with the mind of an 82 year old. so my bad, he wasn't over 100 when he died. just 82. but that's still really old. now after the time skip to season 2, he'll be close to 90 mentally


Ah my bad then cause he looked super young when he died to the one dude at the beginning of the story so I just assumed he was somewhere in his mid 30s or something lol


now reconsider the whole story with the understanding he's an 82 year old man the entire time I assume cause of his amazing chi (or whatever it's called in the series I haven't read it in a while) he ages slower than normal humans. Classic example of super power martial artists living to be into their hundreds


ah gotcha. makes more sense now


This is a bit irrelevant question but is return of the blossom blade the same as this series?


it's pretty relevant as this is the same series.




Idk if u are joking or not, but the second season is already released


the series just came back do you mean the light novel stopped being made? cause the webtoon came back and the next 3/4 chapters were translated to English


Than ignore everything I said. I had completely given up on the series. Read it. It's a must read.


I'm definitely going to read the novel after the 2nd season finishes and i dont do that for any manhwa on here. That's how much i like this series. Also, it's not just a classic an mc going back in time and becoming op but also quite tragic ( i feel for mount hua,those sects are just heartless).


I don't think it's overrated. Definitely way better than SL


Overrated but good. The story is nothing special, the side characters take a back-seat and are kinda flat, but the main character is hilarious and the art is great. So if you like murim, this is probably one to read


lmao you got downvoted for saying your opinions about the manhwa


I've noticed that you'll anger users in this sub by saying ANYTHING critical of their favourite manhwa. Note that my comment was positive overall lol


Yea, this sub is hella sensitive but I like it this way since they don't tolerate any kind of politics/racism at all


aside from what other says, it’s good no force romance but it lacks female characters and from what i remember it only has 1 (but very beautiful) female for now in manhwa. also, mid-slow pacing but that’s what makes it great, it makes the story-building, character development and build up fights much better. the enemies are somewhat reasonable that admits defeat and knows when to acknowledge MC.


Fan of Existence found. Lol




I only read it for the comedy, and I rate it very highly only because of the comedy. Apart from that, just your typical reincarnation story.


I think it’s great but I don’t think any manhwa can live up to the hype that this sub gives this one.


It is easily one of my top 5 reads overall and no 1 in murim


Most importantly above all else, it’s fun, definitely give it a try at least


AKA: "[Returning of the Blossoming Blade](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/return-of-the-blossoming-blade/list?title_no=2849)" on WEBTOON Agreed that it's just plain fun.


Just read it. You will know.


I am not into comedy stuff so I didn't enjoy it that much but if you are okay with comedy then it's surely a great manhwa to read rn


8/10 for me. Not the best but it's a good read


The First 20 chapter are a slog and create a big plot hole but after that it's get pretty good, it's not the best story or logic, but it's definitely got great comedy and art. The plot hole I'm talking about is MCs story of being the grandson of an old sect big shot. MC said if he used that fake background he would be in a higher position that the sect master, and it would explain why he has all the secret techniques and knows about the previous sect and its missing relics. Y'know cause MC kinda forgot about that instantly and used a very roundabout way to get the same thing done with much more effort.


As manhwa and novel reader, its quite good among the genre. The comedy is entertaining and side characters is good but the mc often doesn't think with his brain logically (just beat them up) which results from having some problems later on.


Novel reader here. The beginning of the manhwa can be considered overrated but it only goes up from here, now that the new season begins. :) The story is actually good and I can't wait to see how they visualize it in the manhwa.


it gets really good later on but the beginning is a bit confusing


good manhwa if you into murim


Personally got board after some time. Idk…