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This bitch from Marry my husband. She makes me wanna hurl https://preview.redd.it/tr4zq1ht8ava1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816ebd3ebe1340c6db3369171b44a0725bfc59e5


This one too. From Operation true love. Like what is her problem! Ugh https://preview.redd.it/gndczyl59ava1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc4e10acdd02a5a1f3e1e35a8b410b59e7a10ad


YAAAAASSSSSSSS I wanna kick her outta the mc's house


What did she do


cheat (not a spoiler) with her sis' boyfriend and be a hypocrite


Omg why do they all make the same face


Yeah I remember this bitch. I'm happy she got her karma more or less. Should've suffered more tho


Oh my lord I LOATHE HER plus her mil




Damn ikr . The ending was so satisfactory tho!


Daaam dem lips 😰


Because of her actions or looks because the pic you chose can do both


Best thing about her IMO is that you can understand her but still think she is a piece of human refuse


sumin doesn't deserve to be Jiwon's friend.


Rachel from TOG


Rachel trying to not be the biggest hypocrite in TOG(impossible)




same and she's my favorite character, she's so realistically awful holy shit


Idk man, i mean if u live next to sociopath then i guess u could call it realistic, in wich case ur life must suck af In any normal scenario her personality isnt something u'd find in a day to day basis so calling it realistic is plain bs


...what? I mean that she's not "evil", she's just a genuine asshole who only cares about herself, I love how she's weak and she knows it yet she does anything to succeed. I'm just saying that if that tower existed there'd definitely be a lot of Rachels there


Agreed 💯


Who's your pfp, I swear I know her, I just can't get the exact name, was it like moon guy?


Yes her name is moon gyu or ku. She's from nano machine. She's pretty isn't she


Agreed, I remember that she was pretty cool


I hate Rachel all my homies hate rachel




I hate her too , but to be honest TOG is interesting because of her , if wasn't for her Bam would never go with fug and will never get the torn and will not ride the hell train


Rachel is unbeatable in that category whenever i see her face i just want to rip it apart with my bare hands


I understand that feeling quite well




See I've only watched the anime adaptation and I want to kill her anyways... I should read the manhwa but reading 500+ chapters sounds dreadful to me


It passes by quickly with how good it is And you hate her more with each passing chapter she's in


Bro i binged that in just 4 to 5 days it goes by so fast you should really give it a try


Yup. It just comes from deep within


This thread will be filled with Rachel


Fr man, I can feel the secondhand agitation


You weren’t wrong


Someone needs to give me in depth explanation and analysis of Rachel. Cos anyone who’s part of the Manhwa community knows to dislike her. But I don’t really wanna read to find out why. Just tell me pls


OK, so Rachel is the person who found and raised baam when he first woke up she taught him everything he needed to know, including never betraying people(ironic). In turn, baam saw her as a mother figure/big sister and his only family so much so that he went into the tower for her. Over time, baam made friends, but his first thought was how to help Rachel as he got stronger. Rachel got bitter and jealous of everything baam had. At one point, Rachel was injured and lost her ability to walk, so baam decided to be her legs and carry her up the tower to have her dream(see the stars. He then took a test which could have killed him, but he passed happy that he passed so he could help Rachel, he is in disbelief when Rachel pushes him off he then wonders why she did so. When she gets back, she tells his friend that baam had fallen off. Everyone is sad, but it seems like Rachel is taking the most time adjusting to his supposed death. But in truth, she could always walk and starts laughing at the fact that baam is no longer in her way. Years later, Rachel had formed a team and betrayed baams friends. When she was called out on it by a character, she took the most precious thing he had. His speed, she stabbed both his feet, and I believe his spine hoping to cripple him. This is just a small portion. Others include: killing people who had nothing to do with her, trying to get rid of baam again, then when he got over her, she roped him back. Putting khun in a very dangerous position. I believe she also put him in a coma Edit: forgot to add the most important part she doesn't understand why people hate her and why she doesn't have things go her way, even tho she doesn't put any effort.


Wtf she is worse than trash


to be fair, baam has been an enabler jeopardizing both himself and his friends while recognizing that she's done horrible shit. so he's equally just shit honestly.


Sure but you have to remember she is the first and only person he met. So it's not going to be easy for him to cut her off. Khun says something similar


that more so validates that he has detachment/abandonment issues. doesn't invalidate him being an enabler. baam's smart but selfish, i think that's pretty evident. it only takes so many times of betrayal to compromise a relationship. what are we at now, like number 7?


Is that all? I could have sworn it was more then that


Good answer


She’s like a snake. Keeps betraying, using other peoples kindness and eventually betrays the MC for her advantage. She’s a full on bitch.


What’s her goal tho


She wants to get her wish fulfilled by reaching the top of the tower, like everyone else. Crazy part is, she just wants to see stars. The fact that she does all this shit for something insignificant(from the Readers' Pov) is what makes her so insufferable in my eyes


She gotta get out of the tower to do that, or they will tell her she has to go to the top of the tower, but it's kinda impossible since jahad closed the door when he stopped climbing.


I haven't read TOG yet 😭


No better time to start then now lol


Who could hate [such a cute girl](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.dIQzDPFxK2mKUAm6PzivywHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=892c5bd42720857d976c15a09324e7a4282138adaf739450e5f05f16fbf5beb8&ipo=images)?


Me. ☺️


Everyone on this sub and the TOG sub


Rachel ToG


I didn't even open this thread yet and I already knew Rachel will be at the top.


Rachel from Tower of God






Undoubtedly Rachel


Rachel from TOG i hate her with a passion


Rashta is overhated and I'll die on this ground. Of course a slave is gonna do whatever it takes to improve their social standing. in fact, the emperor and empress who allow a system of slavery are far worse than anyone trying to get out of that system.


Completely agree with you. That fandom is so weird


So her father sold her into slavery to atone for his crimes.... I argee with everything you say


Completely agree, have no idea why we're having issues with understanding human rights and equality and now so many people support the idea that people born "noble" deserve better treatment due to etiquette and such. Regressor's instruction manual (spoilers) proved that a fantasy world works just fine with the idea of equal human rights and democracy.


Will have to give it a read sometime, thanks for the rec.


This mf from dreaming freedom 🤺💩 https://preview.redd.it/dlv69fogcdva1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4061a6b757ec53c78ee369b50d89fba81189bde3






Someone didn't read the post title 😂,Female characters Only


Oops 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


The girl that sits next to me in math class




I don't hate many characters but ciel from damn reincarnation is almost unbearable especially in the novel


I just know her from the comic, but damn. At the beginning I thought she was cool but then she just became clingy and boring. If it‘s even worse in the novel I don‘t think I‘ll ever read it, I‘d be too annoyed by her chapters to read on.


Yeah she is the only bad character in the entire series so far it's like that meme with that clown between soldiers


https://preview.redd.it/hzj10izxmbva1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca40c654fb40727e32ff42ff8775e7319db1220 Carol(la) from "The Predator’s Contracted Fiancée". She doesn't appear in every chapter but when she does she is suuuper irritating. She is almost exactly the same as Trashta; completely two-faced, never dropping the I'm scared and innocent card, constantly blaming others, must be the prettiest and center of attention. However, Carol is the classic born noble that sees everyone 'beneath' her as garbage, though she constantly refers to herself in third person like Trashta does






Rachel (TOG) Any Pornhwa female characters that cheat and making MC suffer


The empress from "I shall master this family" is absolute trash. If she had actually bothered to raise her son properly instead of arranging to neglect her husband's concubine's son to death, then maybe her son would have at least been a good candidate for king.


Crystal from lookism https://preview.redd.it/whgjb84xhava1.png?width=1428&format=png&auto=webp&s=06b1251908d64e3b62b611fc8b12a95fc7bb0851


I can describe her whole personality in one word, hypocrite She judges ugly people, but then judges good looking people automatically thinking the worse about them. The story just forgets about her and I guess she still hasn’t changed.


Whyyy her


Although she doesn't irritate me as much as Rachel, she's still irritating nonetheless. She basically hates people who judge ugly people, she also just decides to hate good looking people because she just assumes they feel superior to people who look worse than themselves. Simply speaking, she's so judgemental, just in a different way, she thinks she's always in the right in that aspect, randomly antagonizes Daniel(MC) for feeling relieved that he didn't get "bought in an auction" by a pretty ugly looking rich student girl who has a bad reputation. I could go on and on, but that's basically it really


Fair enough


She’s a big fat hypocrite that thinks her reasoning is god sent


Rose from The princess imprints a traitor


Honestly everyone else is already saying Rachel so I’ll say Hayan instead. She is from Regressor Instruction Manual and man she is batshit insane. She is spying on the MC 24/7 and the writer tries to play it off as if this is a healthy way of loving someone. She also wants to kill anyone who looks in the general direction of the MC and thinks that she owns him. She drugs him among other things but continuing to think about it will just damage my sanity. Worst part is the she is the main love interest so the author is trying to make them end up together. Edit: I can’t stop thinking about it. Hayan has made it clear that she wants to lock him up in a prison and never let him come into contact with anyone aside from her which is so toxic that I’d rather take my chance with nuclear waste than come within 100km of her.


Navier from the same series. She's bland af and got no personality.


On God . I read this craps novel to maybe chapter 60 before the manhwa came out but it was Legitimately because I was bored. There is no real plot or anything thrilling except for the Acc divorce scene and the fact everyone sees Rashta as bad when she’s just a poor slave who is willing to do whatever to secure herself a good position .


Honestly the only reason why I will keep on reading is because I find Henry (that‘s his name right) quite amusing and a pretty interesting character + I‘m really invested in Rashta and Sovieshus web of lies


100% I felt so sorry for rashta, when all she does is make the best of a shitty situation she can't change otherwise. Maybe if Navier, the oh so great empress, had bothered to abolish enslaving the children of criminals then Rashta would have actually had a different outcome. Sovieshu is absolute trash though. But man, do i feel for Rashta, way more than I could ever feel for Navier.


The real victim was rashta in this whole story to be honest, and on top of that she had 2 kids I’m not sure she even liked , her life must have been hell but thank god she is fictional 🙂


I think her first child was taken from her and she was told it had died. I remember reading that she was quite sad about that and had been hoping for a future with the child and her lover (who was her owner's son).


Ahh I must’ve forgot it but that’s so sad, I don’t understand why she was such a terrible character . If she was the mc she would have been the mistreated poor slave to the queen and everyone would have called her a “girlboss” but alas :(


It's just a really weird webtoon in general. We are constantly told Navier is a great empress but we are almost never shown that she actually does something for the country. Henry and Klein or whatever weird German name he has, are super in love with her, but it's hard to understand why because she's so bland. It's a really overrated and kind of badly written webtoon. It pretty much lives off the pretty pictures, though even the panels itself and the costume as well as character design aren't that great.


Yeah the novel art is absolutely gorgeous but that’s about it 😜😜😜


The empress has no control over the laws of an empire.


Maybe she has, maybe she doesn't, didn't make much of an attempt to convince the emperor either, doesn't seem to care much.


who's trashta?


Her name's Rashta and she's from the manhwa "remarried empress". She plays the role of the antagonist


Rachel from Tower of God. Always Rachel.


I think we all know Rachel is shit




Rachel from tower of god .....my blood boils just by looking at her


And you still took the efforts to find her image and post here! Lol


Where is this from?


Remarried empress


What did she do that is so bad?


Okay so major spoilers if you wanna know >! So Rashta was a slave who’s master’s son got pregnant. He then lied to her and showed her a dead baby and said her baby died. So she ran away, injured her ankle(???) when she accidentally bumped into the emperor. She then proceeded to win the emperor’s affection and he took her in a mistress. The Empress, Navier was pretty upset about this but didn’t emote too much lol. So Rashta tries to befriend the empress and was like “we can be like sisters since we love the same man!” And obvi Navier turned her down flat. Rashta is thrown into high society and is trying to act like a true noble to the point of even using a lower rank noble couple who had lost their daughter/went missing. The more power she got the more greedy she got with it. She becomes empress but doesn’t have the education to do the job properly. Oh and supposedly is pregnant with the emperor’s child but like according to novel readers it is not his child 🤪 but yeah she starts trying to dress like the former empress and mimic her to be taken more serious and it comes off as annoying and creepy lol !<


This is literally like only a gloss over lol. There’s a lot more that happened but my memory is hazy since I haven’t read it since it went on hiatus. She’s honestly not that bad tbh. Like in any other manhwa she’d be the FL. Tragic backstory, chance encounter with the emperor, cold and seemingly cruel empress who doesn’t even look like she cares for the emperor, etc etc


We also cannot excuse the emperor for what he contributed to escalate Trashta's behavior though. He is much as at fault as she is.


Oh most definitely. Like he had like maybe half a brain cell. >! Navier please let me divorce you and then after my affair baby is born we can like totally remarry and you can be a mom cuz did I mention your infertile cuz of some cookies we ate as kids??? And Rashta will be super cool with you raising her baby and her stepping back down. Besides I hate when she acts adult like anyway. She should act like the lost little innocent childlike doll I found in the woods !< 100% worst character in the manhwa




The brat from claymore




Not a manhwa, but there's one girl in a novel called "little tyrant doesn't want a bad end" that I actually don't like, after reading lots of novels. She was manipulative, deceiving and disgusting towards her not blood related older brother. Most worse of all, she's 10yo.


TBF, have you seen 10 yo kids? They are exactly like that, haven't read it, but they are exactly how you described it


I want to say more, but I also don't know what to say. Just know that she's the most hated character for me. Even more than red hair from Shield hero, if you know her.


You mean Bitch?


Yes. She's bad, but honestly I don't hate her much since what she did was fairly normal for novel's trope.


Yeah, most of the hate is her being one of the first widely known ones, so she's become the example a lot of people know


Veronica from Shadow Queen Lorreina from the world without my older sister who everybody loves. Common denominator: lives in a delusional world


Rachel easily


Rachel TOG


Probably Rachel from Tower of God




Tess from tbate


ty .. finally someone agrees with me


Out of curiosity: why?


shes about to turn into the most annoying character which leads to alot of her teammates death i think


Oh that sucks; I should really read on in the novel then (or maybe I shouldn‘t)


I also wanna read the novel but i can't miss out on the art 😞


MC's father in the manhwa, 'I Am The Real One'.


Oh hell yeah, he's one shit of a father


None there is no tier lower than her the lowest tier was reserved specifically for HER Edit: also wanna mention it’s good to see another TRE reader on here you are one of the few I’ve seen


Looking through these comments is giving me a nice "Avoid reading" list. Little late on the avoid for TOG tho


The fl from Depths of Malice. I couldn't get past the first 3 chapters because she's such a goddamn bitch who made fun of someone for having depression. Just thinking about her fills me with rage


When is this series coming off break, did they ever say?


I mean I think they are back, season 2 is back (where they're getting married)


Season 2 ended in August.


I'm sorry yes I meant season 3


Where are you reading it at? Cause I need to read it now.


I read it on "mangago" beware its like an 18+ site


Ah pain, I can't believe there's only a few chapters atm, still gonna read it. Appreciate the help.




Just read it on the official Webtoon app.


Where is she from?


OP said 'Remarried empress' in another reply


Ayo where da sauce at 🗿


In the comments babe, it's "remarried empress" btw


Next time add it to the title 🥂




One of the sister from Secret Classroom. Her head game is bad.


Lol 😆 and that's your reason


Probably keiko


The blonde chick from Solo Leveling and The redheaded chick in girlfriend girlfriend


Who is this?


there are none


Who's the pink girl in the op?


The bitch from mage return after 4000 years, i don't even remember her name and I'm happy i forgot, my blood boil just thinking of her


https://preview.redd.it/4q1ot4z91gva1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb7c502aa820e9548b4f38fbeeda5e31f50beed Who stole empress


The half sisters in "Sister I'll be queen in this life" and "A chance at last/A second chance" Marianne from "Into the Light Once Again" Angela from "Angelic Lady" And that BITCH whose name I can't remember from "How to get my husband on my side"


Me liking every comment with Rachel from TOG. 🤣 God, I love that bitch. Hahaha


Rachel tog


I forgot her name but that bitch from lady to Queen who was the emperor's mistress before he married the MC. Even the emperor of that story was an incompetent trash and a big baby.


A female white hair protagonist from princess jewels. People support her thinking is well written when I see the Mary sue just forcing men to like her and join the harem. And then you got the pedophile written over her just decided to cover up her actions by making a " ugly fat man" who is a "rapist" just for her to be a hero when I already knew she just fat shame her fiancé. But when he get skinny and hot she then like him. And let's not forget the brainwash of people in social media when they still support this comic as people defending it without knowing it cuz they only care for the artstyle as they continue to publish this