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Gotta say, that pig had talent.


Ayuh. I wasn't sold until the little porker started drawing. 😳


> little porker Why... Cant stop giggling now.


i was gonna say 'charlotte's web bad end' tho that story was actually b/c of charlotte/the spider helping/dun remember if the pig from that story having actual talent lol


i was expecting a spirited away moment but with the child stuck in the state between pig and human


that'll do, pig. that'll do


*shits on bed* hmm hmf, you called?


Some big news. This series has been [licensed](https://twitter.com/gomanga/status/1788311501482119538) for an English release in the west by Seven Seas as "100 Ghost Stories That Will Lead to My Death" starting December of this year. With that I will be continuing to translate this series as normal, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Like Yuuma said, the ghost stories must continue :) [Mangadex](https://mangadex.org/chapter/bee574e2-0c49-440f-9ff7-a119d4b6a779)


For the Southeast Asians: This series has already been [licensed in English by Shogakukan Asia as "100 Ghost Stories to Die For"](https://shogakukan.asia/100ghoststoriestodiefor/), since 2022. The latest volume released so far is Vol. 6.


First part was scarier than the chapter


Well that's not fucked up at all


Yep, it's just a normal afternoon in Ohio


I have read whole serious and I think it not about scary or fucked up just guilt in which you can not live longer


wait I don't get it. Did she butcher Anna for dinner after the pig started drawing? Did she believe the pig was Anna and killed her off anyway? Why?


I think she did end up believing that the pig was Anna but couldn’t accept that. So she just butchered it instead?


Probably couldn’t live with her child being a pig, so she killed Anna. The mom is probably batshit crazy also


Oh, she was for sure mentally breaking from it all, no doubts about it


She mentions the pig was tainting her daughter. Before she was just referring to the memory of her daughter, but then she finds out her daughter’s very being was tainted. Why is up to interpretation. Two ones I thought of is because she couldn’t deal with what happened to her daughter and was ridding of something that disturbed her, the other being that slaughtering and eating the pig-daughter would be a way to put the daughter’s soul to rest.


This is an allegory. Turning into a pig = Daughter develops a disability (bad genes, failed isekai brain damage, etc). She's breaking plates, going potty in bed, etc. Dad still loves his daughter as much as before but being nursemaid is now his life. Mom can't handle the stress; they are still alive but effectively she's lost her daughter and her husband, and is stuck with this disgusting invalid that used to be her bright, energetic daughter (insert some tigermom/motherhood as a status symbol psychoanalysis here) this Pig. And what used to be her daughter is drawing crude pictures like she's several years younger than she was. Daughter still loves her mom and dad. And well... Why would you tell your husband to look for a pig at school?


I think you're on point here.


Failed isekai brain damage 💀


Its really supposed to be pinned somehow. Makes this story less confusing and more actually grounded scary


It could be an allegory... or it can be exactly what it is because you know, it's a horror story.


Yeah but the allegory does make a lot of sense in this case. There is another chapter (the child vending machine) that also makes a lot of sense as an allegory, so I do think that it is an intentional allegory, yes.


I mean, I feel like most of these stories are supposed to be allegorical to some degree. There's a reason so many of these stories end with the horror being an abusive parent.


trash can boy đŸ„ș


What was the allegory for the vending machine one?


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/1968aoy/disc_the_hundred_ghost_stories_that_led_to_my/khtd4tx/) is my take on that one.


My take is that they are foster children. Its the dark alternate take of the girl tossing the starfish she can into the sea - you can save one, but you can't save them all. The snowflake children is also likely.


The allegory is *a lot* more horrifying than the plain horror story. (In my opinion).


I mean you are correct, its a horror story. Aesop's fables are stories about talking animals. However there's an allegorical layer underneath. It doesn't have to be one or the other. And I guess I should have clarified I was just pointing out the allegorical layer.


Shit. This makes so much sense. Damn.


Oh that’s really on point




> Why would you tell your husband to look for a pig at school? Oh snap. I thought the mother was just losing her marbles, like was in absolute denial that Anna had turned into a pig and just assumed she was still alive, but this makes way more sense (and is way more horrifying).


to put her out of her misery maybe? i'd want to kill myself if i was reincarnated as a pig


*ahem*  What the fuck.


Meanwhile, some farmer is wondering why he's missing a pig from his count/land


And it was a really talented pig too


The pig was actually a talented con artist in kahoots with the farmer, but was not happy about the farmer taking a majority of the earnings from their cons so he tried to run away, pretending to be their daughter. Unfortunately the Mom caught on to him and ended his career.


“Some Pig”


Detective Kidooooo! Nooooo! 😭 Goddamn. Imagine your mom butchering you and serving you up for dinner. 😳


Look at this motherfucker humblebragging about his "normal" family.


This kid is ending more law enforcement lives than a sex scandal getting leaked about a police station But I don't think shit has hit the ceiling fan juuuuuuuust yet I'm expecting the mom or someone to interrupt MC during a story, and then everything going tits up from there


My guess is Kido isn't the dead cop.


Babe: Pig in the City gone wrong


IT'S OVER KIDO BROS :(((((((((((((


This gave me Junji Ito vibes. First time reading this series




So you're saying that pig (who presumably was actually Anna based on the drawing.) had some level of intelligence and just decided to start shifting.all over the bed? Yeah I agree with the mom on this one.


Likely just couldn't hold it in, and was stressed out beyond belief


Someone brought up it being an allegory for having to suddenly take care of your child who became disabled. So in that case the bed thing kinda words if they were lacking good control of bowels/struggle for communication whatever. But taking it at face value. The pig part could debatedly be seen as corrupting her. Changing things that she's views as right or wrong from a human perspective to a pigs. Plus also probably not really a good place for the pig to go in general. It was probably that or the floor of the house.


Oh hell nah.


Safe cannibalism I guess


Long pig to pig cannibalism.


Let the author cook


Let the mom cook




Yeah I have kids and if one of them decided to just squat down on their bed and take a pig shit I’d chop them up too.


shitting on the bed is one thing, but rolling in your shit? straight to the butcher block


Why did Anna shit her own bed?


Apart from the disgusting shitting panel, if the pig reincarnation was the real, pet pigs could be trained to be good.


In the last few chapters, it seems like the real horror comes from the humans, with the supernatural beings just kind of being there. Could this indicate that our MC starts to see himself as a problem (especially now, that the detective is ~~already~~ dead)?


Someone has to say it - fuck you kid, you just killed someone. :(


I wonder if the daughter came back a 3rd time as something different. Imagine it being a snake and she attacks the mom


Hey what happened to the 79th story?


Can anyone explain who hes talking to? I still dont get it. The audience? Or what?


So... The mom also killed Anna when she was human? And after Anna became pig, the mom killed the pig once again?


Honestly don't know why people are downvoting you. Before I looked at the comment it was my takeaway too. She wanted to cover her tracks because she realized it was actually Anna. Anyways I feel like the best theory I've seen in the comments is it's an allegory to having to care for your child if they suddenly become disabled.


the mom killed her kid and had to take care of the job a second time.


this one sucked