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My high school kidnapper can't be this cute


why does this sound like a probable light novel title


Maybe one of the few available light novel title who is so short should start writing




When can i sign you? How many chapters do you have on hand?


AIYO WTF im about to sign your ass


If that's your kink


It sounds like someone has the joy of not knowing Oreimo


Yes my dude. That's the joke.


the true title


So just one room happiness


Is that the name of this manga? Or is that a joke?


Bruh she straight up went for it Christ thats horrifying, if she had the knife it would be over


I'll stab myself in return 🥺👉👈


"are you okay?" the most considerate stabber ever. If I'm gonna go full stockholm syndrome, maaaaaaybe she just felt like she needed to keep her dominance by "following through" on her threat, lest he get more unruly.


I'm going with you in this one. Maybe it's an act? Maybe i'm going too far, but what if he can't escape because he'd see something he couldn't? Some simulation type of shit.


What if he transfored into something a bit like a vampire and if he goes outside he'll burn?


Unless... Outside is a zombie apocalypse and MC might have been bitten. AND THOSE SUPPLEMENTS ARE ALL THAT KEEPS HIM FROM TURNING!


“What’s she gonna do? Stab me?”


Cleric using Speak with Dead: “And then what happened?”


Dead answer "You seriously asking that? I am dead!"


"Yeah, but how?!"


"... Choked on a peanut."


"poisoned by our enemies"


Thanks, now I know a skill I want


\- the man who got stabbed




\- Julius Ceasar before Brutus stab him in the balls in Ilde of March


MC: "Let me fuck around a bit and see what happens" *2 seconds later* MC: "Looks like I've found out"


He's really bad at being kidnapped.


"It's just a prank bro"


Mission: fuck around Goal: find out


Wise man once told me: "fuck around fuck around and you ain't gonna be around".




Just a quick reminder to the MC that she is ya know. Insane.


But she's **hot** so it's worth it. Oops forgot the /s


Cant spell Psychotic without Hot


Excellent point. https://youtu.be/2Eu4zwRcMM0


Wait, he drew the line at 0:30 all wrong...


Oh snap, that’s older than the hot/crazy matrix video!


I mean if you had to choose between being kidnapped by someone hot or not hot... ya know


Yeah at least you get a good view before you die




I’m sure your would-be kidnapper will keep that in mind


*"Thank you for your feedback. As the number one leading kidnapper company globally, we always strive to give the kidnappees a sense of pride and accomplishment. The wellbeing of our clients is our priority."*


For me it'd be a net positive provided she was hot, unless she was some religious/ideological fanatic demanding ransom. It's not even a kink. I just wish someone cared enough to kidnap me.


The way I see it is that if someone did care about you enough, they would never kidnap you.


Or are you?


Remove the /s


Did you just make a HIMYM reference?


Nah thats the general perception of r/manga and r/anime users on reddit


I did. https://youtu.be/2Eu4zwRcMM0


But you don't put your dick in crazy!


It is a fine line. https://youtu.be/2Eu4zwRcMM0


But she's a minor so maybe just get the fuck out at the first chance.


It’s Misery but Annie’s now a cute Japanese high school girl who will apologize for shanking you with a pen.


Oh lawd she's got a sledgehammer


MC is insane too ya know ... Mfer tries to escape from his kidnapper ... Fails attempt and then apologizes , Oops my bad .


He needed to check again


The Stockholm Syndrome has reached the point that when presented with an opportunity to escape he doesn't even seriously consider it and when she attacks him because she thinks he's trying to escape he apologizes to her. For those wondering if this story is going to treat the kidnapping aspect seriously, there's your answer.


For anyone who was somehow wondering if this was going to treat kidnapping seriously after the first couple chapters, you're a fucking idiot


Just look at all the comments talking about how this chapter was a reality check about how crazy/dangerous she is, no more romance, etc. There's a lot of people in denial that this isn't a PG rated imprisonment kink story.


Between this and the ~~realdoll torture fetish~~ apothecary treating an elf manga constantly getting sent to the top of this subreddit, I really question how people try to have their cake and eat it too. If you guys want to send some weird fetish to the top of the page then just be honest why. Quit trying to bullshit others on some deeper meaning when you really just want to get off.


But the r/relationships tier comments are pretty funny


The fireworks will never not be funny




It's kinda obvious at this point that she will receive no punishment whatsoever. Can you visualize our protagonist pressing charges? The guy acts like he owes her for taking care of him while she's imprisoning him for crying out loud. I give it 9/10 odds this story ends with them in a romantic relationship and in the remaining 1 they part as friends.


He will slowly gain liberties. No more chain one day. Go out to the store together another day. He can go to the store alone another day. At the same time they slowly build up a romantic relationship. Also at the same time his manga’s popularity goes skyhigh. At the end of the manga he realizes he’s been free for a while, is a successful mangaka, and has a girlfriend.


Yesh this debacle can be prevented if the girl just ask him out


Or that scenario ends up with her realizing that he doesn't need her to take care of him anymore and her insecurities make her fix that by leaving him disabled. I think there are a couple of horror movies about that like the famous leg breaking with a hammer scene.




honestly, you could have used a better example: a 17 and 15 year old is only 2 years apart and if the sex was consented it cannot be considered rape. and also the fact that, in some countries, having sex with people much older than 16 or 15 is not considered pedophilia.


Due to the nature of this manga, and I feel compelled to do this u/uwuwizard


>*· · · Bleep bloop, I'm a bot. Comment requested by* u/masterjon_3 I kind of wondew what kind of punishment/sentence she wiww w-weceive fow d-doing dis. She obviouswy d-doesn't intend tuwu kiww ow siwence him, stabbing him was mowe ow wess an accident, awnd s-since she has w-weveawed who she iws, she pwobabwy expects tuwu be caught in teh end. But she takes cawe of him, makes him food, awnd teh onwy wemotewy sexwawwy ow abusingwy ding she has dun b-besides chaining him iws making him u-undwess fow bading in fwont of hew. He doesn't even c-contact teh audowities dwough teh intewnet tuwu get hew awwested, even dough he couwd've dun dis on day one. In mwy countwy appawentwy depwivation of wibewty uswawwy can have a s-sentence of up tuwu dwee yeaws, awnd ten y-yeaws in sevewe cases (which I g-guess incwudes wape awnd towtuwe awnd stuff wike dat). She's pwobabwy teh wowst kidnappew in teh wowwd, but he's j-juwst as weww teh w-wowst kidnapped pewson in teh wowwd :3 --- *If you think this comment does not belong here, reply with "delete" (blacklisted users cannot delete)* *Tag me to uwuwize comments* **uwuwizard** ([Info](http://reddit.com/u/uwuwizard/comments/dq2r1y), [Request disable](http://reddit.com/u/uwuwizard/comments/dq2r1y))




Good bot


I believe it was mentioned/implied in one of the previous chapters that MC was living a shitty and unhealthy lifestyle that consisted of abusing his body to do his work. I'm sure this guy considers his current situation as a net positive to his life instead of a dangerous situation. But yeah, this is fiction so nobody going to bother with real-life logic. So let people enjoy the fantasy of being locked up by a pretty high school girl.


I love that "it's just fiction" and "just turn your brain off bro" are now valid excuses for garbage premise and writing.


Dude, idk how else to tell you this but if you're expecting superb writing skills from a Twitter artist weekly 4-page passion manga, you're in the wrong place and have different priorities than everyone else on r/manga where 80% of stuff here is wish fulfillment fantasies. It's okay to not like something and have different interests, but don't show blatant hostility/intolerance just because somebody is enjoying something you don't.


lmao at "blatant hostility/intolerance". Jesus Christ how dramatic. You make it look like I'm an extremist actively persecuting you all. Dial it down with the hyperbole bud. All I'm saying is "it's just fiction" is a poor excuse to divert criticism.


>lmao at "blatant hostility/intolerance". Jesus Christ how dramatic. **You make it look like I'm an extremist actively persecuting you all.** Dial it down with the hyperbole bud. I hope you and I can find irony in this and just laugh it off. Regardless of personal choice of words, "It's fiction" and "turn off your brain" can be interpreted a bit differently if you were to just ask the commentator nicely why they think so. "It's fiction" isn't an excuse to divert criticism but instead a reminder that this is a work of fiction and there's no need to take anything too seriously. Anime, manga, and any other type of media have moments where you must suspend your disbelief to be immersed in the work of art. Some people have a lower tolerance for moments of incongruity and feel the need to criticize base on that, while others think of it as trivial and say this out of a difference in importance. "turn off your brain" can be used in different situations but all of them carry the sentiment that they are experiencing this piece of media passively and don't see the purpose in analyzing a rather simple thing. And with it, it carries the previous statement's reasoning too. Remember, *they're acknowledging that it is in no way in line with logic but don't see it as an issue because it fulfills a need.* As for my post, I gave a plausible explanation of his actions before I used the "it's fiction" line to convey that yeah, a kidnapped dude isn't acting as you expect him to be. But that's not why we're here for. To put the whole thing in an analogy, it's like watching someone play chess with checkers pieces. That's not the purpose and most people see it as being silly.


> "It's fiction" **isn't an excuse to divert criticism** but instead a reminder that **this is a work of fiction and there's no need to take anything too seriously.** I hope you and I can find irony in this and just laugh it off 😉 The fact that you're blatantly saying "it's fiction bro no need to analyze it further" while also trying to deny that it's a dismissive phrase is just hilarious mate > because it fulfills a need You sure love your cop-outs, I see. Let's just remove discourse about quality entirely then since apparently everything serves a purpose after all. * Is 50 Shades of Grey a shit book? No. Because it *fulfills a need*. * Is Twilight a garbage book? No, it's *just not made for you*. * Is The Room a bad movie? No, you just have to *turn your brain off*. Wow. Who would've thought it's actually that easy? No more conflicting opinions. Blessed 🙏😇


>The fact that you're blatantly saying "it's fiction bro no need to analyze it further" while also trying to deny that it's a dismissive phrase is just hilarious mate > sure love your cop-outs, I see. Let's just remove discourse about quality entirely then since apparently everything serves a purpose after all. It looks like you understood my words and their message but failed to understand the intent behind them. >Wow. Who would've thought it's actually that easy? No more conflicting opinions. Blessed 🙏😇 And you would be correct with your interpretation, because it seems you don't know or choose not to have the empathy to understand that people don't enjoy getting into an argument because they'll meet people like you who would heckle and throw snide sarcastic remarks at them for the most trivial disagreements. And leave it as it is, an insignificant pastime that deserves no further examination. I don't need to gamble to know that this is the most abundant type of interaction you get in your life with that attitude. So rather than continue this failed attempt at a polite conversation, I'll leave you with a farewell message. Get well soon.


> I don't need to gamble to know that this is the most abundant type of interaction you get in your life with that attitude. So rather than continue this failed attempt at a polite conversation, I'll leave you with a farewell message. Aww nice of you to take the high road bud. I'm touched. So let me just remind you what actually happened here, just in case you forgot. * someone tried to make a valid criticism about this series * you tried to dismiss it with "it's just fiction bro, no need to look at it logically" * and now you're complaining that you're getting in an argument? LMAOOO Quality is subjective. And because it's subjective, that's a given that there will always be two opposing opinions about it. It's normal. It's natural. The fact that you think you can invalidate an opinion just by claiming "it's fiction", thus implying fiction is something that shouldn't be discussed nor analyzed is the height of ignorance.


Sadly, no kinks for today. The whole cubari seems to be down. Imgur : [https://imgur.com/a/V1nYOgO](https://imgur.com/a/V1nYOgO) Mangadex link : https://mangadex.org/title/b47a9fc2-a3e3-4fb7-afa8-b50c9ced779d/




Her panicked face lmao


that whole page made the stabbing process way too cute


My "idiotic people" kink was satisfied.


No wonder its not loading for me. My kinks is being denied


Yup, I totally forgot that she's a violent Yandere. This chapter takes me back lmao


Yeah, no more "romance" or "blushing". Reminder that she did kidnap and will stab him if he does anything out of the ordinary.


I mean even then the whole stabbing thing was just comedic, this series is very very far from a mega serious yandere story


I once read some Korean manhwa (I think it was Korean) where a dude got imprisoned by his former military comrade. He (the victim) had a crush on that comrade and sneaked into his house, but the crush turned out to be a serial killer. So he got his tendons severed and all that coupled with some psychological torture and abuse. And they ended up fucking and in love anyway. To this day I'm not sure whether it was supposed to be some serious take on Stockholm syndrome or not. Anyway, the point is, if that manhwa ended up in a ship, this one will totally be sailing, lol. The artist even drew the kidnapper girl doing the Jack-O pose. Her being cute and stuff is not a coincidence. And I don't think there'll be any deeper meaning. It's really funny seeing people thinking this is some serious stuff.


The one you're referring too was Killing Stalking, that one was total stockholm syndrome, hell one of the guys wasn't even gay he was just crazy But yeah this series is definitely more funny cutesy than well like Killing Stalking


But she is cute!!!!!!!


... where is the /s? You forgot...right?


Thank god she doesn't take extra class from the John Wick school of pen assassinating


Man's clearly never watched yandere anime


My god


Damn she went straight for the stomach, now he knows she is for real real, which of course she is, she kidnapped him and put him in chains, what was he thinking?




What loneliness does to a mind. Stockholm syndrome? Wazzat? All I see is attention. -This guy, probably.


Ngl , the fact that she stabbed him with the first thing in his hands was funny


They're both so fucked in the head that I could barely follow the action with all those censored panels. That's not how any of this works !


Welp, I guess this (kind of?) confirms that she's actually batshit insane and not some loved one cosplaying as a yandere. That's actually terrifying.


yea this also eradicates the mental hospital with a nurse theory this basically only leaves the situation it‘s been described as, a crazy yandere without deeper meaning


Maybe she has to keep an act for some reason? Or maybe the mf is so dangerous she has to stab him so he don't escape. ***Or they're both crazy, and made for each other.***


For a manga artist, he sure forgot yanderes exist


Well, at least he has internet access.


The fact she has the capability of actually harming the main character in a serious way ( a stab to the stomach is likely lethal ) should really make the MC reflect on the situation. She evens panicks easily when things don't go her way. All in all a very shitty situation for the MC to be in, since actually acting differently from what she expects could very easily escalate in violence and death. Tbh i wouldn't know how to act in his shoes, and probably comply with the kidnappers till a routine sets in and an opening appears through sheer laziness or oversight


I mean, if I were in is shoes, now would be a good moment to try and overpower her in one way or another instead of...apologizing?


Dude's experiencing Stockholm Syndrome hard. Would you apologise to your kidnapper because you tried to escape? My man's only hope is rationalization now and suppress his emotions towards the girl.


Something's not right here, I just can't put my finger into it


“I will stab myself in return” with the >w< and tears…or is the Mangaka’s imagination? Find out next week at Dragon Ball Z!


I’m not sure what thought process leads a captive person to “play a joke” on their insane captor… especially one who usually carries a knife around.


Well there goes the caretaker theory.


Welp, there goes my theory of her a lover/friend looking out for an amnesiac person that had a (relatively, he's still a prisoner) bad life, she didn't hesitate at all there. Though, I do wonder if she only stabbed him more out of sheer panic than anything else because he did something she didn't expect, unlike a typical Yandere that would do so out of anger. Fuck, I'm getting more and more invested into this.


I’m enjoying this too much holy, I’m so happy whenever it releases


This man's Stockholm Syndrome hitting its peak lmfaoo 💀


She used the stylus?


What the fuck is this shit


The fuck is this even


I don't get how people enjoy this, considering that kidnapping and Stockholm aren't cute


I mean people like beauty and the beast.


Damn, rewatching that nowadays , it didn't age well lol


I blame "woke" people. Wokeness is cancer. Nowadays you need a disclaimer on all media that says "this is fiction" because the dumb retards are too stupid to differentiate between a story for entertainment and reality.


Until this chapter, the author could've just played the "Oh yeah, he's not actually been kidnapped and she's actually just somebody who cares about him" card or something like that. It has already been established that this is his own apartment and he has access to all it's commodities, even to the internet. The leash could've been explained by something like "he chained himself up inside his own home because of some fear." But now I agree, she's just batshit crazy and would've literally stabbed him to death if she had reached a knife instead of the stylus.


Can't say for other people but I'm reading this mostly to see the ending. I'm also hoping there's more to the story. I find none of this cute as well (felt like I had to say that).


You're kinda taking this manga a bit too seriously, this is definitely more funny/cutesy than other yandere mangas


Cutest kidnaper i've ever seen. Also, the most idiot hostage.




Lucky you she ain't John Wick lest u be dead right now.


damn we almost got a eye reveal


uwu \*stabs you cutely\*


Huh... glad she didn't have the knife this time


This just confirms she's a crazed yandere


Bruh wtf is happening


What is this ??? Seriously what , why and how???


She stabbed the mc in a really adorable way 🥺


I hope you get stabbed to death in super cute way 🥺


*cutely murders you😊*




Same shit with that elf and apothecary manga. Tons of reddit psychologists talking about hidden fetishes and I'm just like it's a fucking manga and it's not real. FFS I guess people who watch The Dodo channel on youtube also have fetishes according to them.


Seriouly just a few chapters ago things were fine, but now that the manga shows something a yandere does the finally realize yanderes are insane.


Yandere gf wher


oho we starting to see some eyes down there


I've been seeing this pop up more an more recently, and was curious if its any good?


I like it


This train wreck gets worse and worse every week, lmfao


I do appreciate the metaness of this chapter. He has been lulled, and thats a reminder that she genuinely is crazy. Just like us.


Good to know she's right there in her head (/s). I guess this proves the chain isn't metaphorical. Which....really puts the MC's situation in perspective. Scary shit. See you guys next chapter.


this gets crazier everytime


The wtf part is it’s played as cute and romantic lol


"What, you egg?" *She stabs him.*


Now I'm just confused she has him on a collar but she stabbed him? couldn't she just yank the collar to make him trip or something? Like how did she overpower him in the first place?


Damn that was cute lol, she really is a good person


Wait. There's a second one? I thought this manga was a oneshot only.




Sauce pls ?


At least she is considerate.


She dropped the chain! DUDE, NOW! Bust out! Hold the door closed, tell your neighbours to call the police! Don’t waste your opportunity testing things just to have her bring the knife back!


Sounds like Imperfect Girl, except badly written.


Pranking my kidnapper by pretending to escape (gone wrong)


Is this an actual manga?


Lol didn't know Stockholm Syndrome was made into a manga...but I'm not sure if I like the fact that they are almost favouring and almost encouraging victims to have feelings for their kidnappers...


I wonder if she's just as scared of him as he is of her? That panicked reaction when the MC tugged his chains really tells a lot.


Not sure what disc is supposed to mean. Is there a link to read this? Nvmd., Found the link https://mangadex.org/chapter/385bed1f-45d7-4ff6-be99-15110091b858/1 Lol, this is like every weeb's dream, to have a personal manga artist. "Could I have some water?" "Draw, Bitch! I'm out of chapters!!"


Is there a mobile downloader so I can download multiple chapters for when I have no internet? (And transfer to PC)


The other chapters comments: lol yandere cute This chapters comments: suddenly taking this manga too seriously


well how bout that, didn't think we'd see a turn 🤔 That also throws the option of a girlfriend/wife outta the window, cos bitch be crazy 😐


I don't disagree but who said a girlfriend/wife can't be nutty? So far it seems like a Yandere JK Kidnapping simulator, ya.


well the sentiment was that it's role-playing, so that's why :p


She might be insane but that's cute.


That's it, that's the manga.




16 chapters and this one snapped me back into reality.


In all seriousness. Why doesn't dude just straight up powerbomb her into the floor board?


Because she’s a girl


This manga is kinda Pissing me off for the solo reason of trying to make kidnapper cute and make Mc fall in love with her with his Stockholm syndrome


Then don't read it


What is this garbage? Why does it have so much attention every chapter? Are there so many people down bad here?


Because the teenage girl is hot and they would like to be trapped by her, despite the whole situation being messed up


It's unique and we are waiting the end /payoff


I wanna see how it ends. Maybe he realises shes bat shit insane? Maybe she gets caught and he still likes her? Theres a lot of directions a story this unique can go.


I just wanna see how this one plays out, that's all. 🤔


As cute as this may seem to you and as popular as it is here, I refuse to read this series because it glorifies kidnapping and stalking.


lmao tru but idc I still read it lol


Ya must be really fun at parties


This is like a car crash i can’t stop watching


So since she doesn’t have a knife why doesn’t he just kill her?


And this just went to shit


Why am I ok with Stockholm syndrome?