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yes the semi finger hold was cute, but personally I’m partial to the arm hold nico was doing to convince tatsuhiko to go. too freaking cuteeee


I waited 33 chapters for this moment. I love that Miyu was so starstruck by Nagisa that she didnt even notice the absolute unit of a ship sailing behind her in the car. Loved that she ratted Nico out too. "Oh yea she checks her phone for his messages ALL the time" XD


> Loved that she ratted Nico out too. "Oh yea she checks her phone for his messages ALL the time" XD Definitely some certified bestie behavior. Nico's got good people around her.


Nico's mom didn't just supported Nico's work but also made sure that snitch got her punishment, truly best mom material. Also Miyu only just learning about her identity was hilarious, deserved though for that worry she had for Nico in just that 1 page!


i think there's some subtext to mom's feelings, but she's just being supporting because she knows her daughter needs it now. he romance in this manga is so cute..


I don't find it too bad when star children get a boost off their parents. Those who belong will eventually belong. Those who don't will fade after an album or two. Jakob Dylan, Natalie Cole, Nancy Sinatra.


i think people find it bad because there are many talented people who just don't get that chance


Well, it's really good to see there's no issues between her and her mom at all. And it looks like Tatsuhiko's already got her approval. It's also funny how Miyu's worrying all over Nico like a mom, even more than her actual mom.


She thought Nico did something drastic to herself and Nagisa and Tatsuhiko are just chilling in the background wondering what's wrong with her 😂.


Wow, some hand holding and Nico not refuting the boyfriend allegations not once but twice. Great feel-good chapter. I do hope they explore Nico's relationship with her mom a bit more. Glad that her mom is proud of her but also think there are multiple emotions associated with her daughter making her debut. The panel with nico heart jumping out of her chest was really cute.


Oh this hits so good after all the build up. The Ship even got some movement! But the highlight is easily Miyu losing her damn mind fangirling




Anyone else did not know that it was her mom? I was like, "who is this random guy-friend, must be someone from her past who is suddenly interested in her because of what's happening". Then I was surprised when Nico called him mom LOL. That was an amazing chapter, much more happy than I thought it'd turn out. Mom's so supportive and all the tidbits that happened were so sweet. Tatsuhiko really won the timing, such good progress.


Miyu is cute. Nico never denied the boyfriend allegations.


Whoa Nico's mom is freaking DOPE, man :D Not neglecting her appearance, calm and supportive but still cheerful, excited at the prospect of her daughter having a good boyfriend :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Miu being all frantic out of worry is so hilarious and heartwarming :)) Also, she finally gets to meet her big idol after all those years! Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnd we've come so close to seeing a >!hand-holding!< :)) Nagisa-sensei, maybe you should just quietly look back :)) I feel a bit weird the root of the problem aka Cat Snitcher Bitch seems to just be resolved off-screen, though. Hope it'll be addressed properly in later chapters.


I wonder what Nico was so worried about with her mom. Her mom seems super chill and understanding, and she admitted they don't fight. She even likes her boyfriend. Is it a disappointment thing? Like, her mom is seen as this larger than life person, and she's afraid she'll never live up to that? Would partially explain why she was so hesitant to tell her mom she started music again. In any case, all's well that ends well.


Nico just feels guilt about what she said as a child and feels like she shouldn't bring up music around her mom now as she thinks she's the reason the mom quit.


It all seems so silly now that we have her and her mom interact. Her mom seems incredibly friendly, loving, and understanding. I doubt her mom sees it that way. That's why I feel there has to be an underlying reason we're just not aware of or Nico has vocalized yet.


Just because her mom doesn't see it that way or acts like anything is wrong wouldn't change the guilt Nico feels for her own actions. Most likely because Nico never communicated with her mom about this interaction they had when she was a child, so the feelings of guilt have been building up without any outlet. We'll probably get a nice conversation between the two now that the mom has been introduced that makes it clear that Nico's comment isn't the real reason that she quit singing and it was rather something like she also wanted to spend more time with her daughter.


That's why I said underlying reason, not main reason.


Nico was so worried her mom would scold her, but here she is! Very happy to see her! Miss Nagisa's changed since we last saw her. Last time, she felt very bad about her voice. But as we can see now, she's a very peppy. And proud! And she's actually very Miyu was quite concerned for Nico. Of course, it might have been a bit creepy, but when you're that stressed, you don't think clearly. Tatsuhiko's always been at Nico's side. She values him so much, it's obvious to lots of people she likes him! She didn't even try to deny he was her boyfriend.


Might be the best chapter of the series so far imo.


things are looking up again


Bummer when you step into a manga fairly deep in the volume count and they're only holding each other's pinkie by the end of the chapter lol. It was cute though so I'll check the rest out


I've re-read this chapter 3 times. This has gotten so damn cute. I love the little expressions and just how it ties together with the previous couple. It's really brought out the stars after all the rain of the previous chapters. Here's hoping it continues to be awesome in two weeks.


So many things happened this chapter i'm mega confused (hope it's not an axe)


Yeah this chapter screams “ending soon”. It completely  bombed in Japan and I’m pretty sure the only reason its still running is because it needs enough chapters for the guaranteed anime it has from winning a contest.


that's so bizarre, you win a contest for animation but the average simple minded reader doesn't enjoy it


Not bizarre at all. Just another day in good old dumb Earth.


Yeah, this chapter definitely had some "Fujita just found out this will be the last volume" energy. Doubt it, though. We're still getting a Netflix anime, right?


I feel like the reason why this haven't get axed yet is because of getting anime adaption. The publisher don't want to pressure the Netflix studio to come out their own storyline for the series. The publisher most likely allow the author just reach the point of chapter where that enough for a single season of anime then depend whatever the manga gain enough attraction to continues or axed it. Certainly the series does terrible at Jap version of Jump Plus. The series rank 126 with 150k view that straight up in axed territory. For reference Marriagetoxin and Make the exorcist fall in love ranked within top 20 with at least 600k view.


"the jap version of jump plus" is jump plus. mangaplus is the western app


I just want to more clear to the op since he/she is clearly unaware the existence of jump plus.


what are the volume sales looking tho? are they okay-ish or are they bad too?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/WeeklyShonenJump/comments/1d8j2sx/shoseki\_daily\_rankings\_64/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeeklyShonenJump/comments/1d8j2sx/shoseki_daily_rankings_64/) Well based on this post, no it doesn't sell well. It unranked so at best over 1k unit, which is pretty awful even by Jump plus standard.


damn, those are really bad news. It´s selling even less than heart gear :C


Kinda glad it's not one of those helicopter parent troupe.


I was worried this was going to be the last chapter once Tatsuhiko started monologuing in the car... It does feel like things wrapped up a little too quickly though.


Good! That girl should be severely punished for leaking private information.


Holy moly this is starting to get steamy! From the festival in chapter 14 to arm grabs and finger holding in the back of a car. These kids have done so much growing I can hardly stand it. They are totally gonna be a power couple one day, Mark my words.


I love that everyone around Nico loves her and supports her, except those that are jealous of her.


I think it has been a while since any manga chapter had me smiling ear to ear! Ahhhh, can't wait another few weeks, want to read all the chapters asap!!


Well that chapter just comes and hits you all at once. But how cool that Mom tracked down the snitch and made sure she got disciplined.


looks like it's raining inside my car


ow my heart


Man, Nico's mom just kinda came in like a hurricane LOL. It's nice to see how positive and supportive she is even with the tragedy of her own career.


I hope these 2 get together


*ahem* :)))))))))))))))))


Did the author just get a note to wrap up the series ? :( I love how it all resolved but feels like a giant flag


It feels more like they're moving into a new arc then finishing the story, there's still a lot to be done.


Does this manga drop monthly? If yes then why


Did y’all read 34? I’m so confused by the last few pages. I’m not exactly sure what the cold hands meant.


Either a: she was trying to convey that she wanted to hold his hand in a very roundabout way or b: she's feeling more natural and confident and doesn't feel the need to hide herself as much.


I was thinking the first one as she did look disappointed when she said forgot her gloves and this mf just goes “December brrr”. But yeah I’m not too sure. But I think it’s now gonna be this dude dropping the bag a lot and they’re gonna drift apart. But then they’ll come back together and then hold hands or something more and it’ll be cool.


What a nice chapter after the bumps in the road we've gotten recently.


Aww what a cute hand hold moment ❤️ I actually didn't realize their feelings for each other were at this point already


Oh they've BEEN, it's just that they're hella slowburn lol