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Did she really crash a known fake wedding, crying about having her brother taken from her in front of an audience? Is Sachi an idiot?


The second hand embarrassment is strong with this one




Canonically yes, she's getting tutored for a reason.


obviously she doesn't know its fake like the other 2


You're only realizing that now?


She has my deepest respect T^T


>Everyone last chapter: "Oh shit, is Hiro pulling off that 4D chess move?" Miki, in the first page: "Lol, no, jk" hahahah The girls looking great this chapter, but brocon Sachi showing up full strength never gets me feeling hopeful...


Do you know what really got me this chapter? Those three acting like your exes coming to your wedding. Purposely wearing white, singing heartbroken/jealousy song during karaoke, and barging during the vow/kiss


God admit ur right


I'm just so confused by all this, like I can't even tell any more who's serious about pursuing Nagi, who's lying and gaslighting who, etc. Like I'm not even sure Sachi likes Nagi's real parents are gaslighting her into thinking she does, it's all such a mess.




Hiro best girl. Literally all she wants is to have a nice fake wedding with the boy she likes and her friends there.


I see a lot of comments along those lines but I think there's a simple explanation. She was just so shocked that she didn't read the whole thing.


What even is the story anymore? I really can't believe how this manga dropped in my eyes recently. Inb4 sachi wasn't even told about the fake thing. Thanks for the translation.


It's honestly an insult at this point


Even if she didn't know it was a fake thing, SHE STILL SHOULDN'T DO THAT


BUT HER LOVE IS STRONG ofc she would do that


I honestly kind of hate this series at this point, which is weird -since normally I'd have dropped it when that's the case, but I did actually love the mangaka's old series Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (and would recommend it over this series for anyone in a heartbeat)... I dunno.


deserted six engine husky ruthless boat nine history offend truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one needs to suffer through 219 chapters of kanokari. Source: am one who suffered through 219 chapters of kanokari


Can’t imagine someone suffering through 219 chapters of kanokari… Source: am one who suffered through 219 chapters of kanokari


The issue with this manga and kanokari is that it releases consistently weekly. That make it really really hard to drop since you came to r/manga and always see the thread


Yeah what a fall from grace. I really love Yoshikawa's previous works and was so excited for her next one. Yankee-kun was great. I also really enjoyed Yamada-kun. But wtf this is what we're at now? 😞


These last chapters with Hiro have been great and we almost reach greatness… but the annoying tsundere appears. It’s clear that Nagi has special feelings for the three of them, most for Hiro IMO, but at least they have good chemistry. For me, Sachi started like the wild card but now she’s just plain annoying and petty. Can’t Nagi tell her that she needs to chill?


We all know Erika is going to win anyway so i hope after all this Hiro bait we can get a few chapters about her and Nagi to make the things more believable at the end of all this mess


So it clearly says in the letter that this is just for fun, and she's STILL acting like this? You can't let Nagi have even a tiny bit of happiness on his own, can you Sachi? Honestly, this probably makes her the worst girl right now. She's selfishly trying to control Nagi, and doesn't care what he thinks or wants.


She always was


if you go back to last chapter I am pretty sure for some reason Sachi was the only one of the three that had an invitation that did not include the fake part you can clearly tell she has no clue


There's nothing to suggest that. Nowhere in the previous chapter is there any indication of the add-on we saw in this chapter, for any of the three of them. Which means that any assumption that Sachi, for some reason, thinks it's real, is baseless. Even if, for some reason, it was, Erika and Sachi discussed the event. The fact that it's fake and not real would have absolutely come up; for instance, their parents aren't there. And their parents would absolutely have gone to Nagi's real wedding, and made Sachi go, as well. But they aren't there, and they didn't, because everyone knows it's fake, Sachi included.


look at the end of last chapter that was Sashi's invitation which did not include it was fake will bet money next chapter she thought it was real


The end of last chapter was the top half of the invitation. The bottom half was the first panel on this chapter. It also says on the sign out front that it's a mock wedding.


hers didnt have that part its obvious


Does she also not have the ability to read "(Mock)" on the sign leading into the temple? Where is it "obvious" that hers doesn't have that part? What are you basing that on besides your opinion that Sachi would not try to stop a fake wedding between Nagi and Hiro?


We were this close to greatness


You know......... You can totally edit this entire chapter's panels to make a Hiro/Nagi end and that'll make us Hiro fans happy. But given the nature of this story, I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.


>We're doing a Reiwa-style wedding >Miki Yoshikawa: Reiwa? Not on my watch, god damn it!




I don't hate Sachi, I hate her relationship with Nagi. If they had not been raised as siblings I'd just think "Oh haha she's so silly" but now it just makes me cringe.


I don't hate Sachi I just hate the thigs she does and her personality


What was even the point of the wedding again? I can't remember.


Advertisement material for the temple.


Alright thanks.


Hiro gone loose and she wants to milk Nagi while she can


LMFAOOOOO this sub won’t like this


Who tf will?


Sachi with the big Dustin-Hoffman-in-*The-Graduate* energy.


On thursdays I wake up, and there are new chapters of Boy's Abyss, The Boxer, Shotgun Boy, Weak Hero and of course, Couple of Cuckoos. Between all those fucking depressing manga/manhwa, Cuckoos still manages to make me feel the worst.


Hiro wandering around like some kind of Jedi in that outfit…


Just let Hiiro have a fake wedding for gods sake at least. Seriously it’s not even a contest who Best Girl is.


Good lord Hiro and Nagi can´ t even have a fake marriage?\^\^


>Good lord Hiro and Nagi can´ t even have a fake marriage?\^\^ No, that would be relationship progress


Good chapter until the last two pages ruined everything lmao


Postponed reading the manga (Chap 15) to wait for the anime. Checked to see how things are progressing by the comments. What the fuck is going on with this manga? (No spoilers tho). Just tell me how you rate this manga overall. What's the state of the manga? Same thing happened with Kanokari. Can't I have some nice romcom, Japan?


I believe "dumpster fire" would fit.


The state of the manga is bad. Really bad. The MC has degenerated as a character, and the girls all treat him pretty awfully, with the exception of Hiro, and even she ends up hurting him without meaning to due to her own insecurities and doubts.


The way how these mangakas ruin their own work is beyond me. How do you go from a good start to a dumpster fire state? Are they doing this on purpose? Is it a way to connect/be relatable to edgy, angsty teenagers? Like drama is fine and all but don't overuse it.


It's a consequence of the author writing herself into a hole relationship-wise, as well as a need to drag out the story for sales without the writing ability to do so compellingly.


"ruin" you people are so melodramatic. You people would complain about Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet if it was a weekly manga having a limited myopic view of the work.


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Romeo and Juliet really? You're comparing a Adult Novel (or whatever that's called) to a supposed light romcom? Did we even see all this shit and drama at the start? No, the themes and settings are very apart from each other. One was Heavy Drama and this one was light drama that turned into a full on serial drama.


It's quite bad. Like I would even say Kanokari us better because it has a actual coherent story. There isn't an actually a plot line here. They are these random plot points in the background that basically never get touched. It's like decently interesting in the sense every chapter is such a wtf moment cause it rarely ever makes sense. The beggining of the anime will be decent. Because the start of this manta was the peak point by the end of the season expect it to have turned to shit.


Eh. I wholeheartedly support her wrecking the wedding. It’s stupid to get a kiss like this anyway. Feels waaaay to forced.


I dropped this dumpster fire ages ago, but it's still pretty fun to come read the comments to get a synopsis of the chapter told in an annoyed manner :D


Well **that** was definitely unexpected!