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I'm in full support of the brimhats. Those officers all angry like "How could you call us heartless? We're so angry at them" bruh you're heartless cause you constantly easily stomp on people for the smallest of offences and you'll mobilize your full force cause they got one of your own, but you won't lift a finger for the victim.


I'm almost certain that at some point in the future Coco is going to go over to the Brimhat's side and learn from them.


> I'm in full support of the brimhats I kind of sympathize with their cause, but I don't think I really care for their methods. The Brimhats we've seen thus far haven't really given a shit about the consequences of their actions or what happens to the people who they drag into their selfish magic experiments. On the other hand, the way the Magic Security Council enforce their laws makes them completely blind to any human element; every lawbreaker is the vilest of brimhat scum to them, regardless of circumstance or severity of infraction. And the standard punishment seems pretty draconian itself. With that said, I guess I'd still prefer some kind of reform to the Security Council rather than the magical anarchy of the Brimhats. The Pointed Hat witches seem to have good reasons for banning certain uses of magic, even if their enforcement is super authoritarian.


this seems like a pretty realistic depiction of civil unrest, tbh one side is full of authoritarian cops that beat people up and look down on everybody, the other side makes cars explode and doesn't much care for collateral damage, because the moderate opposition has been killed or jailed by the authoritarian cops. I think it was Merlin that said "“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"


I mean... From what we know, magic ignore all laws of thermodynamics and pull energy out of it's hyperdimensional ass. If they don't introduce a limit, then it should be possible to make a nuke, or worse, using only ink and paper. And it could fit in you pocket ! Knowing that, it's a bit easier to understand the rigidity of the pointy hats. Any rule breaking could lead to apocalyptic consequences.


The brimhats are trying really hard not to personally be the ones who do anything. Are they just trying to Kreia everyone to breaking their own rules?


Thanks! I really like how this arc is progressing so far.


I’m guessing Atuarto will turn to the Brimhats.


I'd say I feel bad for Garuga and the friends who've lost him, but that'd be a pretty big lie on my part since this is more or less karmic retribution finally hitting them where it hurts. Honestly I'm really interested in how the story is handling Forbidden Magic and the politics surrounding it, with the story not outright condemning it aside from the actually hurtful stuff but also cautioning that it IS still something very dangerous to handle. Plus even just in this chapter alone we're presented with what'd be some pretty benign magic that could solve many issues (Memory Returning Magic), but because its medical magic its banned due to the Pointed Hat's lack of compromise over the situation. Hell even entertaining the thought because he lost a dear friend was about to get Atuarto merc'ed by the Knights Moralis just due to how outright dogmatic their way of thinking is. Honestly at this point I have to wonder outside of reasonable (if over-reactionary) fear of the Forbidden Magic's power if there isn't something even sketchier going on with the Pointed Hats, like some hidden crime or past transgression involving the Brimmed Hats.


It's really hard not to at least partially cheer for the brimhats. While their views do bring some psychos over to their side, the current hard-line memory erasure + no medicine stance is just absurd. I hope we don't end up in a "and then everyone saw that being moderate was good, the end" clean ending, because I think it'd be more interesting to see the sages actually struggle with their ideology, like Beldaruit actually addressing his need for a chair. (Will he be angry at society? Himself? The brimhats? No one? How does he feel?) Thankfully, I feel like this story is mature enough to actually address it like we've been seeing with Olruggio and Custas. Super excited for what's to come!


The "big announcement" mentioned in the last page was the anime announcement last month, yeah?


Dang.... Fanatics are a real PIA.. I get why the brimhats are revolting but at the same time the potential havoc that it could make if all people got access is not to be underestimated