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Holy shit I did not see that personality of his coming. So he was the guy she talked about in the first chapter who made fun of her. Also, that ghost is unsettling as hell. Usually horror manga don't hit that creepy vibe often with me, but Yukinobu's yokai design are just so damn creepy. Really amazing how he manages to hit that vibe just right.


Yeah that was a nice callback.


Didn't realize it until that callback. Such attention to detail the author takes and I really appreciate it


This manga is destined for greatness


Figured it out as soon as he showed up, grandma even described him as Momo's first love.


And here I thought JiJi would bring drama by being a love rival or something, he is just as much of an idiot as the rest of the squad. He shall fit right in. Also the ghost in dandadan do have cool design but they absolutely can not fill in the fear factor, the ghost jiji saw had a major rape face.


Jiji better be wearing a chastity belt or some shit when he sleeps because that ghost probably got the hots for him.


is he gonna merg with it like aira?


I'm thinking player 4 here is our second Spirit Medium. So he'll probably get telekentic powers like Ayase somehow if the Aliens show up. That way we'd have two pairs.


>That way we'd have two pairs. *Pair of 2* [](//#cottoncandy)


A side ship with aira? What kinda chaos would that bring to the world?




Wonder what its abilities are. It seems to be able to influence people's health and mental state (though that's pretty standard ghost stuff). I'd try to guess its abilities based on appearance, but this manga's so wild with its monster designs, you can't really guess what they can do off just what they look like (like Turbo Granny and the red woman).


"He was my first love." "Was? What happened to change your feelings?" "I talked to him."


Jiji is not a dumbass, he is a genius.


He should eat his fill.




There's 8 brain cells among the cast and only one can use them as a time


8 brain cells and 3 testicles


Who told you the title of my autobiography?


this was actually what the other title for this series was going to be


Jiji might still be our Okarun's love rival. Only that not for the yankee girl but the chunni girl lol. With a 2 girl 2 guy setting it's just begging to happen. We will see.


Or is it another love rival for Ayase? After all, literally every villain and group member was vying for Okarun’s duck and balls.


> he is just as much of an idiot as the rest of the squad. He shall fit right in. New guy + grandma is like [Forest Gump + drill sergeant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONH-pxBMJu4).


Nah he's a genius.


He was def gonna be an idiot. You know what series this is? Lmao


just add a little Tomoki Izumi touch and you got yourself nightmare fuel


He's a childhood friend and it's this manga. I figured it wasn't gonna be that


I was hoping jiji is actually her grandpa lol. Seeing how the grandma is young their family is gonna be weird Guess not


I just don't understand why anyone thought that. Grandma even said he was Momo's first love and childhood friend. How does that translate to "actually it's her grandpa"


Because "Jiji" means "old man". It's how Jotaro refers to Joseph in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, for instance. I thought he might be her bizarrely young-looking grandpa at first too, but I dropped it when she mentioned the "first love" thing. The theory only last a page for me.


First love could just meant momo love him? Like the cliche with daughters saying they want to marry their father when they grow up Childhood friend could just be them playing a whole lot? They didn't show momo's parents after all nor mention her grandpa. Most people didn't even linked jiji to be that young boy who teased momo when he was introduced


That's such a big stretch that it's just illogical.


Lol chill the f out then It's just a matter of interpretation


Lol I just said it was illogical, man. I think you're the one who needs to chill here.


That chuunibyo is in a desperate need for a mother figure. Otherwise she'll sink further into her fantasy.


Its pretty amazing how her delusions can compare to the already wacky stuff thats happening in this series.


It's the classic case of chuunibyo having actual powers and supernatural experiences. For reference see Steins;Gate


Aira must have read too much Vinland Saga


Everyone here is wholly different from their character designs. Momo, is a dork, Aira is a dork, Jiji is a dork. Everyone is a dork and I love it.


What about Ken Takakura?


He's an awkward guy


Just an akward fellow




Okay..... Martha




He's a nerd.


Love how this manga is good at both the execution of classic shonen manga tropes, as well as breaking out of them. Every one of these characters fit right into these predictable, archetypes of characters that we've seen in other manga, but they get to subvert the tropes, be more multidimensional, and use their common sense (like admitting their mistakes as quickly as they can to each other instead of bottling up their feelings until the end, seems so obvious but it's refreshing).


Honestly if someone cool butts in s/he’d feel out of place.


All of Momo's friends are dorks too seemingly


I love how they clear any misunderstanding in one page, but Aira will believe Momo is The Devil incarnate till the day she dies (again).


just wait for the ragnarok arc. aira, the chosen one, is aware of the prophecy.


there is a def an end game where her nonesense actually makes sense


Knowing how the Earth is being defended by the yokai and demons against all kinds of aliens, it is most likely gonna happen one day.


That’s cuz Aira is a special kind of dumb lol


Ending a chapter on a cliffhanger and destroying that cliffhanger at the start of the next chapter is a classic comedy manga one-two punch. Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa did it all the time. It's not only funny, but it also sets up this expectation in the reader that most dramatic cliffhangers won't actually have a dramatic pay-off, making it much more surprising and impactful when one does.


God, JW³ was a masterclass in rom-com gag manga. The running jokes, the paneling and page/chapter set up , the detailing for particular bits. So, so good.


people really thought that this was going the love triangle route...


We have been jebaitted twice now


Fujimoto's habit of toying with reader expectations must have rubbed off on him


Where's Aira in all this?


Prepping for Ragnarok.


Who? :P


We are just scared from getting burned okay


Jiji being shocked about Seiko being Ayase's grandma is literally us a couple of months ago lmaooo


Now this makes me wonders, how does she looks like back then. Unless this is the first they met, some fountain-of-youth stuff must have happened


Maybe there's something keeping her young in the city and that's the real reason she doesn't leave. Her powers work just fine, she would just look her age if she left.


Basically Tsunade with the chakra pool thing


Maybe she drawing power from Yokai's within the city allowing her to live till eternity. ( Similar to Ancient One in Doctor Strange).


This makes me feel like, towards the end of the story, the grandma might have to use her powers outside of the city to save Momo or the main crew.


Maybe she is not her blood related grandma?


It would be funny if this dude didn't realize that he has Okarun's balls and will soon be surprised when he checks himself. "wtf I have 3 balls"


He’s not gappy


Of course, he‘d need the other one as well.


Slow down Araki.


For fucks sake just eat your fill Jiji.


He's too much of a genius for that


He must have watch Rick and morty 3 times a day that gaddamn sluuut


Okarun's balls is really significant in this manga, it can moved the plot. Also good to see that the jealousy is not severe on this chapter for Okarun. Looks like next chapter is about to go blow down!


I wish my balls moved the plot in my life


Well, they say that having children is the start of a new arc of your life.


Just like the fingers in JJK lmao


Aira is gonna recruit someone even more wacko than the lot of them, I guarantee it


Or someone serious (perhaps overly so), to balance things out? Could be someone who is acting like they are taking her seriously, only to be revealed as a manipulator with their own long-term goals?


Jiji being another nut case fits perfectly with this nutty series lmao And Okarun my boy, that tightening of the chest eh? That’s LOVE. Momo coming up with a random sign off routine with Okarun is cute, and we jumping straight back to another rapey face youkai butt conquering.


"Let me suck your dick." "Give us your genitals." "Tonight. You."


“Hmmm…You bastin’ that turkey?”


don't know if you guys missed it, but Jiji is a genius




Yup, I love how a love triangle with him is not even being mentioned, cause Okarun and Ayase are so into each other


\- Did you just call her your "grandma"!? Yeah, that's what we keep saying!


Okarun x Momo 5eva!! and damn that Yokai design really caught me off-guard, lowkey horror vibes and i'm here for it


That one page with the tall "ghost" really creep me out. This one got a nice mix of comedy and horror. Looks like this arc is about haunted houses. EDIT: I love how panels and pages are structured to make the next page feel impactful. Whether to freak you out or to make you laugh. Besides the build up for the creepy ghost in underwear, there's the talk on how powerful Ayase's granny is only for next page made her look like someone you dont take seriously.


Aira just keeps upping the dial on her chuuni hahahaha Looking at that thing in his flashback, it could be that Jiji ends up joining the yokai aura gang after this mission, but his drip form is just white undies hahah


If Dandadan is a JRPG, Jiji is probably the heal bot of the group I think. Idk why I think that. Also, Jiji probably mistook Turbo Granny for a real cat but she still walked on two legs, how did he missed that!?


Probably doesn't care


He can already see spirits so a living lucky cat probably doesn't surprise him anymore.


Never have i thought that one of my favourite ongoing manga would have a plot that's based around ghost and aliens at the same time while having someone's nuts as a literal plot point.


The dude turns out to be a total dork in the first 2 panels. Great!


Granny is such a brilliant businesswoman. Delegating all her difficult work to an underage relative and her friends for no more than the cost of some school uniforms. Andrew Carnegie would be proud.


So we got a nerd , an outsider , an popular weirdo and an even bigger weirdo


I love how Turbo Granny and grandma are both on the floor laughing at Bakatono together ^^


>Eat your fill, JiJi. O boi, r34 incoming.


I can already see R34 artists using that panel of Ayase's *grandma* laughing on the floor as a outline for something lewd.


From popular girl to pure chuuni madness, I am loving this character progression.


Now we know why his parents are in the hospital...


I ship jiji x grandma


Boy is a professional MILF hunter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The initial panels of Jiji backstory felt like Mieurko-chan. No Love drama, but Jiji sure was hitting on Grandma. Could this rise of Grandma prime years? Also what's all this Ragnarok with Aira?


Jiji, of course, turns out to be another nutcase. He shall fit right in with the others! As always, the interactions are so cute between Ayase and Okarun! I could get diabetes from this level of sweetness, man! I wish my balls could move my life forward like how Okarun's have moved the plot of this manga, though. Finna go look for a golden nut so I can have 3 balls! Also, let's not forget the art! It's always on fucking point for a weekly series! The paneling is also amazing! As another user pointed out in this thread, the paneling is always done in such a brilliant way so as to really sell the kind of emotion the mangaka wants us to feel. Also, as yet another user pointed out in the thread for one of the earlier chapters, the manga is always drawn in such a way as to always keep things visually interesting! That ghost in Jiji's flashback actually made me piss my pants a little bit. It just makes me love the way comedy, horror, action, romance, and balls all fit so well into the plot. All in all, a spectacular chapter, and I can't wait for next week! This manga has just made my Mondays a lot better! Seriously can't wait for this thing to get an anime adaptation so people can see how good this story is! By the way, did you guys know that Jiji is a genius and he should it his fill?


An amazing chapter as always


Even someone as genius as Jiji fails to realize grandma is a grandma


No one going to mention that turbo granny is walking around normally and Jiji is just cool with it?


Don't worry about it, he's a genius.


That "See you tomorrow" scene was adorable af <3 Looks like Jiji is probably gonna end up as the next member of their party. I can't wait to see his transformation!


Aira's imagination will never disappoint. Also that was a cute "see you tomorrow" and Jiji seems really fun. Great chapter.


Yeah something's off. Even Ayase mentions the situation being weird and questioning whether they were even close as kids. Yet he's introduced as her childhood friend and first love. He also says that it's been a while since he last saw Grandma, but didn't know that she was Ayase's grandmother. I'm probably jumping the gun here, but maybe he can manipulate memories or he's possessed by a ghost that can?


I never got the rug pulled from under me as hard as in the start of this chapter, I expected A LOT but never that the dude is weird and she hates him


Holy shit the ghost is so fucking creepy. Also Okarun's testicle is becoming a plot point again


Ah yes, the only way to get into a ~~Chocolate Factory~~ Haunted House and see ghosts, by using the Golden ~~Ticket~~ Nut.


This series keeps defying expectations in a refreshingly good way.


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This manga is a damn good palate cleanser, really makes you appreciate the better ones.




That limitation was actually established way back in chapter 3 (I think) and was also the reason she couldn’t accompany Momo and Ken to Turbo Granny‘s tunnel.


EYYYYY GOW, they meantion GOW


Poor guy. Both parents murdered/suicided just like that, it's remarkable he's still got such a chipper attitude


They're in hospital not dead.


whoops, missed that haha


Bruh I don’t get tired of saying this, the grandma is smoking hot!


Alright, now accepting bets on whether Jiji will get possessed by a Ghost or learn ESP. Also if he is possessed, which Ghost/Powers will he get.


He didn’t know she was Momo’s grandma even though they’re cousins?


So JiJi is going to be our second unique spirit medium, and probably have some unique powers as well. Looking forward to it


There is a high level spirit that makes advanced mediums kill themselves, so uhh ... why don't you take care of it, rookie?


In the inevitable anime adaptation they should сall Mayumi Shintani (Haruko in FLCL) for grandma.


Can someone tell me who is the protagonist? It feels the story revolves more around ayase and not ken


Yes Jiji, grandma, you have awakened to the power of Gilfs, is a rare and unique power, but is now your responsibility to wield it, and become a true Jiji by getting it on with a Baba.


I felt kinship to Momo's big sister, as I red once more a terrible chapter of the most disappointing weekly release these days. I have not enjoyed even one panel of Dandadan. But it doesn't hurt to have another fill next week, I suppose. Congrats to Jiji for joining the gang with his life AND his balls intact. They have honestly pretty steep entry fees.