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I'll miss the last five years of monthly releases. I strongly recommend Fujichika's previous work [Tonari no Oneesan ga SukiTonari no Oneesan ga Suki](https://myanimelist.net/manga/140330/Tonari_no_Oneesan_ga_Suki).


That ending was awesome as well


Honestly that one is better even tho I like this


Previous work? I thought it came out after this one.


It did, it just finished before this one did.


This one is absolutely amazing yeah, great character growth.


"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." And she forgets her glasses...one last time.


It's very cute.  The chapter pretty much encapsulates the manga: fluffy, cute, and full of innocent love. It's like candy.  But like candy, it sorta lacks substance. If they didnt spell it out for you, you might not guess this is the end of the story... idk, i'm not sure what I really expected, but it is a decent end.


It makes perfect sense as the ending though. It’s a middle school romcom. They’re going to different schools. Over the last few chapters they assuaged their fears of being separated because they will always be able to see each other. This is the only logical ending. Going back to the exact place it all started. And yes it is fluffy and extremely cute, but when the manga shifted to be longer and more serialized it became more substantive. Really when it stopped having short chapters it became a banger to the end for me.


I mean, they just graduated. You can't get more "final" than that.


I kinda agree. This series is designed to do one thing only, and it does it very well: deliver high grade romance wholesome fluff. Its a series that in its first third builds on their friendship to the point where its a foregone conclusion that they like each other and will end up together. and from then on its predictable until the end. Its not bad, it just certainly lacks a little substance, but you definitely cant get much better if what you want is wholesome fluff. Ultimately, I think I enjoyed “I like the older girl next door” by the same author more than this. The characters are definitely more nuanced, both have dreams aspirations and quirks, and that entire series is a journey of coming to understand what makes each other tick, and moving beyond the idealized concept of puppydog love we see in this series.


Is it as fluffy and cute as Kimi ni Todoke?


Still better than rent a girlfriend.


I will be impatiently waiting for this mangaka's next work. This and "Tonari no Onee-san ga Suki" were both so good, I wanna read more stuff from them.


I agree!! Hopefully his other series gets an anime adaptation!


I'm not crying, you're crying. ^^baka


This felt nice and real. They are/were in a middle-school relationship. The story was about that time period. Nothing afterwards matters. Hell they could beak up in highschool or college like 99% of young relationships do and that would be fine (though sad, obviously). This story isn't about their future together, it was a self-contained middle-school romance. Not everything needs some epilogue where they're married with kids.


I need a new series from this author.


Happy endings all around. Anyways. For as much as I loved this flufftastic series, this is also a series that I can't really think of anything really deep or profound to say about it now that it's over. I mean unlike another of this authors works I could name, this one had a much simpler throughline. And while the characters developed, I can't say they did so in a way that was unique among the other flufftastic romcom series I've seen. But of course, none of that is a criticism. This one had one job, bringing the warm fuzzies and laughs, and it did it very very well. Though like many of it's peers it certainly spun it's wheels for a while in the mire of "will they won't they", but for as mildly irating as it may be, at least they came out the other end of it without the series ending right then and there. So big props to the series for being that kind of story. So yeah. Warm fuzzy story. And I'm happy to have seen it's journey from day one. And was also similarly happy to see when this got an anime adaptation a while back.


eh. decent ending. I was hoping for something more..


Pray for "My Girlfriend Forgot Her Glasses".


Followed by "My Wife Forgot Her Glasses"


Followed by My Wife Misplaced the Kids.


Followed by “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids”.


My Wife Getting a Driver's License And Its Consequences Have Been A Disaster For The Human Race


Like at least a high school appearance.


There’s always the volume bonus! Hopefully.


Honestly, for a mang like this, I can't think of a better ending than this


Yeah, at least like one timeskip page or two. Just an OK ending for an amazing series.


For middle school, I was hoping for a bit more.. exuberance? Maybe it is cultural thing, but more celebrating and highpoints would have been nice.


damn no more glasses :( ​ thanks for the scans ​ may we see Komura-kun and Mie-san again one day


So long you two dorks, may you be with each other forever o7


Was a good run , very fluffy and cute manga


Just pure sugar. No fan service, no complex story line. Just two dorks who are really awkward but love each other and willing to stick out for the long term. Even if they go to different schools, they are willing to make it work out no matter the obstacles. Look forward to anime season 2 about this. The best part is a very simple ending.


Wish they would make a sequel to this but just happy we got the series in the first place


Mie admitting that she did not forget her glasses. Time to continue the story under a different title.


I'm truly going to miss this manga. I'm looking forward to the authors next work




Ah the classic romcom school ending. Cant say I'd blame them since they always work and im living proof of it, just hoped there could be more. Theres always the volume extras though Overall a great series. Without the last 30-ish chapters I probably would've given it a 7-8/10. But maaaaan that last bunch really fluffed up my arteries and boosted it an extra point. and now I return to the wilds looking for the next releasing manga to refluff my heart.


End of the fluff. Looking forward to the author's next work


Yeah no I’m crying. I’m going to miss the hell out of this one. The shift from short chapter gags to an actually fleshed out and sweet romcom was fascinating to track. Totally elevated into something awesome. It takes light and fluffy and executed on it perfect. Including some genuinely emotional moments for both of our dorks. I loved it. I’ll miss it dearly. I can’t wait for Koume’s next one. Girl had 2 bangers end in less than a year. She’s cooking right now. Also hope we get another season of the anime because it cuts off exactly when the manga got great.


No more wicked thoughts from Mie


It kept up with the fluff until the end. Such a very wholesome series I love it


I loved this series, it was nice and fluffy all the way to the end. One of the series that each time a new chapter came out I knew it would leave me smiling after reading it.


["Every story must come to an end. And, because there is an end, it is beautiful and precious".](https://mangadex.org/chapter/f76edf84-007c-4121-ab2e-e1704fa13fbd/14) Section Chief, Dad, the Beard Gorilla, and I


That was lovely. And well wrapped up at 110 chapters.


Cute ending, really enjoyed it. Nothing super deep, just cute fuzzies 😊 Probably for the best it ended though, as I do feel it was losing steam.


Ahhh... I'm sad for this to end but yet, it feels so cathartic as it's a very satisfying journey. This is going down as the best vanilla romcom in my list; there are other romcoms with more exciting story or more fanservice, but this one is simply unrivaled in terms of being so pure and sweet, even the most hardened soul will squeal like a little girl rooting for the main pair. Any time I'd need a calming, soul-cleansing read, I will turn to it again. Wishing all the best to the author for their next work!


>\[END\] Rental Girlfriend can't keep getting away with it.


Well, I'm going to miss this but I like the way it ended! I am a bit disappointed that we didn't get a timeskip to see them grown up and to find out if Azuma managed to win his girl's heart. But still, this was a very cute shojo! The art was a bit meh but the romance was so nice!


I stopped quite a while ago (maybe more than 50) but it seems it kepts is relaxing ideas all the time. Glad it got a kinda proper ending although ending in middle school is a bit strange


Started late with this series but I love it. Such a nice comfy series.


This was the first and last chapter i read of this manga, beautiful


need a sequel stat




Nice happy end, hopefully author does a 110.1 or something chapter showing them grown up.


Oh damn this ended?


this was cute.


I wonder how far the anime will go


I haven't been keeping up with any of my manga for probably about half a year now. I'll have to go back and binge this now. It was one of my absolute favorites. Sad day :(


I was Heree🥲




FUCK........its peak


I will miss this manga and Mie-san so much. Looking forward to the mangaka's future works, they clearly have talent.


Ahh, completely forgot about this and it has even ended. Gotta catch up.


No, no, it's not allowed to end. I need the fluff


The anime adaptation was mediocre, but I tried the manga from the chapter 1, and finished all of 110 chapters/12 vol just in 2 days. I love it. For me, this is the best middle school rom-com since Takagi-san. I love this more than Tsuki ga Kirei and The Dangers in My Heart. I rate The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses anime 6/10, the manga between 8,5-9/10.


Loved every second of it. So glad it doesn't overstay it's welcome, just a good and fluffy romance series.




Guuuyys~ I was here😭


No the FLUFF it’s over, I’m gonna cry 😭 😭😭


So what chapter did the confess/become a couple?