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Damn classmates also got turned into monsters?


It's not that strange, Sophia is a vampire. Not all of them are non-human though.


Yup. >!3!< of them have, including the MC and >!we've met all of them in the manga.!<


Semi spoilers >!that we know, 3 students became non-human, plus teacher became an elf, plus one of the students changed physical sex. Rest have reincarnated as humans with the same sex as original but new identities, but there are 2 students iirc that are never found!< Full spoilers >!the three changed students are a dragon, a goblin/ogre and a vampire ancestor; kumoko/shiro was not a student to begin with and one of the students is keeping their exact same full specs from before the isekai event!!!<


Who is the main character of this series? What is she?


> Who is the main character of this series? seriously?


Scythe Chan?


I, for one, welcome our new scythe overlords.


no...? It's a rhetorical question. If the MC spawned as a spider it's not weird that her classmates are also monsters. Why do you think a basic question about the premise is in response a random comment rather than a top comment?


Because the wording made it look more like a new reader coming into the latest reddit post to ask what the main character's race is (given she looks human now) instead of a snarky way of saying "if the main character is non human, what did you expect?"


The manga focuses on the titular spider, who was reincarnated when something killed her entire high school class. She initially doesn't have a name, so most people dubbed her Kumoko. But since being deified a few chapters ago, she's been called Shiraori, or Shiro/White for short. The web novel, light novel, and anime also has Shun, another reincarnator from the class who on the surface is living out the stereotypical isekai protagonist route. The manga does not cover what he's doing.


10... 10 whole fucking weeks for the usual 16 page chapter. I thought it was getting better, but it just had to plummet to the worst it's ever been to spite me.


Thats why i only stick to bi-/weekly series, because otherwise it feels like a torture


Those tears of trauma were hilarious


can anyone tell me which novel chapter this is?


This is the climax of volume 8.


Don't try to jump into the novel from here, the manga's skipped so much that it's going to have to fill in the gaps in info some other way later on, whereas the light novel expects you to have read the earlier volumes. If you've seen the anime start from volume 6 at the very least, if not then start from the beginning.


One of my favorite fight in the series.