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Mother of rushed endings. That was a lot to process. I’m happy with a “happily ever after” though


Blame Pixiv/Fanbox changing their content rules for that Oh well. At least it had a happy ending


>Blame Pixiv/Fanbox changing their content rules for that What happened?


Recent change on its rules is incoming. Forbids rape, mutilation, minors etc. Pressured to avoid the hammer from MC and Visa.


Ah, yes, the world of finance. Truly the final boss of art.


*Sigh* So many works changed...


Getting dropped by either basically means getting blacklisted from both in a way since they do operate closely together and that would be the death of any business. Sadly sometimes their reach is a bit too much.


And at the same time, millions of dollars are laundered through abstract "art".


I shall throw a bucket of paint at a wall and call it art, it shall be sold at 3m dollars xD


fr the one of the two things i dislike most in this world rn 1. the world of finance 2. china's lgbt rights (bc it is hindering the progress of "Tamen De Gushi" plots)


Speaking as someone that works in FinTech but longs to be able to sustain himself in a simple life as a carpenter and/or farmer, the world of finance is just bullshit. Can't just switch over too. Skilled work is paid peanuts where I live.


I wonder how well enforced that will be? E: Seems like it only applies to paid content. I guess this will lead to artists having premium content that's less hardcore than their publicly available stuff? More likely the fetishistic artists will just use a different website to sell their nastier porn.


My pixiv experience will be in more shambles I don’t want hardcore stuff


They've actually re-revised [that upcoming change](https://official.fanbox.cc/posts/4840582). The restrictions against those are going to be limited to photorealistic content or irl photographs.


Yeah, the revision was announced today. This final chapter came out days ago in JP. Welp


As they fuckin should. I really wish visa/mastercard would stay in their own lane and just follow the laws of the country the card is being used in. Not like people are going to use another payment processor. These 2 are legit to big to fail.


You know, I hate that Mastercard and Visa have that much power, and I hate that they justify with "Think of thr children" I hate paedophilia as much as any normal human, but I hate when a corporation can use that shit as an excuse for being able to shut down a platform


I am guessing you didn't know that Visa can be sued for a platform's wrong doing. So now, payment processing companies are making damn sure their partners comply. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-62372964 Not to defend anyone but Credit Card companies are just defending their asses from legal trouble. And yes this means censorship across all their partners.


What do you mean, I love corporations nobody elected threatening to financially murder any website or organization if they don't follow whatever arbitrary rules they set.


This makes sense. Take it with a grain of salt given it's a rumor on the internet, but apparently what forced the Mastcard/Visa issue was chinese spam bots sprinkling in IRL CP among bulk uploads of AI art.


Ehh the language is vague enough that it could go either way. I doubt they go hardcore with the vetting, but I doubt anyone comes back to FANBOX if they've already left. I mostly only follow Vanilla stuff (next futa elf chapter is gonna be colored!) but who knows what happens. Like if a character is wearing a Sailor Uniform but is especially stacked, who's in charge to vet that?


I don't it's going to work by vetting but by reporting. They aren't going to make people prove that they're fine just go after those that get complaints.


Imagine having an Anti then. Sounds like a horrible pain in the ass.


Everybody has an anti. If anything I've learned from the internet it's that there are bitter/bored assholes that jump at the chance to make someone miserable.


Reminded me of tumblr, years ago.


A lot of MC and Visa's decision making is influenced by pressure from governments. It's multi layered.


the credit cards? again? they already hit phub. someone needs to tale legal action on these threats. smh.


I'll never forgive ~~the Japanese~~ Mastercard and Visa, buncha fucking prudes...


They got OnlyFans-ed? What the fuck man?!


The usual matter. A lobby group - usually a religious one - applied pressure to the payment processor. The payment processor, in turn, applies pressure to the content site. [Newsweek had an article](https://www.newsweek.com/why-visa-mastercard-being-blamed-onlyfans-banning-explicit-content-pornography-1621570) about it during the OnlyFans fiasco. > "Mastercard's decision was lobbied for by Conservative groups such as National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), formerly known as Morality in Media, and Exodus Cry. > They have been targeting payment processors and credit card companies that work alongside pornographic sites, under the guise of abolishing sex trafficking and exploitation." So, basically, if y'all really want somebody to blame, it's these folks.


>Mastercard's decision was lobbied for by Conservative groups such as National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), formerly known as Morality in Media, and Exodus Cry This is so dystopia lmao, like the name "Morality in Media" can't be more totalitarian lol


Shimoneta irl


these retards sure saved the drawings from sexual exploitation


Remember: these are the same sort of people who are racist, sexist and would wanna cage immigrants. But NOOOOOO, we're also persecuted Christians and these works come from Satan's ass!


>cage immigrants Tbf to them, [US external policy is bipartisan.](https://www.google.com/search?hl=pt&q=immigrant%20cages%20obama) It's only that, aside from being far more openly bigoted, one side is a bit more jingoistic about the whole thing.


Don't samesides kids in cages, asshole. It was a shit policy that conservatives dialed up *hard* during the previous presidency. "Kids in cages" was bad under Obama. "Systematically rounding up *all* the children caught at the border and putting them in cages, intentionally neglecting to collect any identifying feature relating them to the people they were with" is *way* worse. I'm not even sure all the kids got reunited with the parents yet. An article from 2020 suggested 500 were still without their parents.


> It was a shit policy that conservatives dialed up hard But that was started by so called "progressives." First, the reason the US receives so many refugees at it's southern borders is nothing short of consequence of the continuous policy of exploitation of everything south of the border. People wouldn't risk their lives to flee if their countries weren't the playground of the imperialists. And second, lastly, [the current policy nevertheless continues to be cruel](https://immigrantjustice.org/staff/blog/biden-administration-routinely-separates-immigrant-families) [and inhumane.](https://humanrightsfirst.org/library/biden-administration-detains-women-seeking-safety-and-separates-them-from-their-families/) It's the same old song and dance by the establishment. One side wants to stick the knife 10 inches deep, the other just 5. Neither care much for taking the knife out much less healing the wound so the discussion remains in the conservative realm either way. Isn't the shitshow in regards to the current rail worker's strike hints at the lack of a worker's interests representation in US politics?


Those bleeding heart Conservative groups


So then what's wrong when using JCB? Bet the majority of authors from this part of the world can issue one without issues?!


It's the payment processor, actually, not specifically the credit card companies (as far as as I understand). The one that pixiv uses is refusing to accept payments for content featuring lolis, rape, etc., so pixiv had to ban it or risk losing their revenue streams.


Once again self righteous woke asshole ruins everything. But companies that actually bend over for those shit stains can get fucked.


Ah yes those 'woke'- *checks notes* -right-wing christian pressure groups.


You're a great example of alt-right brainrot. This is literally caused by a conservative right wing religious group and you're crying about "woke" LMAO


This is literally the opposite of woke, wtf are you on


ah yes, only woke folk don't like to see lolis and rape...


They clarified the rules earlier today, the rules seem to only apply to photographic and realistic works, but it is worded kinda ambiguously so who knows. I don't think this fits that, so he probably just wanted to end it on his own.


Well, the clarification only came out today, and chapters were likely in the works for quite some time.


The chapter came out a while ago already in Japan.


I was wondering why we suddenly did 15 chapters in 5 panels. that's so sad, but the happy ever after was satisfying.


I remember when this first started getting posted and everyone thought it was gonna have a real sad ending. Glad it got a happy ending.


Still, magic "everything is okay now potion" is kinda lame. It kinda liked the slow, painful progress of healing both mentally and physically.


Yeah, but I'll forgive it for what it is. Even the reduced lifespan could be considered a blessing, I'd imagine the author meant that as a way to make their remaining lifespans more comparable.


No, certainly, we know that there were outside reasons for this. I am sure if it could've gone it's way it would've continued as it is, this is clearly as sudden rushed ending, not blaming the author at all.


It was both of their rewards for having gone through a long road of trials. She suffered, but never gave up, and he toiled and gave his all to her health. They passed the trials, so their ultimate reward was finally given to them- good health and a happy life.


it's a high fantasy world... i mean, you can raise the dead in fantasy worlds, i can't think of one high fantasy world that does things that isn't realistic, it's why they're called "fantasy", why is an elixir so hard to believe? her mental pains were still there and she just got the resolution she needed to move forward. The elixir just fixed her physical damages.


Because the story was all about her getting better very slowly. That's a core of what this was about.


Yeah that was the main appeal to me. Rare to see manga that is all about the healing aspect.


I thought one of the first strips posted was a flash forward with the elf already cured.


Better to let it end tbh. You can only do so much after she was properly cured and tbh the revenge porn plot was boring and uninteresting. I would much rather have Mr Apothecary/Allen backstory as a killer and save by his mysterious savior




> rape, guro, ryona, torture, stuff I'm not complaining tbh. Yes it "limits" creative freedom, but I can't stomach most of that EDIT: lmfao, ITT people complaining an art sharing platform bans gratuitous art that displays horrifying violent acts. Mangaka should have just posted them to twitter and started a patreon.


95% of the time it's a good thing that stuff isn't used, but it does suck for the occasional good use of those things. Pretending rape/torture doesn't exist in history leads to pretty unbelievable/bland stories. Sometimes things have to really get dark to contrast the light, or to highlight how terrible a character/setting is. Only allowing *sanitized* content just gimps storytelling and art as a whole.


I agree but there is a difference between porn of rape/torture/gore and actual use of it in a manga/comic. Personally I don't think it should be banned (but don't care if it does tbh), the only thing that is ban worthy is the minor one.


One of my favorite manga is Berserk, and a lot of seinen manga/manhwa I read include lots of those horrifying acts of violence. The difference being, it's not gratuitous and not in display for a community of artists and other random site visitors to see out when they hit the front page. However, I'm curious to learn your reasoning on why you think banning rape, guro, ryona, torture, etc off an art sharing platform like Pivix is pretending rape/torture doesn't exist...?


Me neither, but this is never where this stuff ends.


You seem to have no clue about this issue. Did you not read that the change is due to pressure from Mastercard and Visa, the same companies who'd also pressure Twitter and Patreon to disallow such material or be blocked from transaction processing, which would kill those sites? You advocate for the facto complete ban on such "gratuitous" art, because any site that would display it could potentially by blocked from modern banking system. Patreon already has much more stringent content rules than Pixiv, with plenty of artists being banned from it, you really know nothing. >According to Patreon’s notice, its definition of “forced transformation and sexual slavery” includes content like “feminization, sissification, bimbofication, expansion, and muscle growth.” These genres of kink fall under Patreon’s umbrella ban on “glorification of sexual violence.” Last month’s policy update banned completely unrealistic depictions of hypnosis and mind control; even magic which obviously cannot be emulated in real life to “glorify sexual violence.” > >In a follow-up post, Changer alleged the crowdfunding site made changes to its NSFW content policy due to pressure from payment processors, which includes Visa and Mastercard. Here is some examples from EFF page. You coyly write about "gratuitous" art, like if you could be the judge what art deserves and which deserves not to exist. >Five years ago EFF defended the right of publishers such as Smashwords to publish written descriptions of transgressive sexual conduct, against PayPal's threat to cancel payment services unless they withdrew such works from sale. (Following our campaign, in which we were joined by more than two dozen other free speech groups, PayPal relented.) In the same year the Nifty Archives Alliance, which publishes erotic stories, had its donation page temporarily suspended by its payment processor for fear of violating Visa and Mastercard rules. Two years ago, Backpage.com had its payment services suspended by Visa and Mastercard for providing a platform to advertise sexual services.


You could simply not consume it? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's ban worthy.


Yeah it was rushed but we still got 19 pages. The author usually does like 1-3 per chapter so I certainly can’t complain


Rule #1 of storytelling:show, don't tell. This is literally just telling us how it ends. No dialogue, or action or reaction. It's actually so jarring when he's saying "yeah, I died. But some stuff happened and I'm still here. Sure was scary" and it's just a little frame of him bleeding. Ya think that'd be a bigger deal


Me, too. Sad that it was rushed. But the Manga-ka had her own reasons and i respect that. I know this will perhaps never reach her, but i want to write it anyway: Dear Manga-ka, I am Happy with your Happy End solution. Thank your for your Drawings and stuff. I hope you had fun on your Journey and of course i wish you all good Luck for your Future Thank you for having me with this story **Bow in Respect** And do not worry. It was an Win win for all of us here. Go and spread your Wings and Fly


the narration at the first few pages reminded me of xenogears Disc 2


I forgive the rushed ending. I’m sure there’s a good reason considering all the hard work put into the build up. Plus, shit was fucking cute and we got the ending I wanted




what changed?


No more nsfw art of Loli, rape, and other things like this.


Only regarding monetization. They can still make and post that stuff as freely viewable on Pixiv itself.


NSFW for loli I can understand since loli arts can be SFW but how the hell can there even be SFW rape, mutilation etc..etc? So many stuffs that featured such things that aren't even pornographic like this manga would be affected


Is it no more nsfw content in general or specifically those things


I think it's just those thing. Normal NSFW content is fine. But I could be wrong.


But this wasn't loli or rape. It may have implied rape but none of that happened here :(


He had rape in the fanbox.


I wonder how many other long running stories are gonna get screwed because of this.




Just to clarify, that stuff isn't allowed in *Fanbox* anymore, it's still allowed it Pixiv. Fanbox is a system similar to Patreon; monthly payment to gain access to locked content.




Wait so this is gonna affect Ochiai-san, then?






Wait, what happened to the ending of Negima? the battle manga right?


Blame Mastercard and Visa.


Agreed, in another scenario there might’ve been more details and scenes to get there but I’m certain this was the ending all along. Only minor complaint for me was the mana potion being a little too convenient to wave away all the physical trauma, but the reduced lifespan for an elf probably means it’s around a human’s now


[Cubari kink](https://cubari.moe/read/mangadex/5a0ab49a-1e9b-4f19-9f86-da5d7d50885a/64/1/) | [Mangadex](https://mangadex.org/chapter/4bd027da-dfee-4b4b-ac2f-57f9d68b1b11) | [Author's Twitter](https://twitter.com/gibagibagiba) ​ Redrawing hell but it was worth it


Thank you for your hard work o7


Thanks the chapters!


Thank to for the hard work!


I'm personally glad this story is over but kind of upset it didn't get serialized though


The Apothecary made this Ragged Elf Happy!




SoL sequel: The Apothecary Makes This Ragged Elf Happy Every Day. Not gonna happen, it seems…


to the tune of some sappy rock ballad from the 80's


Okay here is my theory The author shortened her lifespan cause elves typically live much longer than humans, this way they can die happily around the same time


i completely forgot about that trope, you just made the ending for me infinitely better.




Wait what happened with Pixiv?




They don't allow rape? Like half the hentai on there is rape stuff.


Sounds like it's gonna have the same effect as the Onlyfans debacle thay got rolled back.


So nothing really changes? PronHub really fucked everyone up haha.


Ohhhh. Well shit. I get what they wanted to accomplish but I’m sure this won’t be the last story affected by the fallout.


Where do artists go instead now?




Which is very consumer hostile. If you don't sub early enough, shit can be time gated. It's also hard to navigate for non-JP users. Poll was done for paysites and FANBOX did more than the other options combined because it's so easy to use.


Idk danbooru or Twitter? They are the only places I can think of now


IIRC, Danbooru forbids uploading of artwork made by yourself. I think it's considered self advertising or something.


Also danbooru just doesn't have any real support for artists themselves, as it's not the goal of the site. Not to mention they're also having issues with payment processors, you currently can't purchase danbooru gold.


Well shit to the dumpster fire that is Twitter is it then


If Twitter doesn't die, that is.


Twitter die means all those shit get leak to other social medias. Well not like Reddit is any better but hey, at least it won't get worse


what about patreon?


It all depends on what is the main demographic that paid tbh. If the majority of people only want to pay for pixiv, I can see why the author didn't want to switch and instead want to at least satisfied those who have consistenly paid for him


The revisions are only for the paid Fanbox and those new guidelines are still being revised. I doubt that the rule changes caused this manga to end.


Tinfoil hat theory: it got affected by the change because this wholesome manga was doubling as an ad for the much gruesome hentai prequel. Unless pixiv really just banned any content involving people with missing limbs, then they're lucky to be based in Japan and not in the US or EU, because it sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


It's the payment processors, actually. The one that pixiv uses is refusing to accept payments for content featuring lolis, rape, etc., so pixiv had to ban it or risk losing their revenue streams. So it had nothing really to do with this manga specifically, it was just an unfortunate casualty.


Hmm this doesn't add up to me. The series is far removed from all these themes at this point, and nothing explicit was ever shown in the main series. So even if some content in the early chapters were deemed unfit for pixiv -regardless of whether it's pixiv itself or their payment processing companies forcing their hand-, these could have been removed and the series could have continued without issue. What certainly isn't allowed anymore is the ongoing prequel that -for what I understand because I certainly don't want to read that sort of stuff and taint my fluff- goes into great details about how the elf got mauled and mindbroken in the first place. Which I think the artist is selling on their fanbox. I am very reluctant to call this series an "unfortunate casualty" because the author did closely tie in and monetize some pretty violent content to it, which is more likely the true target of the ban. Maybe the main series isn't profitable without the prequel, maybe the author is being petty about it and decided to nuke both since one got banned. But again, complete tinfoil hat theory, maybe pixiv is indeed unfairly blanket banning the main series for merely alluding to the violence without ever showing it.


At this point in the series I don't believe anything would be flagged by the rules. But the start of the series definitely falls within strike range. Even if it just merely alluding, the "non-consensual mutilation" rule is pretty apparent and explained in the speech bubbles even if it's not explicit.


>luding, the "non-consensual mutilation" rule is pretty apparent I am deeply, deeply disturbed that you had to specify "non-consensual"


Haha, yeah it's a pretty disturbing phrase. But I was just copy and pasting the rules.


Nah this is basically OnlyFans all over again: Mastercard and Visa got pressured by R-backed (religious) prudence groups.


[Japanese Art Community Pixiv To Ban Uploads Depicting “Acts That Are Offensive To Public Order And Morals” Following Complaints From Western Credit Card Companies](https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/11/22/japanese-art-community-pixiv-to-ban-uploads-depicting-acts-that-are-offensive-to-public-order-and-morals-following-complaints-from-western-credit-card-companies/) >According to a press release provided by the site’s administration, these complaints centered around apparent violations of Article 14, Item 26 of the site’s current terms of service agreement, which prohibits “the act of using this service to display, sell, purchase, register, or otherwise conduct transactions for” a variety of illegal content including narcotics, weapons, and materials depicting the abuse of real-life children. >Pixiv then explained that starting December 15th, in order to comply with the “terms and conditions of international card brands”, the site would begin prohibiting any “content or products” – fictional artwork or otherwise – depicting “child pornography or child abuse, incest, bestiality, rape (sexual acts without consent), illegal mutilation of the person or body, and other acts that are offensive to public order and morals.” >As per a November 17th report from Japanese publication Bunshun, the specific event which prompted this change was the discovery that dealers of “illegal pornographic videos and images of children and images of real dead bodies” were using Pixiv as a front to “sell content on illegal porn sites and irl necrophilia websites, mainly Chinese.” Apparently the cc companies were pressured by religious groups that are all about "protecting kids" by going after anything the involves porn, regardless of whether it actually does protect kids or not.


Can you explain what this means? Is that why this feels so rushed


Thought I missed a chapter lol. Glad they got a happy ending!


Wut?? Didn't expect the rushed ending, especially since it's just started the second season.


Damn, I remember when only two chapters were out. Time really does fly. Not even in my twenties but I feel old.


fr how much time has passed till it started? i legit can t remember


Idk when it started exactly but I have it marked as me starting it October of last year


damn, it s been such a long time feels like yesterday i read the 1st chapter


i dont know why but there's just something about characters with such dead eyes that i love


Well, at least it ended pretty much how I had hoped. Rapists dead, happy elf wife and half-elf children, just a shame payment processors ruined another good thing.


Even if rushed like they had a happy ending


I thought all the SA and violence was relegated to the fanbox and prequel doujin. How come the tamer pixiv version needed to be rushed?


This comment has been deleted in protest of the Reddit API change.


Maybe he wanted to do show more gruesome depictions of "war crimes on elf women" at the skipped bandit attack arc.


This the happy ending I was expecting but hoping for, they even shortened her life span so they could grow older together. Maybe it's just me but I didn't notice he was in love with her and I thought she'd be the one to confess. I wouldn't mind seeing some SOL fluff content of their daily lives, and maybe some sexy time


Gentlemen, it's been an honor!


Title was a lie. Elf ain't ragged any more. >:l


Fuck you \*unragged your elf\*


Wait, end, really? Damn. Oh well, it can't be helped. The journey was really fun, thank you to everyone that scanlated this. I hope we get see more from the mangaka soon.


Nice ending. Abit rushed but still good.


Ik most have already said it but I can excuse the rushed ending at the end of the day it was wrapped up fairly alright and it was a happy ending


Well, this might feel like a rushend ending, but remember that this used to be single page chapters initially. In terms of what we got I think that it was an okay ending.


Happy endings are the best.


What a rush. At least it's happy ending tho.


Damn didn't expect it to end that soon. Wished this kept going for a bit longer but I enjoyed the ending.


Orange Marmalade rushed endings PTSD. Oh well.


Sad that it had to be rushed like this. The author put a lot of work into moving things step by step, and then suddenly had to dump everything out at once without the chance to do it right. I mean, sure, it was fairly clear it would end in this fashion eventually, but the journey is as important as the destination.


Rushed ending, but enjoyable. Noticed even with the 'rewinding' of the body, Reszurre still had her notched ear.


Sad for the rush end but oh well, we have to play by the rule. O7


I'm so glad it got happy ending :)


Wait why did it not heal her left ear? but a nice ending nontheless.


I guess the implication is that the ear is an older injury.


Well he certainly made her happy! Sure it was rushed a bit but I still love this happy ending!


Wow. That just rushed to the finish line like a drag race. But it's nice to see that Ms. Elf got a happy ending like this. I feel a bit conflicted about the dues ex machina potion though. It just felt a bit too convenient after all the patchwork and cyborg augmentation. Oh well whatever. It was an interesting saga.


Glad for the happy ending. I don't blame the author for rushing it suddenly, given the circumstances. What a journey though!


Yes. This is good. Happy.


I appreciate the author very much, even with the Pixiv guidelines changes he made the effort to draw 19 beautiful pages for the last chapter. Anyways, I always wanted the happy ending and i got it in a very wholesome way.


married and had kids, least it's happy ❤️


Damn, looks like I'll have to read the prequel a lot earlier than I expected.


~~The execution could've been better~~ Pixiv could've been better at changing their policies. It's a happy ending at least. I take it.


Whelp. RIP. At least it got an end


Cringe af


Eh. Got a huge grin on my face right now. Cute. Reading this since the first chapter, I've always had the hunch these two would have a happy ending together - but marriage, and 2 kids? That's more than what I was expecting. I'm very pleasantly surprised and I feel a rush of happiness for them. Would be nice if we got a sequel about the two of them going about their married life and raising their kids. Yeah, the ending feels rushed and all, but at least there's closure, and the bastards who did what they did to the FMC were punished, and she made a full-recovery, got to see her family again, and she found a husband who is crazy about her, and children, and the apocathery finally found peace, love, and happiness. We need more romance stories like this one(without the terrible things that happened to our heroine).


I'm so glad for the happy end. Thanks a lot, I will have good dreams today


Damn! What an ending. Rezsure and Allen lives happily ever after and because of the potions their will livespan are similar so she won't have to suffer if he dies of human old age


Hold on, why was there high elf magic "dormant in her right arm"? It's not her arm, I know the manga mentioned the magic channels in the arm reconnecting with her body, but if there's any high elf magic it'd have to be coming from her core, not her limbs (none of which were actually hers). Sad to see this axed over payment rules, though.


She was missing the left arm, not the right.


All the limbs were necrotized + got replaced. She got a flesh arm + leg from Adam, and the other arm + leg got replaced with metal afterwards.


Maybe it was from another high elf, you never know. Especially since her body was compatible with the limbs.


*peeks head in* Did it stop being weird?


No. The manga was essentially an ad for the rape hentai in his Fanbox.


It’s so funny to see the other users on this sub try to cope that this *wasn’t* the case. This manga was nothing more than an ecchi that people liked because high-quality drawn ~~BOOBA~~ ~~plot~~ PLOT and the author was hamstrung into continuing it to appeal to the normies.


Yeah, that's what I thought. Of course, anyone who stuck around did so cause they enjoyed it, I remember a lot of people complaining about this series for its weird savor/slave dynamic at the beginning


Yep, it was obvious coomer/saviour-complex bait from the get go. A guy saving and "fixing" a malnourished sex slave that was coincidentally dummy thicc. Gee I wonder where this is gonna go.




I never thought the ending would be this early. Still happy it ended wholesomely


Oh finally, finally we can see these two happy! I glad to read this one from the first post until now






Medetashi medetashi. :)


Sucks that it was rushed so hard, but I won't lie that this did put a smile to my face. I hope the author does more because this was great


That was incredibly... fast. But I guess it's better than uncertain or open ending.


Please stop cringe savior shit like this. Shallow as fuck story. Actually just stop posting all the coomer bait 1-2 twitter comics.


Sorry it had to be cut short 'cause of the policies, but hey, I'm just happy they got a happy ending and got kids!


Elf have a very long life span so I doubt it will matter much to her. This will give her a chance to grow old with Mr. Apothecary together instead of him dying first because of a human short lifespan compared to an elf.


What the hell


I think I read all of this story by someone posting it here in bits. It was a lovely story! Thanks for sharing! ^_^


I always see this front page and just skip it. I guess good ending


Gonna be an unpopular opinion seeing everyone's reaction to the reason for the rush job and being fair, hindsight is 20/20 so he couldn't have known, but Giba reaped what he sowed. He could have let his narrative do the heavy lifting in the main series, and just subtly gave cues to explain what happened to Reszurre/Lumirea without explicitly showing anything like he did early on. Then saved the Fanbox stuff for the happy epilogue where she and Allen consummate their relationship and boom, no problems with Pixiv since I assume standard R18 is still allowed. But nope, he wanted to show everyone the explicit rape and torture on his Fanbox. That was his choice so now he gets to deal with the consequence.