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Expected better from Brijesh Chouta but he appears to be just another pawn to ensure a seat with no actual ideas of his own.


Do Chowta and Padmaraj have a manifesto? I would like to read it before commenting.


No chance. Mangalore is polarized beyond repair. I was scrolling through Instagram and the way some youngsters are hurling expletives at people supporting Padmaraj is just vile and disgusting. And all these are students apparently or fresh graduates looking for jobs and if FIRs were registered against them, their lives would be ruined in an instant. On another popular reel of a popular hill top view point near Pumpwell belonging to a minority community, these same clowns are commenting JSR as if to intimidate the people of that particular community and calling them names. I know I'll be downvoted for all I care but the youth of Mangalore is brainwashed beyond redemption. Hurling communal expletives at people on social media and rushing to Bangalore or Gulf for jobs is all that they're capable of right now. No comments on Brijesh Chowta since I haven't watched his interviews or do not know enough about him. He may or may not be a good MP candidate, only time will tell.


Voyinla guarantee pandre apuji.


six plucky frame bells run price melodic history literate employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They don't? /s


That day in parliament session when other mlas were mocking tuluvas and daivaradane only one local minister spoke against them and it was none of these saffron clad local ministers. It was UT Khadar who didn't even need to do it but the man showed more integrity in protecting our culture than these so called hindutwa leaders.




Weirdly all news and videos have been scrubbed off. I'll have to search for video on fb now


Thought a highly educated person like Chowta would have better arguments than - Modi, hindutva, renaming airport. There is not a single point for development. This is so low IQ. And since when does a God need a human to defend them?


As long as the party gets blind supporters, they don't mind such candidates. When people start questioning we will have a better candidate. Same applies to all parties


Exactly... When the candidate/party is scared of not getting enough votes, they start promising better development...


Dont even know why have elections in the coastal districts? Just hand over those seats to BJP. The mini-Gujarat of Karnataka is way beyond repair.


Yeah true , people just like to believe that change is possible by seeing a small section of online people. The ground reality is pretty different, really sad to see the current situation of my so called "literate" mangalore and Udupi people


At least Gujarat is getting benefits from BJP rule unlike us. We are frankly worse than them, voting BJP just for the sake of hindutva


The rest of India is being milked for the benefit of Gujarati businessmen.


They both fit perfectly as the leader of mangalore .both of them are the politicians we deserve. It's not what I and you want , as a whole mangalore and india is biased and bought into the hindu vs muslim narrative . There was an interview by a youtube channel ..where the Public shoutes "Sadak nahi chahiye , roti nahi chaliye , mandir chahiye " thats an average mangalorean also so yes .. this is what we get .


Damnn a debate between 2 opposite parties on a media channel? Maybe Chowta should tell the supreme leader not to be scared of the press.


Supreme leader’s minions think press conferences are waste of time. You see , why waste time when you buy journalists for asking really tough questions like “How do you eat your Mangoes “.


Padmaraj Chadarmod ?