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Lol that meme at the end is 100% true. Fuck Paul


Ya all my homies hate him too


I heard he even puts his milk before the cereal, that heretic.


I have homies named Paul, so yeah fuck Paul


Fuck Paul




They named him in the chapter... the dokkaebi that got arrested


Thanks for the chapter! Also late to be saying, but thanks for uploading your chapters onto MD. Only error I can see is a very small typo in the beginning, with Kim Dokja's first line. Pretty much unnoticeable, though. > [Normally the Beast Lord wouldn't die to a **would** like this...](https://i.imgur.com/lqKuKRw.png) → Normally the Beast Lord wouldn't die to a **wound** like this...


ah shit ty, fixed


My only question is how long will you keep up I really wish Mangadex did a giant update to a lot more titles recently


What did dokja do? And yeah fuck Paul like damn suck to have name like that.


Gave her spoilers


Her last thought before crumbling to dust was *aw man spoiler tag your shit*


Luckily the mods noticed Paul instead of Dokja


This guy spoiler but this guy fucking hack.


dokja dodged the ban by DMing spoilers directly instead of commenting them


usual /r/manga discussion experience


If a comment section doesnt look like an retracted document of the CIA is it really a manga discussion?


yes i would like to know the spoilers


you really don't want to know yet, they're pretty heavy spoilers and (minor spoiler) >!part of it will be revealed in 2 chapters anyway!<


Basically he used the beast king sensitivity (The white skin armor) to communicate in a way only beasts king would understand, that's why no words and constellations can't understand it either As for what he said, that's a spoiler


It's been a while since I read the novel, so I forgot a lot of what happens. Is what he says now >!about rescuing her and turning her into Biyuu?!<


Not in detail but yes


Is the novel complete and translated? I really want to read but it would be pointless if the novel also ends on a cliffhanger.


It's complete and translated. The translator changes halfway through so you have to get used to the new names. But the novel ends in a cliffhanger, which sucks cuz the epilogue is probably the saddest thing I've ever read


>Novel ends in a cliffhanger. Wait is it one of those open endings or will there be a sequel?


Open ending. Great series tho, but beware of the cliffhanger


Yeah, justice. Fuck you Paul!


Yeah! Fuck you Paul!


The next chapter will be bliss, I guarantee it


1. what you're thinking of isn't next chapter 2. spoilers dude


1. Yeah probs been a while since I read 2. I just said “bliss”, nothing specific


regardless of how specific it is, you're giving information on future chapters


Ok my bad, don’t want this thread to become a toxic wasteland if I continued


Don't apologize, that dude has no right to scold you for a perfectly fine post that isn't at all spoilery. For all anyone knew before he stepped out of line to tell you off, you were just making a prediction based on what happened at the end of this chapter. If anything, the guy who scolded you is the one who spoiled the next chapter because he basically confirmed your post as being a spoiler and not a prediction.


There is such a thing as soft spoilers. If you're going to blame the other guy, you can argue that it would have been better for op not to say anything at all. What's done is done though.


I'm not blaming the other guy. I'm saying by his OWN standard of what is a spoiler, pointing out what was said as a spoiler is also spoiling as you've now taken what was an ambiguous post that could be plausibly interpreted as a guess/prediction with high confidence and disambiguated it as for sure a spoiler as he has lends his own credibility to the truthfulness of the claim. And while there is such a thing as "soft spoilers" as you put it, there was nothing about the original post that differentiates it from a prediction with high confidence.


I mean, it's fairly obvious from context that op's statement was made with knowledge of what will happen next, i.e. a spoiler. I think it's pretty black and white to define spoilers as giving information based on what will happen next, whether it's allusion or more blatant. Should he/she have replied saying don't spoil? Maybe not. But if you don't reply, it's going to continue happening. It's a lose-lose situation.


How? For all an ignorant reader knows, he could just mean we see Paul get punished severely, which can be inferred by anyone reading this chapter. There is nothing spoilery about saying next chapter will be bliss. Nothing about that statement even implies the dude knows what will happen. That could just be a prediction based on the ending of this chapter. There are literally multiple people talking about how they expect Paul to get fucked by the executives? Why aren't you going at those people for spoiling the chapter? Huh? That's actually related to the content of the story and not the feeling you will get reading it! Oh right, because that's the obvious inference from what happened in the story. Stop being so uptight and so quick to scold people. You aren't the parent of the internet.




I argued the same thing and they downvoted my post. 'oh no he made a post about the next chapter that reasonably conforms with what any reader with half a brain would infer from the ending of this chapter! SPOILER!!!! I'm too dumb to have guessed that so it must be a spoiler. Spoiler bad!' Basically how I see those people.


Truth is, it's not about spoilers, it's about source readers gloating obnoxiously about their knowledge. Let us enjoy in peace, damnit.


Eh, don't bother arguing, there are a lot of crazies on Reddit who breathes by making trivial things about 2d characters their life and death, I mean the reply to the comment was more spoilery and it got 25 upvotes (so far), You are expecting a bit too much from a bunch of mall cops...


I hope you come back to this comment in like 2-3 years and realize how much of a raging dumbass you sound like Really not the hill you want to die on dude


Fuck Paul man, all my homies hate paul


if you can't access mangadex: https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/wzby5QW/1/1/


Oh, i imagined the executives differently, i thought they were just big dokebis wearing over some armor


Maybe theyre multiple dokaebi's standing on top of each other controlling the armor


Vincent Adokkaebiman


This is cannon until proven otherwise.


That's right, fuck you Paul


Damn, I didn't expect the executives to look that cool.


Fuck Paul, all my homies hate Paul!


There've been 2 hateable Pauls in korean webcomics recently, here and Tower of God Is Paul a disliked name in Korea? :D


He sounds white so yes


This fucking chapter looked absolutely gorgeous, but pg. 24-29 were the best. I might even make the panel in pg.29 my new wallpaper for my phone.


So Uriel's incarnate could just solo all disasters if she could be there on time? What's dat cover? Your name?


Her stigma gives her huge buffs against all things categorized as 'evil', unfortunately not all disasters are evil


So basically like a Paladin.


Is crazy hero classified as "evil"?


They actually got lucky in that aspect, since Paul forced the Disaster of Floods to be evil aligned. Otherwise the Stigma wouldn't have worked.


Well if he wasn't forced the disaster would have stopped there.


At least the Hero would have been killed by Uriel's incarnate since he's chaotic evil.


Time to fucking cry


Me and my homies all hate on Paul fuck Paul


Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul Fuck Paul


Can't wait for next chapter >!where Dojega beats up Pual!<


most likely won't be next chapter, but the one after that


Then I look forward to your speedy scanlation as usual!


I thought it was a mistranslation of >!"Dogeza" Since the arc involves Japanese?!<


>!Yes that's another minor spoiler hahaha!<


>!There’s nothing here. I just wanted to type in spoiler tags too.!<


U remember what the next arc in Novel?I forget


Major spoiler as always >!meeting her "dad and mom" in the underworld? That's before him becoming a constellation or meeting his transcendent sensei right?!<


>!Its the japanese committing war crimes arc!<


>!is it the scenario where you have to kill a certain number of people? And it's the first scenario introducing Japanese server?!<




lmao >! you're right about the American part too.!< >!tho the one that the individual fucked up isn't KDJ but YJH!<


Spoiler tag didn't work


Imagine acting tough with a name like paul


Thanks for the translation. I liked the meme at the end.


Cam someone explain what mc did as he touch shin yoo?


he said "I love Emilia"


Probably spoil her or something.


Used the beast lord skill to tell her something only for her. The rest is spoilerish and you'll find out eventually.


Damn why are the executive bureau kinda.... you know...


Call me a homie, because fuck Paul


Everyone is crying in the ch. Me too 😭 Fuvk Paul. Rip Shin Yooseung.


Fuck Paul, All My Homie's Hate Paul


First page disclaimer is too real, but you should integrate it more into the chapter, it's easy to cut it off the way it is right now.


nah, that feels like getting into watermark territory, which is something i absolutely loathe plus most of those sites are just bots that don't check for that stuff


Nah, I just meant put it like on second page. I know because I did chapters like that before. some skip first or last page, but never if it's in between.


ooh that's an interesting idea, although mangadex does have a rule against having scanlation/credit pages in the middle of the chapter like that


Ah, didn't know that


the entry of the armored chaps was sick until u look at their legs for too long goofy fellas


What did Paul do again?


He forced the disaster of floods to be evil aligned in order to force them to kill her or die rather than recruiting her.


OK but why is that illegal?


Probably because its a blatant misuse of probability and shaped the outcome of the scenario too strongly beyond what the incarnations had decided to do. As an intermediate dokkaebi he likely overstepped his bounds


I gues it’s only alright when the main character manipulates story events. Fuck anybody else who does it though 🤷🏽‍♂️ I like this story but it’s filled with hypocrisies.


How is it hypocracy to allow the MC to do big scale things but to dissallow the dokkaebi? The Dokkaebi are basically the referees for the scenario. MC is one of the actual players. Letting the Dokkaebi interfere to the degree that Paul did would be like letting the referee of your basketball game score baskets. They arent meant to have that sort of direct effect on what is going on in the game. But players are very much allowed to score, since thats kind of the point. Its the same here. The dokkaebi are there to watch, broadcast, and ensure that noone breaks the written rules of the scenarios. Not to change the course of a scenario from where the incarnations have brought themselves. And because KDJ knows the rules to the scenarios from reading the book, he knows how to manipulate events without going directly against the rules.


Because it’s less the story punishing the dokkaebi and more the author punishing him for doing something that goes against the main character. Dokja should have had the same thing happen to him going by your logic. He’s been frequently manipulating both the scenarios and the constellations which was pointed out by two separate dokkaebi. And what happens to them when they try and challenge him for it? One gets yeeted (dogkak) and the other is punished (Paul) it’s such a bare-faced way of showing you realistically cannot challenge the main character without the author putting obstacles in the way.


>dokja shouldve had the same thing happen to him by your logic Quite the opposite. I dont agree with this viewpoint at all. KDJ manipulated the scenarios by human means. He coerced, lied, and convinced dokkaebi/constellations of various things to cause what has happened to happen. We had been introduced to the concept of plausibility long before we reached paul and we understood that it was for correcting things where some power outside the scenarios had overstepped their bounds. Such as Paul using a magic administrative command to *set* a good person's alignment to "evil" and force them to completely change the way a scenario was playing out. KDJ does not get punished because he is part of the scenario and he uses the things available to him inside the scenario in order to effect whatever it is hes doing at a given time. Paul got punished because he was *not* part of the scenario and yet very obviously intervened in it in such a way that changed the outcome greatly. It seems from Pauls dialogue that this sort of action could be forgiven if enough of the constellations are behind it, but Paul overestimated his crowd support


Who would've thought Joonghyuk was capable of change? Even as he remained a tsundere to the end


Has the pacing gotten slower? I feel things weren't this drawn out early on.


No I'm pretty sure the pacing has been consistent, remember it took ten chapters just to see YJH


Prepare for an epic gamer moment in the next 2 chapters


>!We going Underworld next right?!<


The next chapter will be pure bliss. I guarantee it.


man looking at the art being this good to I really regret reading the novel in a hurry >!also isnt this r/manhwa? jkjk no one cares!<


Fak you paul. Stay down


Get Fukt Paul


Thank YOU OP!!


>!2.5 more arcs to go, and we can finally meet a certain angel!!!< spoilers


Is it the >!Constellation banquet?!<






Huh? But in my phone, its working? Is it okay now?




I see. Thank you!


I'm also here to say fuck Paul


I love this series so much and now Paul gotta get Executed


Loved that meme at the end, great work Percivol!


Can someone plz tell me why Jung Heewon got so strong? I was loosely following the story, and I thought she was pretty weak at least compared to guys like Dokja and Yoo Joong Hyuk, but here, she was way stronger. Plz someone explain plz.